Horse News

BLM Wants Earlier Wyoming Wild Horse Rip-Off

Source: Multiple – (Unedited)

“Welfare Ranchers want DIBS over Wildlife on Public Lands…”

(2014) BLM destroying the last of Wyoming’s Wild Horses for the benefit of Welfare Ranchers ~ photo taken by Carol Walker of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

A U.S. Bureau of Land Management official says he’d like to round up excess wild horses from an area southeast of Riverton later this year.

The roundup had been planned next year but BLM Lander Field Office Manager Rick Vander Voet tells Fremont County commissioners the horse population is way above desired numbers.

BLM officials want to maintain a population on the low end of between 480 and 720 horses.

The BLM estimates more than 1,000 wild horses currently inhabit the area. Horse advocates advocate keeping large numbers of wild horses on the range but ranchers say wild horses can damage grazing lands and compete with cattle for forage.

10 replies »

  1. “Horse advocates advocate keeping large numbers of wild horses on the range…” Not large numbers. Genetically viable numbers. God forbid if any opponent of on-the-range management had to have a fact-based, non-reactionary conversation with an advocate instead of pretending that they know more about us and where we stand than we do…


    • I hear repeatedly from livetock industry people that our wild horses are all “inbred” to an extent they are worthless, but they fail to connect the dots with management that continuously narrows the gene pool. After 43 years of paid professional management this situation and ANY negative results should require those managers be fired. Blaming the horses for the management inflicted upon them is not only immoral and unethical, it is ludicrous.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You said it! And then they wonder why there are so many Mustangs in holding. If you make them out to be so flawed, of course people aren’t going to have much interest in adopting one.


      • Icy – we all hear about these “in-bred, ugly jugheads” – Really? Even with the lousy management provided by the BLM – the pictures I’m seeing from various organizations are of really good-looking well conformed horses! I have no idea how this can be – but frankly, the ranchers descriptions are far different than the pictures. Dont get me wrong – the horses dont NEED to be “managed” – they need to have their areas & migration paths given back.


      • The blm are liars.The ranchers are liars. Oil and gas companies are liars.The ones that are not liars are The American people we will stand up and God will help us Stop this. Thanks.Debra Arrington

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Could be they are hoping to avoid another court battle and more negative publicity?

    Friends of Animals’ court battle saves more than 2,000 of Wyoming’s wild horses

    Friends of Animals (FoA) just obtained another remarkable victory for wild horses-the organization challenged one of the largest wild horse roundups in Wyoming’s Red Desert Complex and won.

    In 2016, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) authorized the roundup and removal of 2,096 wild horses from the Lost Creek, Stewart Creek, Antelope Hills, Crooks Mountain and Green Mountain Herd Management Areas in south central and central Wyoming. The agency’s decision also allowed the forced drugging with fertility control of some mares to be released back to the HMAs.

    “Friends of Animals challenged the agency’s decision because, among other things, BLM failed to consider the impact of its decision on the unique Iberian genotype of these wild horse herds,” said Jennifer Best, associate attorney for FoA’s Wildlife Law Program. “Our lawsuit argued that BLM had committed to preserve this genotype and was legally required to consider how its decision would impact these distinct wild horses.”

    The Court vacated and remanded BLM’s decision, meaning BLM cannot remove these horses until it goes back to analyze the potential impact of roundups on the special genotype of these horses and issues a new decision.


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