Horse Slaughter

EWA issues a slaughter update

This is a new update from Equine Welfare Alliance:

AP issued a release today regarding the expiration of the TRO and that MO plans to open on Monday. The article was written by APs, Jeri Clausing, who continues to cite the GAO report knowing the information is bogus and appears to print anything uttered by slaughter supporters. The earliest NM could possibly open is February; a detail she conveniently left out.

An extension was filed today by HSUS and the groups suing the USDA. 

Here is a link to the article but read carefully as the comments are from Dunn, Santo’s attorney. Like Wallis, he makes announcement after announcement after announcement…

Temporary order against horse slaughter expires

We’ll let you know as soon as we receive an update


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9 replies »

  1. America’s captured Wild Horses in Oklahoma are at great risk
    BLM Will Not Move Captive Oklahoma Mustangs Despite New Dust Bowl Threat

    By Steven Long
    HOUSTON, (Horseback) – Little has changed in the federal Bureau of Land Management’s handling of wild horses under its Wild Horse and Burro Program, this in spite of the worst drought affecting Midwestern states since the dust bowl of the 1930s. What’s more, nothing will change, despite a threat from nature that could put thousands of animals in jeopardy.
    Asked by Horseback if the BLM was making any special arrangements to move wild horses held captive in giant pastures in Oklahoma and Kansas, national BLM spokesman Tom Gorey responded:
    “Despite the current drought conditions in the Midwest, wild horses on long-term pastures continue to thrive,” he said. “If current weather conditions do not change, pasture contractors may have to begin supplemental feeding earlier than normal. Therefore, these wild horses will have the advantage of having someone that can address their immediate needs.”
    The BLM holds tens of thousands of horses in giant pastures in Oklahoma and Kansas.


  2. Thank u for update, whats up with Jeri doesnt she actually verify facts against one another? Journalists with some integrity are at least not citing the propaganda machines garbage. Thats what I originally was advised that Feb was earliest, but I dont discount that if they thought they could bolt something and warm up the sawsalls they would do it and stand there with blood dripping lying and stating but the order expired……You can see my level of mistrust since the Famed Dekalb plant we dealt with. It was one lie upon another, and so on. So when they say publicly they are gonna open Monday, I dont wait for the blades to start up or that terrible bolt gun to click before I get riled up! They will try everything they can to get those horses inside that chambers of horrors. I am still upset that they are attempting rendering. Rendering that high of a quantity of horses throughout the year will surely end up in our pet/ animal feeds. We all know that they have banned it via Federal Law from pet foods animal feeds aside from zoological feed at this point. So they render and that goes to pet animal feed directly breakingFederal Law. Since there will be such a high amount of horse in their rendering facility they cannot ensure health and safety. We cant allow that to happen either. Then we have dead horses in fertilizers which goes directly to what you plant. Do you want to eat dead horse potatoes, tomatoes, and carrots outta your gardens?


  3. Tried to comment on her stories via mobile and could not. I hope that the judge extends order so this lady and Dunne look like Fools!


  4. If plants were to open in US, where exactly will they sell it.. ? The US holds no permit to export to EU. This, actually, is a bit scary.

    Even a slight chance of domestic horse slaughter should be a concern to every American family, every hospital, school and grocery chain in the US.

    More horse meat was found in EU beef this week. Once that genie is out of the bottle, even the EU can’t seem to stop it… and they didn’t shut down their governments last month.

    Americans need to start asking Congress, how can you guarantee the integrity of our food supply, if you don’t pass the bill to stop horse slaughter now?

    Down is up, and up is down.


  5. We all have to be concerned about our food supply in ever more troubling ways. Wonder how “Natural Meats” will be able to keep their name. Do you think they are checking horsemeat for prions yet? Check out this story:

    Intro paragraph: Prions are misshapen infectious proteins that cause a number of fatal diseases including mad cow disease, characterized by holes in the brain. The US deer and elk herd is infected with another prion illness, Chronic Wasting Disease. Ron Seely from the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism tells host Steve Curwood that prions persist in soil and new research shows that plants can absorb them as well.


  6. It does look like someone got to the judge which is the same thing that has happened to every judge that presided over the court when the BLM was sued a number of times. If these judges have to be voted in, and a lot of them do, there must have been a lot of money that went into her reelection fund. They can be bought off. This is the same thing that has been going on all the years that the anti-slaughter bills have been introduced in congress and then ignored and allowed to die in committee. The US Senate was and is paid bribery money to ignore any bill introduced to stop this cruelty. The only hope would be to go after your state politicians and and your local reps. to pass laws banning slaughter plants in your state.


    The Judicial Accountability Initiative Law, J.A.I.L., is a single-issue national grassroots organization designed to end the rampant and pervasive judicial corruption in the legal system of the United States. J.A.I.L. recognizes this can be achieved only through making the Judicial Branch of government answerable and accountable to an entity other than itself. At this time it isn’t, resulting in the judiciary’s arbitrary abuse of the doctrine of judicial immunity, leaving the People without recourse when their inherent rights are violated by judges.


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