Horse News

ASPCA Files Suit Against Illegal Wild Horse Roundup

Press Release from ASPCA

Animal Welfare Groups Seek Immediate End to BLM’s Removal of Colorado Herd

NEW YORK—The ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) has filed suit in United States District Court, Southern District of New York, against U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar to challenge the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) illegal roundup of the Piceance-North Douglas Herd, one of America’s federally protected wild horse herds. Along with equine protection groups, Habitat for Horses and the Cloud Foundation, the ASPCA and co-funding Habitat for Horses Advisory Council is seeking an immediate injunction against the planned removal of the entire wild horse herd in Colo. on October 11.

“The BLM is systematically driving America’s wild horses to extinction,” said Matt Bershadker, Senior Vice President of ASPCA Anti-Cruelty. “They have continued to increase their efforts to remove these horses from public land legally designated for their use despite intense public outcry. The ASPCA decided to take legal action against the BLM’s inhumane and fiscally irresponsible policies before a national treasure is completely eradicated.”

The BLM continues to violate the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971, which was passed to protect wild horses and burros from capture and preserve the land used by them. More than 19 million acres originally designated for their use have slowly been whittled away for cattle grazing, making them both the victim and target for removal. The use of helicopters to run the terrified horses over miles of scorching desert has resulted in serious injuries and several horse deaths throughout the summer, as well as one-half or more of the wild horse population languishing in long-term holding pens. The ASPCA is calling for an immediate reintroduction of wild horses onto federal lands previously designated for their use, as well as greater transparency in the benefits cattlemen have derived from BLM policies.

The BLM’s ongoing policy of eliminating entire herds without due consideration of the extreme nature of this conduct and its impact on the rangeland also violates the National Environmental Protection Act. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has been authorized by the BLM to determine accurate population sizes and appropriate herd management levels, and the ASPCA is seeking a complete moratorium on all future roundups until NAS publishes their findings.

For more information on legal action taken against the BLM please visit

80 replies »

  1. YAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks to the ASPCA ! The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals;

    in existance since the 1890’s WAY TO WIN ASPCA THANK YOU


    • I believe the gracious and kind gentleman that started the ASPCA was motivated by the abuse and death of a carriage horse in NYC he personally witnessed.

      Wonder what he’d have to say if he witnessed the Kattoor Killers in action with our wild ones?


      • I just was at Elyse Gardner’s blog and the post of the horse who slammed his head into the upper bars after being completely mishandled by the bag whip waving ignoramous is sickening. They list a horse died that day after rearing up and hitting his head on the crossbar, which is exactly what you see there. We so far have 2 instances of wrangler caused deaths on tape–how many more occur when no one is there. I pray that the lawsuits are successful and that this stops.


  2. Thank you all.

    Can someone explain to me why all the interest in CO and not the other roundup areas? I’m not complaining, just interested in the level of effort there and not other roundup sites in other states. Yes, I realize that there are ongoing legal actions.

    Speaking of ongoing legal action, has anyone ever thrown a spreadsheet together of the lawsuits since the 1971 Act? It would be interesting to see the number of suits, locations, dates, HMAs, decision, etc.


    • There is a reason that we have picked the roundups that we have to lit agate, Denise…I will discuss privately as our intent is not to tip off the BLM. There is a strategy at work, here.


      • Thanks RT…after I posted I realized that there may be a very good reason and it may be VERY important to keep that reasoning proprietary. I get it.


        Cattle HACKS murdering equines with cattle hack equipment…NOT EQUINE!!!!!!! Sick, just absolutely sick


  3. Great! Moratorium until NAS can complete their investigation! WIN IT.
    Thank you ASPCA fro stepping up to the plate.

    Yes, and what about other herds in danger. Adobe Town and Walker Lake need an immediate moratorium. The Lahontan herd in Nevada, is scheduled for removal, just under 100, and leaving only ten horses! Someone put the brakes on this! Its a runaway train with a blind engineer, and wild horses are tied to the tracks!


  4. Well, frustrating, I cannot edit. A “fro” is an African American hair stye, made popular in the Disco era!

    I meant to say, thank you ASPCA, for stepping up to the plate! : )


  5. How I LOVED seeing this entry this morning. Go get ’em!! I’m praying that it helps and that we will see an end to this heartless, mindless extermination in the very near future. No animal should be forced to endure what the BLM is doing to our horses. Thanks so much, R.T., for keeping us informed, we’re behind you all 120%!

    Hey everyone, it’s gonna take money and lots of it – pick from the list named on the suit and send in your donations!!!


    • HfH Advisory Council is the org that initiated the suits and is funding this one with the assistance of the ASPCA. Front Range was kind enough to assist with the West Douglas suit.

      To date we have not said much about money as we do not want to dilute any other activities but any assistance rendered would be greatly appreciated. It’s all about the horses but it does take green stuff to get this all in front of the court.


  6. I was doing some research over the weekend and noticed that there are a lot of permits being requested to expand mining operations, and open closed mines in Nevada. I wonder how hard it would be to correlate the request for permits and the herd removals. I definitely think there is a connection.


    • Nell, you’re absolutely right. In fact, I’ve read in past research that the mining interests are an even greater motivator than cattle grazing permits for the DOI to remove the wild mustangs from public lands. The BLM has used the grazing issue as a “smoke screen” to keep attention diverted from the actual impetus of their plan. I’m sure RT, Terry and Laura are aware of this as well. The plot thickens!


    • This is a simplified version of the Twin Peaks Active Mines and Claims Maps. Also info about water use for new mining techniques.

      Geocommunicator is another useful tool for mapping current and projected extraction uses throughout the West, including overlays of their direct impacts on HMAs/HAs. “Zeroed Out” areas are especially telling.

      “Multiple Use” is nothing but lip service. Under current DOI.BLM policies our public lands must “produce” in hard currency. The “highest and best uses” are mining, natural gas, oil, coal, etc. Most real profits go to other countries. Per-acre lease costs are a pittance compared to gains.

      These corporations do create U.S. jobs (many temporary), but at a terrible cost to our public and private lands and waters.There are allot of people getting rich off the rape of our country and they ain’t ordinary American citizens.

      The wild ones are convenient scapegoats and their mass-removals are indicators of calculated devastation that may never be repaired. Each and every mustang and burro that dies or is ripped from the range is not only a reminder of the abandonment of our heritage, but a symbol of the bleak prospects for current and future generations.


  7. Thank you all, again, and may this lead to change. We must end this and we must support those who are working to stop the violent handling of these wonderful wild ones.

    Elyse Gardner has a longer report at her blog and has begun to tell us about the burros, also. Please visit and red this in depth observation of what she has seen. She is still editing material to post.

    Laura Leigh is also still editing material to post from roundups. Please keep an eye out for what she will be putting up for us.

    Way to go RT and Terry for collaborating with ASPCA and keeping the pressure on.
    It seems an amazing waste for BLM to continue these removals and the employing
    of the Cattoors. Time to stop and issue the moratorium. mar


  8. I believe this lawsuit gives 60 days for the US agency to respond…I hope I have this wrong because 60 days is a long time if you are a wild horse! (:


    • Bonnie, I think you have it right about there being a response timeframe, just not exactly sure of the number of days. This lawsuit seeks an “immediate injunction” – what exactly does that mean in terms of time for a judge to hear and make a ruling? RT, can you shed some light? I’m afraid I’m a bit challenged on legal details. I have heard that the BLM plan on starting this round up regardless of the lawsuit.


      • Looks like the BLM backtracked – now they won’t attempt this roundup while the lawsuit is pending according to the article that Laura posted a link to below. Another blink…


      • I would be extremely wary of the BLMs stated posistion they will not round them up now…they have been increasingly using this type of tactic-and then remove the horses when we are occupied elsewhere..someone needs to be designated to keep an eye on activity there and send out an alert..they are playing with us..they have openly defied a letter from 50+ members of congress to stop the roundups and institute a moritorium…do you think they care about the lawsuit..They truly believe “they” are the law, make the laws and enforce the laws..the president is the only one now who can wrest control from their bloody hands..their intent is to elimate the wild horses from public lands..hell, they don’t even want them on private lands..the ones not removed are now being sceduled for permenant stelization, all the young stock has been removed the older horses sterilized..they will die off in around 10 years..we may have seen the last foals born in the wild.


  9. Guess I will re-new my membership today and tell them why!
    Things have to hurry for a moratorium. Our Wild Icons just seem to be slipping down the drain in a whirlpool of haste.


    • Yeah, about time, ASPCA. And if HSUS wasn’t so greedy for the money its making from the BLM for mare’s contraception and crap, they should join in with this law suit. That’s one thing I can’t forgive…The HSUS is SUPPOSED to ENFORCE the humane treatment of all animals..yet they look the other way, not saying a word, WHEN THEY DAMN WELL KNOW OF THE BROKEN NECKS, BACKS, BEING RUN OVER CLIFFS, SHOT JUST BECAUSE THEY MIGHT BE OLDER. I WILL NEVER EVER GIVE THEM ANOTHER RED CENT!!! This just rips me apart.


  10. Thanks ASPCA– and HfH, CF and all — a great move on behalf of the horses. It was wonderful to see some good news here– maybe a step towards moratorium. Now we need Pres. Obama to step up to the plate and take a long hard look at this disaster.

    All–please go to Care 2 petition site– there is an article/petition there featuring a Craig Downer photo and several petitions by Jake on the wild horse issue. There are also petitions to “Remove Salazar”. I sign every one where I can get a line in about BLM and its “drive to extinction” of our horses— Salazar and the Arctic/Save the Wolves—


  11. The DOI/BLM cannot make their own policy. They must follow the policies set forth by the United States Congress, representing the people of the United States. I read they have a target of removing 15,000 horses next year. This CANNOT happen. If it does the wild horses will be wiped out not only in our lifetime, but within the next few years. There has got to be a complete moratorium. There is no other answer. As for not allowing people to witness their atrocities, I think it is time to organize onsite demonstrations at each gather site. Or organize the nationwide protests for the same day for maximum impact. And sue the hell out of the BLM at every turn. Thanks to HfH and the others for doing this. I am behind you 1000%. And could someone sue the Cattoors for animal abuse? Please. They shouldn’t be allowed within a mile of any wild horse.

    One more thing, the stallion who died while defending his mare and foal, why couldn’t they just release these 3 back to the wild? What would it have hurt?


    • The demonstrations are good for visibility and some press. Education. In order to do on site demonstrations we need people. There would also be the threat of losing our ability to see what little we can at these violent removals. If people could come to watch and be cooperative then any number could show up. Elyse Gardner had attempted to get the public involved at Twin Peaks. She had told people to come to watch and bring family and children, too. These were some of the last of the California’s wild ones.

      And I do not believe Cattoors left over 700 horses at Twin Peaks when they finished. It is just like Calico. They are killing, maiming and laming more and more horses everyday there is a roundup occurring. The trauma these horses and burros must live with is unforgivable. Many more will be dying in pens and from transport.
      May our government reverse itself and make up for all of this loss and wrong. mar


      • And, at the risk of repeating myself, with approx 2000 burros left in the entire West, there is no reason to round up any burros at all. Unless, of course, their plan is to remove all obstacles for corporate consumption of our private lands.


      • SWH, But that figure is whittled down considerably since last year. There may be that many still if we are lucky and, yes, they have not needed any further pressure by removal. We all repeat ourselves so much! It is part of this process and it is our constant reminders to all who read and are silent to the gravity of this campaign. The urgency needs constant repetition. We are Good at that!! mar


    • It would have hurt their pride and ego and powertrip. They want to show THEY are in charge… they treat the horses as cockroaches and have NEVER demonstrated any professionalism and compassion. They care NOT.


  12. We have to understand that the Department of the Interior/BLM operation is not doing ANY of this with ANY interest, whatsoever, in saving any part of America’s Wild Herds of American Mustangs or Wild Burros. It has declared all out war on them and in doing so, has declared war on the American People.


    • I repeat, BIG mistake. We are not ever walking away from this and the carnage has done nothing but deepen our resolve to stay the course and change the government lackey’s direction and stop the annihilation of the wild herds! mar


  13. Thanks to all who filed this suit. I believe it is the best one filed to date in terms of merit and breadth.

    Wake up time over the weekend. The accelerated removals pace during winter, foaling season, etc., is due to a directive by the White House to clear the way for renewable energy projects. It also explains the Salazoo’s, which defy logic. Why move horses to expensive land in the east rather than keep them on less desirable land in the west?

    The BLM and state agencies currently have many massive desert solar power plant applications awaiting permit, with loans guaranteed by the Department of Energy via stimulus money and requiring tens of millions of gallons of scarce desert water. This is the new “gold rush” and investors like Bright Source, an Israeli conglomerate which includes Chevron, BP, Morgan Stanley and StatOil all want a piece of the “green.” All plants and wildlife must be removed and the land will be classified for “single use.”

    So don’t look to Obama for relief. I ‘m certain he appointed Salazar with the goal of wild horse extinction in mind. The BLM is taking full advantage of the free reign, utilizing more cruel methods in full knowledge that all avenues within the government are closed to us. Sure explains why Obama looked through the protesters when passing in his motorcade, doesn’t it!

    At least now the events of the past year make some sense to me. I pray this lawsuit prevails. I hope the BLM lawyers enjoy running from sea to shining sea to attend the proceedings.


    • In light of what we know we have simply been waiting for the “Transparency” to tell us,
      point blank, what the hell was going on. This still does not mean that BLM/Salazoo have taken the right tack. They ain’t done nothing right yet. Meaning we fight to hold onto the wild lands and wild herds and get the captured back to the best places possible.

      They could have worked with us. Instead they kept the crippled procedures unfixed so we could not respond and work within the system for legal changes. Big mistake. Now we must force the issue all the way until we win. There is land out here for the wild herds. We need to decide where it is and sanctify it if it is not and get them out of harms way. This has all been unnecessary and so wasteful because of BLM arrogance towards the public. Something has got to give and it is not us. mar


    • Lenore, your opinion about Obama’s involvement makes perfect sense. Otherwise, why would the DOI/BLM AND the courts feel immune from public outcrys and demands. Someone needs to hunt down evidence/documentation that the White House is sanctioning the extinction of the wild horses. Boy, would that really hit the front pages of every paper in the country and beyond.


      • I think this is why no statements have been made as if the Prez can just slide by this issue!! I have figured all along that they are very aware of us and still hoping we will go away. But this is underhanded and smells illegal as well as it denies transparency all around. How hypocritical. They ought to come out and state their business. They are still wrong and there Is room for our wild ones. In the end it is those wanting to be rid of the horses who have used their position with Obama to get that job done. He should still look us in the eye and admit it, then have the guts to stop the roundups and look for legitimate solutions. Why should so few wild horses be such a big problem?! Because BLM/DOI never make the right moves. mar


  14. Last night I prayed for Wild Horse Annie to come back. When I read your post and the demands of the complaint, I nearly fainted. Now complaints have to be filed in all jurisdictions, especially the Walker Lake NV. Thank you. Thank you!!


    • Jan, I truly believe in my heart that ALL of us ARE the spirit of Wild Horse Annie, back for the fight of her life, & her horses!!


  15. YEAH!! Go get ’em ASPCA, & all other horse warriors!! SUE the pants off those evil idiots! Our wild horses need all the clout & power they can get on their side! What about restraining orders to MAKE them stay away from the horses until court dates? Otherwise, they’ll keep rounding up & removing horses!! Where’s all the other big animal welfare groups!!?? Together we stand, divided we fall! There is strength in numbers! If we win the lottery, the horses are getting the money! Overthrow the BLM & their “leaders”!!


    • Laura, Thanks for this. It is my opinion from having been in this area and because Roger worked there that these horses did not MOVE off the HMA. There are Natural Barriers there and Fences. I think, IMHO, that this is a lie. mar


      • Something smells fishy and it isn’t my house! Here we go again. One minute BLM backtracks and then sideswipes us. Look at Owyhee. Until Laura filed suit no one said a thing about the lack of water and SUDDENLY it was an emergency.

        Do we have anyone in the area that can document who moved what where? If the horses moved–did someone do some preroundup manuvering????? Like no water…I wish these people would stop.

        Go to Laura’s website and watch the death of the Silver King Stallion. I promise that there isn’t anything disgusting to see. There is no blood, and the stallion makes no cry of any kind.

        This video made me think about something over the weekend. Has anyone taken notes on who has crashed into pipe corrals and died? Is it mostly stallions? Because if it is–I think we have a clue now as to what is happening and why they won’t let us near.


  16. The BLM is a national disgrace. It is nothing more than a stooge for the cattle ranchers. Are they paying off officials in the BLM? Or do they own it completely. My tax dollars are used for these agencies. And I say the BLM is corrupt. They are nothing more than a bunch of cowards who seem to enjoy harrassing and torturing these beautiful wild horses. I have seen video of BLM’s methods and it sickens me. I pray that ASPCA wins this lawsuit.


  17. The entire WORLD is watching this and people all over the globe love these animals as much as we do–just look at some of the petitions. Madeleine Pickens had to set up a special site for people from other countries who also participated in her Pony Express campaign.


  18. Horses being hauled off to Gunnison Prison and wisked out of sight is NOT setting well with people in other countries who still remember, all too well, the brutality of the Brown Shirts.
    This is NOT the image that our leaders like to have given to the rest of the world.
    It it rather hard to sell the idea of DEMOCRACY while the Department of the Interior is “making faces behind your back”.


  19. In listening to and digesting all of the information we have been finding, the ONE big thing that stands out is WATER RIGHTS. That is the red thread running through this whole bloody mess. Most or all of these FAST TRACKED energy projects as well as the mining take a great deal of water. What is left behind is pollution for the local communities to deal with as the corporations move on to the next victims.


  20. If the Federally Protected Wild Mustangs and Wild Burros can be removed without TOO MUCH NOTICE or TOO MUCH FUSS from the people, all agenda will go very nicely, as planned.


  21. What a clever plan–SWEEP THEM OUT OF SIGHT as soon as possible
    Haul them to places like the Broken Arrow/Fallon facility concentration camp or
    Gunnison Prison–where any humane oversight or public observation is impossible
    SPAY the mares or INJECTwith experimental infertility drugs
    CASTRATE the stallions or
    VASECTOMIZE the stallions–they will still exhibit stallion behavior, so no one will notice
    The herds gradually diminish and disappear–NO FUSS–NO INTERFERENCE
    How clever.


  22. The experimental fertility drugs weren’t enough, now they are spaying females.
    Why? Because they want zero population growth. It’s time to think about recreating wild herds on land we purchase or family units placed in sanctuaries. Many of the Calico stallions were rescued, Conquistador et al; we already have some magnificent horses. Grandma Gregg asked awhile back if advocates would step up and pay the board for a wild horse. We may need to do just this. Check out the Nakota horse foundation, who saved the real Roosevelt Park wild horses many years ago. They were replaced by quarterhorse wannabees that became quasi-wild but were friendlier to the public. There are other wild horse preservers who might even be willing to “play.”

    I would be more than willing to fund a horse or contribute to a real sanctuary where wild herd dynamics prevail. I will also support this lawsuit as it will take only one win to start the dominoes falling – set the precedent. This Colorado suit has all the makings if we get the right judge. The actions in Colorado are blatant.


  23. Black Elk, an Oglala Sioux, had a dream in which he heard a stallion sing:

    My horses, prancing they are coming.
    My horses, neighing they are coming.
    Prancing, they are coming.
    All over the universe they will come.
    They will dance: may you behold them.
    A horse nation, they will dance,
    May you behold them.

    -from “The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses”


    • SWH can you tell us a bit more about this? Who is Ogala Sioux? I’m sorry I don’t know much about the different tribes. Is there a good website I can go to for reference?



      • Margaret, I just finished reading BLACK ELK SPEAKS–an amazing book about the Lakotas–they include the Blackfeet, Crow, Sioux, and Ogalas. Black Elk, who was a teenage warrior at Little Big Horn, predicted that the 2 leggeds (Lakotas)and the 4-leggeds (horses) would be put on islands that were made smaller and smaller by the Waischu (white men). My paraphrasing doesn’t do justice to the poetic writings of John Neihardt. Black Elk aptly prophesied what would happen to the Indians and the horses as well. I recommend this book to everyone.


    • This is awesome & beautiful! Native Americans most certainly had a special spiritual connection with nature & all her creatures. If only we could have learned from them, rather than killing them! I believe in my heart that horses are a very special gift from God, to us(as are all animals!), & they should be cared for, loved, treasured, & respected.


  24. THANK YOU ASPCA for stepping in and taking action for the Wild Horses and Burros. Thank you for being a voice for them and for all of us who love them.


  25. This department IS OUT OF CONTROL AND MUST BE STOPPED. They are run by a crazy man because who else would be so destructive to our beautiful horses. These horses deserve much better from our govenrnment and we have to demand Salazar’s removal and dismantlement of the whole department. A complete audit of all paperwork needs to be done, with particular interest in horses taken in, horses let out, and horses killed in the roundup process. We, in California, put people in jail for hurting animals. Add up all the above abuse and killings and the whole department would be sent to jail for, hopefully, their entire life. Personally, I would like to see them dropped out of their helicopters, BLM personnel and helicopter personnel, in Death Valley. If any survives that, they go to “slaughter” just like they have put our beautiful animals through. When I think that they have sent foals as well, to the slaughter plants, it’s disgusting. I think all the KILLER BROKERS should be rounded up as well for the same fate. This entire operation has run amock and there appears to be no oversight in what they are doing. WE, THE TAXPAYERS, must demand their removal immediately, not tomorrow, not next week, but IMMEDIATELY.


  26. They have the helicopters, guns, money, and they are part of the system that severs our mountain tops, fouls our water and air. They brush the will of the people aside, don’t respect Congress, and have convinced the Courts of their good intentions. Our American Mustangs are going the way of the Indians, first killed then the broken treaties, then attractions at parks. There are forces out there more powerful then all of us. BUT not all of us together. We must be one voice, our supporters must be counted and our votes must matter. We must ask every local, and national politician how they feel about the elimination of the American Mustang and somehow our votes must be a mandate for only those willing to stop the roundups. Mustangs are America and America is lucky to have people like us to fight for them, our mountains and oceans. Now if we all could be united the special interests would hobbled.


    • You are so right, and its because our government has been high jacked by big business, the era of corporate greed.

      Loosing our ancient forests and our mountaintops was heartbreak enough. and now its the wild horses and burros! Intolerable, a devastating government action that needs a big punch in the gut. The ASPCA getting on board with Cloud & Habitat for Horses wit the injunction, is the best news! We are powering up all over the nation!

      Thanks to Mar for sharing the news about New Mexico’s Governor Richardson, adn his 12,000 acre purchase for a wild horse sanctuary in New Mexico for their wild horses! Thank you letters to Governor Richardson would be great. Mar, where should we send those to get on the Pony Express batch?


  27. Finally some notice taken.

    When will Obama and our Democratically elected (cough sputter) officials get off the mining and cattle train and get on board this one. You know attention is being paid elsewhere and I mean paid.





  29. Thank you ASPCA for joining HfH in this suit – your added voice and action will certainly be valuable and bring much needed attention of the DOI/BLM activities to your followers and from them to Congress.

    The 1971 law must be changed to strip BLM of their horrendouse shamefull power and to reflect its orginal intent – warehoused Wild Horses all returned to their rightfull lands – a moretorium to the inhumane helicopter roundups and PZP applications – real science and humanity must be applied – not greed and self intitlements.


  30. Are the protest groups aware that the president is on a campaign tour of the west to prop up support for democratic candidates?/I keep receiving invitations to attend..which I have been deleting..and then thought maybe i should go..they are auctioning off backstage passes to meet him..altho i am sure I would be on the “no handshake’ list but-since i donated campaigned and voted for him..maybe i could complete my folly by being arrested by his people for bringing up a topic he does not care to address..


  31. Thanks to Grandma Gregg for the reminder:

    BLM Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Antelope Complex Wild Horse Gather

    Elko, Nev. — The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Elko and Ely districts are seeking public comment on the Antelope Complex Wild Horse Gather Preliminary Environmental Assessment, which addresses the need to remove approximately 1,268 to 1,659 wild horses from in and around the Antelope Complex to bring the number of wild horses in the complex to the appropriate management level of 427-788 wild horses. The complex is located approximately 60 miles south of Wells, Nev., and consists of the Antelope Herd Management Area (HMA) which is managed by the Ely District, Schell Field Office and the Antelope Valley, Goshute, and Spruce-Pequop HMAs which are managed by the Elko District, Wells Field Office. The proposed gather is tentatively scheduled to begin in January 2011. The BLM will accept comments until Oct. 19, 2010.


  32. If wild horses are not native to the American continent shouldn’t the conservation groups be trying to have them removed. Of course in a human way, without killing them if possible. That is really how to restore the original natural beauty of the land. It seem hypocritical to try and preserve something that is not native in the first place.


    • I don’t know if you are aware of this point, but there are only 2 species native to america..the wild turkey and the llama…would you suggest all other species be eliminated? Add to that consideration-more public lands are dedicated to cattle and sheep grazing..neither being wildlife, but commercial interests..shouldn’t our first responsability be to look at removals of those before we look at wildlife removals? History is a funny won’t go away-no matter how hard we try to manipulate always comes back to the truth. If you want to find the have to look for it youself.


    • Horses WERE native to America long, long ago. There have been ancient fossils found to prove this. But they died or migrated across what is now the Baltic straights, where a round robin of life began until they were brought back here (probably by the Spanish) long before the cattle or sheep came.


  33. Thank God for the people that have been the voice for the wild horses! God Bless you! Our government is treating this last symbol of freedom and history, just like they did the Indians..taking their lands and exterminating them one by one. We’ve had enough of the cruelty. It has to stop!


  34. todays quate from the Sonoma news interview with BLM:

    BLM spokesman David Boyd said the contractor hired through Oct. 22 won’t gather the estimated 60 horses in the North Piceance area at first because of the groups’ specific objections to removing those horses. The agency wanted to see if a hearing would be scheduled in the lawsuit.

    But Boyd said the BLM still plans to gather all the horses over the next few days.


  35. I write from Italy, I love horses and I share a sentence a read somewhere “If God created something more beautiful than horses, he kept that for himself”. My love and respect goes also to all living creatures of our Planet. I had a great opinion of America…just because you don’t eat horsemeat (true?), sorry my friends, the sky really fell onto my head when I realized how miserable is their life, instead of living in their sanctuaries, protected and honored. My heart hurts and my soul too. Hope you can help them and that you have all the necessary support. Thank you.


  36. I first want to say, Congradulations to ASPCA, for joining this group, and spicing up the world, with their evidence, videos and pictures, taken at these, pityfull, wildhorse-roundups, directed by so-called BLM. I Hear yous lound and clear. I,m over here in Mtl,Quebec, and know right now whats happening. When you love, these, beautiful, intelligent, inspiring animals, the Horses, may i say, i will forever leave the light on, and continue, my personal researches, on how our Horses are being neglected, tortured and left helpless.My soul hurts to see this & compared to horse-slaughter, i just can,t bare with these issues, but, i keep on fighting for what i believe in, no-matter what.We must come togeather in times of battle and win this war. Yes, its a war. No humain is going to tell me different. What a shame. Just looking at that video today, seeing a little foal, limping his way on with pain in its hind leg, just made me cry. I wish i could cuddle him some comfort, but i feel helpless. That little angel, is suffering & there is no reason, for this, but just plain cruelty and brutal handling by these cold-hearted humains. May God Bless, those who are still alive and R.I.P, to those who have died. Thank-You so much for sharing this with the public..We,ll never, never forget or give-up! I support yous, also. xx


  37. Well, at least bigger agencies are finally throwing their hat in the ring! Sad to think this is what it takes – WE THE PEOPLE just don’t have enough “yank” in this country anymore! However, at this point, I’m incredible grateful for any major “name” to sign on to stop this crap immediately!


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