Horse News

NYT catches Dave Cattoor on Tape Conspiring to Hide Wild Horse Injuries/Deaths from Press and Public

(The News as We See It) by R.T. Fitch

Documented Deception by BLM’s Contractor Dave Cattor

Click on Image to view Video ~ Photo by Jim Wilson NYT

The recent New York Times video report of the BLM’s destruction of the Wild Horse herd of Twin Peaks captures Helicopter Stampede contractor, David Cattoor, clearly stating how he and the BLM will shoot and hide the death of an injured horse so that “we aren’t going to give them the shot that they want.”

Obviously conspiring, on video, to hide the truth from the public and press Cattoor speaks on a cell phone and to personnel directly on how to “shoot” a horse with a broken leg, “slide him into the trailer and take him to town”.

The BLM and the Cattoors are currently fighting a maelstrom of lawsuits and complaints regarding their secretive and covert stampedes of our national icon, the wild horse.  Two thirds the way through the video report Cattoor shows his true intentions and method of operation to disguise and hide the truth from the world.  Caught on video by the New York Times the Cattoor’s  put on the true face of their predatory and deceptive business.

Clear and documented evidence of the BLM/Cattoor’s active conspiracy to subvert the First Amendment rights of the American Public and Press.

Editor’s Note: “The Cattoor interview footage was shot early on the morning of August 27th by Clare Major of the New York Times.  Unbeknown to Laura Leigh, Terry Fitch and myself Clare had made special arrangements to gain access to the Cattoors early before we arrived with our BLM escorts.  The “THEM” that Dave Cattoor is discussing getting proper photographic “shots” is Laura, Terry and myself as we were the only press and observers for the day, along with Clare.  So there is a little personal “dig” in it for our Horseback team, also.” ~ R.T.

87 replies »



  2. Now THAT’S damning evidence and the kind of journalism that represents the Constitution’s First Amendment right of freedom of speech which the Cattoors and the BLM have been subverting ever since these “gathers” began. Their orchestrated photo op using the NYTimes has backfired and should open the door for Congress to finally conduct investigative congressional hearings on this whole debacle.


  3. Sure wish I could hear the audio. I wonder how many other wild ones have been shot and “slid into the trailer” or hidden in the bushes. DISGUSTING!!!


  4. Angry? Yes, I am. Shocked? No, I’m not. I think all of us know what Dave Cattoor is. We’ve seen the indictment and his guilty plea. Killing horses and trying not to get caught are his mode of operation.
    This man is a convicted criminal. I hope this evidence is enough to get his contracts cancelled, though I doubt it will be. BLM has an agenda — getting rid of wild herds — and this man is certainly willing to oblige … on our dime and to the detriment of our wild horses and burros.
    Most government agencies aren’t even allowed to have convicted criminals on the payroll. I’d like to know how the BLM gets away with it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Nora, I wondered the same thing myself, and I think I figured it out. I found a copy of the BLM’s 2008/09 contractors list that was updated 11/09 and it lists SUE Cattoor and not Dave with the company name and address, so I assume she is claiming ownership. So they contract with her and not him. Dave isn’t listed as a pilot, either. That is how they get around it, I believe. Still, his conduct on that video just further demonstrates how deceitful and murderous he and the BLM really are toward our wild ones (in my honest opinion).


      • if that is the case then he should not even be able to pilot a copter she would have to be the one doing the running we need to get this out to the public every lil bit helps . they have more less put there foot in there mouth and just excuse the pun but shot themselves n the foot


    • Nora, you are right. The Government has “strict hiring rules” or guidelines, shall we say? Only when they want a “Hit Man” they can bend the rules. As far as I am concerned Old man Catoor is just a “Wild Horse hit man” the miserable bastard he is! Pardon my French! He will get what he deserves, I believe in “Universal Justice” I am sure he won’t enjoy his blood money, and he will reincarnate as a Mustang! Serves him right!


    • Certainly a legitimate question to ask Ken Salazar and Bob Abbey. I would submit that the NYTimes should investigate the criminal background of Dave Cattoor and his association with the BLM. As someone else pointed out, it’s Sue Cattoor’s name on the BLM contract which is how the issue is circumvented. For some reason, Dave doesn’t seem to feel it necessary to keep a low profile. So the Times should oblige him and ask Salazar the tough questions.


  5. And here is some more of their tactics. In the Sunday, the 5th, issue of the Billings Montana Gazette, front page. “BLM palnning meetings in Wyoming Remain closed to the Public” “Official says process lacks transparency, will produce land plan that surprises public.” (That statement was made by one of the Park county commissioners). The story is saying they intend to have a closed door meeting and even excluding county commissioners and other officials. One of the paragraphs state, “Final plans will guide nearly every aspect of how millions of acres of public lands in Wyoming are managed, governing oil and gas development, off-road vehicle use, habitat management and more.” It further along in the articile includes the wild horse HMA subject.
    So, how much more into the thinking process of being such a superior dept. can this organization go?


  6. Do we need more EVIDENCE of a “Government Conspiracy”???? When the Government contracts with a “Convicted Criminal” such as old man Catoor, you have a “Wild Horse Hit Man” that’s him alright! Hit men are for dirty jobs!!!


  7. What the Cattoors want the Cattoors get. This business relationship BLM has with this company is deeply sick. The Cattoors, husband or wife, say what they want and do as they please while they manipulate people there representing the public and press. These contractors need to be set adrift. BLM clings to them like a security blanket. It is disgusting. mar


  8. Speechless! EXCELLENT report! Wonder how they will wiggle their way out of that one? I’m both elated and deeply saddened that this is permitted to continue.


  9. What a wonderful job by the New York Times. Just fabulous! And Laura. The way they placed Cattoor near the end, after all that blah blah about keeping horse activists and media away for “safety.” Yes, safety for them and their big fat pay checks.


  10. Better to say your sorry then ask permission seems to be BLM’s policy.
    BUT saying sorry once our American Mustangs are exterminated is not reversible. We don’t have another 500 years to replicate what has evolved.


  11. Oh Dave are you still shooting horses from helicopters???? Shame on you. And good on NYT for getting that jewel.

    Okay, I’m writing the Pres.

    I’d use a whole bunch of 4 letter words here but I get the back of my hand smacked! All I can is ICKY!


  12. In regards to DOI not doing a thing to stop this insanity as well as BLM there is only one word I can use.


    google it folks if you’ve never heard of blackwater or Xe as they are now known. Private military security that has contracts with our government to the hundreds of millions.


  13. Just saw that picked up the New York Times story. Last time I checked there was already 600 comments!!!! Maybe the American Wild Horse is getting the press it so truly needs. Thank you R.T. and the New York Times for showing the world how evil and cruel the BLM and Cattoors really are.


  14. JOURNALISM is alive and well in the United States. THANK YOU New York Times and THANK YOU to Clare Major and Jesse McKinley for this video!
    THANK YOU to all of our wonderful and courageous advocates who have been there every step of the way–no matter what obstacles or insults were thrown at them.


  15. The title of the video could be GALS, GUTS AND GALL–I know there are GUYS there too.


  16. Make a copy of that video NOW before the BLM and the Cattoors have it pulled. Play it for congressman, hell send it to the president.

    So much for “transparency”.


  17. Get the lowdown on what the BLM, BP, and El Paseo Gas are doing for that Ruby Pipeline…watch the Mustang Controversy on….four letter words to the BLM and Dave Cattoors. He is a criminal along with everyone else involved and there is indisputable proof of that…It appears the inmates have taken over the asylum!


  18. Thanks Dave — that’s exactly the shot we want!

    I agree Cindi–somebody copy that video now– and post it everywhere!


  19. Write Jesse McKinley at NY Times and thank him. He got the big picture and put it out there for all to see and read. Do a search for Jesse McKinley NY Times and you can send an email to him.


  20. I just watched the video and re-read the article; I give the video “two thumbs up…esp. the pix of the helicopter swooping down on the innocent Mustangs and freaking the heck out of them;

    and showing how they are loaded into trucks and then put @ corral

    doesn’t give the whole picture however; but this is a good step forward; takes bravery to go to these Roundups of America’s Icons
    we the people thank the humane observors and the nyt writer…imo
    there is info on the blm website about the “contractors; will post; a.


  21. I’ll thank Jesse but I also have some bones to pick. 40,000?? where’s that number coming from. 36,500 in holding, that’s in dispute. FERAL QUARRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! guess they don’t research scientific articles before attaching an misnomer. I will thank the NYT for catching Dave showing what a disgusting piece of broken down DNA he really is. That shot you didn’t want anyone to have Dave–well you put out a sound bite that will live for eternity instead. For once, and only this once, I would like to thank you Dave.


  22. Headline News featuring ISSUES with Jane Velez-Mitchell is featuring all things animal welfare tonight. It started at 7pm EST and will repeat.

    She had Ms. Pickens on (don’t know if it the repeat or new) and discussed our wild ones.


    • He is working in the wrong government department. But you’ve given me an idea. He needs a new job, and, we, the people, need a new answer.


  23. I found a supposedly secret BLM memo regarding 13 monuments President Obama wants established in the West. These monuments would require the use of quite a bit of federal land. I’ll see if I can find it and post in case any of it is related.

    I can not thank R. T., Laura, Terry, Clare, Elyse Gardner, Ginger Katherns, and all the rest of you Wild Horse advocates in the West for being there for the horses and telling this compelling story. I can not imagine how wretching it must be to be there on the front lines, but without your witness, those of us who love these horses working on the other side of the story (with the traumatized spirits after adoptions gone dreadfully wrong) would not have the information to try to keep these horses remain in the wild.

    I have spent days writing my congress persons, media, the President, the Secretary as I know thousands of other peope have. Without the links you have provided, I would not have been able to do some of the background research, I have done. We never know which story, what source, what reader, what viewer is going to pick up what one of us is doing, and finally, we’ll hit the tipping point and the crack of light is going to hit America’s consciousness.

    From what I am reading, I am coming to the conclusion that the BLM and the DOI may be far too corrupt to properly care for these horses. There is no integrity, scientific or otherwise. The Secretary who is supposed to be in charge tried to alter a scientific report submitted to a federal judge. What kind of leadership is this?


  24. I saw the video late last nght and when it got to Dave all I could say is Holy Shit repeatedly as I backed up the feed to make sure I heard what I thought I heard. Can this be added to Lauras lawsuit re: access?? And does th NYT have more footage they are willing to share?


    • I wish RT or Laura could follow up with the NYT to develop this expose further. So many questions……What is Congress’ reaction to this latest development? Is one unified letter condeming the actions of the BLM the extent to which they will go to put an end to this despicable treatment of our wild mustangs? And to add insult to injury, the plans of the BLM are at the expense of the same American public that protests their actions.


  25. Click to access antiquitiesdocument.pdf

    This is the link to the draft regarding monuments the President wants to build in the West. It is from THE HILL and I found it through googling “Interior’s secret plan for the West”. This link was embedded in a specific article regarding a Republican protest regarding the secret nature of the plan.


    • “DRAFT – NOT FOR RELEASE” A document that refers to the BLM buying up privately owned land, cost estmates in the millions of dollars,,,,,,,all involving states where roundups have taken place (CA, CO, NV) and future roundups i.e. MT and WY.


      • I personally don’t have a problem with lands being set aside and protected from development, etc., but I also don’t agree with what they’ve been doing to the land that is “supposedly” protected that the mustangs are supposed to be residing on…

        One thing to note, is that Wyoming is the only state where the President is unable to use the Antiquities Act to set aside lands for monuments, etc, WITHOUT the express approval of Congress. Some of the areas mentioned, I just went through in June, and I know that SUWA has been trying to get protected.

        In regards to Dave and Sue Catoor….Karma is a bigger B***h that I could ever be!


  26. I guess birds of a feather stick together…Cattoor and BLM are just different sides of the same coin. Would we really expect a corrupt BLM to hire a reputable helicopter company….no. Just good ole boys in cahoots together.


  27. Did you here about all of the solar and other power generation that is proposed for BLM Calico California, Nevada, Arizona. This is dated 7/2010.
    Solar uses steam to generate power, needs lots of water. How many animals were displaced to have the extensive land and precious water for their power plants. 16 proposed in the west to be funded by Stimulus funds for 2010. I was just looking at how much land (4000+) and water (solar to steam generation) a Solar Power plant takes to run. Wow there is one proposed for Calico Blm California area dated March 2010??? Suprise!!!

    Click to access CACA49537_Tessera_Calico_Stirling_1_summ…ary_040110.pdf

    Click to access DOI_Energy_Development_Press_Release_6-2009.pdf

    Wow 16 new solar power proposals for the year 2010, mostly in the west.


    • yes that Stimulus money sure made a lot of people wealthy and all they had to do was “break ground” by end of this month.


      • Wow. This month…really? Wonder what other deadlines the horses are up against? Good work. One more document, one more piece of the puzzle. We are getting it put togeter…each little piece.


  28. Christie,

    Reading over that link, it seems that the intent is to preserve wildlife species and habitats such as grasslands by giving them National Monument designations. It is actually something that might protect the regions and add to public lands. The national monument designation is somewhat of a misnomer as there are no plans to build anything but instead, keep areas from being developed.

    That is how I read it. How this might affect the wild horses I don’t know but it would actually add to conservation lands. That could be one reason why the Republicans might oppose it.


    • This is a 2009 NYT editorial about the Cheney/Bush “No More Wilderness” policy which opened up vast amounts of public land to exploration/exploitation.

      I believe the Republicans will continue to support this policy and push for more if they win a majority in the mid-terms. Obama has proposed parks, preserves, wilderness areas, etc., but, as I understand it, they must be approved by Congress.

      I seem to remember HMAs have had acreage taken away (fenced off?) for “wilderness studies”. Anyone else recall reading that info?


      • Wyoming is the only state where the President is unable to use the Antiquities Act to set aside lands for monuments, etc, WITHOUT the express approval of Congress.


  29. Click to access Cattoor_Indictment-GuiltyPlea_Hunting-Killing-WH-1992.pdf

    This is the pdf of Dave Cattoor’s original indictment: I suspect the Cattoor’s will be “indicted again; for the Mare and foal incident on the ridge…and the Tuscorara incidents of “destroying (6) Foals…”

    very well said: The BLM and the Cattoors are “two sides of the same coin…aka “one hand washed the other…(moneylaundering?
    IDA should start an investigation to “BLM Cattoor moneylaundering


    • I read a law once and can’t find it now. A law in nevada that says wild horses can be turned over to rescue groups? Now we know many times the BLM shoots many horses saying to old or sick foals.

      I am still very angry the BLM shot those older mares. (and the babies too)

      The BLM are heartless bastards who love to ‘punish’ avocates by killing horses. That’s a form of abuse of power…very similar to a child abuser/wife beater who kills the family pet because they can.


  30. The NYT article carried on msnbc has over 800 responses now. YEA!! The conversation is growing, as I think it should -=- and most responses are in favor of leaving the horses alone.
    One guy on the msnbc comments, though, states (more than once) that the horses (and burros, too, I guess) are not a native species. They shouldn’t be here because they’re not native. At the moment, I was really irritated with him and didn’t respond, but his opinion did get me thinking — and I thought I’d toss out an idea here.
    I think it’s time we got past this whole “non-native species” debate. There are literally hundreds of species that are currently in existence in the US that are not native, but we’re not rounding them up — or uprooting them — in order to return to a pristine state. Here in the state of Georgia, we deal with kudzu and privet, both non-native species. Coyotes are NOT native to the eastern US, and red foxes are not native to this continent at all. Red ants, African cattle egrets, Africanized bees.
    How about all the farmers that grow soybeans, for Pete’s sake?! Are soybeans a native species?
    Most people in the US aren’t indigenous, either.
    So, what are we going to do? Start an all-out herding, trapping, weeding, and human relocation program to return this land to what is was pre-Columbus? That’s just silly to even contemplate.
    These species are here now. Wild herds have been here for 500 years, so I think it’s time to deal with the realities of the here and now.
    A few important points, to me, are these: How many wild horses and burros are there in the wild? At what rate do they reproduce? How do PZP and skewing sex ratios effect the population rate? What are the realistic mortality rates in the wild? What is the environmental impact caused by wild herds in contrast to other wildlife? In contrast to livestock? In contrast to other land use industries on our public lands — like mining, logging, oil exploration, etc? What happened to all the thousands of acres that were set aside for the wild herds per the 1971 protection law. And what’s the rush to pull as many horses and burros off the lands without first knowing any of the above?
    So, maybe when some one starts spouting “non native species,” we can re-direct the conversation using different talking points. Just a thought …


    • I keep responding that horses evolved only on North America. Almost enough evidence now to show horses never got fully extinct from whatever happened about 15 thousand years ago.

      Trying now with people doing digs re clovis man to connect horses as riding and pack animals. The horse is one of very few wild animals that can be domesticated right from the wild. And for that matter, if not ruined by silly human breeding choices..returned back to the wild aswell.


  31. Cattoors not doing all this horse killings free.
    Somewhere there is a Gov. pay for render services ect. ect.

    Time to FIA their Gov. pay check stub/contracts paid and see *exactly* how many horses they are paid for and how many they are paid for to kill and remove the bodies.

    just how many places are there “in town” to dump dead horses?? must be a very small town.


    • It is very possible that Cattor and the other killers (Cook?) have actually set up a subcontractor that provides disposal/rendering services wherein they primary killers have hidden financial interest and ownership in the same.

      The most well known renderers are easy to find: Kuhni Bros in Utah (SW corner) and the renderer in Reno/Carson City area and somewhere around Sacramento (can’t remember name right now, supposedly the main plant….equine and livestockers in No CA would know)


      • “concerning Fallon being a small town; if that is the town u meant; yes; Fallon is a small town; a remote town way out in the middle of nowhere: I have driven thru Fallon in the 1970’s; my comment is:

        “Fallon: not only is the hiway from Fallon and the corrals “110 miles from the nearest next exit…but that hiway is called…

        “the lonliest hiway in America…sounds dismal like the BLM Corrals

        gee I wonder why BLM chose a place 110 miles from civilization?

        Liked by 1 person

    • hi Laura: that’s exactly right; someone should file a formal complaint for either freedom of information act or a legal complaint requesting: “any info on BLM and rendering plants;
      a. how many? b. when? c. how many foals? I too have not shaken my anger at the BLM’s blatant “cruelty to the Mares Foals and Stallions! particuarly the older Mares; the ones who had foals…

      why would anyone in their right mind “destroy a living Mare who was nursing a foal REGARDLESS of her AGE…there is hope; imo
      after reading these comments I truly believe there is hope for the Mustangs to have a better future a.s.a.p. Congress convenes 9/12
      ps I think a lawyer or sheriff could file a complaint or FOI paper..a.


  32. We need to be the ones that frame the debate. A lot of these senseless arguments are just “red herrings”, in hopes of throwing everyone off track. Don’t fall for it.


    • If what RT and other passionate advocatesdo/post isn’t framing the debate, then Slaughterczar and the other killers wouldn’t be paying attention or spending so many of our taxpayer dollars to “dress up the pig” that is the WH&B Program currently.

      Louie…we ARE framing the debate.

      Congress, the WH and the courts aren’t listening to us. And the equines continue to suffer and die.


  33. I am so use to hearing the same lies, our Congress has the power to stop this and turn this around, November is right around the corner. take all this in when you VOTE.
    1st the BLM cant or wont even read their own numbers, I am not sure they can count.
    If we the public were to do any of the dirty,cruel deeds that these so called experts Dave and Sue Cattoon and their side kicks, we would all be in jail.
    WHY are they always the contractors does anyone know, and have been for YEARS.
    OH by the way, The BLM got over 40 MILLION this year more like over 70 million. This was given to them to Protect the Wild Horses and Burro’s, not kill them by the hundreds.
    Like I said they cant count.

    Congress YOU CAN STOP THIS!


  34. I am so use to hearing the same lies, our Congress has the power to stop this and turn this around, November is right around the corner. take all this in when you VOTE.
    1st the BLM cant or wont even read their own numbers, I am not sure they can count.
    If we the public were to do any of the dirty,cruel deeds that these so called experts Dave and Sue Cattoon and their side kicks, we would all be in jail.
    WHY are they always the contractors does anyone know, and have been for YEARS.
    OH by the way, The BLM got over 40 MILLION this year more like over 70 million. This was given to them to Protect the Wild Horses and Burro’s, not kill them by the hundreds.
    Like I said they cant count.

    Congress YOU CAN STOP THIS


  35. I guess what I should have said was “don’t let them throw you off track”. I keep seeing these same old, tired arguments drug out, again and again. It’s like arguing with a 2 year old.


    • I’m so sickened by reading this. How would I “inspire” congress as Louie says. Who do I call to voice my concerns? Can I call the White House? Can I call someone every day?


  36. This is the first time I have actually seen this despicable excuse for a human being and I have to say I need the Barf bag badly. I noticed that statement immediately and was wondering if my ears were deceiving me. I have said it before, there is a special place in hell for these “people”.


  37. OMG. These hooligans need to be STOPPED NOW.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I am still in Massachusetts, my sister PEG whom loved horses and rode with me just died of Ca.I am outraged and shocked that these liying bloody baffoons are still herding and rounding up our american mustangs and burros.I am going to call some political friends here in MA we are an anti-slaughter state that loves and protects our beautiful states environment, beaches, horses, wolves, foxes, etc.This is an outrage. will make some calls to friends here that are decent animal loving political individuals.
    PRAY for the mustangs, Pray for my sister PEG whom loved all animals and the environmemt.


    • We’re on this Earth together,
      And if we would be brothers,
      Fight not just on your own behalf
      But for the sake of others.

      God bless you Kathleen and your sister Peg


  38. These low lifes with no brains are nothing but mindless, spineless vile and evil people. A day will come when they have to answer to god for what they have done!!! OH HOW MIGHTY IS THE WRATH OF GOD!!!


  39. I consulted an attorney (friend, former elected official, well-respected in a number of circles, with national ties) and this was his advice to me:

    Unless you are a Bill Gates or a Donald Trump, you need to join part of a larger group because the bureaucrats will keep fighting, and you could spend everything you have without getting very far. So we should use our combined resources to fight through the court system. So to this end, we could perhaps donate what we can to a group working on the legal front such as Grass Roots Horse.

    His second recommendation was to get the media involved because the more people we can get to understand and support our cause, the more likely we are to be heard, and the sooner Congress is likely to act. When it comes to media, we might want to think outside the box as well as inside the box. It might take more than letters to the editor, but letters to the editor of our respective local papers, but letters to the editor are a good place to start as are news tips to TV or other media outlets.

    I believe that we have the support of Congress. The House passed the ROAM Act last summer. This means that one half of the legislative battle has been won. Senator Byrd was the Senate sponsor, but he was in failing health and has subsequently died. Currently, the bill has no sponsor. This bill was read twice in committee, but a vote was never taken is committee on how to move the bill. The bill is in the committee of Energy and Natural Resources.

    One possible step might be to write our Senators and ask them to sponsor the Senate version of the bill which is S. 1579. or R. O. A. M. Act. Once the bill has a sponsor, and hopefully more than one sponsor, it will have a chance to see the light of day. It will have to be passed in committee to be considered by the Senate.

    I have found it frustrating to try to email members of Congress outside of my district. I either get no response or a response telling me to contact my own representatives. So snail mail might work better.

    Then you have Senator Reid D. Nevada who sets the agenda for the Senate. He is a generational rancher whose son is currently running for the governorship of Nevada. I don’t have an idea about his feelings about wild horses and what the answers are to their plight. He can either bring this up for discussion and a vote quickly, or he can bury it.

    As far as some of the arguments we are having such as whether the wild horse is native or not, the Cloud Foundation has a link about this. There are scientific articles as well as legal documents that support many of our points. Whenever we can, we need to support our arguments with verifiable facts. I have not always done this myself, but I am working on it. R. T.’s articles are freqently embedded with links to other original sources or to sources that link to original sources. We have the truth at our fingertips thanks to the steadfast and courageous work of R. T., Laura Leigh, Elyse Gardner, Ginger Katherns, Craig Downer, George Knapp, and so many other people who have grabbed onto this story and refuse to let to let go.


  40. we need lawyers to file lawsuits to stop the blm. this ugly government is allowing this ugly blm to act like this. we need to get salazar fired.


  41. I have a few Mortality reports that are early 2012 that area
    One is from Canyon City and the other from Palomino Valley process facility.
    Mostly broken bones and broken necks.
    Wish I could attach the list to share with you all.
    Roundups kill.
    This Triple King euthanizing foals and the BLM’S excuse weak tendons.
    No the BLM ran them undeveloped legs and hooves into the ground turning them into cripples just like they have done before and back to the same thing again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I also have mortality reports for many captured wild horses and burros (both helicopter and trapped) and many many many die soon after being captured and like you said … many die from broken necks and legs which of course due to the handling they get from the BLM and contractors.

      Liked by 1 person

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