Equine Rescue

Horse Slaughter: New Mexico Government Rangers Storm Private Properties Searching & Seizing Horses

Freedom Lost by Terry Fitch

Source: Wild for Life Foundation and Saving America’s Horses

New Mexico – September 10, 2013 –The Navajo Nation (NN) Government is conducting a large-scale roundup of wild horses despite opposition from many tribal people. Local tribal members have reported government rangers coming onto their property and confiscating virtually every horse, even from within their stalls and pens. The sweeping roundups, if not stopped, will result in the distressed removal of countless horses and burros across the 17 million acre Navajo reservation which spans four states including New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado.

Horse owners are said to have two days to claim or save their horses, but in many cases owners didn’t learn about the roundup until the very moment when rangers were storming their property. The NN Department of Agriculture is taking the horses to holding facilities, then auction, and selling the unclaimed horses to kill buyers. Many are going straight to slaughter.

The actual number of horses residing on the reservation is uncertain, as reports are considerably varied. But the basis for receiving over $1.3 million in appropriated funds for the horse and burro roundup from the U.S. government was hinged on drought conditions combined with a popular livestock grazing campaign which alleges an overpopulation of “feral” and “destructive” horses. Wild horses are labeled as “feral” by proponents of slaughter in denial of paleontological evidence showing that the horse evolved on the North American continent over 50,000,000 years ago.

When it comes to “livestock grazing” on public lands, permit holders are able to increase their stock by grazing farm animals such as cattle on America’s open rangelands. But in the U.S. horses are not produced for food, and cattle ranchers see them as competitors for the grazing of free forage on public land which they could otherwise use for their livestock.

Horses are also labeled as “destructive” or “invasive species” by the livestock industry as a means to justify their removal. However, in other parts of the world such as the United Kingdom, where conservation grazing is practiced, wild horse herds are being successfully restored to the woodlands and pastures for their rejuvenation benefits to the lands. In the classic book, Welfare Ranching: The Subsidized Destruction of the American West, J. Boone Kauffman, Ph.D., Professor of Ecosystem Sciences in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, gives testimony to the far-reaching and devastating ecological consequences of government-subsidized livestock grazing through his scientifically supported work, “Lifeblood of the West”; “… livestock grazing has been the most widespread cause of ecological degradation of riparian/stream ecosystems. More riparian areas and stream miles are affected by livestock grazing than by any other type of land use.”

New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez professes to align her position on the issue with the majority of citizens of New Mexico, where over 75% are opposed to horse slaughter. However, New Mexico horse advocates say that behind the scenes Governor Martinez’ actions support the pending horse slaughter plant in her state. According to these sources, she has the authority to ban horse slaughter in New Mexico and has not done so. Looking ahead, some believe that Martinez will be a contender for the Republican nomination for President of the United States in 2016.

On a national level, while USDA Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, publicly claims to be against horse slaughter, the USDA has been rallying tribal leaders to support the reopening of horse slaughter in the U.S. Wild for Life Foundation President, Katia Louise brings to light a startling new report which exposes the USDA’s distribution of misinformation provided to the American tribal leaders including Navajo President Ben Shelly. This well-substantiated report entitled In Truth Wild Horses on Native Land and Tongue, reveals evidence of meetings held by the USDA with tribal leaders for the purpose of getting them to distribute ‘misinformation’ to their congressional delegations about horse slaughter and the removal of America’s wild horses..

The Navajo Elders have issued a declaration saying, “We strongly urge the Navajo Nation and U.S. Government, Bureau of Indian Affairs, DOI, USDA, to stop the desecration and destruction of the Diné Way of Life and Spiritual Foundation by recklessly promoting and supporting the roundup and mass execution of our relative, the horse.”

As part of a larger pattern, two weeks ago a strikingly similar roundup to the one occurring on the Navajo reservation took place on the Fort McDermitt Paiute Shoshone Reservation in Nevada.

Critics view this latest roundup as part of a wider campaign endorsed by the Obama Administration. President Obama’s appointment of Ken Salazar as Secretary of the Interior, which oversees the BLM, together with the U.S. Forest Service, has continued to conduct scores of roundups across 12 Western U.S. states resulting in the capture and eradication of countless wild horses. After Salazar stepped down in a wave of controversy in February of 2013, President Obama appointed Sally Jewel to the position — a veteran of the oil industry.

“While many had high hopes that Sally Jewell would direct a shift in policy, she has instead been silent on reversing agency roundup policies throughout the West,” observes Katia Louise. “And many believe she has in fact intensified such efforts.”

Ms. Louise states, “Contrary to the BLM’s claims that wild horses are overpopulating, statistics show that vast numbers of wild equines are disappearing from the American West. In the 19th century, more than 2 million wild horses roamed the West, but independent analysis of the Bureau of Land Management’s own data indicates that there may now be less than 15,000 wild horses roaming freely on public lands.”

The Navajo Government has justified the eradication of its sacred Navajo horses by mimicking USDA and livestock industry assertions that the horses are supposedly “destroying the lands”; however, as stated by President Shelly during The 2012 Navajo State of the Nation, he admits that other livestock grazing, not horse grazing is to blame; “Our specialists have said sand dunes are growing and the land is being overgrazed. For example, we have nearly 170,000 sheep in Fort Defiance Agency, while our land can only support about 7,800 sheep.” These facts are just the tip of the iceberg. The NN Department of Agriculture estimates that the Navajo range is overrun with domesticated livestock by more than 40 percent.

Past U.S. Government-mandated culls of horses and livestock have taken their toll on the Navajo people. Now, through U.S. Government funding, the NN Government is holding its own Government-mandated horse cull and doing so against the will and undeniable opposition of many of its people.

In an effort to save, protect and preserve wild and domestic equines, as opposed to the promotion of horse slaughter and widespread roundups throughout the American West, Wild for Life Foundation’s President, Katia Louise is calling on members of the public who care about the horses to join in a united stance for the horses with Saving America’s Horses by going to http://www.savingamericashorses.org and clicking on the join button, which will continue to raise awareness and provide ongoing education on this critical issue. Ms. Louise says, “Making your voice heard will ultimately bring this unjust, cruel and barbaric practice to an end.”


52 replies »

  1. What this looks like is so horrid I cannot name it. These horses are not the ‘feral’ horses BLM claimed they would be rounding up. And to tell the truth, all of the horses belong to individuals and extended families. But to go into corrals and barns is a terrible arrogance by BLM towards a people who have a horse culture. This is monumental disrespect. I know many NM folks will be furious and insulted. This is not a good move for any agency to be pulling in this country towards anyone. The aggression this shows to the people will never be forgotten.


      • Diane McEvoy
        Chris Fairbanks — I just received a return call from Gov Susana Martinez office in new mexico.a higher up has stopped the navaho nation ranger roundup.see more comments on my fb
        Unlike · · Unfollow Post · Share · 56 minutes ago near Southbury, CT
        You and Tami Hottes like this.

        Mar Wargo I had spoken with Wild For Life and found that this was going on within the NN and there is a trail to follow back to BLM. This was akin to the Paiute/Shoshone Fort McDermitt Fallon Fiasco. More BLm money to remove horses and a pro slaughter aggression. This was very bad and I understand many people whose personal horses were taken by NAvajo Rangers were not recovered but were sent straight to slaughter. This was a bloody crime. Thank you for this update!
        13 minutes ago · Like

        Diane McEvoy Mar can you please share your info?
        6 minutes ago · Like

        Mar Wargo I have been trying to get it to all the places this is posted. And yours, too.


    • Diane McEvoy
      Chris Fairbanks — I just received a return call from Gov Susana Martinez office in new mexico.a higher up has stopped the navaho nation ranger roundup.see more comments on my fb
      Unlike · · Unfollow Post · Share · 56 minutes ago near Southbury, CT
      You and Tami Hottes like this.

      Mar Wargo I had spoken with Wild For Life and found that this was going on within the NN and there is a trail to follow back to BLM. This was akin to the Paiute/Shoshone Fort McDermitt Fallon Fiasco. More BLm money to remove horses and a pro slaughter aggression. This was very bad and I understand many people whose personal horses were taken by NAvajo Rangers were not recovered but were sent straight to slaughter. This was a bloody crime. Thank you for this update!
      13 minutes ago · Like

      Diane McEvoy Mar can you please share your info?
      6 minutes ago · Like

      Mar Wargo I have been trying to get it to all the places this is posted. And yours, too.


  2. Wow, just keeps shocking any sense of anything other than a Nightmare from Government agencies working, killing anything in the way of the 1% ..when I first read the title, I was hoping that the Indian Tribe were the ones taking Direct Action to Save the Horses, it really is to that point ..sharing, signing..


  3. I know this is obvious on many minds but have to ask. Does this seem like an oppressive government action, as if it is not a group of citizens acting as civil servants, but government agents?

    We are a government by the people, of the people and for the people. Who is what here?

    Who gives any government the right to threaten people like this?

    The DOi, Office of Appeals and Hearings must be sent this information and demand an inquiry be made on the decidions made here.


    • Janet, this was a very oppressive action and what was the pointe of seizing very ‘claimed horses in their home corrals and stalls? Very fascist actions. The people were taken by surprise today but tomorrow?


      • Should be against the law in any state to go on some ones property, (with no just cause) take the horses (that are owned and cared for) from their stalls or pens and then force the owners to pay for the horses they already had ownership of or send them to slaughter houses. Mans greed is outrageous, allowing theft of these horses and the owners money, and then the last straw of the slaughter of private live stock all in the name of mans lust for power, money and stealing what is not theirs. Stop the corruption Now! Get a real job that you get honest wages for and stop stealing from others. Shame on you my 3 day old great grand son has more sense then all of you knot heads put together. How do you sleep at night and then face your family in daylight? Your a bunch of bag worms that eat ;your fill and leave nothing alive in your wake. Isn’t there a petition to sign or something to stop this madness?


    • Personally when I read this stuff I get both angry and scared. Because I fear the America we were all brought up on and taught in history class is being destroyed from within during our lifetime. If our government allows it, then it is no longer the government based on the Constitution and Bill of Rights are the foundation of. It’s an illusion of freedom, not the reality. We MUST find a way to stop this! It is NOT just about horses!


      • I agree, that’s what I thought too. We cannot predict the actions of our government anymore because they aren’t following the Constitution or any known laws. They have seized the power and are using it against their own citizens.


    • There is a sudden surge of interest in slaughter among all the native peoples across the whole country all at about the same time…the governmert agents and provockateurs are the reason.
      It’s their M.O. – look at Syria, they want a war, they cook up a reason to do it – lies, manipulation of the media.


  4. Whether their tongues are forked (Vilsack, Martinez) or silent (Jewell, Obama) on the subject of horse slaughter, ALL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS (except Grijalva and Moran) are acting like dirty, devious snakes. They tell one lie after another. They don’t know what justice looks like or truth sounds like or compassion feels like or wisdom acts like.

    Actually, I apply that description to ANY comment on ANY subject coming from the lips of politicians and bureaucrats. I refuse to believe a single statement they utter. I will not be fooled, disappointed, heartbroken by their hypocrisy, greed, and corruption EVER AGAIN.

    If that doesn’t sound very BlessUsAll-y, well, so be it. I am sick of the whole lot of ’em. We have been letting them get away with murder — and I do mean murder. From WWII through the Iraq and Afghanistan wars — and especially 9/11 — our government’s leaders (in all the administrative agencies and departments, in Congress and courts, in its military and in its security and intelligence units) have been beholden to foreign and U.S. lobbies, big-time.

    Many books and blogs have been written on the huge topic of corruption and cronyism by our so-called public servants. It’s time we read them, arm ourselves with the facts, and reclaim our Constitution (and amend it on the subject of corporate personhood). It’s time we stand up to every infected, unworkable, inhumane, unjust system (the Federal Reserve, the two-party system, the electoral college, Citizens United, HORSE SLAUGHTER, etc.) and to every bought-and-paid-for politician and say: “ENOUGH! Time to throw the bums out!”

    We millions of citizens have enough imagination and inventiveness and ingenuity, enough discipline and determination and drive, enough honesty and integrity and uprightness to “redo” our country in our diverse-but-united image. We were all made “very good.” Let’s act like it! And insist that our leaders do the same!


  5. I told you it was coming when the news broke that the USDA ban on horse slaughter was dropped. Wild horses no matter who has or welcomes them or where they come from would be the first to enter the slaughter pipe line because they are drug free and cost nothing to raise. Thank to Sue Wallis and all the pro-slaughter they will be the first to enter the slaughter pipeline in hope it will loosen the USDA inspection on toxic drugs while adding in a few 100 drug animals in each lot. I mean since the USDA has it act together with all the new computer software that does not work and its pilot program in which the company paid for their own inspectors to do the USDA job. A program that has already allowed beef, chicken, and pork with E-coli to enter our food supply…


  6. Why doesn’t BLM have NSA do a study on theses Native Wild Horses which they say are “feral” to see for them selves that they are truly “native” because that is the excuse they keep saying over and over why they keep rounding them up. Or are they afraid of the truth that they will have to actually protect them in the end?? Anyway what the Gov Rangers did is an abomination! I feel sick and struck with horror and terror what these poor Wild Horses have gone through and it isn’t over yet. This is plain wicked, inhumane as well as illegal how can they do that unannounced? The government is out of control as usual? So what can we do?


    • Short of civil war I doubt there is anything we can do…unless we can throw every last corrupt government official out of office we are doomed..They came on Navaho land and took(stole) their horses..what is to stop the government from coming into our own homes and taking …say…our guns or weapons we can use to defend ourselves?


  7. . This issue is Critical and the lives of the few remaining wild horses and burros (AND privately owned horses and burros) depend on Truth, use of rational thinking, and UPHOLDING of the LAWS of the land – which has been seriously lacking in government agencies that are determined to systematically kill off the equine and use the lands entirely for beef, sheep, and oil drilling. Please Help! EVERYONE needs to stand strong for the horses and burros!! They deserve better, and we OWE them better than violent capture, brutal treatment and torture of slaughter! The LAW is supposed to be PROTECTING the wild equine on designated public lands, AND Privately Owned horses and burros… not systematically killing them off!! This is far worse than just being wrong! It is blatant Criminal acts by the government against the innocent – with both animal and human victims!!


    • Exactly Arlene. Instead of wringing our hands and saying “woe is us, why doesn’t anyone listen ” we need to combine our resources. Get on those phones and write those letters to your reps. 80 percent polled are against horse slaughter, yet only 2500 have signed up to get congresspersons to co-sponsor the SAFE Act. Go to POPVOX or AWI and sign up. This could be so easy if all or most advocates would act.


      • Dear timparmly, it is very hard to Unite here as one , so many with other things to do, families to care of etc… This is a commitment of great importance where there is the will there is a way, we can do this , we really can, this FOREVER HERE, we must remember this !!!!! first and formost !!!! Sitting here talking about does not do anything for the Mustangs and the Horses,calls letter faxes have proved fruitless….. We are spinning wheels and getting NO WHERE, worst of all our mustangs and Horses are the ones suffering beyond belief………….I can feel their anguish and pain…. We cannot stand by like we are doing , we must have a active plan, a UNITED Plan, i do not have all the answers , but together we will have them , there seems to be NO OTHER WAY NOW….Its Unite and conquer or divide AND LOSE THIS FOR THE HORSES !!!!!!!!! UNITED we stand DIVIDED ALL IS lost forever !!!!!!! iF SOMEONE HERE HAS THE plan WE WILL SAVE OUR BELOVED HORSES……………………………. IT IS IMPERATIVE !!!!!


    • You are so right Arlene. United we stand divided we fall. Everyone that cares about Wild Horses and also Human Rights we must band together.


  8. We are becoming a nation of embsrassment to the rest of the world. Where our lands and animals are seized for the sake of greed. I love my country but fear my government. Very sad here.


  9. As of reading this today I have not heard this on our local news stations, maybe they want it quiet!! I live in N.M. and the Navajo nations do have land in our state. Since they sold out there own in Az. I suppose they now want to do the same here in this state. Talk about the white man running off the buffalo oh where is the NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN now?? Greed.


  10. This just does not make sense, one line says they went into stalls, the other says they have so much time to claim their horses,something is not right here


    • The “something not right here” is that the author of the article doesn’t know what they are talking about. This is just fear mongering. First the article claims that rangers from the NN are doing the impounding and then goes on to imply that the federal government is responsible. I am a responsible horse owner & lover of wild horses but I hate it when people make stuff up and start spreading wild rumors.


    • These dirty bastards are trying to get of Our Mustangs by any means possible !!!!!!!!! They smell the what the advocates are going to do next, these are some very crafty bastards……… They know we are close to stopping them in their tracks , they are afraid of us , thats what this is all about here omg !!!!!!!!



    Let’s ALL support their effort by making PayPal contributions to sacred4s@hotmail.com !

    The Horse Roundup and Slaughter Prevention Rallies are on! DINE’ FOR HORSES will hold rally rides and participate in parades at most agency fairs this fall. We will be campaigning to raise awareness for the horses and livestock that tie us to our lands and culture.

    We need as many people as possible to support this fight for the welfare of our relatives – the horses and other animals. The Great Horse Nation will be pleased at what all of us do for them – not only the living, but also those who have been slaughtered. We pray for them! This will be a united effort to expose our corrupt Navajo Nation government, and pressure them to use funding in a positive way – not to mismanage, displace, or kill our horses!

    The Elders and Medicine People ask everyone to contribute to our cause! Donations will help care for and feed our rally horses, riders, and crew. They will pay for fuel. They will also help horse rescue missions. Please make PayPal contributions to sacred4s@hotmail.com

    Confirmed Rallies:
    Navajo Nation Fair, Saturday, September 7th, Window Rock, Arizona
    Utah Navajo Fair, Saturday, September 14th, Bluff, Utah
    Northern Navajo Nation Fair, Saturday, October 6th, Shiprock, New Mexico
    Western Navajo Fair, Saturday, October 19th, Tuba City, Arizona

    Possible Rallies:
    Southwestern Navajo Fair, Dilkon, Arizona (September 19-22)
    Arizona State Fair, Phoenix, Arizona (Oct 11 – Nov 3)

    If you don’t do PayPal, address checks to Leland Grass at PO 4746, Kayenta AZ 86033 . According to Leland.


  12. This is a total abuse of the Government’s Power against the Navajo peoples’ horses. What right does the government have to take the Navajo peoples’ treasured horses. This is wrong to take their horses and just auction them off to go to slaughter. I want to scream at the President Obama and tell him this is wrong to stop this. I will call the President’s office to complain about this Action Against the Navajos’ people treasured horses. This must be stopped!!!


  13. THANK YOU, Grandma Gregg. There’s that money trail again.

    Nevada Tribes Receive $112,800 in USDA Rural Business Enterprise Grants
    By nvfarmbureau | August 23, 2013 – 1:56 pm | USDA News

    A total of $112,800 in grant funding was awarded to the Ft. McDermitt, Pyramid Lake Paiute Shoshone and Ely Shoshone Tribes.


  14. The Silence of the Navajo
    Posted: 6:36 am, August 29, 2013 by jfinch
    August 29, 2013

    A lot of us have been shocked and saddened at the pro-slaughter stance of the Navajo Nation’s Agricultural Department and their support of Valley Meat. Even more shocking were the acts of the USDA and the BLM’s cold-blooded assistance in rounding up horses to send them to slaughter. We are finally getting the back story, one that newspapers will not be telling you.

    Two items for you to read. The first is a strong statement from the actual and real Navajo people, only a small part which is quoted here:

    Navajo Medicine People Oppose Horse Slaughter ‘The Horse is our Medicine’
    CENSORED NEWS, Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights, Brenda Norrell (brendanorrell@gmail.com)

    “The disrespect of this way of life will be learned, courtesy of the Navajo Nation Government and its president Ben Shelly. They show no remorse of our ceremonies and the way of life, put us in a square box where we can’t breathe, as in prison like base modern element. The Reservation already has many boxes in one unit, from big to small staked in same box. There is no agriculture provision from our Department of Interior, BIA and Navajo Nation. They mismanage our money at the end. The $1.3 million approved for round up of our horses and slaughter is somewhat doing the same thing, running it to dry, mismanaging and stealing our horses. Ben Shelly stole $9,000 from Navajo Nation government when he was vice president. What he got was a slap on the wrist and stayed as new elected president for the Navajo Nation. I can see where this stealing is coming from,” said Leland Grass.


  15. http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2013/08/navajo-medicine-people-oppose-horse.html
    Navajo Medicine People Oppose Horse Slaughter ‘The Horse is our Medicine’

    “The Navajo Nation legislation is working backwards, not all Chapter Houses submitted a round up resolution, still the Navajo Nation Legislation voted for a round up. The Navajo Nation Agriculture Department and Ben Shelly do not return our calls. We asked the Agriculture Department Manager Leo Watchman for the July Summer session legislation (when the resolution was passed) for the round up of Dine’ Peoples land horses. He said he will as soon as he gets off the phone, but he never did. Numerous calls in a four day period following up, and still to date none.

    “The Ben Shelly Administration spokesperson Erny Zah stated on a nationwide TV broadcast that, ‘The reason why the Navajo Nation government is not rounding up the horses in the pass is due to the Dine’ Peoples’ ceremony and cultural ties with the horses in songs and prayer. This is the reason why we have so many horses and the only way is to go against the songs and prayer, in order to have the horse removed off the reservations.” http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/segment/wild-horses-robert-redford/520862a702a760482600058b


    • After reading the HuffintonPost article I would have posted the following BUT don’t have a facebook account!

      The bottom line is the horses this plant will slaughter have ALL been given medications, supplements, wormers, sprayed with flyspray – most if not all, are NOT TO BE USED OR GIVEN TO FOOD ANIMALS. This is the nifty little item that is never mentioned by pro-slaughter people or slaughter plant owners (or their lawyers). Reading about someone eating horsemeat tartar and how delicious it is – makes me wonder – would you eat anything that was advertised as a delicacy? Not smart. The fact that very few people in this country do or would eat horsemeat sort of asks the question: Do we really want to send this toxic food to people in other countries? Apparently we do! To be honest my main reason for not wanting to see horse slaughter in this country has to do with the inhumanity & brutality of it. Its not a humane end – the horses die in the same manner they do in Mexico & Canada. NO difference. Humane euthanization is having a veterinarian put a horse down – not a slaughter house.
      I realize all of us who post here know all the above! But am really frustrated when I cant comment on an article. (and no I don’t do facebook)


      • Eating raw horsemeat, which some cultures feels strengthens people) has been suspected of causing serious illness, abortion, and contributing to death. Granted, there have only been a few cases in France (there have been suspected cases in other countries), but, a U.S. CDC report released in July of 2011 ends with this: “Risk assessment for toxoplasmosis from horses slaughtered for food and imported into the European Union, as was recently done in France for ovine meat, is urgently needed.” URGENTLY NEEDED! I wonder whether anyone here has mounted an investigation since then. http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/17/7/10-1642_article.htm


    • We sure do know how the Farm Bureau feels, don’t we? And I’m sure they are as much responsible for the lack of predators as say any of the government agencies who have “managed” them right to almost extinction.


  16. I got facebook wall postings yesterday that said the advisory board after looking at the Pryors–even AFTER bait trapping and removing 44 horses the range has not returned to normal. This my friends is what the NAS study alluded to. It is what Craig Downer talks about. Horse do not digest all everything. So what goes in comes out and ACTUALLY replensishes Mother Earth.

    Everytime I do write BLM I ALWAYS ask them to let the horses settle their numbers themselves. Mother Nature knows what she is doing so far better than any of us. When the horses start hitting the upper end of what the land can hold, you allow predation (the dreaded and hated mountain lion)and quit bowing to “newer” special interests you will see Mother Earth rejuvenate the lands.

    The Pryors are unique. It is a dedicated range. The land MUST be managed EXCLUSIVELY for the horses. Ranchers have found the Pryors way to steep for their cattle in the past–except that Ginger saw a herd of cattle somewhere on the mountain this summer. Not sure if it’s on the range portion. And that stoopid awful fence really needs to be shoved back and the horses historical summer grazing returned to them.

    Our government has found a new loophole. The disinformation to the Native Americans, brutal roundups, and the threat of sending horses directly to slaughter. Somehow we have to find this loophole that gives them this justification and plug it before anyone else gets hurt or has their horse removed.

    If government agents are coming onto private property and taking horses from stalls and private pens isn’t this stealing? What are the consequences for stealing horses? It use to be hanging. Our government is so corrupt. No wonder this country is so hated by others.


  17. “With the horse market at an all time low, the Navajo Nation is getting somewhere between $10 and $20 per head. A quarter of what it costs to bring them off the range.” So, with that very small sale price, why are the Navajo horses being rounded up?

    Follow the money …

    “Kim Johnson runs the reservation grazing management program. She says earlier this summer the president issued an emergency drought declaration that earmarked 1.3 million dollars to deal with the feral horse problem. About 60 communities, more than half the reservation, have requested roundups.

    Once rounded up, the unbranded animals are immediately sent to auction. Kim says the unbranded ones are sold to buyers that are bonded by the Navajo Nation and she believes the destination is Mexico to a slaughter processing



  18. Navajo Tribe Refuses Roundup Plans
    Posted: 8:00 pm, September 10, 2013 by jfinch

    Shiprock Chapter removes itself from tribe’s feral horse roundup listing
    By Noel Lyn Smith The Daily Times, September 10, 2013

    Liddic/The Daily Times)

    Farmington — When it comes to dealing with the problem of feral horses, Shiprock Chapter is going its own way.

    In a 33-0 vote, chapter members rescinded a July 28 resolution that placed the chapter on the list for feral horse roundups being conducted by the Navajo Nation Agriculture Department this week in the Northern Agency. The chapter will develop its own solution.

    “The Shiprock Chapter has reconsidered the services of the Navajo Department of Agriculture after learning of various concerns about the process used by the department and the Shiprock Chapter Feral Horse Roundup Subcommittee in consensus with the chapter leadership believe that a local initiative would be more successful and done more humanely,” the rescinding resolution stated.

    About 50 people attended the meeting Monday evening, where chapter president Duane “Chili” Yazzie reiterated chapter officials’ concerns with the way the agriculture department has been operating roundups on the Navajo Nation.

    Concerns included sales to slaughter houses, use of all-terrain vehicles to round up horses and abandoned colts.

    Another issue is that the elderly have talked about the importance of horses to Navajo culture and stories, he said.
    In those stories, he learned that a horse’s mane represents water and rain while arrowheads can be found underneath its hooves.
    “We’ve had elders in here saying, ‘This is not the way to do it,’” he said about the roundups.

    Prior to voting, chapter members were allowed to comment.
    For Wilbur Sells, the condition of the land is reason enough to conduct the roundups but owners need to be held accountable for their animals.
    “People need to realize that they need to take on responsibility for their ownership for the horses,” Sells said.

    Beverly Maxwell, who heads the chapter’s feral horse roundup subcommittee, said the subcommittee closely examined the roundups and concluded it was not the route to take.


  19. Remember that sue wallis said they need to raise monies for the War Chest? This was planned for her to raise blood money to kill horses in the usa. Shes using tribal expressions because shes been conversating with them. Please be aware, ben shelly is not alone, suey is bloody with war paint acting nuts. I wonder if folks buying grass fed beef know for sure its actually beef their buying and not horseburgers?


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