Horse News

BLM’s Wild Horse & Burro Adaption Incentive Program

Contributed by an Anonymous Advocate

A follow-up to Carol Walker’s article, “Incentive Program Spurs Unusual Turnout at Rock Springs Wild Horse Adoption

photo by Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation.

Just a few years ago Cong. Stewart proposed to slaughter the wild horses but Congress rejected this idea. The next move was the Incentive Adoption Program. That program was to gather, remove, and give the wild horses to the public for $1000 with a caveat to keep them for a year; then do with them what you want…even to put them in the slaughter pipeline.  The BLM says that happens infrequently. Yet every day in the social media wild horses are advertised as being in kill pens aka auction yards, from the NW to the SE and from the NE to the SW…not just 1-2 horses but 10-20 on average with some projected to be 1000 to 2000 yearly. Kind hearted souls wanting to rescue them from the kill pens are becoming exhausted, now out of funds to help purchase them.

Recently six, two year old wild horses were purchased from a kill pen in CO. They had had a long journey from Litchfield, CA or Fallon, NV to Brighton Springs, WY, to MT, and on to a fairground in the Dakotas where they were to become part of the Adoption Incentive Program.  There they were purchased by couples 4 each for $8000, or by singles 4 each for $4000. Some of the horses went to a couple who run the Bar S Rodeo Co. in ND. with the wife saying to an informant, the wild horses were used in the rodeo. One year later, after two virtual meetings, titled horses and $8000 in pocket, the wild horses were dumped in the Philip Auction Yard  in SD and driven to Fabrizius Auction Yard in CO. There they were purchased by a “kind hearted soul” who found them at two years old, pregnant, with alopecia (hair loss likely due to stress), with lost or crooked tails, head shy, and flighty. The damage was done with movement now to try to repair them to trust a human.

Cars, cars, cars, trailers lined up this past week to take young wild horses from Rock Springs in WY. Fill out an application, stamp “approved,” quickly take a horse , no time to assess them, done. With so many in kill pens now, it is likely many more through this seemingly  superficial program, will end up in kill pens as well or in isolating  pastures, or in filthy corrals. Yes, there are those who also will end up in good, safe homes. Yet this program appears to be a sneaky way to get rid of our American treasures with taxpayers footing the bill only to further brutalize the voiceless in our society. When does it stop? I would ask those of you who have taken these wild horses out of kill pens to look into their background, to write about it, to contact your lawmakers re: your findings, and to approach the BLM to refine or forget this insensitive, evildoing program.

4 replies »

  1. Thank you for this publishing this letter. This “program” by the BLM is obviously just a thinly disguised way for them to get rid of our wild horses, no matter what the ending is for them. I follow Skydog Ranch on Instagram owned by the wonderful Clare Staples and have watched them rescue group after group of these poor dumped horses headed for slaughter. Almost without fail, as the author of this letter states, the horses have been severely neglected and in many cases, abused. And the BLM has the nerve to says the dumping of these poor animals into the slaughter pipeline happens “infrequently”….their lack of concern and care about these wild horses is sickening.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So will the prospective new BLM head continue this “program”? Might the new Secretary of the DOI have some input about this? I truly wish there had been some research & education involved in putting a lawyer from the Audubon Society in charge. That organization considers wild horses to be “feral” & not a species that deserves saving! I remember Joe Biden as VP spoke up in support of the wild horses a few years ago.. Perhaps the person who contacted him at that time needs to speak up again. Dont remember who it was but it made a difference then. There needs to be a difference made now!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This is the same “plan” that US Fish and Wildlife has used in the past to get “contractors” to take horses, with no requirement to even keep them for a year. After public outcry when one contractor took over 250 horses and the horses weren’t cared for and the contractor advertised to “bring your trailer, once we load them, no questions asked” F&W advertised for new contractors. The Mustang Project was one of 4 new contractors, and the only one that did not send horses into the slaughter pipeline. One contractor was upset that TMP got geldings because they bring more at auction than mares do. It’s not too hard to figure out that giving someone money to take horses is not going to ensure the horses are going to good homes.

    Liked by 2 people

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