Search results for ‘Christmas

December Full of Christmas Cheer for American Horses

Quietly, while most Americans made plans for holiday festivities several major milestones occurred this month that will enhance the safety and security of American equines during the upcoming new year. The activities of salvation seemed to occur unnoticed but we at SFTHH and WHFF want you to be well informed and perhaps even celebrate a bit over what has occurred.

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The Wild Horse and Burro Christmas Carol

“First published on Christmas Day in 2009; the characters have changed but the message still rings true to this very day. The roundups must stop so that we can appropriately care for and manage, if needed, our national treasures on their rightful land. At Wild Horse Freedom Federation we offer the gift of our continued fight in support of the Wild Horses and Burros to live free with their families on their promised public land. Merry Christmas!” ~ R.T.

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An Equine Christmas Story: “We Were There”

“Today is the last ‘Feel Good Sunday’ before Christmas 2014; a magical day indeed, and for me the day bears great significance as I am home and will remain here over the holidays as it has been several years since we have experienced such a luxury. With that said, I have resumed my duties of making dinner for the boys in the barn and feel the warmth that their souls and spirits bring to our lives. Being that I am still suffering jet lag I have not sat and contemplated their essence but still they have managed to brush a few cobwebs away from my aging brain. And today, we share with you a story that I wrote some years ago after spending a special evening in our former barn with the same souls, with some sadly departed, that bring us joy today. You can take this tale with a grain of salt or you may kindly grant me a little bit of literary license but none the less, our equine companions have a story to tell if only we will slow down and shut up long enough to listen. Enjoy this day my most special and valued friends. Keep the faith.” ~ R.T.

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Donor gives Wisconsin Girl, 12, a Horse for Christmas

“It’s ‘Feel Good Sunday’ and if this story does not warrant a TISSUE ALERT I don’t know what does. With all of the ugliness out there and the propensity for humans to be violent, obscene and twisted it is a VERY welcome breath of fresh air to see a community of people doing the right thing for one individual, a heartbroken little girl. My hat is off to these folks and we present this story to you, today, on bended knee. It will make your eyes leak. Keep the faith!” ~ R.T.

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