Equine Rescue

“Feel Good Sunday” for American Horses both Domestic and Wild

Commentary by R.T. Fitch ~ volunteer president of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

“Thanks for hanging in there for the horses and keeping their message upfront…”


Upside down with joy ~ by Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

“There is no ’bout a doubt it’ that the last 48 hours have been GOOD news for U.S. horses…please spend a moment, if you have not done so already, and peruse the last several days worth of posts; for the time being Canadian Horse Slaughter Plants have woken up to the drug issue with American horses and have closed their doors to our horses, both domestic and wild (what’s the BLM to do?).  But the jury is out on the how, what, why and when on this thing so it is the perfect time to contact your contact your Senators to pass S 1176 and your Representatives to pass HR 2966, let’s strike while the iron is hot!

The odds are also good that later today, or first thing in the morning, we should have a definitive plan of action in place for you to, personally, counter the efforts of the “Darkside” and the miserable and despicable lies of anti-horse subversives such as “Slaughterhouse” $ue Wallis and Dave “Doink” Duquette.  They just don’t get it and never will so we are charged with countering their learning disabilities and lack of comprehension with positive and pro-active efforts to subdue their dribble.  More on that later.

But it IS “Feel Good Sunday” and we have several, off topic, things to share with you to refresh and recharge your spirit before we get back to it first thing in the morning…and to make it all the easier and painless the submissions are Audio/Visual with minimal reading so you can sit back, relax and enjoy.

Quick closing comment; thanks for hanging in there for the horses and keeping their message upfront and central to all that we are trying to do.  With any luck, soon, we could be all out of business and spend more time with our personal equine companions versus carrying the sword and charging out to battle the horse-haters on a daily basis.  You are all very, very special people who give me great hope.  God bless you and may the ‘Force of the Horse®’  be with you all.” ~ R.T.


First up is a video that was sent to me by one of our staunchest advocates who had received it from another some time back and pasted it on to me in an effort to bring some brightness to my day.  It is only appropriate to share it here and now as this is really why we fight like we do…for those who cannot speak for themselves!

From the lady who posted:  “This is our little orphaned donkey Skeeter. We did not think he would make it but he did and is thriving too. His mother is my husband. We enjoy his antics and want to share our love of our home and our animals with the world. So please enjoy everyone…DISCLAIMER! I do NOT own the song, band, lyrics, or anything related. Just the video.


The next clip is not about horses but it is about critters in need and the handful of people who saved them and gave them a second chance at life.

(Click Image Below to View Video)

Click Image to View Video


Last and most assuredly least, is a photo that came across the inbox’s’ of several select advocates this week and it curdled the cream in all of our coffee.  I don’t know where it came from, I don’t know what is going through the mind of the lynx or the one that is probably planning on eating it with a few good shots from the booze in the back ground but it was just way too interesting not to share with you long term diehards…this picture speaks 10 million words.

Click (HERE) to read more about this unusual being

This next video might explain…

20 replies »

  1. Thank you RT and your title says it all: ” ‘Feel good Sunday’ FOR American horses both domestic and wild.” That pulled up lots of feelings. So joyful and tears too. Tears can com for many reasons. Happiness and joy for this miracle that we knew would come, sooner or later. Tears for all the suffering of our horses and burros, for decades. Tears (with goose-bumps) seeing how the advocates **immediately** began networking, mobilizing for the horses’ welfare: At either side of the borders, with kill buyers…the future… But very poignant and a surprise was my feeling of a major drop in ADRENALINE. I was not aware it as there, constantly, in such force all these years, For-The-Horses. Of course, the human body and mind cannot tolerate this adrenaline/awareness, and this is where our protective defense mechanisms come into play….AND THE STRENGTH TO FIGHT HARDER! Obviously there will be more coming to “combat,” such as the delusional “Eaters,” but it is an honor and privilege to “know” you all. Such dedicated, compassionate people, For-The-Horses. Now I know why, 6 1/2 years ago, when I 1st learned of the unimaginable horror of horse slaughter, my first thought was, “No, I can’t,” and the next minute, “I can.” PASSION.


    • Ronnie, I so agree about the major drop in adrenaline. Although I know the fat lady hasn’t sung yet I feel sort of at lose ends suddenly. And suddenly it was. One day business as usual, next day, hard stop. I’m hoping this is it for the slaughter business. Once the horses currently in the pipeline are safe and sound I think I am going to take my first deep, relaxing breath I’ve had in years. It has been an honor working with all of you. Despite our family spats we are all an amazing and focused group of hard working, passionate people.


  2. A very nice beginning to what could prove to be a really busy week. There are most likely horses somewhere suffering in a trailer, possibly without food and water while the driver tries to find out what to do now he can’t get into Canada and the Feed Lots don’t want them back.

    I have alerted my group that if they live in a state bordering Canada to please contact their Highway Patrol and ask they be on the look out for livestock trailers in truck stops, roadside parks, etc that could be holding horses in less than humane conditions.

    It might even be worth it for them to take a Sunday drive themselves as just an extra pair of eyes. Obviously they don’t want to confront the driver but just call the authorities and let them handle the situation.

    Next, some of those haulers may already be on their way to Mexico. I’ve spoken to 3 southern states border agents and they have no instructions to stop livestock i.e. horses from crossing the border. We can only hope Mexico will follow suit quickly.

    It is good news but it’s not over until the fat lady squeals…you know who I mean.


    • At first take it appears that it is not as bad as we originally presumed with maybe only about 2,000 horses caught in transit but the network is working and we hope to have a plan in place to accommodate the over flow in the next day or so.

      This is not rocket science.


      • R. T., I am profoundly grateful for all you do—-especially providing leadership without ever letting your ego get in the way of what is good for horses, for introducing me and so many others to Jerry Finch and many other wonderful people, and through your own example and Terry’s, provide a forum where we could find reliable information. I hope that these are the first steps of findllly ending horse slaughter in North America. In order for our horses to be reaonable safe, we will need to work closely with our friends in Canada and Mexico who abhor horse slaughter.

        Our work is not over (yet), but I look forward to the day where I can much more time with my horses and helping other people to benefit and enjoy horses. Once we can get a North American ban on horse slaughter, I hope to never ever think of this again—never hear the word horse and meat or horse and eater or horse and slaughter again.

        Right now, we need to address the possibility that some of the USDA’s conservation fields or other pastures can be converted to produce horse quality hay and figure out a way to make this hay more affordable. Currently, this hay is subsidized as is most of our food or products used for food. We also need to figure out how to lower the cost of feed or find a way to make it more affordable through some type of fuel or production breaks to producers or tax breaks for consumers. We also need to continue to hope that those who produce the larger vehicles needed by horse owners can continue to work on making perhaps lighter, more aerodynamic behicles and trailers, but horse owners should not penalized because our vehicles are currently not as fuel efficient as say a Toyota Prius. That doesn’t mean that when we are not hauling, we can’t drive a smaller vehicle, but new vehicles have been what I have sacrificed in order to be able to feel more comfortable about my ability to care for my horses.

        I strongly believe that we need to make certain that horse ownership does not become something that only the very wealthy can afford, and that could happen if the cost of hay, feed, and fuel do not come down. While some people who do not own horses may consider horse ownership a luxury, for some of us, owning a horse is a necessessity.

        I do not want to get political, but we need to pay close attention to policies that may result in us losing the opportunity to choose where we want to live and whether we can own enough property to keep a horse, or that people who run boarding stables are able to remain profitable without having to raise their boardng prices.

        I don’t know if these practices need to be legislatured through the Farm Bill, the Agricultural Appropriations Process, or in the 2013 Farm Bill. The Senate passed their version of the bill, but the House has refused to address it. The House may be trying to outwait the election due to some provisions in the bill that the Republican based house may not support. I am not sure.
        Congressman Moran might be helpful for discussing this. I will try to get some local input, but these are some of my concerns which I understand much better thanks to John Hollands post GAO report.

        Thanks again to you and Terry.


  3. I laughed and cryed simultaneously through the “Skeeter” video. Truly a feel good Sunday moment for me! Confirmation that I may not be off track those days when I feel like I’d rather be living with the asses! Now more convinced this may be whats missing! Loved it 🙂
    Thank you so much for thinking of all of your friends and taking time to care & share today!
    Definately appreciated! Not giving up hope for the horses! Have a great Sunday to all !


  4. R.T. Thanks for the Sunday Good News. But, now, we need to make sure these beautiful animals that was stopped at our border will be able to find new and loving homes, never to face this again. Come on, let’s fight to bring all this evil after our beloved horses to an end and that they will be granted their rightful heritage — our national ICON and that the wild mustangs be returned to their former homes and familiies and that our domestic horses will find a forever home to be loved and cared for the way God intended. AMEN


  5. Dear RT Thank You, You and all Here have never faltered ever through all of this, everyone here is amazing to say the least .All of us here Long for the Day our Wild Mustangs and Burros will again Roam this Land Free . Omg what a beautiful word when it is used in reference to Our Free Roaming Magnificent Wild Mustangs , how they have suffered and not ever once losing there Pride Trust , courage they are amazing and I for one will not ever rest till I hear those awesome thundering hoofs running FREE in their Magnificence running across the Nevada Desert , I will be Standing there feeling every wonderful sound and the feelings that is so beautifully associated ,with the Mustangs !!!!!!!


  6. You certainly have made a “feel good Sunday” for all of us! Because we care so deeply and have been fighting this battle for so long, it’s such a relief to hear good news, for a change. Really enjoyed the videos (laughed & cried), I especially enjoyed “I wanna Run Free”! Wow…that video should be sent to every official in Washington! To see all of those beautiful horses running free with the background music was breathtaking. I can’t begin to thank you enough, RT for always being there for our equines…you’ve been a blessing for all who care about the future of these magnificent creatures and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’d like to share this quote, which I truly believe…”Animals suffer as much as we do….until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will not fine peace.” -Albert Schweitzer, The Philosophy of Civilization


  7. Skeeter’s humans would really appreciate you liking their page and letting them know how much you like the video.

    They can be on facebook through Skeeter for President. Skeeter is a total hoot!


  8. Republican Likes Horses, But Apparently Loves Government Pork

    (Elko, NV) – Independent American state senate candidate Janine Hansen charged today that Republican District 19 opponent Assemblyman Pete Goicoechea has a “startling conflict” in representing rural taxpayers after learning the Eureka rancher has received $674,591 for “Wildhorse/Burro Control Services” from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

    “That’s a pretty staggering amount,” Hansen said. “It’s especially unsettling considering the money came from a federal agency whose ridiculous mismanagement of wild horses costs the taxpayers $75.8 million every year. But I guess that’s not so objectionable when you’re getting a piece of the pie.”

    Hansen noted the discovered BLM payments to Goicoechea stretched from 2000 to 2003. She says in the interest of full disclosure and transparency Goicoechea should reveal the sources and amounts of any and all additional payments he may have received from the BLM or any other local, state or federal government agency or entity.

    Hansen also noted that Goicoechea sponsored a bill in the last legislative session, AB 329, that, according to an Associated Press story, he introduced because he believes the 1971 Free-Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Act means “the BLM should take care of” wild horses and burros.

    “If all this is true,” Hansen said, “it appears Assemblyman Goicoechea introduced a bill that could have forced the BLM to provide care and services for wild horses and burros in Nevada; the kind of care and services he may have been paid almost $700,000 to provide the BLM in the past.

    “So that raises a question about exactly what ‘control services’ Mr. Goicoechea provided to the BLM in the past and what benefits he and/or his family and/or his business might have gained had AB 329 passed.”

    Hansen said she wonders how Goicoechea can honestly represent the people in rural counties and their concerns over the mismanagement of public lands and wild horses by the BLM when he has been compromised by receiving so much taxpayer money from the BLM.

    “I think the voters of Senate District 19 deserve answers and a lot more transparency on what appears to be startling conflicts of interests in these matters,” Hansen concluded.

    # # #

    If you would like a free “Bye Bye BLM” bumper sticker please send me you snail mail address with the request.

    Contribute on line: http://www.janinehansen.com


  9. Woa… didn’t notice the booze in the background in a room with the Lynx til today. I can just imagine… “Here kitty kitty…”


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