Horse News

Horse Slaughter: It Ain’t Over Until the Fat Lady Sings

Source: Vicki Tobin of the Equine Welfare Alliance

No “Done Deals” with USDA Cluster Fart

We-have-had-enoughThe questions and rumors are flying and everyone wants answers. We ask that you stay the course and keep in contact with your legislators. There is a lot going on, some we can discuss, some we can’t. Our opponents are desperate and I’m sure all of you don’t want to help them undo what has been done, thus far. We can say with certainty, we are still on course and have the best, and I do mean best, people working on this.

Your phone calls and the work they are doing resulted in the where we are with the appropriations bills. The bills were passed out of committee on a voice vote – overwhelming support without a need for a roll-call. This is huge and is an impetus for Congress to pass the SAFE act to end it once and for all. We will be discussing this at the conference but for now, we just can’t take the chance of undermining their work. All it takes is one post on facebook and it will be all over facebook for everyone to read. 

 Keep in mind, if the bills should go to committee to reconcile, there is nothing to reconcile on the two bills because they both contain the same language. In light of what happened in the 112th session, there are congressmen and senators on both side of the aisle that will be watching closely to make certain they don’t pull another stunt like last time. In addition, unlike the last session, defunding inspections was included in the administration’s recommendation for the budget. 

Of note, is nothing that has been done, thus far, by the darkside was done because of support. Conrad Burns (at the request of Harry Reid) snuck the three strikes language on the wild ones into the bill after everyone had reviewed the bill. The defunding language was removed behind closed doors, without discussion, on a must pass bill. The permits for inspections were issued because of force, not because it was what the government, states, taxpayers, horse industry or horse owners wanted. Their voices were heard in the house and senate appropriations committee hearings that overwhelming voted to defund horse inspections. Most importantly, let’s not forget how they block, stall and enter secret holds on the federal legislation every session to keep the bills from going to the floor for a vote. If they think they have so much support, what are they afraid of? 

Stay tuned for updates. We’ll let you know what you can do to help ensure we get it done this year. We can’t stress enough that your phone calls and meetings with your legislators played a big role. 

The darkside has issued statements to their few supporters on the recent announcement by USDA to issue inspection permits. Granting inspections was not unexpected. The USDA, by law, has to issue the permits. You can read the statements (and comment) at the below links. Two are from Wallis and the other from Duquette (most likely written by Puppymill Patterson). – Duquette – Wallis – Wallis

Something to keep in mind as you read their drivel is that the recent developments were amidst overwhelming opposition and was accomplished by force. not support. In NM, 70% were against the plant as well as the Governor and Attorney General. This is far from over. We’ll let you know of any additional information that we receive.  

The advocates in the 3 states (IA, NM & MO) that have received inspection permits must continue to have their voices heard.


BTW-Shedrow is back and has a great editorial posted: 

Blood Lust and Premature Victory Dances 

16 replies »

  1. I will be making more calls today, and I can not Thank You enough for this information, I have not given up hope and never will, just so very stressful, all I can think about….. I also want to thank EVERYONE else to for all the hard work they are doing to stop this….. My heart is full of hope and I pray like never before that once and for all we can stop this inhumane disgusting horse slaughter, maybe THEN breeders will stop over breeding and throwing away, cause it will never change until slaughter is GONE……. 🙂


  2. I also responded to one from the ASPCA. Some people feel this is over and I continue to tell them that there will be numerous objections and litigations regarding this. I stopped at my Reps office today and no one was in yet. I will make it a point to go there again after all this information. Its coming to a head. The HORSE WARRIORS are alive and well. I am going to take my list of Legislators and begin calling…Let the FORCE OF THE HORSE be will you all as we take down the
    evil people who are harming our equine friends.


  3. Thank you R.T. for the updates as most of us have been holding our breath…

    I’ve a hard time believing we were slipping back into the depths of darkness with slaughter coming back into this country.


  4. As long as I live and breathe I will fight this issue and try to ensure that it never is re-instated in the U.S. Our legislators heard us and voted to de-fund the inspections. Let’s hope that the budget with the defunding will get to a vote soon. Then, we must pass the SAFE Act and ban it altogether. Now is the time. We’ve waited long enough!


  5. Firecrackers were lit off in front of and behind our farm. Our two vehicles have paint gouged out of them, there were several little incidents that are extremely questionable including horse injured. This is the way pro-slaughter words, by attempting to strong arm the people. So our community rose up to fight last night! All the neighbors in our area heard something prior to the start of the incidents-they all on their own, didn’t know they would do it, watched, turned on lights, got evidence, stopped the horse from being injured further, and neighbor after neighbor turned on thei lights and confronted the trespassers from all sides of our property. We have sufficient evidence, and one of our neighbors even let them know we ARE here for the Fight, Period! Horse owners and non0owners rallied around in the defense of the horses. We are at the forefront of a battle, we will march onward-the community agreed upon that last nihgt.


    • so glad to hear that your neighbors stood together on this. Thankfully I live in the same kind of neighborhood. One man who really hauled off and kicked his dog found a neighbor jumping the fence and proceeded to kick the abuser in the head.


    • AWE, THAT IS SOMETHING SPECIAL, we ALL like you said will make it happen, justice for the horses, FINALLY once and for all… AWESOME


  6. Love the new look RT. Who’s the horse?

    I actually feel closer to a victory than I have for a very long time. It seems a lot of things are coming together and they all spell victory for the horses. I’m excited and every call I make is made with a bit of joy. Gotta go call my new Rep Juan Vargas, he’s not co-sponsored…..yet.


  7. On the Shedrow article has all the names in each committee , so helpful, just called every person and some have been overflowing with calls & emails and lettersand some say not many, now the not many seem to be an awful lot of the Republicans have no idea why, but also the last Congressman Yoho was a large animal vet so the girl says he is ALL for this anyway KEEP CALLING, CALLING only takes a minute well maybe two, ha it is NOT OVER, lets go people, show’em what were made of….


  8. Of note, is nothing that has been done, thus far, by the darkside was done because of support. Conrad Burns (at the request of Harry Reid ) snuck the three strikes language on the wild ones into the bill after everyone had reviewed the bill. The defunding language was removed behind closed doors, without discussion, on a must pass bill. The permits for inspections were issued because of force, not because it was what the government, states, taxpayers, horse industry or horse owners wanted. Their voices were heard in the house and senate appropriations committee hearings that overwhelming voted to defund horse inspections. Most importantly, let’s not forget how they block, stall and enter secret holds on the federal legislation every session to keep the bills from going to the floor for a vote. If they think they have so much support, what are they afraid of?


  9. thanks for the uplifting message …i feel a bit better but am still holding my breath…and praying!
    its not over….not until we have WON! no compromise…just winning!!!
    watch your horses, watch your property….pro-slaughter people aren’t ‘all there’…be careful and may God be standing there with you all.
    we will never quit…we will never be defeated!!!!!!!!!

    like the new look Jerry…but if you faded it out a little, it would help to be not so distracting…?
    but i like!!!!!!!!!!!!


  10. “The permits for inspections were issued because of force, not because it was what the government, states, taxpayers, horse industry or horse owners wanted”

    I’m not sure what this means – who forces and how do they do that?

    In addition, the USDA doesn’t consider the whole picture, such as waste water removal at Valley Meats? That is a separate permit from Roswell to Valley Meats apparently. Before a permit is issued, Valley Meats should have all permits in hand before the USDA gives permits – that would make sense but not this. Fire Vilsack – he wants it both ways.


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