Horse News

Don’t let BLM destroy national treasure in Pryors

by guest writer, Robert H. Clark

While living in Bridger in the mid to late 1990s, I discovered the wild horses in the Pryor Mountains. I have lived with and photographed them ever since. I have met people from all over the world who come to the Pryors just to see these horses and their home. I have taken at-risk youth to the Pryors in an attempt to turn their lives around. All of them fell in love with the horses and were positively changed, some averting suicide. I have witnessed young and old drawing, painting and photographing the horses.

Wild Horses now free, soon to be penned up by the BLM for the rest of their lives

Wild Horses now free, soon to be penned up by the BLM for the rest of their lives

So why is the BLM about to round up 70 of these horses? I have read their lies about the condition of the range, only to photograph magnificent horses in great shape. I have spent the last 13 years walking almost every acre of the range and have historically found the range sufficient to support the current number of horses, which is barely enough to be genetically viable according to the one of the world’s premier equine geneticists. The vision of a helicopter herding these horses down the rugged slopes of the Pryors is more than I can bear. What is the real reason for the BLM’s obsession to eliminate the horses? If it is money, then consider the economic impact the horses have on the economies of places like Lovell, Wyo. But more importantly, what would the world be like for all those people seeking the experience the horses now provide if the horses and their pristine home disappeared forever?

Robert H. Clark

Utica, Miss.

Call the BLM on their toll free Wild Horse Hotline 866-468-7826

4 replies »

  1. The Pryor Mountain Horses need to be left alone. Cattle can find their own place in this world, these magnificent horses are bothering no one and should be left to their own devices. Who gave BLM the authority to remove animals as they see fit on land that doesn’t belong to anyone but these animals!


  2. Please do not fence in these horses. We have destoyed enough of the country and its beautiful resources and lands. We fenced in the Indians and many other animals in this country…leave the horses alone.


  3. May the Great Creator of All look over you and yours in these upcoming days of trauma; Cloud, be brave, be wise (as always), be strong, and know that We Love You and everyOne of your family and your herd. There are Miracles…Cloud, you are a miracle…an ambassador…for 2 species, maybe more. May it be that the Creator will deliver a very Special Miracle this week to the Pryor Mountain Horse Herd. You are All Priceless! Pay my respects to the Honorable Spirit of brave,strong SHAMAN; at least He did NOT have to leave his mountain. (Perhaps He has gone on ahead, to plead your case, and smooth your way?) I am SO SORRY that We could not do more…


  4. Click Here to visit The Cloud Foundations YouTube page.
    Famous Wild Horse Herd Granted Two-Day Reprieve from Massive Roundup Monday, 31 August 2009 21:06

    Press Release

    BILLINGS, MONTANA- AUGUST 31, 2009: The Pryor Mountain Wild Horses, perhaps best known from the popular Cloud: Wild Stallion of the Rockies PBS Nature series, have two more days of freedom before an unprecedented round up could begin. The Pryors roundup has been delayed for two days to allow Judge Sullivan of the Federal District Court to hear the case brought against the BLM by The Cloud Foundation and Front Range Equine Rescue.

    The Bureau of Land Management, responsible for managing wild horses on public lands in the United States, plans to round up all the horses in Montana’s only remaining wild herd and remove 70 horses plus four or more foals. This will leave a non-viable herd of only 120 horses according to respected equine geneticist, Gus Cothran, Ph.D., of Texas A&M University. The Pryor Mountain wild horses are a unique Spanish herd renowned for their primitive markings, historical connections, and spectacular habitat.

    BLM is dispatching National Wild Horse and Burro Program staff for this round up, perhaps because they expect trouble from humane advocates who are currently being prevented from observing this roundup. “Never before in my experience have plans been so vague and operations so secret in the Pryors,” says Ginger Kathrens, Volunteer Executive Director of The Cloud Foundation.” The BLM will be closing down roads to the mountain top where the majority of the herd spends their days grazing peacefully in their subalpine meadows. Young foals, only days old will be driven by helicopters and are in serious danger of being hurt or killed. Billings BLM Field Manager Jim Sparks told one advocate that they would expect a loss of 2% or six horses as a result of this operation.

    The BLM has always had signs posted at the entrances to the horse range that tell the public to ‘report violations of harassment, death or removals.’ “Why are they above the law?” Asks Crow Tribe Historian and Elder, Howard Boggess. “Everything that is against the law for me they are planning to do to these horses. This is a very sad thing as far as I’m concerned. The horses have lived here for over 200 years. Even under the harassment of the BLM they’ve survived since 1971.”

    The BLM claims that it is necessary to remove 70 horses in order to “maintain a thriving ecological balance.” However, the range is still green in late August following three years of above average precipitation after a multi-year drought. The horses are fat, preparing to go into winter. “Why are they removing nearly half the horses after the drought is over? I’ve told them [the BLM] if you take these 70 horses you’ve destroyed the bloodline, the gene pool will no longer be there,” continues Boggess. “Their whole goal is to get rid of the horses.”

    “What they are proposing to do is criminal— people locally and all across the Nation worked so hard to save these horses from eradication in 1968,” explains Kathrens. “This range was specially designated for wild horses, the first of its kind in the nation. This is their refuge and it is about to be invaded.”

    The BLM plans to remove 17 horses over ten years old and by BLM’s Standard Operating Procedures, “old, sick or lame horses shall be destroyed.” “When they take out the old horses they remove the ones that know the way to the water, the good grass, the way around the canyon – they’re taking out all of the knowledge of the herd,” Boggess explains. “It is really sad to sit there and look at the horses and think that in the next ten days they’ll be taken off this range and they’ll never see it again.”

    This case is scheduled to be heard on Wednesday, September 2nd, and thousands of people around the United States and the world await the decision of Judge Sullivan which will decide the fate of the unique and beloved Pryor Wild Horse Herd.

    Please Keep Calling! Wednesday, 26 August 2009 13:46

    We’ve just been told that BLM Director Bob Abbey is meeting with other officials regarding this round up due to the number of calls and e-mails they are receiving. KEEP IT UP- KEEP CALLING, FAXING AND E-MAILING.
    These are our wild horses living on our public lands!

    HALT THE PRYORS ROUND UP and all others across the west.

    BLM Director Bob Abbey
    Call: 202-208-3801 or 866-468-7826
    Fax: 202-208-5242 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

    Help us keep you updated– join Cloud on Facebook and Twitter now! 11th Hour for Cloud’s Herd – Act Now!!! Wednesday, 26 August 2009 13:11

    Please act now to stop this unnecessary and cruel round up— the BLM still plans to move forward on September 1st
    The Bureau of Land Management is rounding up and eliminating 12 herds (650 horses) off 1.4 million acres in Nevada right now– next they plan to destroy Cloud’s herd with a massive removal of 70 horses that would include OLDER HORSES and YOUNG FOALS.
    Many of the horses you have come to love in the Cloud shows and will meet in the new Cloud show on October 25th will lose their families and their freedom next week. By zeroing out whole herds and reducing others to below genetic viability, the BLM is circumventing the will of Congress. The House just passed the Restoring of American Mustangs (ROAM) act and the Senate will review this bill (now S.1579) when they return from recess in September. Is BLM just trying to do as much irrevocable damage to America’s wild horses as they can before Congress can act?
    This round up will start on September 1st unless we can stop it. Removing 70 horses will destroy this unique little Spanish herd, leaving them well below the bare minimum for genetic viability. The range is in great condition and the horses are healthy. This removal should be stopped. Please do all you can to help! Listen to Ginger Kathrens on Endangered Stream Live– a special edition show “Angels for Cloud”

    National Call in Day for Cloud is Friday, August 28th — SPREAD THE WORD! Have your kids call in and write too– These horses need to be preserved for future generations and we must act NOW

    1. Call/write/fax President Obama as often as you can—this herd is a national treasure and should not be wiped out by a government agency. Please flood the phone lines with calls! Phone: 202-456-1111 or 202-456-9000 Fax: 202-456-2461
    E-mail Obama

    2. Ask Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar to stop this round up
    Call: 202-208-3100
    Write: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

    3. BLM Director Bob Abbey, tell him to halt this round up– he must reconsider his agency’s actions
    Call: 202-208-3801 or 866-468-7826
    Fax: 202-208-5242
    This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

    4. Call and write your own Senators and Congress people- tell them that Montana is allowing the destruction of Cloud’s unique and historical wild horse herd. Politely express your outrage and ask them to help stop this round up. Find your state offices here


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