Horse News

Wild Horses Fenced Out of Water- NV Roundup Death Toll Rises to 12

Press Release from The Cloud Foundation

Independent Investigation requested to uncover cause of mustang deaths and inability to access water

Cloud at watering hole in Pryor Mts - Photo Courtesy of Cloud Foundation

Elko, NV (July 15, 2010)—Mustangs of the Tuscarora/Owyhee Complex in NE Nevada are now the focus of a BLM “emergency” as the agency claims that they don’t have enough water. The issue is not one of lack of water but prevention of access to water as the Tuscarora mustangs must navigate a maze of livestock fences and closed gates. Miles of fencing prevent their free-roaming behavior and ability to access water sites they’ve used for decades if not centuries. 12 Tuscarora wild horses have died after BLM contractors used a helicopter to roundup 228 of them in less than 150 minutes on July 10.  Prior to the roundup BLM told advocates that they were confident this was a reasonable window to remove horses in and maintain their good condition despite the presence of very young foals and the heat. However when the first day proved to be fatal and the roundup placed on hold, BLM began referring to the horses’ situation as an emergency. BLM now states that “an escalating drought” necessitates an emergency “gather.” However this is a typical weather pattern for the area in the hottest month of the year and the Cloud Foundation points to the fencing off of water sources and division between herd management areas in the complex as the root cause of their “emergency.”

“Why didn’t BLM know the water situation before going in and running 228 horses, at least 5% of them to subsequent death? The public deserves answers, not excuses,” explains Cloud Foundation Director Ginger Kathrens who has 16 years experience with wild horses across the ten western states. “The idea that wild horses are not capable of finding their way ten miles to a river to drink is absolute myth—mustangs regularly travel distances farther than that if allowed their free-roaming behavior. Distance or standard drought levels are not the issue, the real question is what is preventing these mustangs from using traditional perennial water sources.”

BLM has ‘pasturized’ the Tuscarora horses into cattle allotments to facilitate the grazing of 4,000 head of cattle in an area they say can support only 400 horses. The public has no way of knowing which gates are open and which are closed, and nor do the horses. For individual gain, BLM allows private interest to prevent the wild horses from accessing the water – rivers, creeks, reservoirs and water holes- that are present in this herd complex. Carving up herd management areas with fences is typical and prevents wild horse movement within their ranges set forth by the Free-Roaming Wild Horses and Burros Act of 1971.

“BLM has reduced our wild horses to a labyrinth of cattle pastures and has no regard for their needs,” explains Kathrens.

The Cloud Foundation’s Herd-Watch Program Coordinator Laura Leigh filed a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) to halt the Tuscarora Roundup on July 12 and United States District Judge Larry R. Hicks yesterday granted the injunction. Until further order of the court BLM is prevented  from continuing their removal operation. The hearing for Laura Leigh v. Ken Salazar (3:10-cv-00417-LRH-VPC) will be held Thursday, July 15 at the US District Court, 400 S. Virginia Street in Reno, beginning at 2:30 p.m. Leigh’s legal efforts are being funded by, a collection of independent grassroots wild horse advocates.

The Cloud Foundation calls for an immediate independent investigation into the current situation in the Owyhee Complex. Bringing in BLM to analyze how their agency has failed yet more wild horses is not the answer; there needs to be an advocate for the wild horses participating in the current review of the Tuscarora disaster. It is essential that this person understand the needs and nature of wild horses.

“Has the BLM allowed pre-roundup hazing of the horses to position them closer to trap sites and farther away from where they would typically be?” questions author/advocate R.T. Fitch.

Links of interest:

‘Herd-Watch: Public Eyes for Public Horses’

Court Order Granting Injunction

Restraining order sought – AP article

Grass Roots Horse

Roundup Schedule- updated July 12, 2010

The Mustang Conspiracy: Sex, Drugs, Corruption, and BP – investigative report

Wild Horse and Burro Act

Tuscarora/Owyhee Complex Roundup Information from BLM

Disappointment Valley… A Modern Day Western Trailer- excellent sample of interviews regarding the issues

Straight from the Horse’s Heart

PR Firm Hired for the Destruction of America’s Wild Horse and Burro Herds

Fact Sheet on Wild Herds & The Salazar Plan

Link to this press release online

Past Cloud Foundation press releases

Photos, video and interviews available from:
The Cloud Foundation

The Cloud Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to the preservation and protection of wild horses and burros on our Western public lands with a focus on protecting Cloud’s herd in the Pryor Mountains of Montana.

107 S. 7th St. – Colorado Springs, CO 80905 – 719-633-3842

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29 replies »

  1. RT at this point in time, who would believe ANYTHING from BLM?
    i wrote them yesterday to express my disbelief in the photos posted on their website of a dry water hole(from where?) and a tanker sitiing by a dry water hole. no date stamp on the pictures, and also to let them know my feelings about the BLM-heavy makeup of the review team that is assessing the situation. I won’t believe anything until an independednt person goes and takes a look.
    And I agree, the fences are the problem, if the horses can get to the water, they’ll go to the water.


  2. Do any of you remember Elyse Gardner’s humane observer report from the Calico round-up? She reported that, after having been driven by helicopter, the horses were left in the trap overnight, without water. There was no way of knowing when they had last had water, before they were chased by the helicopter. She estimated that they probably went from 16 to 18 hours with no water. The truck got stuck in the mud and they couldn’t make it all the way to the pens. What made it worse, is that they were given hay, but no water. Hot and stressed, given hay (not their normal diet) and no water.


    • Sue Cattoor wrote me in an email that leaving them overnight with no water wasn’t a problem, because she heard horses can easily go 24 hours without water. This is a violation of round up operator’s contract.


      • Excuse me folks, but…what a stupid, ignorant F-bomb inserted here comment (but consistent).

        Is that right administrative horse killer, Mega-bucks Cattoor…they don’t need water for 24 hours? Hmmm, fascinating! Let’s see, you have just repudiated every freaking extension service guideline for all animals. Brilliant…please keep talking.

        Hey Fata**, why don’t you try it, you cattle/money wh**e? Seriously, this idiot says they don’t need water for 24 hours and AFTER being herded via helicopter over miles in 100 degree tempetures and over tough terrain?!?! FYI, STOOPID!>>>>go watch any race- quarter, TB, Arab and see what the trainer makes the grooms do AFTER that kind of expenditure of energy you freaking cruel MORON!

        You people aren’t worth the price of a Hefty Trash Bag to properly dispose of.

        Keep it up asshats….your days are numbered.


      • I can see why the Cartoors and the BLM hate pictures. I understand its better to find something positive but with the BLM there is nothing at all postive that they do!

        Everytime I see that picture of the ‘cartoor woman’ standing next to the wild horse who is bashing himself on the metal pipes in fear of her, I get angry.

        Everytime I see the pictures of horses clawing their way out through the shute observation windows that pisses me off to the max!

        we need more pictures like that so the public will get more angry too. The BLM is the same or even worse every year they get more zombielike and desensitized to cruel handeling. Would love to see the criminal records of longtime cruel blm employees…I bet in reallife they have violence to humans problems. Studies have shown those cruel to animals are violent to humans aswell.


    • Dear Sue, after a hard day of terrorizing horses did you go home and drink something? Or did you honor the objects of your wrath and refrain for 24 hours?


  3. No matter how you look at it between Calico and Tuscarora the BLM has egg on their face. We must demand answers and not stop until we get them. The only answer is the BLM has really screwed up and horses are paying with their lives. At this point they need to stop and get a humane observer and sit down and TALK and LISTEN. Yes Jan those pictures were meaningless and I swear I have seen some of them before. In a response to an advocate they stated “the BLM is not trying to fool anyone” O ya?


    • Politicians and government are ALWAYS tring to fool someone. Otherwise they wouldn’t need to hire “spinmeisters”.


    • It is called “Blood on their hands” in my book. Their arrogance is their say so… they knew we would try to stop them if we were there using photos and eyewitness testimony. Well, the horses testimony has gotten us this far… come on Laura… mar


  4. I say sue ’em again!!!!!!! Sue ’em for the deaths at Calico. Sue ’em for the deaths at Tuscarora. Sue ’em for the fencing off of water sources in favor of mining and cattle/sheep. Sue ’em for the reduction of the “where found” 1971 public law that has allowed government and pirivate individuals to take lands away from ALL our valued wildlife. Sue ’em ’til the cows come home…literally!

    Sue ’em for failing to acknowledge accepted and known animal management practices for equines. But that’s what happens when you have dirty, cruel meat livestockers and horse killers in charge of physically “managing” our American Icons.


  5. Don’t forget to call the White House.

    I’m not only saying stop the roundups, release the captives, I’m also asking that he ask for Salazar’s and Abbey’s resignations and a total, quick revamping of DOI…PERIOD!


  6. “I’m not only saying stop the roundups, release the captives, I’m also asking that he ask for Salazar’s and Abbey’s resignations and a total, quick revamping of DOI…PERIOD!”

    Yes, Denise, and they should be put in jail for animal abuse according to the rules of the BLM.
    OMG, our poor horses.


  7. Call! Call! Call the White House and your reps and tell them…..

    Salazar, Abbey and others need to resign and you must insist on a a speedy, revamp of DOI for the resources protection and innovative energy needs of the 22d Century of the US AND the world.

    And I supect you’d get alot of support from the folks trashed by the Gulf disaster if we can find links and websites.

    I’m not against oil or cattle or mining….I’m against this corrupt, incompetent mess we have now from many agencies and corporate America that can’t sell out this country, offshore job sourcing, rape assets fast enough.

    p.s. Send DOI courtesy copies and continue to file during public comment periods, but I wouldn’t waste one more breath trying to reason with the DOI..


  8. “Has the BLM allowed pre-roundup hazing of the horses to position them closer to trap sites and farther away from where they would typically be?” questions author/advocate R.T. Fitch.

    read somewhere the choppers were flying around the day before sunday?. Look how quick the choppers ran the first am horses in. I bet those horses were 2 days from a good decent drink by round-up morning! Hazed on sunday to get them close, then run 2 hours monday am. business as usual for blm and gang. They don’t want to change.

    Is there anyway we can get the past 8 years fences cut down, so the horses can make it to water? Also read somewhere- that last year or 2 the BLM placed 7 thousand miles of barbed wire fence on public lands.


    • Bingo. How did they manage to round up 228 horses in 2.5 hours? I’d say they were moving them away from water sources to make their job easier, not safeguarding the safety of the round up that Mr. David Overcast said called for ‘extreme caution.”


  9. my mustang was captured as a 2 year old in Nevada. She must have come from a place where water is precious and I know she had a wise family as she has many natural skills. Shes almost 15 and has been well cared for, likes humans.

    When it rains, she makes a small hole ‘quickly’ between her front legs, puts her head down and the rain gutters off her mane. Fills the hole really fast. She always drinks that little ‘catchie’ of water. And then she stands in the rain and misses her family.


  10. Sadly the Gulf disaster has given our issue a foot in the door….the corruption, mismanagement and incompetence of DOI.

    Don’t let it go and hang on for dear life.

    Laura Leigh and her attorney did something (and timing is everything in law) that the fat cats in Wash-DC/Beltway law have done very poorly…ethically, passionally and competently take on government and corporations in defense of citizens and more importantly wildlife and resources ( bite your humans are more important than resources and wildlife bit…yeah, but without both….humans will cease to exist).

    I appreciate the “support” of HSUS, AWI and ASPCA. I just wonder why the releases are coming out now when the judge already made the decision to provide injunctive relief. Where you been guys? We’ve always been here and with warriors on the range paying their own expenses and generating scientific reports.


    • HSUS should be demanding to go out and do an investigation… if it had been 12 dogs who died they would be there… There needs to be more Action from these animal welfare people. This is a National Disgrace and needs to be shown for what it is; private industry is taking this land of the peoples’ and of the mustangs’ and giving it away for private profit and undoubtedly favors for BLM. mar


      • Mar, exactly, OR if it was 12 dead horses on MY property, there would be an investigation immediately, so as always, why is BLM above the laws the rest of us have to abide by? and why do these horses not get the same care expected from the general public? I will NEVER understand this, never!


      • jan, They are not as visible. We came along and made them more visible and we still want more visibility. We have a right to get it, too. The transparency will come harder because BLM is so connected and in deals with all the big Corporations. Visibility is something we can get if we keep at it. mar


      • HSUS has been out there (Calico) if I’ve read correctly. Problems are that it’s always on the horse whackers terms….but maybe someone from HSUS would care to educate the animal welfare advocates on this and many other blogs


      • Marilyn you are right. This is animal cruelty to the max and the HSUS should be there. We need to bombard them with emails too.


  11. Gee ! the horses can go 24 hours without water — so say those great horse management killer -type helicopter wranglers. And the horses couldn’t find water on the range– gee–they found it for a thousand years before the holy cow ranchers fenced it off! What country is this?? Give me a break–give the horses a break– you go Laura and Terri and RT and anyone else out there who can draw a bead on Cattoors/BLM/Ken/DOI. Hooray for the advocates— all the best to you–


  12. This is turning into a very long day–can’t wait to hear the outcome. Of course if I’m on pins and needles can’t imagine what Laura is feeling. Would love to read the court reports documents of the hearing. I keep hoping we get another audio report w proclaiming a win. I like the audio report RT and appreciate you keeping us informed no matter where you are or what you are doing.


  13. The feds are not going to step in. The state of Nevada is not going to step in. The counties where the roundups occur are not going to step in.

    There is NO ONE in the law who will do a damn thing.


    In my opinion the American public and the wild horses are dealing with a bureaucracy of serial killers, and the only way to save what is left of the wild horses is to buy their freedom or to literally remove them from public lands ourselves!

    They have never been safe and protected in the hands of the BLM, local, state of federal governments. And they never will be!

    Yes they deserve to be free! BUT while we are fighting for THEIR freedom they are being systematically murdered while these sadistic killers are most likely laughing at our pain and enjoying every moment of the chaos they’ve created – on our dimes.

    Please wake up and realize the only way to save them is to get the horses off public lands and away from the killers. Buy their freedom if need be. Just get them away from their killers.


  14. HSUS will not help the wild horses, HSUS is only interested in H$U$, they are only interested in GETTING YOUR DONATIONS AND GETTING PUBLICITY. They will side with the abusers a la Michael Vick just for the purpose of garnering more donations,and damn the truth and damn the animals. I know from personal experience – they are as dishonest and manipulative as the abusers themselves!


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