Horse Slaughter

Final Alert – Now is the Time Wild Horses Need Your Help the Most


by Carol J. Walker, Dir. of Field Documentation for Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Wild Family in Salt Wells Creek before being rounded up

Right now, Congress is working on the 2018 Spending Bill that will determine the fate of wild horses and burros in the United States. This wild horse family above which was rounded up in October in addition to the 45,000 other wild horses currently held in holding facilities imminently face possible killing or slaughter.

Your Representatives and Senators, who are supposed to be representing you, need to hear from you right now to make sure that wild horses and burros remain protected from killing and slaughter once the spending bill is voted upon and becomes final.

Please call your Senators and Representatives and tell them:

“Please work with leadership in Congress to make sure that the final 2018 spending bill protects America’s wild horses and burros from mass killing and slaughter. Please protect wild horses and burros and work to humanely manage them on our public lands. Please do not allow horse slaughter plants to be opened in the United States.”

Contact Your Senators:

Contact Your Representatives:

Thank you.

Carol Walker

To find out more about Wild Horse Freedom Federation and our work to keep wild horses and burros wild and free on our public lands visit

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12 replies »

  1. In contacting my senator’s office, I was “which bill is it”?
    We need to be specific in requesting which bills to ask them to vote for or against.


  2. I wish to repeat what Carol said, “Your Representatives and Senators, who are supposed to be representing you, need to hear from you right now to make sure that wild horses and burros remain protected from killing and slaughter once the spending bill is voted upon and becomes final.”

    Reading and learning and trying to keep up and I found these statements:

    Re: 2018 Budget
    The fiscal year 2018 budget has undergone lively debate in both the House and the Senate, with two versions needing to be reconciled: the House version lifts the ban on euthanasia of healthy animals, but does not allow unrestricted sale for slaughter; the Senate version continues to maintain full protection for wild horses from both euthanasia and slaughter. The Continuing Resolution keeping the government funded expires on March 23, and it’s expected that the 2018 budget will be finalized.

    Re: 2019 Budget
    The 2019 budget continues to propose the elimination of appropriations language restricting BLM’s use of all of the management options authorized
    in the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act. This change will provide BLM with the full suite of tools to manage the unsustainable growth of wild horse and burro herds.

    [This 2019 proposed budget sounds like BLM will have the financial go ahead to do ANYTHING their little black hearts desire to our wild horses and burros … including killing them and selling to them slaughter.]
    I hope I am wrong!


  3. Why are we even considering the idea of getting rid of wild horses and burros this is a disgrace, inhumane it is part of our heritage and part of the beauty the west. Sad sad sad. save the horses and burros

    Liked by 1 person

  4. From AWHC

    Call the Leadership of the House and Senate. See numbers below. Simply deliver this message:
    “I’m calling to urge Senator/Representative _____ to keep horse slaughter out of 2018 spending legislation by maintaining the Senate versions of Agriculture and Interior Appropriations bills.
    Please stand with the 80% of Americans who oppose horse slaughter and want our wild horses protected and humanely managed, not killed or slaughtered.”

    • Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: (202) 224-2541
    • Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer: (202) 224-6542
    • House Speaker Paul Ryan: (202) 225-3031
    • House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy: (202) 225-2915
    • House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi: (202) 225-4965

    Liked by 1 person

  5. There is a petition from FOOD and WATER WATCH

    This week, former Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson got the boot as Secretary of State.
    We say good riddance to him -but the problem is, Trump’s choice to replace him, Mike Pompeo, is even worse!

    Mike Pompeo has spent his career licking the boots of the Koch Brothers, Monsanto and other terrible corporate interests. Among other things he has:

    • Been named the “Koch Brothers’ Congressman” since he has taken more money from the Koch Brothers than any other member of Congress

    • Opposed the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and called efforts to address climate change “damaging” and “radical”

    • Called for the permanent elimination of wind power production tax credits4

    • Introduced the Natural Gas Pipeline Permitting Reform Act, which would expedite the approval of pipelines to ship fracked gas

    • Authored the DARK Act, Monsanto’s dream bill which preempted state laws that would have labeled genetically engineered (GMO) foods.

    • In a time when we urgently need to transition off fossil fuels and on to clean energy, we cannot stay silent as Trump nominates a climate change denier and corporate hack like Pompeo to lead U.S. diplomacy.

    Thanks for taking action.


    Mark Schlosberg
    Organizing Director
    Food & Water Watch


  6. Secretary of Agriculture/Sonny Perdue

    How Perdue’s power benefits his friends

    “This isn’t like draining the swamp,” said Scott Faber, a lobbyist for the Environmental Working Group, a watchdog organization that’s been critical of Perdue. “This is like putting the original swamp monster in charge.”

    Sonny Perdue has long mixed personal and political business to benefit his friends and business associates – and he’s on track to do it again.

    A POLITICO examination of Perdue’s list of appointments when he was governor – from 2003 to 2011 – found more than a dozen instances when he gave positions to business associates and campaign donors, and other occasions when he rewarded his state staff with opportunities in his agriculture and shipping empire after he left office.

    Perdue, tapped by Trump to run USDA in January, has a long history of ethics controversies, notably when he signed a law giving himself a tax break, and when he was found to have violated Georgia law by funding his campaign accounts with contributions from his private enterprises

    Yet Perdue faced 13 complaints to the state ethics commission during his years as governor, two of which resulted in findings that he broke state ethics laws. In 2002, Perdue was caught funneling illegal amounts of money from his private businesses into his campaign account

    “This isn’t like draining the swamp,” said Scott Faber, a lobbyist for the Environmental Working Group, a watchdog organization that’s been critical of Perdue. “This is like putting the original swamp monster in charge.”


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