Horse News

Boston Rallies on State House Steps for a Moratorium on BLM Mustang Round-ups

released by the Equine Welfare Alliance

Denver Protest - photo by Jason Bunch

CHICAGO, (EWA), – Supporters of a request for a Presidential moratorium on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) round ups of wild horses on federal lands rallied at the base of Boston‘s State House on Friday, January 8. The demonstration was one of a growing number of spontaneous rallies from coast to coast.

Spurred by the knowledge that America‘s wild herds are in danger of virtual annihilation under the current BLM/Salazar plan, cold temperatures and light snow did nothing to discourage the demonstrators, and widespread support from drivers, tourists and city pedestrians helped brighten the winter’s day.

Horse welfare advocates and taxpayers alike from across the country continue to call for a review of BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro management program. Related concerns include the program’s specific and comprehensive effectiveness and efficiencies, conflicts with non-horse uses, compliance with recognized humane treatment standards and compliance with Congress‘ statutes.

Taxpayers continue to call for BLM to address various outstanding concerns noted by the Government Accountability Office (GAO). Concerns include, but are not limited to, those that date to the GAO report of October 2008 ( The GAO report found that the BLM had precipitated a budgetary crisis by gathering horses at a faster rate than their adoption program could place them. The cost of warehousing these horses was over 70% of the BLM’s budget.

Congress gave the BLM a onetime budget windfall from the stimulus fund this year, but instead of using it to ameliorate the cost of holding 37,000 horses; they are using it to gather another 14,000 guaranteeing an even larger budget crisis in coming years. Advocates were alarmed to discover BLM documents discussing euthanizing these horses or sending them to slaughter in Canada.

Advocates will continue to appeal to their legislators in Washington, DC and will support them in actively approaching the President for an immediate round-up moratorium and program review.

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7 replies »

  1. we actually had a few more than 15…i think it was closer to 18. while most of us were there the entire FIVE hours, there were a few people who came & left in various shifts. my count was a little higher than what was posted above.

    people came from all over massachusetts & even from connecticut & rhode island to attend the rally! two attendees were at both albany & boston rallies.

    i was so impressed with the young girl who showed up with her mom & her hand painted signs! her passion & her determination were an inspiration to us all! i hope that more kids are coming out to these events. it really made me feel proud that this young lady was there on friday!! kids ROCK!!!!

    one guy ran down from his office to say that he had seen a lot of protesters there in front of the statehouse, but never ones that he wanted to come down & thank personally! he said, “thank you for doing this; i am a horse owner and horse lover and from one horse owner to another…thank you” then he ran back up to his office & to work!

    another guy stopped by to say that he had grown up in nevada & remembered watching the wild horses around where he lived. he was devastated when they just “disappeared” one day & wanted to let us all know that there are many other wild horse & burro supporters living in new england & that he has been writing letters for years trying to get these roundups stopped.

    & while we didn’t have any real live horses at the event (boo & cupcake both wanted & had permission to come, but unfortunately didn’t have rides), we had horses in our presence anyway…across from us was a large bas relief sculpture/statue of civil war colonel shaw on his horse & behind us was a statue of major general joseph hooker on his horse. as rt would say, the force of the horse was with us! yes, indeed, brother fitch. the horses were with us in more ways than one.


    • HI jo bunhy: thanks for the update and glad the “Stop Wild Horse Roundups Protest went well; yeah; the kids add a great amount of support to Saving America’s Horses;

      thanks again; anna in conn. ps how did y’all fare the 11 and 12 degree weathter tho


  2. Jo Bunny and Carol and all the cold Warriors for Wild Horses and Burros you were Wonderful and the little girl is a real role model and her Mom for bringing her. Way to go New England!! mar


  3. EVERYONE, cross post to Cloud, everywhere – live chats all this week with White House Advisors – I have added some ideas in paranthesis():

    Live from the White House – What Do You Want to Know?‏
    From: Valerie Jarrett, The White House (
    Sent: Mon 1/11/10 6:45 PM

    Dear Friend,

    As the first year of the Obama Administration concludes with the State of the Union, the White House is inviting Americans across the country to connect directly with some of the President’s senior advisors. Through, these leaders will report to you on their work and answer your questions on where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re heading.

    Every morning this week at, you’ll find a guest blog post from a senior advisor talking about the progress the Administration has made in a particular area. Then, in the afternoon, that advisor will host a live video chat with the public where you can ask anything you want, or just tune in and see what’s going on.

    Here’s the schedule we have planned:

    Monday, 3:30 EST: Carol Browner, Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate, discusses the President’s push to create the new clean energy economy. (Ruby pipeline afffect on natural habitt – ie horses. Reducttion of cattle – reduce climate change. Put solar on existing roofs – instead of new solar farms)

    Tuesday, 3:00 EST: Ben Rhodes of the National Security Council discusses the President’s handling of national security and foreign policy.

    Wednesday, 12:00 EST: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will talk about health reform, from how far we’ve come to how reform will benefit American families and small businesses

    Thursday, TBD: The nation’s first Federal Chief Technology Officer, Aneesh Chopra, will join Norm Eisen, special counsel to the President for ethics and government reform, to talk about all the ways in which the President has changed Washington.

    Friday, 1:00 EST: Christina Romer, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, talks about the President’s primary focus on restoring the economy for all Americans and creating jobs for the American people. (put solar on roofs, create local jobs, instead of wilderness solar farms whic will displace our horses andother wildllife)

    Stop by to read all of the posts, join the chats, and find any updates on times. As the President likes to say, this is the “People’s House,” so we want to open it up and make sure you know what we’re doing to bring the change America needs.


    Valerie Jarrett
    Senior Advisor to the President


  4. Roxy, I just got the same email, i forwarded it to Mar, I think we all need to inundate these chats w/what we really want to know,


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