The Force of the Horse

Wild Horse and Burro 12 Days of Christmas

Reprint from 2009 by R.T. Fitch ~ Author/volunteer president Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Through the Eyes of the Wild Ones

(to be sung to the tune of “The 12 days of Christmas”)

On the first day of Christmas,
Ken Salazar gave me
One rogue BLM agency.

On the second day of Christmas,
Ken Salazar gave me
Two convict pilots,
And one rogue BLM agency.

On the third day of Christmas,
Ken Salazar gave me
Three covert round ups,
Two convict pilots,
And one rogue BLM agency.

On the fourth day of Christmas,
Ken Salazar gave me
Four zeroed herds,
Three covert round ups,
Two convict pilots,
And one rogue BLM agency.

On the fifth day of Christmas,
Ken Salazar gave me
Five bogus dates,
Four zeroed herds,
Three covert round ups,
Two convict pilots,
And one rogue BLM agency.

On the sixth day of Christmas,
Ken Salazar gave me
Six agents lying,
Five bogus dates,
Four zeroed herds,
Three covert round ups,
Two convict pilots,
And one rogue BLM agency.

On the seventh day of Christmas,
Ken Salazar gave me
Seven slaughter setups,
Six agents lying,
Five bogus dates,
Four zeroed herds,
Three covert round ups,
Two convict pilots,
And one rogue BLM agency.

On the eighth day of Christmas,
Ken Salazar gave me
Eight dead horses,
Seven slaughter setups,
Six agents lying,
Five bogus dates,
Four zeroed herds,
Three covert round ups,
Two convict pilots,
And one rogue BLM agency.

On the ninth day of Christmas,
Ken Salazar gave me
Nine laws a-breaking,
Eight dead horses,
Seven slaughter setups,
Six agents lying,
Five bogus dates,
Four zeroed herds,
Three covert round ups,
Two convict pilots,
And one rogue BLM agency.

On the tenth day of Christmas,
Ken Salazar gave me
Ten ranges barren,
Nine laws a-breaking,
Eight dead horses,
Seven slaughter setups,
Six agents lying,
Five bogus dates,
Four zeroed herds,
Three covert round ups,
Two convict pilots,
And one rogue BLM agency.

On the eleventh day of Christmas,
Ken Salazar gave me
Eleven States now ruined,
Ten ranges barren,
Nine laws a-breaking,
Eight dead horses,
Seven slaughter setups,
Six agents lying,
Five bogus dates,
Four zeroed herds,
Three covert round ups,
Two convict pilots,
And one rogue BLM agency.

On the twelfth day of Christmas,
Ken Salazar gave me
Twelve million heartbreaks,
Eleven States now ruined,
Ten ranges barren,
Nine laws a-breaking,
Eight dead horses,
Seven slaughter setups,
Six agents lying,
Five bogus dates,
Four zeroed herds,
Three covert round ups,
Two convict pilots,
And one rogue BLM agency.

Let’s Pray for a NEW version, Next Year!!

13 replies »

  1. I’d send it to my reps in Congress with a handwritten p.s…..Thanks for not only NOT asking questions, no moratorium, funding the extermination and especially for giving the ever broken BLM (remember MMS?) a 12 mil increase! You have a joyous holiday season, because the wild equines aren’t because of you.

    Good post RT….sad it’s all too true. Like you say….maybe next Christmas….maybe..


  2. Printed in 2009– and reprinted in 2010. It’s a great poem– but so sad– and nothing has changed in a year–didn’t Pres. Obama promise change? I wonder what he meant by that? The eyes of these poor creatures beg for freedom–isn’t that an American value? Will forward to the Pres. Maybe he’ll have a “change” of heart.


  3. PLEASE-send a message to the white house via this free contact forum-

    IN THE MESSAGE BOX! Please paste this and only this just like it is-

    We the undersigned, think the BLM’s ways of roundup is cruel and driving what’s left of our wild horses and burros to extinction. The BLM claims the land is not able to support all the wild horses and burros kept on the land. Though it is estimated that wild horses and burros that belong their, and cattle that is forced to graze their on the same land as the wild horses and burros is 1 horse or burro to every 5 cattle/sheep. This is likely the cause of lacking food and water sources. On behalf of me, and everyone else who has signed this petition we ask you defund the wild horse and burro roundups through the FY11 DOI appropriations process, either through a Continuing Resolution or an Omnibus Spending Bill. The west was built on horseback, and this is no way to treat whats left of the wild horses and burros. I know there are bigger problems that need your assistants, but you are some of the few people that have the ability to help, and care enough to do so. Horse advocates say the land could easily keep many more wild horses and burros than the BLM says. The EA information that they are going off of that says it cannot support many wild horses and burros is over 13 years old and therefore outdated and does not give accurate numbers. The BLM refuses to get a updated EA and that’s just another sign that the BLM is forcing roundup now. Please de-fund the 2011 BLM helicopter roundup. Thank you so much for your time and consideration about this issue, i hope you highly consider de-funding the roundup.

    We have over 250 signs about this issue, asking for you to stop the BLM 2011 roundups which have already began, but we need to stop now before it’s too late and all wild horses and burros are removed. Wild horses and burros are a part of America’s heritage, and we do not want them to go extinct and fade to a memory. The west was built on horseback, and we cannot let this important and well-known part of America fade away. You have all the needed reasons and power to stop this from happening, we ask you do so. I cannot attach the signs to this letter, so if you would like to view the signs and comments outraged citizens have given, go to the website listed below-

    When you were voted president, you said you were going to help make this country a better place, and this should include the animals world. Keep our wild horses and burros alive and stop these horrible and unnecessary roundups.
    A response is requested


  4. Indeed, RT. Would be funny satire if it weren’t so true! Please sign my petition that I plan on delivering soon all those of you who care and are still sensitive enought to do so. The link is signon/sign/stop-the-excessive-roundups Merry Christmas! Craig


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