The Force of the Horse

9 Videos of Little Girls TOTALLY Freaking Out Because They Got a Horse For Christmas

YouTube videos originally compiled by

From squealing to screaming to sobbing to standing frozen in a state of shock, these reactions to getting The Best Present Ever are priceless, grab a tissue.

14 replies »

  1. Happy tears for those girls. Can’t help but notice the absence of boys. Wonder why it’s mostly girls that love horses so much?


  2. I WAS one of those girls when I was 12 years old and received my VERY first horse for Christmas. I had never wanted anything MORE. And I DID cry and carry on jumping up and down and squealing like a maniac! She was a beautiful buckskin quarter horse and she was the coolest, most amazing horse ever!! I’ll never ever forget the feeling of amazement and disbelief that I finally had my most passionate desire. . . . my very own horse!! 🙂


  3. Fantastic. And this is exactly what its all about! Hopefully, all these little girls will
    grow up and be responsible horse owning women for decades to come


  4. Wonderful vignettes….

    A bit sad for the testosterone impaired, but ecstatic that the warriors have fresh, young members.

    I remember Declan, RT, John and so many others (Michael at Old Friends) and think we are strong.

    May these blessed children remember their responsibilities, the length of commitment and their parents help with the lesson.


  5. Best Christmas Presents EVER…and just for the record….at 61 I still cry and jump up and down and act like a fool when I get a pony or horse. That feeling never changes or diminishes!


  6. Not a crier, but these videos got to me. It was great to see, I had to wait til my late 40s for my horse. So happy for these kids! It is the best gift ever!


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