Day: June 21, 2012

The Horse Haters from Outer Space – Part 1

On a small, lonely asteroid far away an evil abomination leans towards a glowing computer screen, drools on the keyboard and hits the enter button launching a malicious and fictitious collection of lies, opinion, conjecture and hateful words across the galaxy in an attempt to subvert truth, fact and science while influencing the minds of the weak and the unwary.

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Wild Horse Photographer Seeks Partners for ‘Galloping to Freedom’ Project

America’s wild horse herds are in peril of extinction, but award-winning equine photographer Carol Walker is ready with viable solutions in her new book, Galloping to Freedom: Saving America’s Wild Horses. Through a campaign at web-based fund-raising platform Kickstarter, Walker invites wild horse supporters to be “part of the solution” by helping her print and distribute this important guide to ensuring the future of our legacy animals.

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