Tag: Mental Illness

Fanatical Equine Terrorist Lies to Public on Facebook

“I get to sit back and sip on a Wrangler Iced Tea while my good friend and fellow equine advocate Vicki Tobin exposes even more of the propaganda and lies perpetuated by the horse slaughter cultist, Sue Wallis from Wyoming. Deception and perversion run amok in the camp of this half-baked nut case and her loose lips are about to sink her ship of horsemeat sooner than she may realize. (When you post to Facebook, you idiot, it is out there for the whole world to see, including your tainted backers and even they have had enough) Glug, Glug Sick-0 Sue, you are all washed up!” ~ R.T.

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Desperate Wyoming Horse Eater Shows Her Burro In Illogical and Inhumane Rant

We have done our level best, as of late, in avoiding the urge to out and further expose the depravity of Wyoming State Representative “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis and her mindless lapdog Dave “Doink” Duquette. I sincerely do not want to be the agent that gives these despicable excuses for human beings any more press or notoriety than they deserve, which in reality should be none. But news is news and after spending the bulk of the past week listening to professional, educated (how far did you make it up the scholastic ladder Sue, baby?) and noted equine experts decry the inhumane, bloody and predatory act of horse slaughter at the IEC I just cannot let this crap slip by without either comment or publication. It is without a doubt, fuel for the fire of truth, integrity and higher morale standards.

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