Opinion: Slaughtering horses, poisoning people; is the U.S. asleep at the wheel?

It’s out in the open, there’s no denying or running away from it now. The anti-horse people have been attempting to keep it under wraps for ages but, today, it’s staring them right in the face and there’s a great big draft horse standing in their living rooms; the EU now recognizes that the meat from American horses, slaughtered in Canada and Mexico, is toxic and dangerous for human consumption due to the equine medications it retains.

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Wild Horses are NOT ecological villains

A Times editorial makes the troubling assumption that mustangs are pests that irrevocably damage our public lands. By Stephanie Boyles July 31, 2009 The Los Angeles Times’ July 27 editorial “Wild horse sense,” which weighs in on proposals to handle the growing wild  horse population in the western […]

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