Horse News

Birth of Famous Wild Stallion’s Great Grandson Garners International Attention


More than 8,000 people across 23 different countries enjoyed watching their first moments together via live stream.

A newborn horse in Louisa County is drawing attention from around the world.  Thousands of people tuned into a live stream Tuesday morning to watch its birth at Legacy Mustang Preservation.

The colt is believed to be the great grandson of Cloud – a stallion who has been featured in award-winning films. Now, this newborn is filling the shoes of his famous relative.

21810289_BG1Kelly, the colt’s mother, bonded with her newborn for the first time on Wednesday.  More than 8,000 people across 23 different countries enjoyed watching their first moments together via live stream. Some have been following the live stream since October, waiting for the colt’s birth.

“People are like, oh it’s like, thank you for bringing us into your barn,” said Jamie Dodson, founder of Legacy Mustang Preservation.

The Legacy Mustang Preservation is proud to care for the famous colt.  The nonprofit traveled to Wyoming to save his mother, Kelly, who could have ended up in a holding facility.

Dodson says the new baby can carry on his family’s role as an ambassador for wild horses.

“What he represents to us is being able to spread the word that they’re amazing, amazing creatures that are gentle and kind if treated gentle and kind,” Dodson.

This mustang is said to be related to the famous horse, Cloud. Cloud is the only mustang whose life has been documented so closely – in films, books, and a PBS nature series.

The new colt is only 1 day old, but a documentary crew is already heading to the preservation this week to capture his first moments.

The newborn colt has been named ‘Cloud’s National Legacy’ – they will call him ‘Nation’ for short.

To learn more about Cloud, click here.

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25 replies »

  1. Oh what a little wonder to be born in such troubling times! This truly is a joy! Betcha Cloud is pretty proud of his great grandson too! haha! Welcome to the world Nation!


  2. Thank you God for another precious life. Let him live in peace and to carry on the proud tradition of his family. He will never know or see his great grandfather but give him the knowledge that he too will be considered very special and loved the world over just like Cloud.


  3. Wonderful! With all the deep disappointment caused by human behavior, there is a ray of hope for our mustangs by those who cherish and treasure them.


  4. Love this little guy….but I am partial to Cloud” feeling a strong connection to him after following Ginger sharing his life story….what a Treasure……….

    Thanks for sharing…………..


  5. I cannot stop crying, tears of sheer joy and remembrance of Cloud. Little Nation is SOOOO Beautiful! I am so thankful to all hearts that brought forth this very bright light for us all!


  6. What a strong and vibrant little guy! Thank you for sharing this with us. Its a shame none of the major medias thought this was national news. In light of what is happening, this is such a breath of fresh air. Keep us posted as he grows into a wonderful horse. What a peanut!!!


  7. Reblogged this on cissyblue and commented:
    I simply cannot stop laughing, and crying, this little colt will be the Heart of a Nation. Thank you God! Thank you great Peoples! We are surely and truly blessed this day. It is a sign from God that He Knows.


  8. Do you ~know~love?? Love is when your horses ~wonder~ where you are? Love is when your horse ~watches~for you…my horses, like all horses, love snacks, food, and snuggles, yet ~everyday they do something very different~ It started with my gentle giant stallion~ may his memories live forever~he would not eat or even attempt to take a bite one afternoon many years ago, until he gently sniffed my face. It began that day and went on for years~I was concerned at first, but there was something about him, one by one all the other horses did the same~ they all want their feeds but when I was having an especially bad day~ if tears were involved, a glum disposition, or even if I was angry~ those hot tears were get softly sniffed away-by each horse. To this day the tradition continues~ each feeding the soft whiskers against my cheek, when new horse’s to train come in, after a while they feel that they can trust me and they pick up on this wonderful treat~ a moment of love…I speak to each of them and they each seem to relate-so when someone like a foal comes into being the newness of the life-the continuity of the love, the resources we have to communicate-it’s powerfully endless if we are open minded to it~ they sense us, inside~ we cannot hide our true self from them, some of them try to ~even change man~ it’s funny, but I never knew love that our parents give us, and our children give us, and so on would be the conduit to God’s love that he sends back through to us using the whiskers on the muzzles of a loving horse. May this foal see the world changed and history be made again and again-and his life be full of love and potential what true horse lovers already see when they look at him….Before my oldest horses passed away, the sweetest give they ever gave to me was to brush my tears away before their sleep….I know what love is…..I stood at my gate and held up their feed and no matter what they have to touch my face before they will eat…my, what a beautiful day! Congratulations to the new foal and Kelly the mare!


  9. What a wonderful birth! Thank you,Mustang Legacy Preservation group for saving Kelly, his mom and letting us have a great grandson of the fantastic stallion Cloud. May he have a long a happy,healthy life.


  10. So incredibly beautiful. Now we need to get the real Nation on board to save the other relatives of our newborn ambassador. I can only hope that our President gets to see this video. This is our Nation’s legacy yet we are the number one exporter of horses to slaughter houses across our borders. We may not eat our own legacy; but we play a huge part in it’s demise.


  11. I went to the site where the you can leave a comment on NBC29 and described what the BLM is doing to the mustangs and someone from WY left a comment denying what I said. She claimed that if the mustangs were left on the range they would starve. Had nothing to say about all the cattle and sheep moved in after the horses were removed. There needs to be a few from this site leave some comments telling her shes wrong.


  12. Good luck and best wishes, Nation and momma and Cloud and all our wild equine treasures. There are good humans out there. I pray for the day when they won’t be rounded up and those that were can return to their God given homes.

    p.s. Don’t tell a resident of Louisa County they are part of Northern Virginia. It is located in central Virginia between Richmond and Charlottesville. County pride thing.


  13. I have been blessed to have spent the day with Nation today. His head laid on my lap during his nap. Kelly DID bond with Nation after his birth, although Kelly was a little nervous, it was within 10 minutes. The other Pryor mustangs were introduced to to Nation over the fences today. On Saturday we plan to introduce them one by one in the area!!!


  14. What a precious & handsome little Nation.
    I too wish he could grow up wild & free but knowing that he is safe from human harm makes it all worth while.
    I hope that Ginger will fallow him through life as she has done with his GREAT SIRE so that people will see that we must save our greatest trasures, our Mustangs


  15. We had a baby bitten this morning much to our amazement. We love her too even if shes not famous.clouds grandaddy is adorable. I hope he Carries on his grandfathers name and I’m glad to see that he is in good hands and out of BLM control.


  16. This a Glorious event , Nation will represent the Mustangs in a very special way, I am hoping he will bring the American People together to save these absolutely beautiful mustangs and to release them again to the Freedom they have always deserved……………. The FREEDOM that Belongs to the Mustangs !!!!!!! We are here to Cement the Fact that the Mustangs are FREE and Nation will ensure this to be Their Legacy !!!!


  17. Wish there was a “like” button for all these comments. It’s so enjoyable to read about Nation and all the mustangs out of the clutches of the BLM. Keep us posted. Thanks.


  18. How wonderful to celebrate this precious tiny foal’s life BUT….how terribly sad society generally does nor care for the thousands of foals murdered for the manufacturing of Premarine, or the hundreds of thousands or pregnant mama’s and stallions brutally slaughtered for human consumption


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