Horse News

“Loading ferals as we speak”

by Debbie Coffey, V.P and Director of Wild Horse Affairs, Wild Horse Freedom Federation

In a telephone conversation with Iron County Commissioner Dave Miller this morning, when asked for an update on the situation regarding rounding up wild horses, Mr. Miller stated that they were “loading ferals as we speak.”

This call was immediately followed by a call to BLM Utah State Director Juan Palma’s office, which referred the call to BLM Public Affairs Specialist Lisa Reid.  I relayed Mr. Miller’s comment to Lisa Reid, who stated that as of last night, the “agreement” between BLM and Iron County Commissioners hadn’t been signed, but that yesterday evening, Juan Palma called David Miller one more time to make clear that no wild horses were to be removed.

Reid stated that the BLM agreed “any wild horses that are nuisance horses on private property” (in other words, wild horses that may have wandered off of a Herd Management Area) would be removed by the BLM.  The rancher would need to submit a letter to request for the removal, and so far, BLM in this area had received two letters.  One was for 7 head, and the other was for 20 head.

By the way, removing wild horses that may have wandered onto private property is a “wink, wink, nod, nod” loophole that ranchers across the west are using to push the BLM (and they probably don’t have to push too hard) to remove wild horses without the BLM having to prepare an EA.  And, who would even know if the wild horses had somehow been driven onto the private property?

What is of concern is that only about 3 BLM employees are covering 3 HMA’s that are each about 62,00 acres (so that’s about 186,000 acres).    Ms. Reid stated that there are only a few roads on these HMAs and that the BLM employees would be monitoring activities.  But who is monitoring what could be happening to wild horses on private property if an agreement hasn’t been signed?

Ms. Reid told me that they don’t have rangers, since most are in Mesquite (the Cliven Bundy issue) but they have requested extra support.  Ms. Reid will be giving updates to Wild Horse Freedom Federation and to other wild horse advocacy groups via teleconference.  Meanwhile, the article below is one version of the BLM showdown with Cliven Bundy, and just take a look at all of the BLM law enforcement there.

We continue to be concerned about a lack of monitoring of wild horses that may have roamed onto private property, and for the safety of wild horses in Utah.  The BLM has a mandate to protect the wild horses.



Rogue BLM, Rancher’s Son Arrested, Family Targeted by Fed Snipers For Non-Compliance

567 dave bundy arrested nevada rancher 610

The BLM is doing their best ATF, Ruby Ridge impersonation. The rogue agency is presently involved in what many feel is an illegal invalidation of Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy’s grazing rights as well as the unauthorized roundup of his cattle.

The big jackboot of the federal government is on display for all to see. This is how they respond to those who would dare to stand up to them.

Dave Bundy, Cliven Bundy’s son, was arrested by armed BLM officers while he was standing on the side of SR 170. His apparent crime, unauthorized picture taking of his family’s cattle grazing along the Virgin River.

Ryan Bundy, Dave’s brother recounts how several family members had gone out to observe what the feds were doing with the family cattle.

The BLM is in the process of confiscating the Bundy cattle as their solution to his failure to recognize their order which invalidated his grazing rights. His contention is that those rights were bought and paid for and the order itself is illegitimate.

On March 27, BLM officials arbitrarily announced they were closing roughly 300,000 acres of land, including that which is in dispute, apparently to help conceal their actions from public scrutiny. They have set up so-called “free speech zones” for media, which are far-removed from and beyond view of the actual activity.

As is customary, the Feds blame the citizen for their actions. National Park Service spokeswoman Christie Vanover said, during a press conference, that “Mr Bundy has created a larger burden to the taxpayers through his statements.

She continued, “He has said that he will ‘do whatever it takes’ and that his response to the impound will ‘have to be more physical’. When threats are made that could jeopardize the safety of the American people, the contractors and our personnel; we have the responsibility to provide law enforcement to account for their safety. The greater the threats, the more security that is needed to provide public safety and the greater the cost to the American taxpayer. We are hopeful that lawful protests don’t escalate to illegal activity.”

Through all of their years of ranching, the Bundy’s haven’t posed a risk to anybody. The only thing that is different is the presence of federal goons.

As to the arrest of Dave Bundy, his brother Ryan insists that his brother was merely taking photographs. “He was doing nothing but standing there and filming the landscape,” Ryan Bundy said. “We were on the state highway, not even off of the right-of-way. Even if they want to call [the area that we were filming] federal land; which it’s not; we weren’t even on it. We were on the road.”

The group of four Bundy vehicles had parked on the north side of the road and Dave was filming. Out of nowhere a contingent  of BLM vehicles swarmed down upon them. Ryan Bundy described it, saying , “I counted, they had 11 vehicles all with at least two agents in each one, maybe more.” He said, “They also had four snipers on the hill above us all trained on us. We were doing nothing besides filming the area.”

None of the Bundys were armed with anything more than a camera. BLM loudspeakers ordered the family to leave the area.  Bundy continued, “They said that we had no first amendment rights except for up by the bridge where they had established an area for that.”

The BLM has established two fenced areas near the City of Mesquite, that they have designated as free speech areas for members of the public to express their opinions. In other words, they have declared the remainder of the area to be Constitution-Free Zones with our rights invalidated.

Dave didn’t return fast enough for the jackboots. “He was filming and talking on the phone, I don’t know to whom. It happened pretty fast. They came down on him hard and had a German Shepherd on him. And then they took him,” Ryan said.

He continued, “I stayed and witnessed the whole thing. I told them that I was not going to engage them and that I just wanted to take my brother with me. But they were pushing, pushing, pushing! So I did stay there long enough to witness the whole thing, about 10 feet away from me.”

BLM issued the following statement: “An individual is in custody in order to protect public safety and maintain the peace. The individual has rights and therefore details about the arrest will not be disclosed until and unless charges are filed.”

Ryan Bundy says they have nowhere to turn.  “We don’t have any policing representation,” he said. “Our local police will not respond. The County Sheriff will not respond. NHP will not respond.”

BLM claims this arrest was for public safety. It is clearly because the family isn’t backing town to their tyranny and BLM is being exposed as tyrannical overzealous thugs. The militarized police and feds, they’ve got all of this ammunition and weapons, and a real itch to use them.


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80 replies »

  1. When I saw your headline, I thought it was a BLM press release giving a status on arrests made of the “ranchers” for “acting all that.”

    Wonder how many went right home and called the rags to sell their videos.


  2. A lion watched three bulls who stood together in a field and realised he could not kill any of them while they remained together, so he planted jealousies in their minds, which soon developed into arguments, which split them apart. Alone, each bull offered too little resistance and the lion killed them all, one by one.


  3. When we protested for Wild Horses at the BLM office a few years back in DC, they sent out the mounted police and had people all over the place taking pictures of protesters. The seen in DC was similar with about 200 protesters but there was no violence. One would have thought there was with so many police there. Bundy has a lot of kids who have a lot of kids and that was who was there not many from the public. It was more of a family protest. So the issue as a whole must be evaluated.
    By the way, we got no action from the BLM on the letter we left with them. Nothing changed with our protest.


  4. This news is BAD.
    “Loading ferals as we speak” … federal prison for these thugs! The BLM is continuing to allow these thugs to BULLY them? Is there no law-enforcement in Utah with any back-bone? Where is the federal law-enforcement? Have they been asked to look the other way?
    And as for Bundy, figure out what he owes the American citizens for years of livestock trespass plus fines and interest – last I heard this came to millions of $$$ – and attach his personal property and estate, the same as they would do to you and me. This should have been done the FIRST year he broke the law.
    BLM has allowed Bundy to BULLY them for about 20 years so why wouldn’t others (like the Utah thugs) do the same?
    And is this the future???


    • There may be more to this than what the BLM says. Bundy claims an exemption due to a pre-existing lease his family had since 1870. That has always been honored in the past.


      • It is my understanding that Mr. Bundy has refused to PAY for his lease to the tune of hundreds of thousands ofdollars–he is not claiming Lease rights but entitlement rights. He is simply breaking thelaw the way you or I would be if we refused to pay ou mortgage or refused to pay our taxes. The land belongs to the pulic–us–not him. He has a lease to use it (or did). It is our money he owes and thegovt. is seizing his property same as your bank would seize yours–this is no land gra or cattle grab–it is simply a manbeing required to follow the same laws as the rest of us. I am glad BLM is dealing with him but wish they would put the same amount of energy in to dealing with Iron County.


  5. If people like the Bundy’s want to play tit-for-tat, then when all of the wild horses are gone from public lands, remove all of the cattle from public lands also. What’s good enough for one group is good enough for the other. Let the criminals keep their cattle on their own land.


  6. This whole scenario is reminding me of the one in Ukraine.

    Does anyone know where these horses are being taken? From the arrest article posted they aren’t even disclosing much about the human beings arrested so it doesn’t bode well for the horses. This is wrong on so many levels.


  7. “BLM claims this arrest was for public safety. It is clearly because the family isn’t backing town to their tyranny and BLM is being exposed as tyrannical overzealous thugs. The militarized police and feds, they’ve got all of this ammunition and weapons, and a real itch to use them.”

    Now they know how WE feel.


    • Why not for horse safety? Not even mentioned. The BLM is supposed to be their legal guardians, why is that not part of this story?


    • I think people are confusing the Bundy situation with the Iron County situation. The BLM or local law enforcement should be making arrests in both cases as both Bundy and Iron County are in violation of federal law.However, the two cases are otherwise unrelated…except that BLM is conveniently tied up with Bundy while Iron County runs rampant.


      • Karen, I just watched a short video of the protest/tasing at the Bundy Ranch and one of the photographers mentioned one of the BLM vehicles had Oregon plates, so if true they are able to get people in from out of state when needed.


  8. Why hasn’t the BLM called for federal reinforcement if they can’t manage this situation with their own staff? If you or I were breaking the law like these ranchers’ families, don’t you think the feds would have been called in by now.


  9. The head of the Utah WHB program, Gus Warr, is in Nevada. Why? It would be so reassuring that this agency knew and did its job so I and we could take care of our own. I left a message that he should return to his state because he may not have heard that there are threats by Iron County “people” to gather wild horses. I don’t believe for one minute tat BLM is getting calls that horses are suddenly showing upon private property. Just like the 41 in Wyoming? There is a reason for all ths, as Louie teaches us. Stay low and stay focused. Make calls and talk to the people protected the wild horses. Make them accountable by then alerting your Washington rep how you want to see this come out..


  10. Letter to BLM: Stop the Criminal Conspiracy

    “A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit an unlawful act, and then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. All collaborators involved and showing intent to break the law can be charged with conspiracy to commit the crime, regardless of whether the crime itself is actually attempted or completed.”


  11. Sickening. This is breaking the law! I hope this incident is the catalyst that brings these inconsistencies and loopholes to light to the public. These people have no right to do this!


  12. A Bait Trap….WHO would be the winner in such a battle?

    At The Root
    The question becomes why…..

    Why does public lands ranching have such a death grip on our natural resources? How is it that after all these years, little has changed despite overwhelming evidence of the damage? Why, despite all the laws and many, many good dedicated people in the government agencies themselves that have tried to effect change, nothing substantial can be done? Why is it that report after report submitted to Congress clearly outlining the mismanagement and malfeasance of livestock grazing to our resources, including wild horses and burros, is met with indifference as they not only continue to support livestock grazing but will viciously fight for the rights of ranchers time and time again? And how is it possible that just a handful of ranchers who produce less than 3% of America’s beef on public lands continue to wield so much power over our Nation?

    Well, the answer is, they don’t. The banks do, just like everything else these days and it’s the banks that continue to dictate American policy and cause Congress to ask “How high?” when they ask them to jump.

    In Mike Hudaks’ Western Turf Wars – The Politics Of Public Lands Ranching, an interview with Mike Sauber sums it up in a nutshell and what he describes should send chills down anyone’s spine who cares for America’s resources, “our” public lands and why the current system has eternally doomed us to failure until there will be nothing left but dust.


    • Would it help if all of the horse advocates start forwarding all of these posts to the BLM, Congress, their Senators, the President and Vice President? If they get enough of these emails questioning their ability to govern, will they start standing up to the banks and other big money who are actually running this country (and running it into the ground)? I’m willing to forward every post from this site to every politician and the BLM.


      • Vickie, hate to say it but I don’t think any elected officials will read anything unless it’s written on greenbacks anymore. The Supreme Court just opened this up even wider in the past week. It’s not news that money talks, but what’s changing is that nothing else will be heard.


      • Agreed. This country is run on greed and corruption, and if you don’t have big money, your rights as a private citizen mean nothing. There’s no way that a private citizen who is middle class can get a fair shake now that even the Supreme Court can be bought.


  13. Oh, I forgot. If there is a way to forward these to the FBI since there is criminal activity occurring also.


  14. OK, I’m confused–are the same folks here who are objecting to the BLM allowing the cattle baron controlled BLM to look the other way as the county rounds up publicly owned horses, objecting to them actually enforcing the law when a welfare rancher refuses to pay his measly grazing fees for years? I must be reading the comments wrong–good for the BLM for holding the Bundys accountable and boo for them not tsaking action against Iron Co.


  15. Is this legal?

    Can we challenge the BLM’s use of the word feral—federal agaencies are using this word to mean non-native without being on the up and up about it with the public. This is part of the fraud of the non-native species that became US law through the 1997 International Plant Protection Convention that went into effect on 10/02/2005.


    • HH, the non-native question seems to be fully put to rest by the fossil and DNA evidence from Craig Downer and others. The myth of the Spanish bringing enough horses to create what the historical record points to concerning horses and horse cultures also is based on little but Eurocentric conjecture once you investigate it more in depth, as I have and am doing.

      Getting the Government to adapt a change would seem to be much harder, but there is precedent in their not so long ago rapid taxonomic change for burros in order to eliminate them. Sadly, there is little consistency through the published documents about the terminology for horses. Maybe one step would be to conclusively make a definition for Government purposes…but I have no idea how to go about that, not being privy to late night Congressional meetings.


  16. Is there a way for us to request more help out in Utah since BLM obviously is so inundated with the NV fiasco.

    Sorry to say my Congressman who was on the Natural Resources committee last year is a wimp. Even a truck load of Viagra wouldn’t help him! He’s that limp…


    • In the midst of the worry and frustration, your perception of your Congressman made me laugh out loud. Thank you!


  17. This morning on Fox News they said that 900 hundred cattle had been removed from public land that the rancher was illegally using and he was being fined one million dollars for the non-payment for the past 20 years. There were armed BLM people all over the road going to the ranchers property blocking him from leaving. That’s all they said no mention of any horses. The rancher claimed that public land was for anyone that wanted to use it claimed he was ranching long before the BLM rules were in effect. It appears that the courts will have to sort this out.


    • The Courts have. BLM entered the allotment and gathered the cattle under court order. Sort of the same as what happened in WY when the Cattlemen Assoociatin sued BLM and got their order. Only advocates for the horses did not get stupid, or maybe that is advocates for the horses are not stupid. We certainly are not law breakers and don’t deserve to be treated as such at the roundups. The yokels screaming at armed guards with tazers and K9s were reportedly his family.


  18. AND in agreement with the BLM the Iron County mustangs are going to Gunnison or Delta until they know what to do with these wild animals…AND I have a holding effing cell for the ranchers doing the rounding up….this country takes more steps backwards than forward…it’s disgusting!


  19. I want everyone who is not BLM to know if I see them in our area bothering wild horses I will turn your assistance into the BLM, Eric Reid, Chad Hunter, Lisa Reid or Gus Warr. If you are going to harass these horses you will pay.


  20. In an older 2011 article Bundy made threats of physical violence as stating his family would start a range war to.I ep his right. I assume they.take those and other commenters agressive stance and posturing Literally. Who wouldnt now? As for Bundys son, he.has done something wrong. And the BLM is doing their job. The Bundys are governments freeloaders with innocence animals involved! Free.iron county horses and Arrest those rounding up illegally!


    • They.r separate issues. Its Iron County people who lived near Bundys place reside in another state threatening the horses. So separate but one and the same.


  21. For a few people who may be confused:
    There are two separate issues in two separate states.
    1) The wild horses in Utah that the Iron County commision has threatened to illegally remove (and has???)
    2) Clive Bundy’s 20 year long livestock trespass on our public land in southern Nevada – but no wild horses are known to be involved.


    • No confusion. Iron county issue started when a relative as well as former neighbor to Bundy now is threatening.horses from his current position in Iron County.


  22. The Utah BLM state director should make a personal trip to Iron County and remain there until rangers or federal marshals arrive. He has the authority AND the responsibility to do so.


  23. I am listed with most of the BLM offices that have HMAs and/or HA public land (wh&b land) as an “interested party” and have recently been getting many announcements that are addressed to privately owned domestic livestock permitees (welfare ranchers) telling them that because of drought or recent fires they will be required to remove their livestock or reduce their livestock grazing from our public land – temporarily. It appears this Utah disaster is a result of those removal/reduction demands and has to do with (in their minds) any wild horse eating a piece of grass on public land is taking money out of their pocket. In MY mind, those horses and that land belong to ME and if they can’t manage their own personal domestic livestock on their own personal private land then they are inferior, shoddy and substandard business managers and should not be in the livestock business – period.
    And to make it worse … BLM has allowed these Iron County bullies to bully them into submission and BLM appears to be rolling over on their backs and whining like puppies and allowing the Iron County commissioners to kick them around and I am sick and tired of paying for BOTH the welfare rancher leaches and the corrupt BLM leaches. Absolutely disgusted!
    … and our wild ones suffer …


  24. BLM fracking racket exposed! Armed siege and cattle theft from Bundy ranch really about fracking leases

    BLM fracking racket exposed! Armed siege and cattle theft from Bundy ranch really about fracking leases

    The Bureau of Land Management says its 200-man armed siege of the Cliven Bundy ranch in Nevada is all about protecting an “endangered tortoise.” But a Natural News investigation has found that BLM is actually in the business of raking in millions of dollars by leasing Nevada lands to energy companies that engage in fracking operations.

    This document from the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology(1) shows significant exploratory drilling being conducted in precisely the same area where the Bundy family has been running cattle since the 1870′s. The “Gold Butte” area is indicated on the lower right corner of the document (see below), and it clearly shows numerous exploratory drilling operations have been conducted there.
    What’s also clear is that oil has been found in nearby areas and possibly even within the Gold Butte area itself
    BLM collects $1.27 million in shale fracking leases
    The Bureau of Land Management has just cashed in with $1.27 million in oil and gas leases in Nevada. This was just reported two weeks ago in, which states:

    U.S. Bureau of Land Management geologist Lorenzo Trimble tells the Las Vegas Review-Journal the Elko County oil and gas leases sold Tuesday for $1.27 million to six different companies. The auction took place in Reno. The leases are near where Houston-based Noble Energy Inc. wants to drill for oil and natural gas on 40,000 acres of public and private land near the town of Wells. The Review-Journal reports the project would be the first in Nevada to use hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to extract oil and gas from shale deposits.

    Once control of the land is established via court order or by bringing armed men with automatic weapons, BLM then turns around and leases the land to fracking companies who proceed to exploit the land using hydraulic fracturing techniques that inject toxic chemicals into groundwater supplies (and have been linked to earthquakes). The money collected by the BLM is then used to increase BLM salaries and bonuses.


    • Louie, cattle in CO are routinely grazed in areas with fracking leases, so I don’t see a direct connection here. If cattle were at some risk of being poisoned or run over by trucks their owner is the one that would be concerned, not the BLM.


      • PEER ((Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility)

        DON’T DRINK THE FRACKING FLUIDS!’t-drink-the-fracking-fluids!/
        Toxic Well Flowback Pumped for Consumption by Wildlife and Livestock

        Washington, DC — Millions of gallons of water laced with toxic chemicals from oil and gas drilling rigs are pumped for consumption by wildlife and livestock with formal approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, according to public comments filed today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). Contrary to its own regulations, EPA is issuing permits for surface application of drilling wastewater without even identifying the chemicals in hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) fluids, let alone setting effluent limits for the contaminants contained within them.

        In the last decade, fracking fluids often consisting of powerfully toxic chemicals have been included in this surface discharge. The exact mixture used by individual operators is treated as a trade secret. But one recent analysis identified 632 chemicals now used in shale-gas production. More than 75% of them affect the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems; 40-50% impact the kidneys and the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems; 37% act on the hormone system; and 25% are linked with cancer or mutations.


      • Obviously, the cattle ranchers should be concerned about their own water as well as that of the cattle–many ranchers and other folks who live in fracking areas have found that they have no potable water as a result. That is complete devaluation of their property as who is going to buy their water-less land if they want to move now that it is no longer habitable without trucking in water?


      • Louie, I know more than I’d like to about fracking already – my point was just that I don’t see what you do in thinking somehow oil and gas companies would even care if cattle were grazing the same lands or not. They don’t own the cows and those cows are chump change compared to the revenue they will earn from their mineral leases. Multiple use.


  25. Google “Bundy militia”! This is just one of numerous articles/blogs reporting or CALLING FOR armed conflict. Imo, Hannity must bear some responsibility for keeping the media fires burning … and garnering ratings in the bargain. Bundy has already stated he’s ready to die for his cause, which would obviously create a martyr to rally around. In the ultimate “game of chicken”, who will blink (or, heaven forbid, shoot!) first?


  26. The Bundy’s caused their own problems. They were notified, refused to comply, then challenged BLM. When that failed, they Threatened federal Agents, also known as a crime to the rest of America, not free speech.
    Basically, his years of doing as he pleases ended due to extreme budget cuts to BLM (they have no other choice).
    Mr. Bundy knew that BLM has a history of being a push over, and he’s a bully, so he ignored BLM compliance and did as he pleased. In a shock to everyone, BLM took action.
    The Bundy’s began a campaign to threaten, harass, and interfere with BLM Agents in the performance of their duties in the Nevada Area and beyond. There are very few Agents covering a large area. That behavior is unacceptable, repulsive, and disgusting considering the government subsidizes every aspect of the cattle industry.
    These people scream, get the gov out of our lives. I say do exactly that. Take back our leased and permitted land, remove the gov assistance on grain, hay subsidies, beef pricing, and hormone additives. Make these Ranchers return to ranching on their own private property! Give those 1000s of acres to growing Agriculture and Public causes.
    These mouthy people do nothing but bite the very hand that feeds them- the Gov and Taxpayer. How dare they threaten and disrespect BLM, which has been nothing but Very Supportive to them.


  27. Too bad they’re using this cattle fight to snatch up federal/feral horses in Utah at the exact same time. If BLM used this type of action to protect our Wild Horses and Burros, and other wildlife, they would be a Very popular Top Notch Law Enforcement Agency. The Trifecta: For the Protection of People, Animals, and the Environment. (I guess they’re that now, but I only think of them as kicking manure, talking to ranchers, driving horses back and forth between HMAs, and avoiding people at the fair adoptions).


  28. News Headline.
    Yes they are Armed. Texas Militia En Route to Nevada to Protect Bundy Ranch and Protestors

    Even mentions Civil War in support of Bundy. And we take pen in hand and watch as all the other wars that granted us freedom are now moot, for the very living symbol of it is being destroyed. We need a milita of the 80%.


  29. UTAH

    2014 Oil & Gas
    Tentative Sale Schedule

    Color Country District Office
    (CEDAR CITY, Kanab, Richfield, St. George
    Field Offices)
    Canyon Country District Office
    (Moab, Monticello Field Offices)
    *EOI Cutoff: July 1, 2013
    Tentative Comment Period for Draft EA
    December 20, 2013 – January 27, 2014
    Posting of NCLS/Protest Period Begins:
    February 14, 2014
    Protest Period Ends:
    March 17, 2014


  30. Is there any news about the whereabouts and condition of the horses rounded up yesterday? Hoping there are some public witnesses, with cameras on hand.


  31. Crude reality: ND oil boom has Utah envying its surplus green

    In Utah, the man who controls the most land in the state does not sit in the governor’s chair at the Utah state Capitol or sleep in the Governor’s Mansion.
    The man technically in charge of the most acreage in Utah has an office on 200 South, next to The Gateway, on the fifth floor in offices of the Bureau of Land Management — the agency’s Utah state director, Juan Palma.


  32. Does anyone have the names of the HMAs in Utah on or near where our wild horses and being capture by Miller and his gang?
    Here are some of the names of the HMAs in that area:
    Chloride Canyon
    Mt. Elinor
    North Hills
    Bible Springs Complex
    Choke Cherry
    Any of these sound familiar?


  33. Just did a summary of the public acres (BLM – only) from the RAS site that says in the BLM Cedar City Utah field office ALONE they have leased out 684,882 of our public acres to welfare ranchers with a total of 37,628 AUMs annually which could support ~3,136 wild horses – so there you have it …


    • The RAS might take a little searching but it gives the domestic livestock grazing allotment names and number of active and suspended AUMs and it also gives all names/addresses of permit holders, number and kind of animals grazed and what dates the animals are allowed to graze. If you go to the map section, it maps the HMAs, HAs and allotments and shows who is grazing on the HMAs and HAs.
      I believe that the RAS map used to show the energy extraction too but that is now gone … imagine that.


      • GG, are you referring to the Geocommunicator Ranglands (and other maps)? It use to show so many things that have gone missing, including proposed projects.


  34. A little background on the BLM from Mr. Cleveland Armory –

    Mr. Amory states, “While the Park Services have been, generally speaking, cowardly and cruel, the Bureau of Land Management has been crooked and cruel.”
    The BLM spent $250 million to round up 166,000 horses.
    90% of the horses go to slaughter each year.
    BLM backdates documents to allow employees to adopt horses and sell them to slaughter.
    BLM pays friends and supporters to operate their holding corrals. One such crony received $25,000 a day from BLM to manage a corral of a small number of well-cared-for animals on public display, and a large number of crippled and maimed horses, the result of their roundups.
    BLM gave title to a horse that the adopter told the BLM inspector was mean and she was afraid of.


  35. It’s also called “Godfather Politics” – The Great Obama Land Grab has been proceeding for years –

    Per Obama Executive Orders 13327, 13575, 13112. He’s gotta pay back China somehow and I don’t think they’re about to give up *their* homes and pensions. Look at this list – just look who is on the bottom and my guess is it’s payback time:

    So far (and this was 2011)
    The Federal Government owns millions of acres, most of it in western states and Alaska. Here’s the breakdown:
    Nevada : 84.5%
    Alaska: 69.1%
    Utah: 57.4%
    Oregon: 53.1%
    Idaho: 50.2%
    Arizona: 48.1%
    California: 45.3%
    Wyoming: 42.3%
    New Mexico: 41.8%
    Colorado: 36.6%



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