Horse News

Video: Battle with the BLM over Burros

Source: By Lisa Myers and Michael Austin of NBC News

BLM defends the operations as humane – your tax dollars at work

Warning: Some viewers may find the video content to be extremely disturbing

Public criticism of roundups is not limited to wild horses. The Bureau of Land Management also conducts annual “gather” operations to remove “excess” wild burros from herd areas in the West.

In this video, advocates for the wild burros document “aggressive” roundup practices, including a helicopter hitting and flipping over a burro in the California desert in 2009 and a BLM contract wrangler manhandling a reluctant burro during a 2008 roundup in Arizona.

As with the wild horse roundups, the BLM defends the operations as humane and says that incidents such as these are both isolated and contrary to its contractor guidelines.

The BLM says there are about 5,800 wild burros living in the wild, mostly in Arizona, Nevada and California, but many advocates believe the wild burro population is much smaller and that burro roundups are unnecessary.

116 replies »

  1. Very disturbing.. had to stop the video half way through… I want to knock that guy around, tie him up and drag him by his limbs and ears…………JERK!……Our Burros are IMPORTANT too!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ll take your word for it, Robyn. I can’t bear to look — not even at the still photo of that gentle burro’s dignity — and body — being violated.

      Don’t you pity those arrogant humans who feel hatred, disdain, or indifference toward these dear burro-beings? Loving all animals is such a good tonic for whatever ails one.


      • Actually no, I don’t pity any one of them. I think they should dragged, roped, kicked EXACTLY like they’ve done to these animals. With no thought to their privates. Sorry for the bluntness.


      • These filthy Rats have taken everything from the horses and burros including their dignity, the Blm should be tarred and feathered and run out of town…………


      • “Loving all animals is such a good tonic for whatever ails one”. Isn’t it sad that those who do harm to the innocent just don’t get it?! They trully would be a happier person, if they were able to show compassion, instead of such hatred. I can’t bear to look at it either, because it disturbs me to see an innocent animal being harmed. We all know what’s going on and that’s why it’s so important to pass legistation, once and for all, to end the horrible abuse of our beautiful and innocent animals.


    • Dear Robyn I cannot watch the Video, it will tear me up, and i will want to inflick bottly harm on the disgusting sub human !!!!!


    • I agree. Those sick, heartless freaks should get a double dose of the same medicine. They act like savages. They should go out and look for their hearts because obviously they don’t have one. Those poor, sweet burros. My heart just breaks for them.


      • If only we could !!!!!! They have none, thats why they do what they do !!!! Short changed in life !!!! They take it out on the innocent !!!!!!!!


  2. As much as I object to ‘management’ tactics where wild horses are concerned, wild burro ‘management’ is baffling and cruel: Less than a third the size of their cousins, they are allocated less land and forage and are severely restricted in population allowances.

    They normally don’t live in the same structured social groups as horses; jacks are less than territorial, sharing their domains but not familial responsibility. Jennies can carry an infant for up to 14 months, and years may pass between foals due to ‘density independence’, where a smaller populations limit male/female interaction. They can consume forage their cousins can’t, go without water far longer than horses but ‘herd’ size is disproportionately small in relation to their environments: The 800,000 acre Twin Peaks Herd Management Area – 50 miles long and 32 miles wide – allows only 160 wild burros before they’re deemed ‘over-populated’.

    They are diverse in appearance, depending on their home environment: Southwest burros, with their almond-shaped eyes and ‘primitive’ dorsal stripes bear only a small resemblance to their shaggier, darker Northwest counterparts. There is so much disparity in their appearance, they could almost be considered separate species. And little research is devoted to these tough, intelligent little creatures. It’s almost non-existent.

    Most of what I’ve learned about wild burros has come from wild burro advocates and articles; BLM information is so generalized as to be useless. So how is it they merit the treatment shown in this video? Because as little as the Bureau cares for the wild horses under their purview, it’s obvious they care for wild burros even less.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Research is just about nonexistent. If you want to help save these excellent wild burros then we need to get the ball rolling on independent research. And more tourism. Get advocates trained and certified for data collection and get something happening. It is up to us. That was never the role of BLM and we let them do as they pleased. This is payback time and our wild burros and wild horses are paying for the ignorance of all. You want change? Then you have to be the change.


      • Thank you EponaSpirit for sharing the link and I agree that the wild burros DO need some good news for a change but after reading the article I have this comment:

        The wild burro herds absolutely DO need help but the burros must to be protected as the law states they shall be. Over management to create zero population growth in the wild is insensitive to natural forces which will then create a negative population growth where foals will not be born to replace those burros that die of natural and environmental causes. They have no need of Porcine Zona Pellucide (PZP) interference and this dangerously low reproductive rate could be and likely will be catastrophic. This method will restrict the growth of the herd, but the long term indirect effect to the reproductive health and genetic viability and impact on the herds are scientifically uncertain. For HSUS and/or BLM to go forward with a massive PZP plan is nothing more than the future genetic destruction of wild burro herds. Wide spread PZP application to wild burros cannot lead to a scientifically acceptable population size for healthy reproducing herds and thus there can be no healthy wild burro herds for future generations. This massive application of PZP is completely unacceptable – per the law and per the wishes of the American people as well as the laws of nature. There are no “excess” wild burros on their congressionally designated legal land.


      • Mother Nature does a far better job of population control than man made drugs and continued interference. Quit killing off the natural predators, wolves, bears, coyotes. Quit poisoning the water with destructive fracking methods for natural gas, mining and mineral purposes that only benefit the big corporations.


    • Lisa-
      How can I get more involved with advocacy & work towards saving these little ones? Please tell me, anyone, how to help more. I can’t sit by any longer. I love them in my heart so much. My email is

      Thank you so much.
      Cristin Keimig


  3. disgusting display and also incriminating display of the Blms horrible round ups , makes me think i would like to round up all of them at the BLM in the very same manner !!!!!!!!! its also a display of the Character of the helicopter operator !!!!! This an unacceptable method and the BLM should be dispersed of , this is not the way I want my tax dollars spent , they use my money to terrorize innocent horses and Burros………… These people are deranged !! and demented !!!!! Do these people actual sleep at night !!!!!!!???????? It is far passed time for criminal indictments !!!!! I would spit in the faces of the inhuman jerks !!!!!!!!


  4. And BLM, would you please stop LYING about these cruelties being “isolated” incidents? They’re rampant, and you know it!

    (In fact, even so-called “humane” round-ups are cruel: they’re physically unnecessary, fiscally wasteful, ethically backwards, and morally corrupt, because horribly speciesist.)


  5. What the hell is wrong with the BLM??? If this kind of behavior is humane, I would hate to see what inhumane is!!!!! It’s time for a change in how the BLM is run and by who!


  6. And most of the time these burros have already been chased across the desert by the “monster” helicopters for many miles by the time these things happened to them.


  7. I would get off the horse and knock that ass on the ground so sick how all the horses and burros are being neglected because it is clear in video.


    • This is absolutely inhumane and just so cruel how the hell can this be allowed to go on i would love to hit him with the blades rope him by his legs and beat him severely these people are unreal and should be charged and slung in jail.


  8. This is absolutely appalling & disturbing! I don’t like “MY” tax dollars going to such horrific things… This is not the humane way if doing things!


  9. As a donk owner, I am outraged to the max. Give me a rope, horse and let me drag that jerk across the desert…….please!!


  10. This is NOT humane this is ANIMAL ABUSE!!! Wranglers showing their true colors, wonder were they get these people and why does BLM let them get away with this. They are a disgrace! Stop torturing our Wild Ones!


  11. Ok where do we find these uncaring idiots? I want to do this to them! Come on guys let us know what your names are so we can face you with the same things! What a lovely bunch of people you really are!


  12. Oh I just can not watch the video, the picture is bad enough… Like someone else said where in hell do they find these cruel, assh-les? I just can’t believe how long this has been going on and NO ONE has stepped up and stopped it…. NOW is the time the Burro’s time and Horses time to be set free to roam their land to be able to enjoy life with no scare & worries of human predators….. IF Sally Jewel does not step up and stop this our Interior Dept. BLM are in for a rude awakening because we all will NOT sit by and watch any more, WE ALL WILL be on the land with the horses to stop this I don’t care if I get arrested or not if we ALL gather together we can WIN>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let’s pray she does the right thing, that being let them GO HOME BURRO’S & HORSES


  13. May they all be exposed and shamed for what they have done to these innocents. These are the type of individuals that should be escorted to that dark hot place by those black squealing entities ( think “Ghost”) or at least I fervently hope so

    Stop this !! …dumb bunch of fracking brainless humans – where’s a UFO – need pick up ASAP – send your biggest ship


  14. Dear Sally Fire these men. They are abusive. If you can’t/won’t do it, I will. I just studied some work on “abusive partners”–and these wranglers fit all the descriptives and “marks”…. DO NOT use my tax dollars for animal abuse. The buck stops at your desk.


  15. Who are the Jackasses in the jeans? I know some real men that would pull that jerk around by his ears. Are these ranchers working for BLM…or paroled animal abusers? I find it hard to tell the difference between the two.Has this clip been seen on should. Everyone needs to see it. I hope and pray we can get these people out of the lives of the wild Horses and Burros..kepp fighting for their freedom friends..I am


  16. Everytime I see that video of that guy in the blue shirt I just want to kick him below the belt. What part of humane does this fall under? And sorry Joan G. but these aren’t isolated incidents. Other advocates have filmed ENTIRELY too many such incidents as too fall under that category.

    What part of humane does the video that Lisa Friday took of those horrendous conditions outside of Salt Lake makes that isolated. Pens are thoroughly cleaned ONCE year. And those folk KNEW they were being over run by sheer numbers of horses yet did nothing to try to stop the flow until Lisa filmed that entirely unacceptable mess.

    And that video isn’t the first time an animal has been hit, knocked over, touched. It is unacceptable that any helicopter pilot would do this. That pilot should have his license revoked–if not by BLM then by the FAA.

    So StepInSally. Show us that you meant what you said that you wanted to wait for the NAS report. Time to show us what you’re made of. FIRE EVERY LAST EMPLOYEE. I don’t care how high up they are, how much or little time they have to go for retirement. BLM has had YEARS to fix this. And they won’t or they can’t.

    After that start hiring folks who care about the horses. It’s time to give the horses back their land that has been stolen from them. It’s time to release them from jail they didn’t break any laws. And as for castrating males–I can think of a whole bunch of males that need to be castrated and they aren’t the 4 legged variety. BLM is too flipping quick castrating without looking down the road to what they are or aren’t doing.


  17. SALLY JEWELL – DO YOU HEAR US??? This treatment IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, whether caught on camera or not. No helicopters should EVER be used this low. No animals should be run to exhaustion.

    These abusive men should be jailed for animal abuse – at minimum! BLM knows who they are! Fire the whole lot of them! Not one of the people looking on should be exempt from charges – and anyone at BLM who knew about it! It’s not a secret! Enough of our taxpayers dollars have been wasted on creeps abusing defenseless, exhausted animals and the bureaucracy of the BLM pretending they don’t know this is happening! What a pile of manure!

    And stop pretending BLM is trying to do the right thing for these animals! Cut the numbers of cattle competing for the range land and LEAVE THE WILD HORSES AND BURROS ALONE!!! And don’t even think of telling us NOT to feed them! You herd them mercilessly, trap them unfairly, jail them in inhumane and unnatural situations, conveniently sell ‘unwanted’ animals for slaughter and expect Americans to believe you actually CARE???

    PAY ATTENTION SALLY!! We’re watching you.


  18. I am outraged at this. First for the abuse to such an innocent creature, when all of life’s innocent creatures deserve our respect. But the fact that tax dollars are paying these people to be abusive in this way is criminal. How do these men walk away with any dignity? What weak men. So deplorable.


  19. Humane? I doubt that the majority of them can even spell the word let alone comprehend what it means! The videos are a prime example of how much regard the BLM had for these animals. Makes me crazy mad!


  20. I am so sickened by these roundups. We have seen the injuries to the horses that are left behind and now to see the burros too. Appalling!


  21. From AMERICAN HERDS (excerpts)


    Advocates would be wise to realize that wild burros, their stories, their treatment, and their decimated habitats and herds potentially hold the key to saving what’s left of our wild horses – nothing better illustrates the cumulative impact of what managed extinction looks like under the auspices of federal protection than the American Wild Burro.

    For many that have had a wild burro touch their heart, their life has been transformed by their magical presence and the passionate devotion that these special beings have inspired has caused their advocates more heartbreak and tears than can be imagined as they have had to bear witness to these precious and unique herds being systematically destroyed.


    • Although I have seen this video many times, it still makes me cry. This is only the tip of the iceberg uncovering the uncaring and cruel treatment of these truly amazing and extremely rare animals. There are documented cases of wranglers jumping up and down on the chest of a sullied burro until breaking the ribs and causing death through drowning in their own blood. I live with hundreds of donkeys and a herd of wild burros, and have the good fortune of having their trust. They are good natured and kind animals, but they are also brave and resourceful. Their intelligence is what gets them into trouble with these abusers. It angers them out of their minds each and every time a burro evades them.

      Since so few of the advocates include the word burro when speaking of the horrors of roundups, the BLM feels emboldened to treat the burros with indifference. Why should they even try to give the appearance of treating these animals well, when even the advocates will not speak their name. It is more important than many of you know to always say, “wild horses AND burros”. Please, I beg all of you to keep the word “burro” present in all discussions concerning the wild horse and burro program. I know you think that just because in your heart you mean both when you discuss wild horses, it does not translate as meaning both to the people who make these horrible decisions. They do not believe that the advocates will react as vehemently when they abuse a burro, so abuse them they do….. often.

      Wild burros are unique in their ability to go four days without water, and survival on roughage no other animals can eat. Even cacti become forage for these amazing desert animals. Many a surveyor and miner’s lives were saved by their trusty burro partners when they were dying from thirst. The burro’s ears act not only their cooling mechanism, they can hear water flowing beneath the earth. They can go to the exact spot where water is to be found, dig down 3 or 4 feet to uncover cool clean water that not only benefits them, it benefits whomever is with them or near them. They are remarkable animals.

      We have less than 2,000 wild burros left on BLM lands, and the fate for wild burros on other lands such as Texas Parks and Wildlife, is death by bullet. They need the exposure. They need your love. Thank you RT for speaking out about my beloved wild burros. Extinction for the wild burro is truly eminent in the US. Most of the few remaining herd areas are so far below viable numbers that survival for these animals is reaching a point of no return.

      For many of the burros rounded up in 2012 life will end through the castration program at Gunnison prison, where many do not survive. Locating burros after they have entered this program is proving to be nearly impossible. The burros are the canaries in the coal mine. They will be gone first. It breaks my heart.

      The wild burros from Cibola/Trigo and Chocolate Mule Mountain have settled in nicely to their pasture. They seem to be…

      Posted by Marjorie Farabee on Sunday, June 16, 2013


      • Bravo! Bravo! Learn and listen to this wisdom, as you continue to speak for all of these magnificent creatures. Burros/Donkeys have always been a the “butt” of jokes (pun intended) and it is time we all speak out against that mentality. This is why they are able to be so cruel to these beautiful souls. This animal has also went to many, many wars, hauled heavy, heavy loads to the West, helped build this Country into what it is today! Please, please speak their names when you speak about our horses.


      • Yes Debbie what the horses have given , is precisely why they need to be FREE Roaming Hence the Roam Act of 1971 unanimously was Passed By Congress , I want to know who has the right to change that ACT !!!!!!!


      • Dear Miss Abby
        I had the privilege of listening to your good friend Marjorie speak last year at the Horse Conference. I try to always says wild horses and burros or wild equids. Thank you for reminding us how important burros are to our environment and to man.

        I wonder evolution wise if burros and Moose are at all related. Both have VERY long ears. Moose can hear from up to two miles away. When in their presence all one has to do is whisper and moose can hear you just fine.

        Pictures of moose do them absolutely no justice! You have to see them in the wild to fully appreciate how all that DNA combined! It’s like God threw up all this DNA and down came moose. They have a little bit of tb blood–long long legs like tb’s. a very short tail. Antlers/horns that in a ful grown male can weigh upwards of 60lbs. And he loses them every winter! And they grow back the following spring.

        NEVER EVER touch the felt on moose covering. MOST ESPECIALLY when their still on the animal. The oils from your hand will stop the growth. And ot just for that year. PERMANENTLY. You have doomed that animal. The felt covering has many many blood vessels running through it. Think about it. Male moose lose their antlers in the winter soon after the rut. And in the spring and summer all that has to grow back–60 lbs worth! (insert here MY HEAD HURTS JUST THINKING ABOUT THE WEIGHT!) if you must see and touch the felt try to find in the fall as the moose are trying to shed it.

        Miss Abby I truly believe the work that everyone does at TMR is outstanding. I thank you for your wonderful example!


  22. That man needs to be named and shamed. I am totally appalled. There was no need for any of that – that was animal abuse at its most clearest…. I would like to see an investigation regarding this ‘isolate incident’ BLM it appears, seems to have a lot of these isolated incidents – outrageous!


  23. EXTREMELY DISTURBING. Why do you think the BLM wants to ban public viewing and access to gathers? Lot’s more of these inhumane incidents go on. Punching a burro in the head? Really? That’s supposed to encourage the pour beast to get up? Stupid, ignorant B-turds!


    • You just hit the nail on the heard , Ignorant cowardly fools !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They think that makes themselves a man , I THINK NOT !!!!!! To be a real man , compassion is the way !!!!! There is nothing more attractive to a lady !!!!


  24. Over the decades it was the stories that trickled out about how BLM employees shot, beat, roped and killed burros that brought me back to find out what was going on. Men like these have no business handling our wild equines ever. This idea that in the past 42 years we have had a ‘hide and seek’ policy for the public’s enjoyment and observation of our wild horses and burros in order to continue these brutal activities away from scrutiny, has taken its toll of lives and helped perpetuate the ugly reality of mismanagement. The cultural continuation of mustanging for removal and profit is alive and well. The harvesting for profit of federally protected wild creatures continues quietly or sometimes oddly conspicuously. After all we, the public, were not there to see much of this although it was still talked about in the towns around the herd areas. There have been those who have seen this and cried out but were not heard by many. It was business as usual but more efficient and fast.

    I wrote something here yesterday right after this post went up and my server went down until this morning because of our local wildfire. I was so disappointed not to get those words down here, fresh from that video. But my outrage is still sharp. It always has been for the vulnerable burros who are now nearly gone.

    We have not got a glut of wild burros or wild horses anywhere on their/our lands. We have not got a huge population, even including all captives, to be feared and smeared and bedeviled for destruction of range. More than once BLM has been surprised to find so many wild ones living quietly on their very healthy lands that they had to declare this obvious symbiosis between land horse and burro to be wrong, bad and indicative of out of control populations. They had to come in and capture and remove them to lower those impossible numbers on such fine looking range before any one from the outside might notice that the horses and burros were doing fine out there. They needed to get cows and sheep out to reap the benefits ASAP. You might say the wild horse and burro lands shrank beneath them as BLM and others saw that the desert had been good for these culturally demeaned and harassed wild ones. And anywhere you can put a cow calf pair to make someone a buck was a great excuse for removing the burros and horses to oblivion.

    We are looking at low numbers all over. Burros nearly gone and even from places they have been seen and enjoyed for generations; their own special lands. Not everyone who sees a wild burro or a wild horse wants to be rid of them at all costs. Rather, knowing they still roamed and were free to represent our back country history has been a joy, not an echo.

    Cowboy culture is small and dying out and begun to depend on revivals and historical re-enactment in order to hold on in the hearts of Americans. The real deal is not a third or fourth generation cowhand. That is not how it worked. Cowboys today are the ranchers with overhead and calves to wean for sale and big duelies to pull livestock trailers. The men who enjoy the duds and the old idea of riding for a brand are now our veterans and others who decided to put on the collarless shirt, vest, the silk bandana and the Levis and play a role in the vanishing west because it was once rumored these young men had a code of honor to follow. BLM brutality has nothing to do with any code of the old West or respect and reverence for life. We handed Westerners a way to stay connected to these vast lands through the Department of the Interior first helmed by John Wesley Powell, the one armed man who defiantly explored the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon. I would say the DOI has fallen a very long way from that era of preservation and exploration. They have no resemblance today to the ideals that created that department.

    Once, being rid of wild horses was the way to break the native horse cultures and control them and keep them from their free roaming ways. They have suffered as the wild ones suffered. Yet the horse and burro survived and were vindicated in 1971 when President Nixon signed the WFRH&B Act. Little did we know that giving the wild ones their back country scrub lands would be their saving and now become their doom.

    We have seen that BLM is carrying out their own law and policy today and that the convenient myths of wild horse and burro destruction of the modern range could soon be proven wrong. Not just by those of us who know it but by science which may be the last road to secure life in the future for our wild burros and horses.


    • There is only one answer to all of this GREED and Brutality, GET RID OF THE BLM and FORCE THEM TO PUT OUR MUSTANGS BACK where they have always belonged !@!!!!! ON THE DARN RANGE At Least what is left of them !!!!!!!! WE have known for years what the BLM is up tooo…….. Is it to Late ??Hell No !!!!! Most assuredly they have an Achilles heel we must find it NOW !!!!!!!


      • Yes Jeff, we all sit here day after day and talk about it , we need to take the Brilliant minds that are here and form a plan of action , i have sat here also and listened and watch our Mustangs being destroyed by the Greed of an Agency gone so wrong wrong, the Mustangs are here for an important reason , they help in so many ways the y could fill a book , I could fill this site with reasons but i would only be preaching to the choir , Please lets figure out something that will return these absolutely Awesome beings to what and where they need to be !!! It is most certainly not in any holding pen subjected to diseases, and Brutality by a blinded greedy bunch of GREED ridden a–holes the Land needs them , the wildlife needs them and we need them ………………… Their Presences is a wonderful Gift of Life to all !!!!!! Why were they made so beautiful ?? so there would no question or mistake !!!!!!!!!!!


  25. Not sure which dates/HMAs these particular videos were taken at … but as an example, in 2012 alone you and I paid Cattoor $166,824 to capture and abuse our Cibalo-Trigo Wild Burros.

    Why? Because there was an international gas pipeline going across our Cibalo-Trigo land.


    • Grandma Gregg, you and I have had this discussion many times. It is very clear that the enemy of the wild burro is alternative energy for profit. Solar and wind can be designed without use of public lands, and far more efficiently than the huge farms designed for profit. The facts, you shared with me concerning the international pipeline going through the Cibola/Trigo land was also compelling. For the wild burros, the bighorn sheep clubs are also major enemies to the burro’s well being. They state that the bighorn “only” have 70,000 in numbers and are “threatened” by the wild burro for forage meant for them. They state that because these numbers are so low (70,000) that the bighorn sheep must be protected. Compare that number with 2,000 (even given the BLM number of 5,800) and it is clear that their is a huge deception of communication taking place. Extraction, alternative energy, fracking, and oil exploration are the causes of loss of our wild hearts. These companies literally want the land beneath their feet and they must remove them to remove the protections their presence provides to the land.


  26. This picture is no longer available on the AWHPC website, but it was there for a long time. It is a very graphic documentation of the brutality that has been unleashed upon America’s LEGALLY PROTECTED Wild Burros:

    California 2005 — Death of a Mojave National Preserve Burro
    By J.& K. Foster

    In June of 2005, a wildfire in the Mojave National Preserve destroyed 70,000 acres and burned out several homes. The National Park Service (NPS) requested and received $84,500.00 in federal funds for burro removal from the burn area. They scheduled a roundup of all burros in the area and, over a period of about ten days in September, helicopters were used to catch 40+ burros, none of which came from the burn area.

    When I got the call that they were holding burros at Kessler Springs Ranch, which had been turned into a Ranger Facility, I called BLM to see why we were not informed they would be gathering burros. It was not a BLM operation, so no one except Park Rangers and wranglers hired by NPS was over-seeing the roundup to make sure animals were safe. The burros that were captured were kept behind locked gates with big NO TRESPASSING SIGNS.

    One day during the roundup, the wranglers located a beautiful large Jack (i.e. a male burro). They began chasing him until they literally ran him to collapse. One of the wranglers said, “Oh he has had a heart attack and died” so he started jumping up and down on the Jack’s abdomen. He would pick his head up by his ears and slam the head into the ground. The burro was exhausted he had no way to fight back. He was not dead when they left him. He was bleeding from the nose and the mouth.

    Chances are when the so-called “cowboy” jumped up and down on the Jack’s abdomen it probably crushed ribs, which punctured lungs. He may have even crushed the skull.

    The wranglers asked a film crew present at the scene if they would use this film against them; the crew said they were no longer filming but cameras kept rolling. They sent me still shots of the Jack over what looks to be a 12-14 hour period. He died a terrible, slow, lonely death. They would have been more humane by shooting him to put an end to his suffering, but they did not even give him that much respect or dignity.


  27. If you were on a street corner doing this same behavior to your dog you would most likely be arrested. Instead these abusers get the reward of a paycheck.


  28. What is wrong with these people that are rounding up these animals? How can people be so cruel? Why can’t they just leave these poor, defenseless animals alone to live their lives out in the places they are? These roundups need to stop. If this is MY tax dollars at work, I will stop paying taxes.!!


  29. Cibola Trigo Wild Burros removed from Legal Herd Management Area/International Trade Agreement

    Mitigation Monitoring Program for the North Baja Pipeline Expansion Project.
    And that’s it!

    Tetra Tech’s team worked successfully with the third-party monitors representing FERC, BLM, and CSLC who were present on a daily basis during project construction.
    California Desert Conservation Area
    Because the largest portion of this project was on federal land, Tetra Tech negotiated and drafted a right-of-way (ROW) grant across federal lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), and Cibola National Wildlife Refuge.

    and if you want to read the big picture story:


    Arizona Wild Burro Roundup Remains Controversial
    John Hall is the Wild Horse and Burro Specialist for the local BLM. He said the goal is to gather 350 of the 711 burros in this area.

    ‘Heritage Burro’ Round Ups In California’s Mojave Desert Incite Outrage From Animal Rights Activists (VIDEO)


    • I cannot watch the video, i have seen them before , there is nothing for to learn about cruel relentless bastards, who pride themselves on greed and torturing innocent horses and burros, they are nothing but scums to me……………………………


  31. If this is what is considered humane, then I feel sorry for us all. These men should be prosecuted, and jailed. So, How many BLM employees does it take to catch 1 burro? 1 Helicopter, 3 on horse back and 2 at the gates? And what is wrong with this picture.


  32. Ever vigilant, the little burros react differently to government helicopter roundups than wild horses. Unlike wild horses, who generally follow other horses into a trap site in order to stay together with their family bands, wild burros often scatter in an attempt to avoid capture.


  33. these are power hungry men with little balls that just want to abuse these poor animal, bet they kick their dog and beat their wife too! our government is a disgrace for allowing this to happen.


  34. This is a comment that posted before the Cibola-Trigo Wild Burro roundup last year:

    From Carl Mrozek

    Subsequently I did find several half grown foals and a couple of younger ones, plus at least 2 pregnant jennies. However, overall there seemed to be a high proportion of jacks and a low number of foals of various ages in proportion to the total numbers that I observed in the vicinity of the Cibola Wildlife Refuge.

    This particular sub-population had been ‘gathered’ by the BLM in Sept. 2010 and hence probably had their sex ratios skewed in favor of jacks as a result of that gather.

    The pertinent question is why is this same sub-population within the Cibola-Trigo HMA being ‘gathered’ again, less than 2 years later – and after the earlier gather is having the intended effect of radically reducing reproduction and hence population growth ? BLM’s response is that this entire sub-population is being considered as ‘nuisance animals’ because some of them (no one knows what proportion) are browsing in alfalfa fields planted by US F & W contractors specifically for wildlife. Hence, what US F & W Service is doing here is arbitrarily classifying these burros as exotic wildlife or at least as not an ‘approved species’ of wildlife. Moreover, this appears to be a local level decision, and not a broader one which applies agency-wide as in the above discussion.

    According to BLM officials in AZ , they are required to remove any burros deemed a ‘nuisance’ by private parties or by other federal, state, county…. officials under section 1334 of the WH & B Act of 1971 which applies to burros which have left the relative safety of BLM -managed public lands for the comparative non-safety of other public or private lands. Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be any obligation or even suggestion in Sect 1334 that BLM seek to find remedies other than removal once a complaint has been formally filed, -no matter how simple or inexpensive they might be. Hence alternate solutions like selective fencing, or the maintenance of water sources on BLM public lands, are categorically rejected or ignored in favor of the tried and true approach, the helicopter gather, with all of its costs and humane issues, in the interest of expediency.

    It is worth noting that for this sub-population of Cibola-Trigo burros, those near Cibola NWR, there are no formal complaints from local landowners -which are few, and also which have fenced burros out of their cultivated fields and hence incur no crop losses due to burros. The only complaints, or at least the principal ‘nuisance complaints’ come from the F&W Service because they have decided to regard burros as non-native and hence feral, exotic & invasive species rather than as an ‘approved species’ of wildlife entitled to the alfalfa which they have planted on behalf of wildlife in general. In legal terms this could qualify as ‘entrapment’ and seems ethically wrong at its core besides, and should be challenged on those grounds, as well as on the grounds cited by F. EUGENE HESTER,
    Acting Director, United States Fish and Wildlife Service
    (FR Doc.77-8741 Filed 3-23-77;8:45 am).

    If we don’t challenge the loose, inconsistent, but consistently biased interpretation of laws like the WH & B Act of 1971 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 on behalf of wild burros, Equus Asinus, by BLM, US F & W S, The US Forest Service and other agencies soon, the entire discussion will be moot as there will be precious few viable populations of wild burros left in the US.
    Carl Mrozek


    • Mother Nature has a counter move for every disgusting move the BLM makes, it has infuriated her !!!!! its not going to be pretty !!!!!!!! Remember its not nice to try to fool Mother nature…………………..


  35. Goal here is (1) stop the BLM roundups (2) kick out the GD welfare cattle and mining/mineral/gas/energy leaching interests (3) return 50,000 mustangs and wild burros in holding facilities all over the nation to their native lands and family bands. We don’t want to HAVE to adopt ANY mustangs. We can’t even keep domestic horses out of the slaughter pipeline with job loss, house/farm foreclosures, high fuel and hay/feed costs. Why should taxpayers have to adopt a mustang to save them and then the cost of caring for a mustang is once again on the individual’s DIME (or should I say minimum $5,000 per year for horse for boarding/feed/pasture management, vet/farrier/dentist, not to mention training and all the other associated costs). Go to for current lawsuits against BLM. $6 million dollars of our federal tax money has all ready been allotted to just Helicopter Contractors. Take a look at who else makes money off this cottage industry. These are the folks that love the BLM and it’s roundups.


    • They are impatient, thoughtless bullies with no respect for life. Humans have come up with some extraordinarily cruel ways of torturing and exterminating life and diminishing the joy of life on this planet. Shame on us. Shame on these men for their stupid insensitivity. They are not “real” men, if a boy acted that way toward an animal most parents would tell the boy to stop. These men need to grow up…


    • Obviously??? I have…and I would never treat any burro that way. These wild burros will never forget this…it is unnecessary. What did it accomplish? Absolutely nothing that patience and kindness and reassurance wouldn’t have accomplished better…and how about some ingenuity and imagination for good measure? Or is that too much to ask of impatient people who just need to “get the job done”….but remember, the job defines the person…some “jobs” ought to be canceled. Some people ought to have the courage to protest and find/create/implement better actions….knocking burros down with helicopters is sick.


  36. Who’s flying these helicopters? That is not what they were made for. I know there are rules for flying any kind of aircraft . Bet you could ” file” a report against them for misuse with an aircraft with the FAA.. I will do some research on the rules of flying.. and I will get back to you! Aho.
    This is very sad to see… these people are not ” Human Beings “!


    • There are many contractors who we tax payers support to abuse our wild horses and burros.

      Example: Cattoor Livestock has been paid $26,990,163 for capturing and related activities.

      Go to for more information.


  37. This goes out to all my ” Wildhorse and burro ” friends …… I did some research about the eye in the sky. Here’s what I found out; Low Flying Aircraft Complaints….. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the government agency responsible for aviation safety. We welcome information from citizens that will enable us to take corrective measures.
    including. Legal enforcement action against individuals violating Federal Aviation Regulations ( FAR) . It is FAA policy to investigate citizen complaints of low flying aircraft operated in violation of FAR and might endanger persons or property. – To whom you should complain- Within FAA.. the Office. Of Flight Standards monitors aircraft operations. Locally.. flight Standards inspectors work in flight standards district office (FSDO). The facts: Before contacting the FSDO remember the FAA is safety organization. With legal enforcement responsibilities. So we will need facts before we conduct investigation. To save time please have info.ready when you call. And keep your notes..we may request written statement. Here is type info. Needed: Identification : can you identify aircraft? Military. Or civil? Was it high or low wing aircraft? Did you record registration. # on fuselage? On U.S. registered it will. Proceed with Capitol ” N “. Time and place: exactly when did incident occur? Where. Did this happen? What direction was aircraft flying? What was the color? ALTITUDE : How high ( low) was aircraft flying? On what do you base. Your estimate was the aircraft. Level with or below the elevation of a prominent object..such as tower or building? Did you obtain photographs? Are there witnesses who could confirm your estimate? Do you have names..address #? Supporting evidence: witnesses Do you know of any other witnesses? Can they be contacted? Are local police aware of problem? They are trained observers by the courts & their written statements /reports make excellent evidence.. should. Our enforcement. Action go to trial. If you took photos. We need to know lens used & height of any identifiable landmarks that appear. Continued next page-


  38. Helicopter: Bell ranger 206 ( family of 2 bladed..single or twin engine helicopter manufactured by Bell ) ( looks like a bubble) old skool helicopter. If you need more info for FAA write to Community & Consumer liason Division .. APA-200 Federal Aviation Administration..Washington. DC 20591 hours: 7:30 am – 4:00pm. Est. Monday. – Friday.
    Phone: 202.267.3481. Info. Resource: n low fly.PDF. AHO. Hope you got it all! Hope my research helped the horses & burros!

    fly.PDF. http://WWW.FAA.gove


    • Dear Donkey whisperer farm, I also want to know when??? we say ohh no not with my TAXES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also Tears………………………..


  39. I watched this and i felt sick these inhumane people must be arrested and banned from keeping or going near animals ever again i cannot believe that this sort of cruelty is still going on its sickening please put a stop to it now f


  40. I am so upset to see our tax $ going towards this kind of treatment of the burros and horses. This is
    one of the worst things I have ever seen. The BLM should all be fired what kind of man & government allows this treatment of animals. Obviously BLM does not give a dam about any living thing.


  41. watching this made me sick and mad as hell…there is no reason they have to be so hateful and BLM should be punished for there deeds.


  42. Who is this cold heartless P.O.S doing this in the blue shirt? I would LOVE to do this to you. Does it make you feel like a big man to miss treat a harmless innocent being like this. Is this how you were treated by you parents or where you bullied in school. You are a sick, sock, sick sorry excuse of a human. BLAH tO you.


  43. My whole soul hurts and I’m so turned against humans and their so called “humane” way of doing things. Humane for who? We are to pray for the enemy but I just can’t wait for God to give them what their just due is. Then we will be witness to what is “humane” or not. If I am able to make it into the book of like…..I can’t wait to tromp on these peoples ashes…. There are just no words to express the disgust and disgrace these people have for the life of God’s precious creatures. It make my blood run cold.


  44. Most of the people who are aware of this horror are horse people….we must get this information out to all the non-horse people out there too!!! They have no idea about this abuse that their own taxes pay for!


  45. We must oversee and correct any and.all injustices to be a humane and just nation. We cannot do these actions and actually say to the world, or our own people we are a just and kind nation. all essence is nothing more than cruelty and therefore no justification whatsoever in committing these horrendous acts. Thetefore there should be an accounting, not by fictional written government gobbleygook, or phony baloney laws devised by those intent.on doing harm, but all must be made to correct the present conditions so that the Americans can once again believe in the America worth fighting for. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  46. The BLM are the BEASTS of BURDEN!!! These donkeys aren’t hurting anyone or anything! They don’t deserve treatment like they don’t matter!
    Mary rode on one carrying baby Jesus our savior! How dare they!!
    They should b strung up!!


  47. I hope the FBI will add the BLM and the USF to their new DB for animal abusers. They actually need to take a long deep look at their “business as usual”; starting with the whole Dept of the Interior; starring Sally Jewell. IRS needs to start a project auditing these employees of these departments, look for unreported income and lifestyles that couldn’t be supported by their salaries. Hit them where it obviously hurts, their greedy pockets.

    Liked by 1 person

  48. only a evil devil would treat these terrified innocent burros this way….this will be shared far and wide..especially to Reps and humane society…


    • One HSUS employee told me that HITTING a wild horse or burro with a helicopter (as BLM contrators are documented doing many times – is not considered animal abuse to them because it is not illegal in the state of Nevada. Gimme’ a break!

      Re: HSUS
      Salary (2011) for WAYNE PACELLE PRESIDENT AND CEO $268,226.
      Plus other compensation $ 31,295.

      Click to access 2011_hsus_form_990.pdf

      Salaries and fundraising fees alone were over $40 million in 2011.
      Do the good-hearted persons who donate really know what is happening with their money?

      Liked by 1 person

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