Horse News

BLM Reschedules Hearing on use of Helicopters and Motorized Vehicles for Wild Horse Mismanagement

An opportunity to offer input on your mismanaged public lands

BLM Antelope Complex attack on Nevada wild horses in 2011 ~ photo by Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

CHALLIS, Idaho – The Idaho Bureau of Land Management invites the public to submit comments as part of a statewide hearing regarding motor vehicle and helicopter use in wild horse management operations; in particular, aerial census flights. The hearing has been rescheduled to take place Feb. 6, from 1-2

BLM Challis Field Office
721 East Main Avenue, Suite 8
Challis, ID  83226

This public hearing is being held to obtain information and your views, comments and suggestions about the BLM’s use of helicopters and motorized vehicles in managing wild horses within Idaho during the coming year (Feb. 2018 to Jan. 2019).  The BLM believes that partnerships and inclusion are vital to maintaining sustainable, working public lands.

Comments submitted to BLM should include your address, phone number and e-mail. Please be aware your entire comment, including your personal identifying information, may be made publicly available at any time.  While you may request we withhold your personal information from public view, we cannot guarantee we will be able to do so.

If you are unable to attend the hearing in person to submit your comments, you may submit written statements to

9 replies »

  1. One picture is worth a Thousand Words:


    What you are seeing are the remains of a wild horse, discovered by Craig Downer, Terri Farley, and Don Molde on a recent excursion into the Calico Mountains looking for the living remnants of the herds, our remaining wild horse friends of the Calico Mountain herd complex, whoever remains of the living herd after the Bureau of Land Management’s relentless, take-all-prisoners wild horse purge of these starkly beautiful mountains.
    Craig and company were also, however, greeted by the skeleton of this horse whose remains I am grieved to feature today. However, in a grim sort of way it is satisfying because, like in a murder mystery where the victim retains the identifying necklace of her killer clenched in her right hand, this mare was able to point us to her killer in her dying moments.
    This horse died a miserable, agonizing death trapped in this cattle guard. She stepped onto it, her hoof went through the rails, and she was trapped. She may have broken her leg. Even if she did not, she was trapped and could not escape. She may have been attacked by opportunistic coyotes while caught, or she may have died slowly, but we know she was trapped. And, ultimately, we know her leg was literally sawed off in order to extricate her from the cattle guard, as evidenced by the clean-cut bone visible on her leg. It did not have to be this way.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The “wrong” video is certainly very disturbing. Not surprising, but certainly tells the story of how many foals become disappeared! This is and has been absolutely shameful.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I assume that the comments previously made regarding the motorized & helicopter question really should be made once again? I have NO confidence that BLM would take them into account after a period of time.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Video of newly captured Twin Peaks wild horses shows visibly lame horses, a downed mare and foals crying for their recently separated mothers after being chased for miles by Cattoor’s helicopter crew and all with the blessing of the BLM employees. Hang your heads in shame BLM.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Shared with: Wild Horse Warriors it’s time to tell the BLM exactly what you think of their very expensive and destructive, terrifying use of helicopters and motorized vehicles during wild horse roundups! They need to buck up and do it the Cowboy Way and get themselves in shape to actually use horses. Ha ha, that way, their roundups will dwindle to nothing as the fat cats won’t be able to out run, out maneuver or out smart our wildies… Basturds, all of the frickin BLM, Bad Land Management folks are and they spend/waste millions of your tax dollars to boot! Let’s fight to #KeepWildHorsesWild and kick off all the mining, mineral, cattle, and gas frackers that just destroy the environment, your public lands, well lining their pockets with blood money.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Ok BEFORE DUQUETTE posts it I thought I would share Wayne Pacelle is under investigation for sexual allegations. There’s very little information, as it’s ongoing, however Dave will act like this is his Saving grace He will mindlessly forget the Real people are Closing horse slaughter and supporting laws to protect ani.als, so while he’s in his delusion we Need to keep pressing Forward to protect horses. This is something posted in Drivers Network and a couple others. So just a heads up. We don’t need to focus on that as a story itself as we need to spread information about wild horses and horse slaughter. We are also watching Duquette and Protect the Harvest try to distance themselves from publicly supporting plants and still act as though numbers are their game. We Need to just keep working regardless of these things that go on in the news as they play themselves out. The commitment is to the horses and other animals so let’s not stray from our goals. 80 percent of the people agree. As for the next post by the pro murder crowd they posted a blurb about a sheriff calling for horses to be controlled. The fact is, he’s actually quoted as the Advocates reduced the accidents and that another group of folks need to step up and handle it. So if there’s anyone who can pull together and help with that we need to.

    Liked by 2 people

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