Horse News

Horse Slaughter Bill Vote In Ottawa Next Week

Story as published in at

Senator Joseph Abruzzo and Victoria McCullough were the driving forces behind the U-S Congress’ recent decision to keep America’s slaughter house doors closed to horses


photo courtesy of Canadian Horse Defence Coalition

photo courtesy of Canadian Horse Defence Coalition

Alex Atamanenko’s horse slaughter bill comes to a vote next week in the House of Commons.

The New Democrat MPP was joined by a U-S State Senator and the owner of Chesapeake Petroleum at a news conference this week supporting the bill.

Atamanenko describes Senator Joseph Abruzzo and Victoria McCullough as the driving forces behind the U-S Congress’ recent decision to keep America’s slaughter house doors closed to horses.

McCullough says horses coming to Canada form the U-S are not farm-to-table.

She says the risks being presented to human health in the current system can’t be understated.

The New Democrat MP says there are a long list of toxic drugs commonly administered to most Canadian and U-S horses over the course of their lives.

He argues those drugs are not approved for use in food animals.

Atamanenko says his bill would ensure the same safety standards and accountability required for all animals intended for the human food chain in Canada are applied to horses.

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7 replies »

  1. Alex Atamanenko, MP shared a link.
    May 8
    With a vote on my bill fast approaching (next Wednesday), please be sure to take the following action and share widely with all your friends and family wherever they live in Canada. MPs need to hear a loud call from their constituents!

    TAKE ACTION: Humane Society International/Canada Campaign in support of C-571 to restrict horse…
    I hope Canadians in overwhelming numbers will share with others and take part in this action campaign by Humane Society International/Canada in support of my bill C-571 to restrict horse…


    • They’re still going to slaughter horses – this bill only makes it illegal for the horses to have drugs in their MEAT – they will be RAISING HORSES FOR CONSUMPTION – don’t understand how this is better – Maybe in the short run it will make a difference for the horse alive now – BUT, if they actually go through with raising horses for meat who don’t have drugs in their system – then this will be more of the same – hope it really means HOPE for the horses in the long run – but I don’t trust politicians anymore – they can change their loyalty on a dime (or a bribe)


  2. Horse slaughter in a horrendous and evil practice to animals that have and do give nothing but pleasure to the human race. If you dont think losing a portion of your humanity as you will do in this evil practice, think again. Species serve a purpose in life..some were created to be wild and free and to create the environment we live in, some to become domesticated and enter the food chain, some to become companions and friends. It creates the balance of life as we know it as humans. Upset that balance, and you take away your humanity. Who will you eat next…your dog… your cat….your neighbor? We are supposed to evolve, not devolve …are we not?


  3. This is a big step in the right direction and will help the horses. With this Bill and with the Safe Act it will make it almost impossible for the slaughterhouses and Killbuyers. Alex is an amazing man and the stopping of horse slaughter he has been working on for years and has never been bought off and never will. Keep the faith as the bigger our army the better the results on this horrible act to be stopped.


    • Hi Robin and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts to keep this despicable practice from happening. There is nothing worse than a program to bring death and destruction to these beautiful animals who are put on this earth to bring nothing but happiness and comfort to the human race. Species are put on this earth for a reason…some to remain wild and free to create our beautiful environment…some to enter the food chain for the survival of our own species and some to be companions and pets for our enjoyment and comfort. The destruction of the latter is the road to losing our humanity. Who will they want to eat next…our dogs…our cats…our neighbors. Civilization is meant to evolve, not devolve. Keep the faith Robin…you are not alone.


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