Tag: government corruption

Department of the Interior requests MASSIVE destruction of records

http://wildhorsefreedomfederation.org/news-alerts/department-of-the-interior-requests-massive-destruction-of-records/ SOURCE: altgov2.org (We are posting excerpts from the great work altgov2.org is doing to inform the public about government transparency issues.) A QUICK OVERVIEW: The Department of the Interior has made a massive request to National Archives Records Administration (NARA) to schedule records destruction across all of its agencies. […]

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Ryan Zinke Has Fired the DOI Inspector General

by Wes Siler as published on Outside “…And replaced her with a loyalist political operative who may not need Senate confirmation…” At last count, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke was the subject of 14 separate government investigations. (A new record!) But that number could soon be zero. That’s because […]

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Western Values Project and American Oversight Sue Interior for Records Related to Zinke’s Alleged Corruption

Source: Western Values Project “Whether it’s a sweetheart land deal or private chartered flights, it’s long past time to shine a light on Zinke’s public documents,” Western Values Project (WVP), a Montana-based conservation group, represented by watchdog American Oversight, today filed a lawsuit against the Department of the […]

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Key Interior Staff Leaving Zinking Ship

Source: Western Values Project “Their boss goes on a trip abroad, and within two weeks two key Interior staff who are part of Zinke’s inner circle have left the department…” Last week, E&E News reported that Downey Magallanes, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s deputy chief of staff for policy, […]

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