22 replies »

  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this audio update as we are all awaiting the news of what happens today. I so appreciate all that you do….
    Thanks again…


  2. I am praying and praying! RT where is the best place to make donations for the wild horses? I am telling people from my personal web site and forum about this situation and they are asking where to send doantions to help. Cna you give me some ideas please when you get a chance?


    • The Cloud Foundation and Herd Watch work together… Herd watch is the Group Laura Leigh began. She is the Plaintiff today. They need money for their work with the wild horses. There is also a legal fund for Laura at grassrootshorse.com. Please help. mar


  3. Thanks so much, R.T.! This is a great way of getting the word out when you don’t have time to sit down at a keyboard, or can’t. . .We all appreciate what you do, and it’s nice to hear your voice.



  4. You are a very thoughtful, kind and dedicated technical wizard!

    Thank you for the updates, as you know how worried and concerned we all are…

    Prayers for Laura’s team and for our horses and their babies!!!


  5. Cool RT. Now I know what your voice sounds like. Now I feel like I know you better. Am waiting very anxiously but patiently. I so hope the judge really listens to Laura and all of her documentation.


  6. We very much appreciate the update RT. Please let Laura know we’re all behind her and praying, praying, praying this judge will rule for our wild horses.


  7. So much hinges on this one decision..all legal arguments will turn on this one outcome..I am almost afraid to breathe


  8. The rodeo v. roundup misspeak is more than poignant, RT.

    I have no doubts in my mind that all horse killers think of incidents like Tuscarora as nothing more than a high tech rodeo in the first disgusting place.

    Very Freudian RT and so true.

    Good luck, prayers and best wishes to all our warriors.

    BTW, take a read over at Cindy MacDonald’s blog “American Herds”:


    Read about the continued arrogance and stupidity of the DOI. It reads like what the judge in Houston said in his ruling about the DOI moratorium on drilling. And this removal is a zero-out effort that was granted a year injunction.


  9. Good job R.T. and thank you so much.

    I agree with Denise – just freudian – rodeo v roundup – tomato v tomato.


    • If we didn’t know that there are so many dead and suffering equines, the tomato v tomato/rodeo v. round up would be fairly humorous. I guess the appropriate comment from me would not only poignant, but also ironic.


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