Tag: government corruption

Exposed: Horse Hater “Dinky” Zinke’s shell game to undermine Interior career employees and civil servants

by Jayson O’Neill as published on Western Values Project Interior Inspector General’s report released on “Dinky’s” reassignments The Interior’s Inspector General released a report on Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke’s politically motivated efforts to reassign career civil servants at the department. The report found that there was […]

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His Former Commander Exposes Wild Horse Hater Ryan “Dinky” Zinke’s Navy SEAL Career and Defective “Moral Make-up”

“Another installment in the Dinky Zinke Chronicles. This was published in 2014 and points to Dinky Zinke being a scum-ball and stealing from the American Tax Payers to go home and visit Mommy. It appears that not a damn thing has changed and he obviously did not learn any lessons. Like the horse eaters before him, he needs to go. Is ANYONE in the Administration listening out there?!?!?” ~ R.T.

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Wild Horse Hater “Dinky” Zinke public lands move “a dangerous turn” away from national stewardship of outdoor legacy

Story by Jayson O’Neill as published on Western Values Project.org Unprecedented and unlawful plan to gut protections for iconic public lands a disturbing move  In response to President Donald Trump’s announcement of historic reductions of protected public lands in Utah, Chris Saeger, executive director of the Western Values Project, […]

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