Equine Rescue

Our Valentine Story

SOURCE:  Fleet of Angels News by Elaine Nash, Director, Fleet of Angels  (written 2/15/15)

“Many thanks to Elaine Nash for giving up a birthday dinner to save a burro and ultimately calm the nerves of our own, loving, Debbie Coffey!!!” ~ R.T.

Our "Valentine" in an auction pen on Valentine's Day.  (photo by Debbie Coffey)

Our “Valentine” in an auction pen on Valentine’s Day. (photo by Debbie Coffey)

Photo: Anna's daughter, Audrey, grooming Valentine the next day.

Photo: Anna’s daughter, Audrey, grooming Valentine the next day.

I have a nice story to tell you.  Last night I got a call from Debbie Coffey, one of our amazing equine advocates.  (You may know her from her radio show, Wild Horse and Burro Radio.)  Debbie called because she’d happened upon a sweet little domestic jenny donkey standing all alone in a CA auction pen- just hours before she would be herded down the alley and into the auction ring.

The little jenny was standing in a corner, looking very forlorn.  Debbie said that she couldn’t just walk away, so she called me and asked if I could help her find a way to save the burro.  The jenny would need a home to go to, Debbie said, because she didn’t have a place for her, herself.  While I was talking to Debbie – who was standing beside the burro, someone happened to walk by.  Because Debbie doesn’t have hands-on experience with horses, I suggested that she stop the passerby and ask her to help her check out the burro for soundness, estimate of age, etc.

The passerby turned out to be Anna Reminger, who was there checking out some horses in the auction.  Anna proved to be a real godsend.  She stayed until late into the night, helped Debbie bid on the burro, and they bought her!  Anna took the newly dubbed “Valentine” home in her nice trailer, and is putting her up for QT, having her vet come do a vet check and Coggins, and is having her farrier come help Valentine with her feet – which are in pretty bad shape.

In the meantime, I called…. yes, you guessed it, Carole Mj, one of our campaign’s wild burro buyers (wild burro, not wild Carole- lol) who enthusiastically agreed to give Valentine a home in Las Vegas, NV.  Valentine will be pals with Carole’s burro, Bronx.  Anna will transport Valentine to Carole when she’s ready to go in a couple of weeks.

Anna Reminger, the newest "Angel" in the Fleet of Angels

Anna Reminger, the newest “Angel” in the Fleet of Angels

And – Anna has now joined Fleet of Angels, so is now one of our Angels, officially.

Isn’t that just the best Valentines Day story??  Helping was an unplanned – but wonderful, way to spend the evening of my birthday. (We don’t know if Carole’s going to keep the name Valentine.  That’s just what we helpers came up with, considering the day this happened.)


18 replies »

  1. lucky little jenny,its amazing how debbie and anna were on hand to save her,many thanks to you both,hope she keeps her name as valentine is all about love both for humans and animals.


  2. Such a nice story for this sweet burro. Thanks to Debbie, Anna, Carole, and all involved in this effort to get Valentine safe. Debbie’s advocate efforts are even more amazing since she’s not “hands on” horse person. She puts so much time and effort and is extremely educated on WHB issues.


  3. Happened to read this today and although many people work very hard to save many of our four-legged friends, I thought this quote was appropriate for the saving of Valentine.
    “Better to light one candle than to just curse the darkness…”


    • Good quote – certainly applies in this instance & its true – maybe saving one horse or burro at a time doesn’t seem to be making a big impact – but it sure does to that particular animal!


  4. thank heavens , ya”ll were there. i hope valentine is doing well. from all that i am reading it’s a big ,big scary world out there, if comfort can be given to one then we can be comforted ourselves knowing they will be taken care of . such a sweet story. just wish and pray all this crap can be turned around.


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