Horse Health


By Jetara Séhart of Love Wild

WARNING: Graphic Photo Below

Photo: By Patty Bumgarner Barren shelterless pens, warehouse 1,100 wild horses, in the desert near to the  Burningman festival  site.

Photo: By Patty Bumgarner Barren shelterless pens, warehouse 1,100 wild horses, in the desert near to the Burningman festival site.

On July 10th, at 7:00 AM., Patty Bumgarner, a Nevada resident and wild horse photographer, visited The Palomino Valley Bureau of Land Management’s wild horse and burro holding facility, to see the wild horses she loves and hoping to observe needed shelters and more water troughs provided, but instead Bumgarner discovered, another gruesome tragedy.

A mare and her unborn foal bodies lay within a pen, in mid birth and died a painful and agonizing death. The mare’s body lay lifeless by the gate, of the mare and foal pen, with her baby visibly stuck in her birth cavity.

The location of the mare’s body, appears as if she may have been begging for help, but no help ever came for her and her baby, because the BLM PVC staff, neglected to respond, until it was too late, their response came, after the mare and her new born foal, had already died. According to Bumgarner, the mare’s body was stiff and appeared to be dead for many hours.

There were no BLM staff present, except a hay truck distributing hay, in seeming disregard of the unaddressed dead mare and foal, surrounded by observing mares and foals, who walked about, with low spirit. Bumgarner observed, three BLM male staff come, into the mare and foal pen about 8:00 AM. and start up a backhoe, to move the mother and her unborn foal’s dead bodies. 

Bumgarner stated: “This facility is not properly supervising these pregnant mares and new born foals and if their aim, is to protect these horses, then it doesn’t make sense, that the mares and foals have been moved further away from the BLM office, to the very back of the facility. The further distance from the BLM office, sets up a problem to be able to properly monitor pregnant mares births and new born foal’s well being and blocks the ability to provide immediate needed address, for life threatening emergencies, to end well.”
Still, there are no new shelters, in this facility to protect the horses from recent and upcoming triple degree desert searing hot Sun. Bumgarner did observe, this facility put up a few partial shelters, that were used last year, but the 1,100 wild horses and burros held behind bars, do not have equal access to shelter and still are only offered 1 water trough per 100 horses in each pen.
The BLM’s continued failure to provide shelter and proper drinking water access, is causing health and life endangerment for all the horses held within this facility.
In June of 2013, advocates found another young mare dead, on the hot ground, within this facility.  

In response to the death of a young mare, at BLM facility on June 27th, 2013 issued in a press release the BLM PVC, NV facility was notified the horses needed immediate shelter to survive and adequate water trough access.

Dr. Lester Friedlander, former Supervisory Veterinary Medical Officer with the USDA, and veterinarian for the NY State Horse Racing and Wagering Board, says conditions at the Palomino Valley Center call for “emergency action” by the Federal government to ensure the safety of the animals.  He says if the horses and burros are not properly protected from the heat and sun,  “countless numbers will be lost to disease, infections and heat-related deaths.”

The BLM, may again simply sweep this mare and her unborn foal’s death under the rug and chalk this incident to stemming from “unknown causes”, yet the truth and cause of deaths and suffering, point to neglect and animal abuse.

The BLM understands shelter is “preferred and “needed”, because they require adopters of a wild horse or burro, to provide a 3 sided shelter.

Recently, BLM staff demanded for themselves, at the nearby “Burningman site”, construction of a $1 million dollar compound ..”Choco Tacos, M&Ms, licorice and Chobani Greek Yogurt are just a few of the food items officials for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management are demanding Burning Man organizers provide them at this year’s festival, according to documents obtained by the Reno Gazette-Journal.…” for their comfort and to attend Burningman.

Yet, if the BLM staff feel they require shelter, then the 58,000 wild horses charged by the American people to be protected by the BLM, should receive shelter to survive, and especially because a horse’s body heats up ten times faster then a human’s body.

Nearly two years ago, “The Bureau of Land Management, responded to public concern to end abuse, to create shelters and provide needed water troughs, with a “wild horse comfort workshop”, where shortly there after promises were made to try 3 shelters, to determine, which would be most effective”, today the horses are suffering and dying, still awaiting the shelters to be erected.

In October 2013, the BLM held approximately 2,000 wild horses & burros at this facility, today according to BLM’s John Neil, who aired a press release for Nevada Channel 2 news on June 9th 2015 ( re: the possibility of shade/shelter coming) there are approximately 1,100 wild horses being held at the Palomino Valley center. Then where are the 700 federally protected wild horses and burros now? 

Were they sold without authority, shipped to disappear from public view to private facilities, such as Nevada’s Indian Lakes desert shelterless BLM holding facility, or did they die from duress,or from heat related suffering ?

Simply applying solutions, in erecting shelter and providing more water troughs, to address their deadly management of the captive wild horses at this facility would result in saving thousands of beloved wild horse and burro lives.

Also, the BLM needs to move the mares and foals closer, to be carefully observed in order to survive birth and pregnancy well, in case emergency arises.

Please call your Legislatures and the White House and request they act now to protect America’s captive and free roaming wild horses and burros.

WARNING: Graphic Photo

Photo: By Patty Bumgarner, A federally protected mare, could not survive BLM's management, lays lifeless in mid-birth with her foal, near the gate at BLM's Palomino Valley center, Nevada, in a shelterless, desert pen

Photo: By Patty Bumgarner, A federally protected mare, could not survive BLM’s management, lays lifeless in mid-birth with her foal, near the gate at BLM’s Palomino Valley center, Nevada, in a shelterless, desert pen

Links for Reference:
Media Contacts: 
Jetara Séhart, Love Wild Horses, (415)275-4441
Patty Bumgarner (775)301-6512

74 replies »

  1. How is it possible that this kind of brutality is allowed to happen? Isn’t the United States of America supposed to be civilized? This clearly shows the American standards in regards to compassion and kindness of living beings! So much your pride in the wild Mustang part of your American Heritage!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Government cruelty continues unchecked. Our tax dollars fund this. We must act on behalf of all the animals! Can a tech savvy person start a tweetstorm?


  3. The same thing happened on a Bouvry-owned feedlot in Alberta, Canada. A Percheron mare was struggling to deliver a still-born baby and there was no one from Bouvry’s company there or a vet. Advocates called the SPCA who sent someone to “check”. The agent was a good friend of the one Bouvry employee who was there. The advocates had been shooed away and it’s unsure as to what happened with the mare and dead baby. Probably nothing good.


    • Animal abuse and neglect is now a felony in all states. Why isn’t the BLM being prosecuted? Another cover up because its just animals and not going to further anyones agenda! I hope ALL responsible rot in hell for torturing gods beautiful helpless creatures!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Set them free!! They deserve better treatment than this!! They prosper in the wild and all the BLM is doing is killing these beautiful horses!!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. We were at the PVC late on the afternoon of June 1st, I will be posting photographs on my blog. The temperatures were in excess of 100 degrees and had been for several days. We saw foals staggering, undoubtedly as a result of prolonged exposure in the heat. Those horses are tortured, unable to move themselves or their young to shade or even a hillside where they might discover a breeze.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. It is not just the BLM…it is also Indian governments in those areas who say that they are “keeping alive the horses that helped them build their nation” but they sell out to horse meat butchers when things get rough or let the BLM (Butchers Lacking Minds) to intervene and “handle” the problem for them


  7. This is a travesty. These people that work at the BLM are heartless. Something needs to be done to dissolve this horrible agency and start getting people that love these animals in their place to protect our American ICONS. If ranchers can’t afford the acreage to raise and feed their animals, they shouldn’t be able to get our range land for their cattle. THESE HORSES AND DONKEYS BELONG ON THIS LAND AND IT IS THEIR HOMES. Besides, maybe it would be better if we all started reducing our eating of “beef” and our cattle will not be killed in their inhumane way as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The BLM needs our tax dollars to line their own pockets and those of their corporate contractors. They don’t want to share the cost of shelter or care with the prisoners. This is cruel and unusual punishment of innocent prisoners! It’s time to put the BLM out of business!
    While some so called advocates work with the BLM to use PZP birth control, those people need to consider who they’re working with. Do you honestly think that the BLM cares about horses? Leave them be. Human hands only destroys the wild in these horses. Joining this rogue government agency is not advocating for the horses and burros! You need to fight for them.


  9. At BLM’s Palomino Valley, in the heat of the summer, I have seen our wild horses lying in moist indentations of the soil where a trickle of water had once been. They were obviously trying to cool their bodies down the only way they could but they were suffering from the heat and blaring sun and there was not one drop of shade.
    On the other hand, I have many times seen horses in the wild standing in the shade of juniper trees during the heat of the day.
    Shade for these animals is not rocket science and there is NO excuse for the animal abuse that BLM continues to force these captured wild horses and burro to endure.

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    • Sherri: How right you are. Karma will arrive at their final door, and it can’t come too soon. The organization is a travesty to our American ideals. They have no heart and feelings for these animals. Any individual having to do with the killing of these animals deserve to be dropped in the middle of Death Valley, with no shoes, food, or water. I wonder how many of them would survive.


  10. Same thing different day for years, a disgusting way for our Wild Horses to exist.
    The BLM wants these horses to die off from heat or cold.

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  11. A pregnant, DEAD mare at PVC Palomino Valley Holding, with her half born fetus stuck out of her butt. Thank you Patty Bumgarner, for showing the world what the former wild horses MUST ENDURE at PVC – the horrors that BLM does not tell.
    THIS is BLM. All they tell us, the public, is BS and the reform just ain’t happening !! This is how this agency is NOT protecting our horses ! It’s time to blow this out in the open on a national scale again – this is like concentration camps for horses !

    Let’s see proof of this foal’s survival. The fact that a pregnant mare must die alone in agony in a unmanned holding facility is not acceptable. Lack of staff on site enables such tragedies to happen. This horse might have been saved had staff been present, but staff does not seem to care much in the first place. We, the public, are constantly pacified with fairy tales and made up fluff stories. This facility stinks to heaven with abuse, neglect, lack of humane standards and needs to be either governed by outside, caring non-government people, or the horses put back on the range where they fare much better than in such cruel, brutal captivity where they die like maggots.
    This is not acceptable !! Notice the HAY under SHELTER – while the horse had none ??

    Liked by 2 people

    • do they really think people are that stupid to believe the foal survived after seeing the evidence. Is that newsman in their hip pocket too


  12. One of 6 vet letters I provided in Reno at the “workshop”. Any BLM affiliated vet is either bought out or a cattle rep. They will NEVER tell us or you the truth. Holly Cheever, DVM Voorheesville, NY 12186
    August 6, 2013
    Re: BLM mustangs: requirement for shelter in holding pens
    To whom it may concern:

    I wish to express my concerns regarding the holding of captured wild horses in bare pens without shelter of any kind on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) properties. To introduce myself, I am a veterinarian with a lifetime of experience in horse husbandry, both privately and professionally, and have been sought on numerous occasions nationwide for input on proper horse care and humane treatment issues. I was asked to provide my professional opinion on the need for shelter for equine well-being, specifically in the BLM’s holding pens. My concerns about this lack of shelter are as follows.
    • Without shade from the searing heat, whether dry or humid, horses experience great discomfort that can progress to heat prostration if the heat is excessive or if the horses are not well-conditioned or provided with adequate and easily accessible water sources. Please note that domestic horses seek shelter in the form of run-in sheds or trees when they are on open pasture in hot weather. Wild equidae do as well: beyond a certain temperature limit, horses eschew constant exposure to intense and inescapable sunlight and heat.
    • In inclement and cold weather, all horses seek to escape from the driving wind, rain, and snow—domestic equidae seek the protection of their barns and run-in sheds, while wild ones seek the shelter of a stand of trees or hillsides that afford them a lea in which to find relief from the harsh elements. If any shelter is available in a driving snow storm, 100% of horses will avail themselves of it.
    • The constant irritation of biting flies also drives horses, both wild and domestic, to seek shade which acts as a barrier to many species of flies. My own horses stay under their shed to escape the irritation of flies during the sunlit portion of the day, emerging to graze only when the dusk falls and daytime pests disappear for the night. If they are inadvertently closed out of their shed and paddock area and are exposed to daylight, they pace and stamp and shake off the persecution of biting flies, expressing stress and discomfort and strong physical irritation at the torment that fly strikes afford them. Again, when given the opportunity to escape this persecution by seeking shelter in the shade, they eagerly choose this option.

    It is an important precept that anyone managing the care of horses look first to their natural evolutionarily-honed behaviors, and wild mustangs show us that they prefer shelter from heat and inclement weather, and also as a means to escape the misery of fly attacks, and will travel to tree stands, the lea of a hillside, or higher terrain in order to find relief. I respectfully request that the BLM provide shelter for their corralled horses in the interests of providing a humane environment for the horses enclosed therein.
    Thank you for your attention in this matter.
    Holly Cheever, DVM
    Member, American Association of Equine Practitioners
    Vice-president, New York State Humane Association
    Chairperson, Leadership Council of the Humane Veterinary Medical Association

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  13. Vet letter recommendation for shade by Nancy Loving DVM, Boulder, CO., who has worked for BLM. Aug 5, 2013
    To Whom It May Concern,
    I have been asked by Monika Courtney to comment on the difficult climatic conditions the wild horses currently are facing in Nevada. I am familiar with the Palomino Valley holding facility for the wild mustangs as I administered veterinary care and processing of the horses and burros when I practiced at Comstock Large Animal Hospital from 1985 to 1987. My understanding is that at the present time, there is nowhere for the horses to retreat from the sun, i.e. neither canopies nor tree shade.
    Most mammals can thermoregulate their body temperature sufficiently at ambient temperatures up to 109-1100 F if given a choice of retiring from the direct sun. In extreme ambient heat, when faced with the absence of shelter from direct sun, the horses are at risk of heat stress and/or stroke. My understanding is that the BLM is trying to accommodate the horses in the unusually high temperatures as best as possible within financial constraints. I have been asked to offer some suggestions that consider both the humane and welfare interests of the horses.
    Wild horses and even domesticated horses on pasture, when left to their own devices, will seek shelter from the sun by congregating in riparian areas with shade trees, cooling streams, and cool
    rock areas. They are better able to regulate their body temperature in this fashion. Horses are not alone in this – I have witnessed a large herd of Black Angus cows bunched under the shade of one lone pine tree during a 100o F day in an attempt to find relief from the intense sun. This is a normal survival response that each animal will pursue to protect itself from a difficult climate.
    Foals are particularly at risk of overheating in high ambient temperatures and direct sun as their thermoregulatory systems are not as well developed as that of an adult horse, and they have less body mass to manage the buildup of heat.
    Sweating can only accomplish so much internal heat dissipation in the presence of extreme temperature. And, with sweating comes the need to replenish fluid volume. In addition, horse sweat is loaded with electrolytes (salts) that leak from the pores along with their body water, so measures should be taken to provide sufficient access to free choice salt blocks and clean water at all times.
    Ms. Courtney advised me that the BLM has made efforts to provide misters and sprinklers to help with cooling in the face of temperatures exceeding 110 degrees Fahrenheit. This is an excellent protective measure. Perhaps this misting system could be expanded to provide the greatest number of horses with relief? The misters and sprinklers help to cool the skin (acting like the evaporative cooling of sweating), to cool the air and to cool the reflective heat from surrounding hot ground.
    While shelters with solid roofing could help limit the solar heat load, the roofing would be best positioned on high beams to allow sufficient air circulation. Short-roofed run-in sheds or lean-to shelters might provide a shade barrier but a large group of congregated horses in such a structure release a large amount of body heat that could amplify already hot conditions. Overhead, raised canopies are a much better option if those could be incorporated into all holding areas, particularly where foals are kept. Planting of shade trees is also another practical option that would provide relief.
    Nancy S. Loving, DVM

    Liked by 2 people

    • No financial constraints if no helicopter roundups. If they reduce staff and actually pay for horses needs theres enough funding.

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  14. While surely this also happens in the wild, there is no excuse for such a tragic end under the best “care” our government can provide.

    Is there some way to accurately identify this poor mare? She looks like a red roan, and if she was pregnant must have been rounded up sometime in the past year, but from where? If she’s an appaloosa she might be one from the Rock Springs Checkerboard clearing. Surely she has a brand and is in the system, to know her story we should try to learn who she was, and where she came from and perhaps who the sire of the unlucky foal was, too. Will this simple information be denied to an inquiring public?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Awful. The taxpayers do not want this, and we have no confidence that the BLM can properly ‘manage’ our wild horses. Instead of wasting money on unethical breeding experiments, why not just provide the basics like shelter and water!!!!! It’s like Nazi Germany for animals. To think there are people who are there at these facilities and do nothing to help is frustrating. What else can the American people think than that there is an active campaign to get rid of them from the public lands in favor of special interests, which is not following the law, and (they think) cleverly circumventing it. Disgusting. This country is going to be the most ruined country on the planet at some point.

    Breeding horses for what the ‘public finds most popular’ is a falsehood for one, and secondly an arrogant disrespect for life. We do not want this country to be a Jurrasic Park.

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  16. Arrest them from Criminal Neglect for providing no veterinary services or having emergency plan in place. Charge these people with the Same Animal Abuse crimes that everyday people who abuse are charged with and it will stop. They can be charged just the same as anyone else. The Good ole Boys system needs to stop. Someone file charges and pursue these needed shelters. Animals that roam over massive areas dont use shelters but since this Agency Errononously collected these animals and intentionally allowed breeding they need to provide adequate shelter and food and vet services and restrict breeding. They are negligent.

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  17. And they intend to capture and remove more of America’s Federally Protected Wild Horses and Burros from Public Land this year…some of the removals have already been completed.
    This Mare was probably one of those that was captured and removed from her Legal Herd Management Area

    The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) winter 2014/2015 roundup season

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  18. We need to take control of our wildlife and public land because the government agencies are clearly corrupt and not working for us. How can we assert our ownership and stop the rampant abuse from the BLM?

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  19. The entire BLM/USFS WH&B program needs a complete criminal investigation but one of the problems is that the government investigators are “joined at the hip” with the BLM/USFS. We saw this when Martha Mendoza uncovered big corruption within the BLM and just as the multiple arrests were about to be made (including the BLM’s top officials) … the whole investigation came to a screeching halt because the entire BLM would have toppled like dominoes.


  20. They are being held so that cattle can run on horse sanctuaries instead of horses for whom the land was set aside. All of this is done so that a few ranchers can run cattle on this land, for which they pay $1.38 per month for a cow and calf to graze. It is a $100 million per year federal subsidy to the ranch industry.


  21. It is truly sad, the BLM is doing more harm than good. They set such high standard for anyone who wishing to adopt one of these horses. And they themselves neglect them…it all Bureaucratic b*******! Thanks to the few good people that go against to odds to save these beautiful creators. We have a gentleman in Wye Mt, Arkansas that has adopted 30 wild mustangs…a complete Herd. I wish I know the Name of their foundation. I know they always are in need of winter hay.


  22. The BLM manager for Palomino Valley wild horse and burro facility (as far as I know) is John Neil. He was also the manager there and at the Broken Arrow holding facility in 2009-2011 when at least 225 wild horses were sold to Tom Davis. Now, does anyone think that he cares if a mare and foal died?


    • In the report from the TV station from just 2 days ago that I posted John Neill is the man from Palomino Valley who was reporting all the lies to the reporter. The voice did not come threw, just go to the youtube version.


    • The posted photo shows the mare already stiff and the BLM employee casually bringing in the bucket to haul her off. Hardly looks like a “lets deliver the live foal” scene and surely if that claim is true there is evidence to support it since the mare is identifiable by brand (being pregnant she had to have been a relatively recent captive) so the particulars of the “surviving” foal should be something the BLM can be proud of. So where is the evidence? Are there any unbought journalists still alive in the USA? If anyone claims to be worth that title, find us that foal!!!

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  23. This picture is incredible. Who is this heartless b*****d looking like it’s just another day at the office, and of course a front end loader. We can no longer treat our own humankind this way, so we do it to animals, and it has to stop. I’m afraid it is only going to get uglier as human-caused drought gets worse and worse, and we keep on breeding.


  24. Horrible. BLM should not be in charge of anything after they’ve aided in giving our lands away to commercial use. Maybe the commercial users should have some costs associated to get more help where needed.


  25. There appears to be plenty of taxpayer money to staff the roundups when our Wild Horses & Burros are captured and removed from their Legal Herd Management Areas.
    The photo is from the 2010 Twin Peaks roundup in Northern California.

    This Land Not Really Ours

    “With the BLM and Forest Service out of control and playing God as they mismanage our wild equines into oblivion, this OpEd sincerely struck home and indicates that it is not just wild horse and burro advocates who are taking note of these out of control federal agencies. We all need to turn up the volume and insist that a Congressional Investigation is launched in an effort to clean house on these self-anointed bureaus. They bring to mind regimes that we fought against in WWII and now they are us; a very sad state of affairs.” ~ R.T.

    BLM Security at Twin Peaks 2010 wild horse and burro stampede to guard against 2 female advocates and one male ~ photo by Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation


  26. Shared on LinkedIn w/ Animal Law Coalition group. This is such a tragedy. When I read of individuals abusing their own pets or other animals, it boggles the mind. But, this seems even worse. It is so unethical on so many levels, but governmental agencies are getting away with it. So, sad and heartbreaking.


  27. You may wish to read the BLM’s comments about wild horses and burros at the Palomino Valley holding facility: “The research study officially began on August 14, 2014 and is expected to take 8-10 weeks to complete.”

    Pure and simple animal abuse – anyone can see it. No “study” was needed but even so, the so-called study results have not been released to the public?
    And our wild horses and burros continue to suffer!


    • I just read this in that report: “Wild horses and burros are accustomed to open environments and when their nutritional demands and need for water are met, they do well in coping with the natural elements, including sun, rain, snow, and hot and cold temperatures.” … not good.


      • As wild horses and burros they ARE accustomed to the elements of nature … that is part of survival of the fittest which has allowed them to survive as a special part of the horse species and gain natural strength as a special part of the horse species (such as their incredibly strong hooves for example) but in the wild they are allowed to move to shade during the heat of the day but the captured wild horses are not and THEY are forced to stand in the blazing sun and cannot move more than the size of their feedlot corral and the same during the blizzard conditions of the winter when in their natural environment they would seek shelter in canyons and next to cliffs. The BLM corrals are far from being a natural or “open” environment for our wild horses and burros.
        I have seen wild horses and burros in the wild … and I have seen them suffering under the “protection” of the BLM in the feedlot facilities. The difference is like night and day.

        Liked by 2 people

  28. I am so angry I can hardly type. I want to call you who claim to care about these horses every name on the book money grubbin, filthy vampires that suck all the good out of everything and leave death and despair in their wake. Karma WILL get you and you can’t hide from it!! Next time you just walk by or drive by a helpless creature in your care, you will be haunted by it in your dreams and upon waking. THIS HAS TO STOP!!!!!!


  29. Blm employees sit in air conditioned offices while these STOLEN wild animals suffer and die in this hellhole. OPEN THE GATES!
    Is anyone mad enough to take action yet?

    Liked by 1 person

      • I believe there are “ordinary” people that are taking action every day to save our native Wild Horses. There are organizations that work tirelessly every day for the cause. The politics surrounding our Wild Horses is larger than anyone person has the power to overturn. I pray that someday, love and good will prevail over the evil.


  30. As an animal rescuer and one who signs petitions for horses and dogs…This is horrific!!!! We need to demand that billions spent on war be redirected for horses, dogs, children, the elderly, and veterans…for a start.

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    • Debra, we do need to redirect monies from a different source, but we need to keep our monies going to protect us. I would like to see that monies spent for the people to get assistance that have come in here illegally, it get stopped and redirected to put our horses back on their home ranges and take all ranges supporting cattle now away from the ranchers that are stealing its use for their cattle. THen we need to go about making all animal shelters – NON KILLING ONES, and this needs to be done by shutting down all of the gas chambers and stopping any way that any animal could be killed at that facility.


  31. I don’t know very much about this, it has only just been brought to my attention, but is there anyway some of you folks who are close enough can organize and go up there and do a very visible protest against these conditions?This seems to be the only way that these insensitive fools care about anything, when it has enough press that they feel the world can actually see their horrible cruel acts. Maybe let the press know at the last minute so they can meet you there and the blm wont be alerted to the idea and somehow cover up or block folks. Maybe some people can bring some building materials, even if its only poles and tarps and begin to build some shelters. Maybe people can bring some 55 gal or other containers of water and set them out……. EVEN IF ITS ONLY SYMBOLIC and it doesn’t succeed, it will bring attention to the cruelty and get press time. Maybe someone can organize what to say to the press on the air so people have a FIRM knowledge of what they can do to help when they hear about it. Maybe have an online petition ready to sign for folks to politicians, BLM, etc. Theres got to be some organizers over there, maybe start a Facebook page for that goal: to organize the protests. There will probably be some arrests if you start to build shelters, but it will make the right statement, it is the right thing to do. And really people, in the world we live in today, we need to step up and just start doing what we know is right.We need to cross some lines, and just DO what is right no matter what they say…. or cruelty will continue to have its way, and will win the day. We HAVE to STEP UP and help our fellow beings. Their waiting for help. The time is now, and it is urgent. We cannot continue to just stand by and feel frustrated and angry. I think that time is PAST in THIS world. We need to take ACTION. Im truly starting to feel like Im living in the times of Doctor King, only with different issues, We need to STAND UP and do what we know is RIGHT. I truly feel that no bad can come of it.


  32. Why is more not being done when problem s like this are happening? Let them run free as they do better than the holding pens. The personnel that runs the things for the BLM are not doing what is required for them to do. It is just a job to them and they have no love for the horse’s care.


  33. This is disturbing on so many levels. I want to help in any capacity I can. Will share. If you can send me a link or direct me how to contact legislation and or Whitehouse, I will flood them with demands and will urge everyone I know to do the same. Thank you for the shameful enlightenment. My love for the horses and burros is unrelenting.


  34. This treatment of captured wild horses and burros by the BLM is disgraceful. If they are pulling them off the range they need to take care of them. But to hold them in these type conditions for any one else would be grounds for animal cruelty prosecution.

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  35. Shut the BLM down…now! I cannot and will not allow my tax dollars to be utilized for such a repugnant and ignorant department.


  36. This is horrifying!!!! Charges should be brought to all the officials and all employees of the BLM!!! This is an outrage, desert temperatures, no shade not enough water!!!!! The BLM agency needs to be eliminated!!!! This is abuse and neglect in every state!!!! This agency needs to be held accountable for these crimes!!! If it was a private owner, charges would be brought, so how are these government agency’s allowed these multiple abuses to our Wild Horses!!!! No reason to be in pens for any reason!!! Then to be treated in this manner Is an outrage!!!!


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