Horse News

Sally Jewell to Testify on Dept. of Interior at Oversight Hearing

Let’s hope Sally Jewell answers questions about the mismanagement of the BLM Wild Horse & Burro Program and comes up with plans for immediate reform.  Below is a video of Sally Jewell addressing employees of the Dept. of Interior.  Let’s hope she remembers she works for the American public.    – Debbie

SOURCE:  Committee on Natural Resources

Full Committee Hearing To Examine Interior Department’s Operations, Management, Rulemaking
Interior Secretary Sally Jewell to Testify

WASHINGTON, D.C., July 9, 2013 – The House Natural Resources Committee will hold an oversight hearing on Wednesday, July 17th entitled, “The Department of the Interior Operations, Management, and Rulemakings.” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell will be the sole witness testifying at this hearing. This will be Secretary Jewell’s first appearance before the Committee.

“Oversight of the actions of the Interior Department is a priority for the Committee and this hearing will allow the opportunity for both Republicans and Democrats to ask questions of Secretary Jewell. We look forward to her first visit to the House Natural Resources Committee,” said Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04).

WHAT: Full Committee Oversight Hearing on “The Department of the Interior Operations, Management, and Rulemakings”

The Honorable Sally Jewell
Secretary, U.S. Department of the Interior

WHEN: Wednesday, July 17, 2013
10:00 AM

WHERE: 1324 Hearing Room in the Longworth House Office Building

Visit the Committee Calendar for additional information, once it is made available. The meeting is open to the public and a live video stream will be broadcast at

19 replies »

  1. I really only hope that Sally Jewell will take a stand for the Wild Horses’ freedom. By letting the Wild Horses go back onto the Government Land that had been designated to them through President Richard Nixon.


  2. At least Ms Jewell realizes and admits she’s a public servant, already an improvement over Salazoo. Now let’s see how she does with the public’s wild horses and burros. Many prayers and positive thoughts for a compassionate, intelligent and timely resolution.


  3. It certainly will be interesting?? for me with her having so many ties in the past with oil company’s that just does not sit well, but I am judging her before she speaks, it actually is very hard not to with all that has still been going on and NOT ONE WORD from her, So boy I don’t know, I can’t imagine she will EVER let them go FREE, can’t imagine that….. BUT there is always hope so we will see, I will be glued watching so glad we can……Hope for the best ??


  4. If Ms Jewel truly wants and cares to make a difference , surly she will return all Our Mustangs Back to where she, and we know, where they belong ON THE RANGE !!!!!!!


  5. There cannot be any compromise on returning our Mustangs to the Range , its where they belong, And should always be !!!!!!!!!!! It is their Land !!!!!! Surly Ms Jewel , if she is who she just stated she is a Public Servant !!! she has to realize the Mustangs are irreplaceable commodity to the Eco-system !!!!!


    • Right On Arlene! Time will tell (and it won’t take long) to see where she truly stands on the issue of our once “free roaming horses”. We can only hope that she takes the facts and truth to heart …making the right decision for our Mustangs and our Eco-system by releasing them back into the wild.


  6. I am completely “Cynical” on this…………..
    No changes, No concern for our Wild Horses………………
    Don’t count on it……….

    Their all in bed together………..


  7. Click on the link to the committee at the end of the article and then on contact. Then fill out the form with comments . Then watch the meeting tomorrow. Hopefully Sally will get asked some good questions. Congress Grijala is on the committee and he’s for our wild horses.


    • YES! Thank you, Barbara Warner. Here is what I sent:
      Question for Ms. Jewell to answer at the meeting:
      What is your explanation regarding the BLM and USFS not following the 1971 Congressional law that states: “The land was to be devoted principally but not exclusively to their [Wild Horses and Wild Burros] welfare in keeping with the multiple-use management concept of public lands.”
      Definition of “principally”: First, highest, foremost in importance, rank, worth, or degree, chief, mainly, largely, chiefly, especially, particularly, mostly, primarily, above all, predominantly, in the main, for the most part, first and foremost.


  8. Actually, Congressman Tipton is asking for questions to submit to Sally Jewell on this page…….

    “If you could ask Interior Secretary Sally Jewell a question, what would it be? Next Wednesday, Secretary Jewell will be appearing before the House Committee on Natural Resources. I will have the opportunity to ask her questions on issues important to Colorado that fall under Interior’s purview including the Gunnison Sage Grouse, management of federal lands, Blueways, energy development and water rights.” From Congressman Scott Tipton FB page……


      • My pleasure, alerting as many as I can to get the questions to her! Maybe we should also find out if anyone from our respective areas will be present and ask them to press her for answers as well.


  9. Please don’t let the slaughter of our American horses start up. This is so cruel & in humane. Please watch some of the video showing how cruel & what a horrible death it is. Please please don’t let our American horses go to slaughter. There is other options in controlling the herds. Thank you for considering it.


  10. Ms Jewell MUST Realize what is going on at the BLM.. The Butchery, Savagery and Abuse these Beautiful HEALTHY Horses are going through & How completely UN-necessary it is.. No Shade Little water and all so the Gas & Oil and Ranching INDUSTRY can make a few bucks and Pollute this Planet. Especially with the Ranching INDUSTRY’s Cattle OVERGRAZING all of the 2$ an acre land. The Horses and we Taxpayers Pay the cost.. The Horses with their very LIVES! This is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!! The Holding Pens must be abolished, slaughterhouses in Mexico and Canada and the US must be abolished for these Horses! And the Benighted “Round-Ups” MUST STOP NOW!! I am a Registered Voter and can tthink of NothingBetter than to have Ken Salazar EVICTED from Office.


  11. Nice speech for the bird watchers, the fishermen and the recreationalists but i have heard nothing about the horses. I see she works with the BLM and the ranchers and three oil and bankers, but what about the horses. Have they filed her head full of their bullshit? What about the horses, donkeys, wolves? What about THEM? Not a damned word!!!


    • I missed Raul Grijalva–had to go water the horses. Grandma Gregg said he asked Sally if she knew the BLM WH& B needed fixing –may not be exact quote. She said yes. We will see and will it be in time ! She was attacked by those for big energy and those for fracking who probably get campaign finance money from them.


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