Horse News

The Mustang Conspiracy

Investigative reports by Mark Allin of

Sex, Drugs, Corruption and BP

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In Part Two of AboveTopSecret’s hard hitting ATSNews Special Report: “The Mustang Conspiracy“, ATSNews’ Mark Allin (AKA: Springer) and 17 time Emmy Award Winner, KLAS 8 News Now (Las Vegas, NV) Investigative Reporter, George Knapp discuss the unbelievable corruption, sex and drug parties and payola schemes that transpired between the MMS and several Big Oil Companies. The Inspector General of the U.S. investigated the “Culture of Substance Abuse and Corruption” that ran rampant through the Denver Office of the MMS and several big oil companies from 2002 through 2006. The U.S. Taxpayer was bilked out of hundreds of millions of dollars, the environment was utterly neglected, the affected areas populations were at great risk (and still are), all for the betterment of a handful of Big Oil Companies’ bottom lines.

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30 replies »

  1. What can we do from here?

    I am contacting Senator’s offices sending this link to verify what I have been talking to them about. Sent a message and link to Jane Velez-Mitchell.

    But what can we do to immediately to get this stopped???!

    Can you put this on YouTube under topics that people, other than ourselves would be looking?


    • Jill, go on-line to all your favorite news outlets, post this in the blogs.

      Include reference to Stampede to Oblivion, The Cloud Foundation and AmericanHerds Part VI and the revolving door that Salazar is in with Cattle and government.

      Try to get into a letter to the editor sections.


  2. Already posted on five different oil spill stories on Huffington. Please, post to all your favorite news outlets. Lets get this story out there.

    I included reference to Stampede to Oblivion, The Cloud Foundation and AmericanHerds Part VI and the revolving door that Salazar is in with Cattle and government. I call it the next DOI expose’ just like MMS.

    We need to ride this news wave connected to BP and the oil spill for all its worth.


  3. you should see the look of surprise all over my face…

    Ok, folks, cross yer eyes fer this observation:

    We’re gonna cut our dependence on Foreign Oil by exploring alternative energy sources – largely owned by Foreign Interests on AMERICAN LAND.


    and WTF??!!??!?!

    Didn’t our forefathers kick the British Ass BECAUSE they did NOT want to be ruled by a Monarchy on another continent?

    89% of hard rock mining operations in the West, according to Environmental Working Group ( are owned by AUSTRALIA, ENGLAND & CANADA. Now how the HELL did THAT happen??!

    Our Business Managers in Warshington need to seriously re-evaluate where their loyalties should lie; does Independence Day mean ‘anything’ in D.C.?


  4. Because this information is coming out, please watch the video and take that information from it such as; “Connections found between Ruby Pipeline, BP and the removal of our wild horses..” and send the link to all your reps, the White House, your news sources, CNN, your friends, everyone. Get this information out to the Houghington Post those of you who are active there. Get this video link out there.

    This is what we are up against but the oil and gas biggies are now exposed for their indiscriminant handing of matters surrounding their deals such as the wild herds. This will end with investigations and changes. BLM just stop the roundups now. Going any further now will link you to this conspiracy and bring the wrath of public opinion down on you even further. Do the smart thing and end all these roundups now. mar


    • Mar, since this morning, this story has moved up to number 2 on Huffingtons “ads”.

      Now, get it on New York Times, every single news outlet, lets get it moved to a “story” instead of an “ad”.

      The public, as evidenced by the lower number of articles about the oil spill this last week were getting bored – this is NEW and robust. Lets get it out there TODAY – spend the next 2 days just doing this, because in 3 days it will be old news..


  5. unfortunately it’s not a “business as usual” pattern exclusive of the U.S. of A. this is global. i perceive as very handy to ship your Mustangs to EU tables too, where horsemeat is a delicacy. get rid of the horses. uh, and make a profit! i don’t want to sound as if i really am a conspiracy theorist, but i frankly don’t believe that in this day and age any decision pertaining Economy isn’t a globally concerted one. Third World leaders included. these are coveted lands. first to be turned out were the Indians. now the Horses. it looks like the Trail of Tears 2.0. until we learn – the hard way – history repeats itself. but enough “yapping and whining” (C.S. Lewis) from me: we can all (all over the World) be involved this time around.
    thank you, R.T., bless you
    from Italy


  6. All we want to do is save the lives of wild horses who are about to be hammered with roundups. Stop the roundups and save the families and their way of life. Time to turn this around. mar


  7. Louis posted this for tonight!

    RT ! or someone who has a strong voice and is articulate, please get on the phone with Jane tonight!

    CNN Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell will air an Animal Rights Special featuring wild horse roundups on Monday July 5th- 7pm eastern, 4pm pacific! Please tune in and spread the word. Want to be on air? Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS during the show.

    I am trying to find the post a few days ago by someone talking about a hot shot attorney, we need to find him! We need to join forces and hire him immediately!


  8. To hear this from individuals on a news broadcast/interview such as this, in such detail is just so very upsetting and makes me so angry that people are in actuality doing what was speculated of them and worse; and to extremes we may not have even imagined!

    I am repeating myself, please forgive me, but someone!:
    RT, Please! or someone who has a strong voice and is articulate, please get on the phone with Jane tonight!

    CNN Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell will air an Animal Rights Special featuring wild horse roundups on Monday July 5th- 7pm eastern, 4pm pacific! Please tune in and spread the word. Want to be on air? Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS during the show.


  9. It would be very good if someone can frame some pointed questions and get on the air… I agree.

    Also agree with Lu from Italy… this is all connected throughout the world. International Conspiracy. But you know what?? It doesn’t have to be this way!!! mar


    • Peace Burro, I believe this mare is a Curly and that is why she would be on the adoption. That means she is a special wild horse. I do hope she will be adopted in Nevada and not hauled all over the country. She is lovely. mar


      • And, by God, she’s a looker, ain’t she??!

        I hope she goes to someone who’ll appreciate her. Can you imagine the stories she would tell?


      • Also, this horse was already previously rounded up once and released. So now horses have to endure more than one round up. That should tell you something if they are rounding up the same horses over and over again. Overpopulation? No. Because it is the only thing the BLM/WH&B Program do? Yes.


      • I wonder what they look like by the time they get to New Jersey after being trucked around to South Carolina and Missouri all summer in the heat and humidity? And are they trucked in cattle trucks or horse trucks? And what if no one adopts them in New Jersey, where do they go? BAck to Oklahoma? Poor souls.

        All those BLM peole who supposedly love these horses – shame!


      • This in itself is a very cruel fate for this older mare. I do hope she will stay in Nevada with someone who has Curlys. Hauling her all over the USA is not smart or for her own good. It may get her killed. She and all the older horses have no adoption potential. I hope she was on the list because someone asked for her. Then she will go to someone who wants her. This entire system is broken. Inside out. Taking more older horses off the ranges is sheer lunacy. Stop this idiocy now. End the Summer roundups and get off the wild horse train now, BLM. mar


  10. I don’t know how they are transported, even in the best conditions, cross-country transport is hard on horses; if she’s not adopted this time, that’s her 1st strike, if she’s sent on to another adoption event, and not adopted, 2nd strike, 3rd time, 3rd strike–long term holding or worse. she could be kept out west or sent east, after 3 tries, she might go to OK,or another LTH place; then she’d be a sale authority horse, for $25, free and clear title, few questions asked. because she’s a curly, there may be interest in her. All the horses on the inet site were requested for the adoption, I believe; the stallions and some other horses from Calico are NOT on the inet site, they ARE on the facilities site listing from Palomino Valley. General, Lightening, Tomahawk, etc, their pictures are up.


  11. To Mar:
    The fact that she’s still alive means someone knows she has “value’; the Bureauists were pretty blatant at the roundup site and Broken Arrow about killing anything over the age of 10, weren’t they?

    I beg your pardon: “Humanely euthanizing”.

    The website has a group of about 8 Curlies, aside from Gen Pop, in their gallery. The Older Mare is not listed among the other Curlies.


  12. All of the Wild Ones from the Calico debacle are unique – big muscular backsides, huge healthy feet, wide war-horse chests. And a singular profile – big broad nose & forehead in the boys, long & slender angular heads in the mares.
    You can see the common ancestry in most of them.
    I’m not saying this to further our grief. I’m just giving them due respect. And again, kicking & cursing that God in His wisdom, chose to make me incredibly cute rather than incredibly wealthy.


    • Thank you for this post. They have no idea, nor do they care, the genetics they are wiping out forever with one bureaucratic stroke of the pen.


  13. Lisa we love ya, cute or wealthy! Alas I bear the same affliction 🙂 Seems to me that even the zoos (another warehousing of animals) that every time you transport a wild animal the risk of death is extremely high. What continues to floor me is that no matter how much evidence we uncover regarding this most corrupt agency no seems to care. Unfortunately I gave up on being proud to be an American as the government that leads this nation is as corrupt as the agency they repeatedly turn a blind eye to.


  14. For those who haven’t yet read the book about Wild Horse Annie, It is a “must read”.
    Talk about sheet guts and determination. Most would have just given up. As you read, it becomes apparent that differences of opinion and personality clashes held back progress. The one thing that was lacking was a solidatiry and cohesiveness. That is where the children came in–they were all on the same page, and that was what ultimately pushed legislation through. I believe that we have that soladarity and we are all definitely on the same wave length. We all rock to the same beat. The wild horse and burro foes have a plan and a strategy. That is what we must do. We have something that they don’t have–HEART.


  15. Brava on this post! The more the wicked do and try to hide the more that will be exposed when the righteous begin to speak up. BP in my opinion is out to rule/destroy the world… An evil company with evil intentions and run by evil people…

    I know that I am not the only one who feels this way… this has been going on for a long long time and now it seems that the contaminated and gluttonous greedy thinking is having a much harder time hiding and playing cover up.

    I will share this and keep talking about it!
    Thanks RT – for caring about what is right and humane in this world…


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