Horse Health


By Jetara Séhart of

“The horses are suffering at the BLM PVC, Nevada facility now and soon temperatures will rise…”

photo by Patty Bumgarner

photo by Patty Bumgarner

Approximately, three years ago in Reno, Nevada, The Bureau Of Land Management held a workshop to discuss whether horses held within their facilities required shelter, or not to survive. The introduction of this workshop, stemmed to appease public outrage surrounding the BLM facility located near Burning Mans’ land and near Reno, the Palomino Valley Center, in Nevada and stemmed from the photographic evidence of wild horses, dying and suffering in extreme heat with no way to escape searing hot, deadly desert Sun’s rays, held behind bars in the BLM facility.

Sunday, Patty Bumgarner, Nevada citizen and wild horse photographer visited the Palomino Valley Center and what she witnessed was heart wrenching.

Bumgarner, watched many horses coughing and noticed still only one water trough is provided in each open, that holds 70-100’s of horses. She also reports, the temporary 3 small trial shelters, were removed last October and no shelters are any where in site. The BLM PVC facility operates on a skeleton crew and the manager, is difficult, at best to reach and refers inquiries to provide aid for the horses to D.C., but when advocates call D.C. to request aid for horses, no aid, comes for them. On the weekends there is no staff present, to over see the welfare of the 2,000 wild horses and burros, held in the BLM cages.

Bumgarner, noted the BLM sends a few people on the weekend to only feed the horses once and throws the grass hay directly, onto the ground (where manure is present and mud, which could cause colic) and the heightened feeders are stacked off to the side and no longer used.

The access to water, is only made easy for dominant horses at this facility, creating suffering and health concern for the less dominant horses, who cannot access drinking water, when needed. This facility three years ago was asked to provide shelter, wind breaks and more water troughs, but still they have not been provided.

photo by Patty Bumgarner

photo by Patty Bumgarner

Bumgarner witnessed a horse drinking extremely dirty still water, left over from the storms of Thursday until early Saturday morning last week.

The horses are suffering at the BLM PVC, Nevada facility now and soon temperatures will rise, today temperatures in this area reached 85 degrees and in the triple digits, again daily survival in these pens will become difficult, if this facility does not soon erect need wind breaks and shelters.

Not even the foals, or sick horses are now provided shelter or respite from stinging painful debris laden high winds.

Further concern for the horses at this facility is rising, as many horses held here, now have been marked with a large unsightly hip freeze numeric brand, which indicates they may be sold without authority. Also, it appears many horses have been moved from this facility.

Questions are being asked, Where have the wild horses now gone? Why is it so difficult to receive aid for the wild horses to prevent their suffering and many deaths, within the BLM pens?

Thirty one public demonstrations were held, this past Saturday April 25th, across the nation, including three awareness marches in Australia, England and Sweden. Demonstrators are expressing public concern and calling for the Department of Interior, Representatives in the Senate, Congress and Government Executive Branches to step in and act, to apply solutions immediately, to save the last of America’s native wild horses and burros, before my legacy horses are forever lost.

Awareness at the protests highlighted, to provide emergency aid, shelter, wind breaks and more needed water troughs for the 58,000 wild horses and burros living in horrid concentration camp-like (unsafe), tax funded, Bureau of Land Management facilities and to increase protections, for the now threatened, under 20,000 free roaming wild horses and burros, remaining upon, Western public lands, to remain safe and free and to close U.S. borders to horse slaughter.

The underlying life threatening urgency is exasperated, for the wild horses and burros, is largely due to the fact, that U.S. borders, today remain open, for Americas wild and domestic equines to be exported to slaughter, after three failed attempts, any BLM captive wild horse and burro may be sold without authority, by the truck load, opening the door for kill buyers to obtain and profit from the gruesome and inhumane horse slaughter trade, such as occurred in the Tom Davies incident, in which 1,700 BLM trapped wild horses, were later slaughtered.

The BLM received at least annually $55,000,000. to run the wild horse and burro holding facilities and at least $120,000,000 this past year, but what the American people desire is to preserve not harass, harm or cause death, nor to further decimate and ultimately wipe the wild horses entirely from the magnificent Western landscape.

One solution lies in truly enacting sharing of our public lands in order for the wild horses and burros to survive.

What you can do:
Join the movement to Love Wild Horses:
Please Call and write the Department of Of Interior, President Obama, Vice President Biden, the Governor of all Western States 
and request immediate address :
 I. To restore America’s wild horse herds to true protection, today (stop all wild horse and burro removals) 
II.To provide immediate EMERGENCY aid for the 58,000 BLM captive wild horses: erect needed shelter, wind breaks and to provide more water troughs, or to return (relocate) these wild horses and burros to our public land to the 25 ( now zeroed out of all wild horses and burros) BLM vast acreage “Herd Management Areas”, where they may have a chance to survive.
III. To Close U.S. borders to Horse Slaughter

68 replies »

    • This is a criminal way to treat Americans Wild Horse Icons. This needs to stop now and put these animal in a sanctuary or put them back roaming free.


  1. Shouldn’t this article be in evidence in every lawsuit filed when the BLM contends that it is rounding up horses from the range to protect them from emergency drought conditions? I am on the range–the horses are not suffering, they are thriving. This wretched manipulation is a sin.


  2. This isn’t rocket science. Trips to a few well-run dairies would have proven the value of shade and wind breaks within a month.


  3. Let them live free . Nature has her way to weed them out . You all are not doing this in a humane way . Not right to treat animals this way !!!!!! Set them free


  4. I have been to a couple of BLM’s wild horse and burro prisons, including Palomino Valley where the innocent are locked up because humans prefer the “drug of choice” money in favor of what is true and pure and right … which is the wild ones living in the wild as nature planned for them.

    Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of our wild ones just stand … they have nothing else to do. They stand and wait … and stand and wait … and stand and wait. They have no shade from the blazing desert sun and no shelter from the freezing winter winds and no family and with the exception of being fed, they have no life … they stand and wait. I have even seen horses lying down and trying to cool themselves in a few small indentations in the moist soil where a little water had leaked out from the trough. I have witnessed horses standing way off in the corners by themselves – obvious to the observer to be depressed to the point of giving up. There are magnificent horses of all colors and sizes and ages in these horse prisons and SAD does not even come close to expressing the feelings a person has when experiencing this.

    You can go to any wild horse and burro herd area and look for days and days and only see a few wild ones because most have been sent to BLM’s wild horse and burro prisons. These magnificent wild animals should be in their legal herd areas. They do not belong in BLM’s holding facilities. The BLM’s management is unjust, illegal and inhumane.

    There are no “excess” wild horses and burros on their legally designated land. The American people are being deceived by our government agencies that are mandated by Congressional Law to protect these animals. The wild horses and burros already have a place to live and it is not in government corrals. These wild animals and this land do not belong to the government … the wild horses and burros and the lands belong to you and me.

    If anyone has half a heart, they will not leave BLM’s Palomino Valley holding facility without a tear or two or three or four or five in their eyes.


    • Thank you for reminding me of one of the most basic understandings the American Indian has always known and I have learned through them. You are right. The government does not own these wild, free animals, nor do they own the land. It truly belongs to us, the people, all at the same time. No one of us owns these animals. We all own them together as individuals and as a whole. In order to preserve them for all to see, they must be returned to their natural environment. These animals thrive when man does not interfere. They do not stay where there is no food and shelter. They know how to survive when left alone. They know how to die when the government takes away their freedom. Not a swift humane death of a sick horse, but long suffering agony of many healthy free beings now forced to live in desolate conditions. Dependent on uncaring humans to bring them what they found in plentiful supply on their own while free… food and water. There is something wrong at a fundamental level with a great majority of mankind. How come us, the many of us are required to gravel at the feet of legislatures and beg for the basic rights of life for these animals. How come when so many of us are saying the same thing do they continue to do nothing? Ignoring our letters, phone calls, protests, and even our offer to help and bring shelter and water to these animals for free. Why do they still turn us away and make it a crime if we interfere with a government agency in charge of these animals. Interfere means help and help means we are breaking the law because we do not have permission to help, Yet the agency in charge has permission to not help and to not care and to let suffering continue and that is legal. Did you see that figure $120,000,000 is allotted to the BLM this past year to care for these horses. Seems to me that not much of that annual funding goes to the horses since they have nothing provided for them. Not even food and water! Where does the money go, if not to the horses. How come no one in government is asking that question. I will bet all that I own if that same $120,000,000 were given to a appropriate caring horse rescue the horses would be free on managed land that does not interfere with their natural lifestyle and they would live as wild horses should. Free to raise their babies and spend their life with them to their natural death. Horses in the wild stay together their entire life. Horses interfered with my man separate families and break bonds of love. Maybe I got off track here, but maybe not because it all comes back to the beginning. Wild horses in their natural environment thrive and are there for all of us to see and share. The government has no right to take what is not theirs in the first place. The American Indian did not understand the concept of owning land. The land belongs to all tribes and provides for all tribes. And so is the way of the natural order of things. Mankind needs to understand and remember how tightly we are connected in the circle of life. The government needs to serve us and not their personal self serving needs. It is all about money and nothing more.


      • Miss Abby, I am so glad you posted this from Sierra Club, I had no idea they were so heartless toward wild burros. The last time I bought something from them I was treated very badly when I told them the article was coming apart at the seams. I told the girl that I would not donate to them any more. The director of Sierra Club, Michael Brune, makes $285,000 a year as a salary, which I find to be immoral for a 501 (c) (3) organization.


      • What Im thinking is that this is going to have to be a national movement that we designate a date and time and place for every american that gives a dang meet and we all ascend on these holding pens with food and water for these horses and materials to build them shelter,We need news coverage to ensure or somewhat ensure our safety from trigger happy BLM thugs,How can it be against the law to provide food ,water,shelter for suffering animals that are supposed to be getting care and these thugs are actually being financed to provide for the horses and aren’t.Maybe if the President was to see footage on the news that these horses are being neglected and abused and while the event is being filmed and shown to america they can show a clip of the sterilization procedures on our horses,Put it in americas face then maybe something could be done and these monsters will be exposed for what they really are,I pray someone that has more ability and funds and the willing to finally do the right thing for one of gods beautiful creatures.I would love for it to be seen nationally the BLM refusing to let a large congregation of willing americans to freely donate their time and money to provide for these horses when they wont and they are actually are being paid to and wount,What do you say AMERICANS,Hey DONALD TRUMP you want to get more votes this is a very worthy cause,PLEASE lets do something.I live in California and am far from being a wealthy person but Im ready to throw everything on the line Im sick of hearing about this and not doing anything so this is my idea can I get any supporters!


  5. This is extreme Animal Cruelty! Didn’t they just classify Animal Cruelty a felony? So when are the charges going to be made?


    • Yes when are criminal charges going to happen this is horrible cruelty what the BLM is subjecting these American icons to ,they are part of our history. If this was you or me doing this we would of been arrested by now. How can they be above the law? This is downright the wild theses horses find shelter from the heat and the cold and they feed themselves just fine. When they die it is from old age or from a predator like mountain lions. Not from the cruel In humane way they are kept in holding pens depressesd and forlorn because their way of life has been ripped from them. These horses belong to us the people. We need to stop this and return these Mustangs back to their home the land they were forcibly taken from.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. The inhumane treatment of our iconic wild horses is a disgrace. Had they been left to roam free, this would not be an issue. This is absolutely irresponsible and shameful these magnificent and innocent horses are subject to such inhumane treatment. Everyone must do whatever they can to help bring the shelter and water needed to lessen the horrible conditions, in which they live.


    • geri – This would be very very educational for not only the BLM, but possibly, just possibly, for the “advisory” board, right???


  7. can we PLEASE have pictures of this animal cruelty, pictures stamped with location and date/time. Even the map coordinates of all the BLM holding pens should be made public. A picture speaks a thousand words.

    Words alone have not worked much at all for our wild horses. It is a dis-service to the horses to not share the pictures in public. The DOI and the BLM know pictures would shut them down. That’s why they never allow cameras and observation.

    The words are meaningful to those who know horses needs, to the non-horse public they don’t understand what the’ fuss’ is about.


  8. Does anyone have the link for the advisory board meeting? Somehow I’ve missed seeing it – I guess I need to tap into boards usual frustration buildup! If anyone can provide the link, I would appreciate it. Thanks


  9. just wrote a 5 page letter to speaker of the house . fixin to write more .I’m so totally disgusted with the chain command . Gregg the united states humane society don’t give a crap either . after my last letter to wayne pacelle they don’t send me e-mails no more either I’m really mad at all these moochers that want support but don’t help at all. all puppy mills and dog fights . I just came out and asked if they helped any other animals . I know what the e-mails says but no out comes to dairies or calves just nothing. so lets see what generates.


  10. If we did this to our own horses, would local authorities come after us? You bet they would..and charges would be filed. Of we were subsidized by anyone and treated the horses like this it wouldn’t take long before we be our of business. Come on people, that bitch in the DOI didn’t give a shit before. What makes anybody think that she will now? Open the good dammed gates and turn them loose. Some will die but at least they will have a fighting chance to survive. Left to the BLM, they will all die. And then what?


  11. We have been writing, calling, FAXing, e-mailing going to meetings, and petitioning the president and our representatives for YEARS now…and all has fallen on deaf ears. If the president wanted t, he could take action to help with just a stroke of his almighty pen, but, he chooses not to do so. The BLM is an arm of HIS administration. They hate wild horses, and are determined to eradicate the. It is a National Disgrace.


  12. Shared on LinkedIn. I don’t know how y’all do it ~~ hanging in there fighting the fight for so long. I’ve been at this for only a few months and I get so emotionally drained. I feel in my heart this is still the right thing for me to be doing. My heart breaks for those that are in captivity and the mistreatment they suffer. I’ve never seen any of these Wild Horses, but, the pictures and stories that are written are so beautiful. My Cloud movies, book, & hat are in the mail. I can’t wait to receive them! It will be Christmas in May. It’s my treat to myself for passing my Advanced Certified Paralegal exam in Land Use. It was a year long quest. I’ll keep looking at all the Pryor Mountain horse pictures ~~ Cloud’s immediate & extended families and Bronze Warrior’s families to keep fighting along side all of you wonderful people.


  13. I had written to the HSUS on FB a few months ago about getting shade to the horses and burros, and they told me that they had bought some protection and sent it to the BLM, but that they never used it…I believe it was a year ago, maybe longer…maybe everyone could write to the HSUS and ask them to step up and spend some of that money we have all donated to get some shade and better water containers for our horses and burros being held captive…I feel the HSUS kind of owes the horses since they are making money off of the PZP project, and I don’t really remember the last BIG thing they did…they have a lot of ideas, but all I get is a letter asking for money…never about what they have done…maybe write to the ASPCA also…we have ALL given money to these guys, but we need them to do something big for us now…you can write to them on FB…thanks…just a suggestion…


    • Please do some checking before giving to any charities so that you know if your money is going where you want it to go … such as feeding, caring or fighting for animals and so on.
      Example: HSUS has a $26,000,000 in investments in Central America and the Caribbean – is that what you wanted your donation to go for? Perhaps consider making direct donations to your local animal organizations – but check them out also because some are GREAT and some are not.
      See for yourself: HSUS Tax form 990

      Click to access 2013-hsus-form-990.pdf


  14. Return them to their native ranges! Severely limit cattle leases in drought areas. Welfare Ranchers need to act responsibly or get out! They have no business calling the shots and dooming out wild horses to slaughter or some other horrific death.


    • I have personally witnessed domestic private/corporate livestock trespass on our public lands and reported it to BLM who just sluffs it off. I’m not talking about the occasional cow or sheep that strays for a few days. I am talking about serious and willful violations by welfare ranchers allowing LARGE numbers of their domestic livestock on OUR land when the area was closed to grazing.


  15. I believe that the blm is not doing what is right for these poor suffering animals . where did all that money go? this agency is an abomination that needs to be abolished, more useless govt. spending, i’m sure they (the blm) have huge pay checks, using the money to line their own pockets. no respect for these beautiful creatures, or the fact that they live on PUBLIC land, and they belong to the people.


  16. This has been a perverse set up for the wild horses and burros failure on the public lands and now these martyrs stand in these bleak places fenced in and suffering, any of them so morose, yet still trying to have an uplifted hope and a cherished dream for life. This is so tragic and it is the doing of the thoughtless people who have the power to help them but do nothing except go along with the prevailing way of life and status quo. This situation must surely change. It is so wrong. We can do it, but getting ever better with each passing day until there is a restoration of the horses to their rightful and and freedom and people learn how to share. I tell how: i.e. Reserve Design. See my book The Wild Horse Conspiracy at and Ch IV on Reserve Design. It is the way to go. We will one day look back on these dismal days and give thanks to God that they came to an end and were followed by a much more enlightened way of life and relating to your fellow inhabitants of planet Earth.


  17. Why do people not see they are going to take all of this land. They are going to run us off all of it and it will go to the highest bidder. I know you are all fighting for the horses with everything you have, but dammit,, we need to be fighting for the whole big picture. Unless the American people will join together and oust these vile bums out of office, we will be in a very bad state. We already are…and people just don’t see it! Unless people are willing to snap out of their selfish little fairytale lives, we are screwed. “If the government disobeys the constitution, what is treason?”-author unknown


  18. Reblogged this on debmason131 and commented:
    I headed a rally in Cleveland OH on 4/25/15, I would like all horse lovers to join our team to help bring awareness to this horrific destruction of our wild horses and public lands. The lands should be preserved for the wild life and not be leased or sold to cattle and sheep ranchers, mining, including fracking, etc. The roundup, capture, and upkeep of the horses held in holding facilities are funded by tax dollars. Most of the public do not agree with the way the BLM treats the wild horses and believe that they aren’t abiding by the 1971 Free Roaming Wild Horses and Burro Act. The Burns Amendment allows the BLM to offer a horse for adoption, if the horse isn’t adopted in three attempts, the horse can be sold without restrictions. The adoption application, adoption dates, adoption sites, and dates for pickup at the facilities make it hard for the public to adopt. Yet when kill buyers are now allowed to purchase without restrictions, many if not all end up in a trailer heading across the boarder to be slaughtered. The horses are mistreated, abused, and meet a painful and horrible death. The abuse starts the day of the round ups, as the horses are chased for long distances by a helicopter. The people contracted to do the round ups don’t care if it is freezing cold, if the horse is young, old, or pregnant, there is a bounty on each one that is gathered. They separate the stallions, mares, and foals, breaking up their family bands. The horses are then corralled and shocked, shoved, and abused until they load into a trailer. Then the horses are forcefully given brands, shots, PZP, or other treatment. All payed for by our tax dollars so that the cattle, oil, and special interest groups can have the land. The BLM is feeding the slaughter industry too by these practices. We all lose when our public lands and the wild animals that live there are taken away. Not only is this unjust for the wild horses and burros, it is not good stewardship of the public lands. The cattle and sheep ranchers cause damage to the foliage and pollute the water ways by overgrazing, the big oil damage the land, damage the water, destroy the foliage, and make a profit.

    The racing industry over-breed and feed the slaughter industry by getting rid of their injured, mares too old to produce foals, studs too old to breed, creating nurse mares and getting rid of the nurse mare’s newborn by slaughter just so the mare can foster a race horse foal.

    The Auction houses should be accountable for the sick, elderly or injured horses that are allowed to leave the Auction in trailers heading for the boarder. These trailers are packed full with the injured, young, or old being trampled on. The horse trailer drivers should be required to get a special license endorsement to be able to transport live animals and be held accountable for the welfare of the animals. It should be unlawful to pack them like sardines and not let them out for water or feed for 48 hours or more. It should also be unlawful to sell pregnant mares that sometimes give birth in the feed lot. They should be accountable for the death or abandonment of the foals that are born.

    Horses are not livestock, they are not intended for human consumption. Horses are given vaccinations and pain medicines that are not safe for human consumption. If we care so much about the welfare of the worlds children why does the practice of feeding other countries tainted horse meat go unchecked? Horses are not even governed under the Country of Origin Labeling, whereas cattle, sheep, lamb, swine, chicken, and other livestock, including eggs, transported over the boarder have to have the origin of the livestock clearly on the paperwork and any packaging.

    Many issues are effected by this horrible slaughter industry.


  19. The BLM claims the horses do not need shelter because that’s how they survive in the wild. Well. yes, that’s true. A horse will naturally seek some shelter, especially from wind. They’ll find a tree, a hollow, large rock, the lee side of a hill, anything away from the direction of a hill, including themselves by pointing their hind ends toward the wind so their faces are protected. But they will travel until they find that shelter, they can’t go very far if they are in corrals that don’t allow them much movement. Any weather without the wind they can weather through, I’ve seen them in the snow, in the rain, grazing away, but they will move if the wind is blowing very hard. They don’t like hail either. I’ve seen horses survive temperatures 20 degrees below zero for 5 straight days, but when you add to that a wind chill factor of -40, they will look for shelter. This is also true with domestic horses, and unreasonable to keep the wild horses out of that kind of weather in these captive conditions.




  21. This is a criminal way to treat Americans Wild Horse Icons. This needs to stop now and put these animal in a sanctuary or put them back roaming free.


  22. This is neglect and abuse, something needs to be done and take the care of these horses out of the hands of the BLM


  23. Why is it THAT we can’t get some much needed supplies and food and water to the wild horses and burros in these pens
    My gosh we have fouls who may still be nursing and the mares need water and food and as well as the stallions. They all need Shelter.
    Why do we treat our beloved wild animals this way. If the ranchers need land for cows and such pen them so the other animals,can’t eat their food and lastly.
    First Lady Obama and Dr Biden why don’t you get involved in this.
    It breaks my heart that except for a few hands full no one wants to help.


  24. What the BLM is doing is utterly inhumane and unethically cruel treatment of captive animals and their young by not providing shelter, shade, nor enough water and food for said animals! They do get enough money to provide, but obviously the money is not being used for what it is meant for.


  25. Please investigate the BLM and see what they have done to the shelters and the feeding troughs and why there are not more water troughs.These areas are all inadequate the BLM has money to take care of these inadequacies so why are they not using it?
    We also need to investigate as to why there is no staff on weekends
    And why do they not have24 hour physicians. If any of the horses or burros are injured they would receive no help until Monday if then.
    And lastly the BLM needs to be replaced with the people and non-profit organizations,who really cares. OR BE SET FREE.
    ( the capitalization of letters are not being done because I am mad or swearing
    .They are used as an attention grabber at best)
    Our Native American horses and burros need to be protected. Adequate shelter. Water. And the horse feed up off the manure laden floor.


  26. Horse owners are fined for not having any shelter for their horses, why is it OK for the BLM to get away with it? Geld the studs and release them back into the wild!!!! Can’t you see the problem is over? Give our wild horses the care they deserve!!

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Every time I read this, one of the things that stand out is ‘after 3 attempts they can be legally sold’. Where in the hell are they offering all these horses resulting in 3 failed attempts? Such bulls$);t! All they do is lie and get away with it…


  28. Leave the horses free. People are tired of big interest. Set them free. Stop spending money on this. Does not make any sense. Make a example to other countries set the horses free. And leave them all alone.


  29. If an individual were holding horses and burro in these kind of conditions – especially the foals and and sick – that individual would be arrested and prosecuted for animal abuse. Yet the federal government is taking our tax dollars and paying the BLM to hold and sell these innocent animals into hellish torture….and as long as government is doing this it is legal. This is terrible case of double standards that needs to be rectified immediately!

    Liked by 1 person

  30. I can’t bear to see the cruelty that never ends. I see the brokenness in their eyes. Being terified by round-ups, removing them from what they know as home. (It was theirs before it was ours) seperating them from their babies and long time buddies. How can a (human) put an innocent, kind, aware, never did anything to you, animal through such heart break, spirit breaking, painful life. Ending in a horrific slaughter! The lengths that a man will go to for what is truly temporary satisfaction. Then it begins again. Once you have erased them all, what next? We all some day, will Meet our maker. What will your excuse be for what you’ve done. Will you be excused?


  31. I am sick to the stomach 😠and mad as hell
    Why, this cruelty?? The people in charge(if I call the people) are emotionally dead.
    Criminal in my view but it seems no law for protection of any animal exists in US.
    Prove me wrong


  32. We cannot allow this to go on for yet another summer. Tapping on the keyboard for another year isn’t going to change things. Those horses belong to US, so perhaps it is time to stop playing nice guy and develop a new strategy.


  33. I feel so helpless. I keep signing petitions, sending money when I can and praying. It seems to not do any good. Evil men just keep on hurting our future.


  34. If the BLM can’t or won’t improve shelters for the horses in PVN, then they should close it down and ship those horses to other facilities that aren’t so harsh and where the climate is more tolerable to those poor imprisoned horses.


  35. These animals deserve to be returned to the wild. Everyone knows they were removed so cattle ranchers can graze cattle and land can be used for reasons it was not intended such as drilling. Those horses deserve to be taken care of, food water, shelter and vet care. BLM you removed them, take care of them.!!!


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