Horse Health

UK Council confiscates horse from owner after they shared house for two years

By: Dion Dassanayake as published in the Express

“It is heartbreaking. It was clear that that they wanted to take the pony…”

Pensioner Stephanie Noble the council were “beyond heartless” in taking pony Grey Lady Too, who she has lived with since before Christmas 2011.

Council officers removed the animal in a horse box and handed the 67-year-old a letter saying they were going to seek a disposal order from a court.

Ms Noble, who lives in the Outer Hebrides, has promised to fight the legal action and said she “hates” the council for taking her beloved animal.

She said: “I am totally stressed out. They should have gone to court first. They have refused to tell me where they have taken her. It is just completely heartless – in fact beyond heartless.

“I feel raped, pilaged and burnt by this council. I hate their guts for what they have done.

“They have no right to her. They don’t know how to care for her – what she eats, anything about her. I am taking legal advice but I intend to win her back.”

A qualified British Horse Society instructress and trainer, she has moved her furniture upstairs into her bedroom and said the filly is well-cared for.

Ms Noble said: “I love that pony. Her welfare and safety is more important than my personal comfort. She is no imposition on my lifestyle. I have plenty of space as long as I move sideways around the house.”

Ms Noble was given until the end of October by the Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles Council) to make alterations to her semi-detached house.

They requested that the doors in Ms Noble’s house were widened and lengthened so Grey Lady Too had more room to move around in the house.

The letter sent to Ms Noble from the council’s animal welfare officer Kenny Macleod cited the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006.

Mr MacLeod said it empowered authorities to “take possession” of an animal if a vet says it is likely to suffer.

The letter said: “The local vet Mr Low has certified that this is the case with Grey Lady Too and we have no further option than to take possession of the horse to ensure her health and welfare.”

Ms Noble said if she is taken to court by the council she will sell the pony to a pre-arranged buyer for £1.

Once she is able to prove she is able to keep the horse at her house or in better circumstances then she will buy it back for the same amount…(CONTINUED)

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19 replies »

  1. This is such an odd story. I think the pony is beautiful and believe this woman is quite knowledgeable, but as I said odd. Two broken hearts. I wonder why she didn’t just comply by enlarging her doors.


  2. Unbelievable. If it doesn’t bother her (or the horse) what is the big deal? Neither seems to be suffering or neglected. Unconventional? yes, but who cares?


  3. So this was back in October…. any newer up date…interested about the situation. There are horses out there that are being starved & abused …go help them. This horse looks very well taken care of. Sounds like some one has a grudge with her. Not fair.


  4. If this pony was “dumped on her lawn” two years ago – she could have sent her to slaughter – but she took her in & cared for her. Nothing in this article says the house was unfit to live in – which makes me think she kept it clean. So is the only reason they took the pony that this woman didn’t widen & lengthen the doorways?????


  5. Another day of being ashamed to be part of the human race! What is WRONG with humans? They have nothing else of “importance” to turn their attention to – like REAL animal cruelty in their area? Or are they becoming total predators who seek out the old, frail, and financially challenged to go after cause it’s easier than going after the REAL animal abusers?!


  6. Does anyone on this blog have any info on the Public Lands Energy Development Act – I got an email from the Wilderness Society this am. Is this a good thing or is it another pushing of energy on our public lands? Any idea?


  7. This woman was caring for her animal, making sure the filly was warm and safe and loved. There was NO reason for anyone to take the pony away from her. She was not hurting anyone and the pony was not hurting anyone. This is really an outrage. Where is the pony? The pony is suffering wondering where is the person who loved and cared for her.


  8. People …..please she needs a carpenter to widen doors. Is there any one that would help her???? And this was back in October is there any up dates ?????


  9. Fact is, this is what creates slaughter, taking horses from where they are loved, wanted, and happy. The other hidden reason horseslaughter is an issue. In Illinois many properties that even consider a horse or pony are Denied insurance unless its higher specialty….that leaves many owners unable to.keep, board others, or even rescue on their own properties. Sick!


  10. Im sure some notice could have been given to allow her to get someone to volunteer some barn doors and possibly a ramp like on horse trailers to.accomadate. This is so vigilante…it also gives animal rights a bad name….the council does this in the name of animal welfare but gives a black eye to Real.Advocacy for care.


  11. Last time I looked, the horse was a herd animal – keeping it away from sight and sound of other equines is cruelty in the extreme. They did the right thing by the horse, if not the owner.


  12. This is so not right. Sure it’s unusual for a horse to live in a house BUT if the horse is happy healthy and the humans are fine with it WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL?

    That pony is this lady’s therapy and guess what? Scooby Boo will tell you how his mama potty trained him! Scooby is allowed to go to nursing homes and hospitals and cheers people up.

    This council should be forced to give the pony up. And then it’s members kicked to the corner for picking on a senior and her beloved pet. Council members are a bunch of cows rear ends…


  13. Thousands of horses and ponies being dumped and abused all over this country they need to do something about that and leave them both in peace


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