Horse News

BLM ships 1,770 wild horses out of Teterville Long Term Holding Pasture in Kansas

by Debbie Coffey           Copyright 2014        All Rights Reserved.

12LTH1_26_of_161_ (1)

Mares look at the public on a BLM tour of Long Term Holding pastures in Kansas. (photo by Carol Walker)

Over the course of several weeks, with no transparency (unless a member of the public happened to call to directly ask), the BLM recently shipped about 1,770 wild horses, who were supposedly “living out their lives” on the Teterville Long Term Holding Pasture in Kansas, to other long term holding pastures and to a TEMPORARY SHORT TERM HOLDING FACILITY, in feedlot like conditions.

Approximately 1,400 mare were shipped to the Temporary Short Term Holding Facility in Scott City, Kansas.

Approximately 100 geldings were shipped to Cassoday Long Term Holding in Kansas.

Approximately 100 geldings were sent to Hulah Long Term Holding in Oklahoma.

Approximately 35 geldings were shipped to Catoosa Long Term Holding in Oklahoma.

Approximately 100 geldings were shipped to Bartlesville Long Term Holding in Oklahoma.

Approximately 35 geldings were shipped to Whitehorse Long Term Holding in Oklahoma.

The so called “notification” that the BLM gave the public, (if you happened to be browsing the From the Public page of their website, was this:

Question: Does the BLM ever move animals from a long-term pasture to another holding facility? If so, why? (July 2014)

Answer: Yes, BLM moves animals from long-term pastures to other facilities if the long-term pasture can no longer accommodate the animals. Examples of when this would occur include:  
1.  If a contractor sells the ranch and the new owner does not want to manage for wild horses.
2. If a contractor has lands recovering from drought and wants to remove grazing animals or decrease their numbers to aid in drought recovery.
3. If market conditions change in the livestock sector such that the contractor identifies a more lucrative use for the land.
Depending on the capacity of the facility needing to relocate animals, the number of animals being relocated can range from a few hundred to a few thousand head.
The majority of animals that have not been adopted are held on long-term pastures.  Long-term pastures provide a free-roaming environment for the animals and it costs less for the taxpayer to house animals on long-term pastures than at short-term holding facilities.  With long-term and short-term facilities nearly filled to capacity, the BLM is currently seeking new short-term and long-term holding facilities.”
Okie dokie.  I have some comments about this:
 1) The BLM didn’t even bother to mention (notify the public) that they shipped 1,770 wild horses out of the Teterville Long Term Holding Pasture in the vague “answer” to their own generic question.
2)  The BLM, in charge of “managing” (and planning for the “care” of) the wild horses for about 42 years, didn’t have the foresight that the conditions they listed above might happen, and have another Long Term Holding Pasture on a waiting list.
3)  The public would like a tour of the TEMPORARY SHORT TERM HOLDING FACILITY in Scott City, Kansas.  We are tired of the BLM moving our wild horses onto private property, and out of sight.  The BLM needs to be accountable to the public.
4) Per BLM’s Debbie Collins, the “notification” of the horses being shipped from Teterville would be in the form of showing the numbers of additional horses at certain LTH facilities and the Temporary Short Term Holding Facility in Kansas on the BLM’s next “Off The Range” Facility Report.  Of course, this report isn’t easy to find on the BLM’s Wild Horse & Burro website.  And that really doesn’t adequately inform the public that wild horses were shipped out of Teterville Long Term Holding, does it?  Are we on a scavenger hunt for tidbits of information?
5)  The BLM has issued bids for new Long Term Holding Pastures, but it could take up to a year.  Meanwhile, 1,400 mares may have to go through a harsh winter in western Kansas in a feedlot like corrals.
6)  Debbie Collins seemed not to know, or did not want to tell me, the name of the contractor/ranch/facility for the Temporary Short Term Holding facility in Scott City.  A member of the public shouldn’t have to file a FOIA for something like this.  BLM employees, and the Wild Horse & Burro Program, are paid with public tax dollars and should answer questions.  No wonder the BLM’s FOIA office is swamped.   (Don’t worry, we’ll find out.)
7)  The BLM continues to blatantly lack transparency.

75 replies »

  1. In this day and age can we not microchip these innocent animals and keep track of them using GPS and computer databases? This is nothing but a shell game and we are the dupes. Which horses exactly were moved where, and where are they now, exactly? Transparency is a good word – easy to see through this. Accountability is a more difficult one to deliver it seems. Why should this be so difficult? We already have brands on these animals, why is their individual identity and location treated like classified information? There can be no justification for this.
    Imagine taking some of the million$ budgeted (and lost subsidizing livestock) and developing an online interactive website where an individual horse could always be located, from any keyboard. This is not so far fetched; a similar idea was almost imposed on domestic horses not so many years ago by the federal government. We have the technology, just not the will to more ethically mind the lives of these nearly valueless animals we profess are protected.


      • Elaine, I think perhaps insisting all horses rounded up and held be chipped as part of their “processing” is very possible, and would not be much more complicated than the freeze branding and record keeping for that which is already (we think) happening. The critical step would be to keep the chip info current, so horses would have to be scanned as they were driven through chutes into trailers if being moved. This information would HAVE to be kept current on a website, so the scanner would have to be easily able to import data into a database which we could then access as citizens.
        Chip scanning could also be required by all brand inspectors (who currently are free to ignore BLM freeze branding evidently) and also for any horses crossing state and national lines.
        With approx. 50,000 horses in holding, perhaps this could be funded by charging more for the grazers taking their place on the public lands, or by subsidizing them less and diverting funds towards balance rather than obliteration.


      • You know the phrase, “If we can send a man to the moon…” Well, that was the nation of America, but the latest poll says over 70% of Americans oppose horse slaughter, so let’s get the technology and do it.

        And of course the BLM will be dying to do that.


      • Well, okay, but this potential risk is surely outweighed by the numbers it would save? Surely we can find better ways to identify and then track individual animals from a public website – not simply and repeatedly hope for accuracy from those who seem incapable of delivering it.


      • To clarify, chips are inserted differently in horses. In small animals, the chip is inserted between the shoulders under the skin. Because the chip isn’t ‘anchored’, it can migrate in the body. In horses, the chip is inserted into ligature, anchoring the chip against migration. While no studies have been done on microchips in horses causing tumors, there are anecdotal stories of chips in small animals and tumors. In these cases, the size of the chip (a grain of rice) is large compared to the size of the animal (lab rat, cat). While nothing is 100%, microchipping horses is considered safe and the ability to positively identify a horse is priceless. Not sure I’d trust the BLM to do it correctly.


      • Microchips move in cats and dogs when implanted under the skin. Properly implanted chips placed in the nuchal ligament of a horse have not been found to move.


  2. This is the epitome of corruption. To secrete public information is more criminal than civil in observation although probably not to the courts. A plan needs to be formulated to take the corruption out of the BLM or the wild horses and burros out of their jurisdiction. I keep asking, “What about a class action in behalf of the American people?” for these are after all Wild Horses and Burros that belong to the American people.

    We also must do what we can to impassion those teenagers who are open to the welfare of animals and particularly horses. They will be our new advocates and they have the energy and are capable of the passion needed to end this debacle.

    Liked by 1 person

    • first of all must have a government willing to do things right and honestly. then we need representatives and senators that actually take our comments and suggestions seriously . every one is failing so far in the last few adminastrastions and we had double of this tyrant .may god bless america and be heard.


  3. Worth recalling this memo here since other horses have been shipped from Kansas to Canada for $138 a head:

    “In a 2008 e-mail, Sally Spencer, the BLM’s Supervisory Marketing Specialist, WAS NEGOTIATING TO SELL 10,000 WILD HORSES to someone in Canada. Who would buy 10,000 horses? And what for? Certainly not to be used in movies or to graze on oil fields.

    In this 2008 e-mail, Sally Spencer states:

    “It was a pleasure to talk with you yesterday. The horses that would be the easiest to get to Canada are the 10,000 sale-eligible horses (more than 10 years of age). We recently sent a load of horses to Saskatchewan from a start point close to one of the Long Term Holding Pastures in Kansas. A load is around 36 animals. The total transportation cost was about $5,000. Also you asked me about the cost of the horses in Long Term Holding. We have estimated that the cost to care for the 10,000 sale eligible horses for the rest of their lives on Long Term Holding Pastures will be approximately $22 Million.

    There are still details to be worked out, however please let me know if you are interested in purchasing any of the horses and if so, when you would be ready for them.

    Thanks, and I look forward to talking with you in the future. Sally”

    Also, in a hand written sentence below this (so there’s no telling when this part was written – in 2008 or when it had to be released in a FOIA request) is “Have $ from sale of horses be used to spare other 20,000 animals?” …”


  4. BLM “officials” that are “in the know” DO KNOW and have been making decisions that have “lost” hundreds and thousands of our wild horses and burros over the course of their assignment to PROTECT our wild horses and burros.
    I am surprised that there are ANY wild ones left to be free and the only reason BLM allows those is to cover up their actual eradication activities from the public.


  5. Is there anyway to hold these people accountable or are they insulated by the bureacracy? The Dept of the Interior needs to be pulled from its’ high horse and tromped in the dirt for awhile like they’ve done to the horses, burros and anything else that gets in the way of whatever their plan is.


    • Tom, well insulated and well armed according to the LA Times article geri posted below. The only answer I see to affect change will take a massive public interest as Wild Horse Annie shows us is possible.


  6. I’m in Kansas & this literally has me in hives. I’m in the process of trying to find enough (proper) land that would allow me to be considered / approved under the BLM’s bid process. I need to know if this is realistic before I die trying to make it happen.


    • Thank you, Cristin. It certainly seems like the BLM has a big need for this, and you’re in Kansas, where they already have holding pastures. Maybe you could get the mares that are on that feedlot. We need more wild horse advocates to apply, but we can’t lose sight of our goal: to leave viable herds of wild horses on their federally protected Herd Management Areas.


      • Yes, Debbie Coffey, you’re 100% right. I want nothing more than for their freedom to be respected & honored–on the land that is legally theirs / ours. However, my heart breaks for those who have already been caught in this process, too. If I can do anything in the short-term to help, until they can hopefully be returned, I want to do so. Not to make money or other reasons.

        Does anyone know how I might go about getting these mares out of the terrible short-term holding situation? Without knowing the motivation for why they were moved, can we know how to navigate successfully getting them placed now? Is there anyone with BLM contacts that I might reach out to, or that has had success with a similar situation in another state?

        I’m willing to do whatever I can to help us here.


  7. Well that sounds like what BALM did to H Alan Day and the first TH holding facility. He documents all of this in his book. Yes, he was cattle before he retired. It his book is an ABSOLUTE must read! Very enlightening and well written!


    • This IS a good book – I remember seeing comments on one of the blogs about the killing of some of the horses – but honestly, I felt he had no other way out – either he did it or the BLM would & we all know how caring & humane they are. It really did document the whole bureaucratic mindset of this governmental corporation. Sadly, if he had been allowed to continue to care for the mustangs – possibly more like-minded people would have been encouraged to do the same. Now its all about money!


  8. Yes, more corruption as how do we even know if these numbers are correct.. All those geldings have weakened the gene pool also.


  9. More corruption. How do we even know these numbers are correct? Also more gel;dings to weaken the gene pool.


  10. I am not sure how they would keep a longterm holding pasture on a waiting list. If they could pay a rancher to keep a backup pasture open and available to horses, they could afford to raise their longterm holding contract payments to market rates so ranchers wouldn’t switch use at contract renewal time. I think the original contracts were for 5 years (anyone have that handy?) Land values have risen quite a bit in the last five years, so contract renewals would need to be at a higher rate to keep the horses there.


    • Diana, you have hit on a good point here. Fertile midwestern soils will be under increasing demand for agriculture far into the future, so property values will reflect this and those “forever” holding areas are thus just another shell game. We need to be able to track and monitor individual horses reliably and efficiently from an open and available database.

      Out of curiosity I looked up some BLM basics again here;
      “The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is an agency within the United States Department of the Interior that administers American public lands, totaling approximately 247.3 million acres, or one-eighth of the landmass of the country.[1] The BLM also manages 700 million acres (2,800,000 km2) of subsurface mineral estate underlying federal, state, and private lands. Most public lands are located in western states, especially Alaska. With approximately 11,600 permanent employees and close to 2,000 seasonal employees, this works out to over 21,000 acres (85 km2) per employee. The agency’s budget was US $1,129,000,000 for 2012 ($4.59 per surface acre).[2] The 2014 budget request is expected to increase the Bureau’s budget by approximately three percent.

      The BLM’s Mission is: ‘To sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.’

      21,000 acres per employee!


    • The real answer to the problem is: the BLM could just leave the wild horses on their federally protected Herd Management Areas, at no cost to the American taxpayers.


      • Great answer , Debbie !!!!! Leave them where they belong, no muss No Fuss Mother Nature will handle the Balance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She knows what she doing !!!!!!!


  11. And this is the rotten core of contracting outside vendors for government work. Of course, these horses we’ll, being is at stake with the disruption, transport and unaccounted focare but who cares in BLM? Or by those who have their heads so fad up their butts, they couldn’t see daylight I’d they tried. 57,587 was just spent in just the last 6 months, moving horses from Palomino valley to parts elsewhere. It is so fun when you have so much money to play with isnt it?


  12. Is it possible to find out whether these horses are over 10 years old- making them at risk of BLM selling them “without restriction”?? Maybe they are just fattening them up.


  13. Micro chips are a great idea but they do not have GPS capability as that requires a battery and so far no batteries will last long enough.

    Someone should be able to come up with where the Short Term Holding is. We can check on the Oklahoma locations.


    • Jan, keep thinking! What about a solar powered microchip somehow? We need to keep aiming for a better result.

      I had no luck whatsoever trying to find out how wild horses in SD holding facilities fared during the extreme blizzard last fall (or the foals rounded up in Rock Springs over Thanksgiving) despite the truth these are public property. They could have all been fine, or all dead, and others moved in to take their places. We really have no way of knowing.


  14.…/121119-Teter-Rock-and-the-Wild – Here is one of the things I found regarding the teterville area. scroll down into the pictures. LOTS of area! Why the hell would anyone remove these horses from an area of land like this? For what reason! Well, for no GOOD reason – knowing the BLM.


    • Maggie, there are plenty of reasons if the property is privately owned. We should all be critically reviewing the supposition that public horses can and should be managed on private lands… not public lands as the law dictates. Why is this option even being considered, much less funded?


  15. Deb Coffey, I repeat what you just said – thanks.
    The real answer to the problem is: the BLM could and should just leave the wild horses and wild burros on their federally protected Herd Areas.

    And may I add that the wild horses and wild burros are NOT a problem. The BLM and their high-dollar “buddies” who have no respect for our land or our animals or for you and me ARE the problem.

    In 1971, wild horses and burros were found roaming across 53.8 million acres of Herd Areas, of which 42.4 million acres were under the BLM’s jurisdiction. The Act directed the BLM to manage them “… in a manner that is designed to achieve and maintain a thriving natural ecological balance ON THE PUBLIC LANDS.” This 53.8 million acres could support about a quarter of a million wild horses and burros!

    The federal government does not own land in the West. The American people own the public lands in the West. These are not “federal lands.” They are public lands. We, the American public, have been and continue to be out and out robbed of what is ours.



    Where Have All The Geldings Gone?

    According to Ms. Patton’s letter, over 2,000 geldings have been sent through one particular slaughter port from New Mexico to Mexico this year alone. According to the report, this year’s number of geldings is twice as high as it was for the same time last year.

    The geldings are the exclusive class of animal being shipped through this port under a “non-slaughter” listing, begging the questions-

    -Why only geldings?
    -Where are all the geldings coming from?
    -What is Mexico doing with only geldings and no other class of horse?

    They can’t possibly be for breeding purposes and once they cross the border, there is no legal limitations that prevent them being greeted by a slaughterhouse fate. Geldings are also worth more by “the pound”.

    So what is going on?

    Anyone remotely familiar with how BLM conducts wild horse removals knows that almost all wild stallions are gelded when they are removed from the range. Considering BLM has removed over 70,000 wild horses and burros between October, 2001 and March, 2007, logic would suggest the geldings being supplied to Mexico may be coming straight from our own wild American Herds.


    • Louie, I can’t imagine what male horse parts may be desired in Mexico, maybe they just have bigger bones for the pet market, or are simply more tractable for non-horse folks to handle in the Mexican pipeline. I have had a lingering concern that since we cannot easily identify individual animals unless they have some distinct markings, it’s super easy to just replace sorrel horses with sorrel horses, or bay horses with bay horses in STH and LTH with no real accountability. Those being paid to keep horses can still show they are “full” though they are cycling horses through their private holding facilities.


  17. From PEER (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility)

    Click to access 1997_horses_to_slaughter.pdf

    Horses to Slaughter — Anatomy of a Cover-up within the BLM (April 1997)
    The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) within the Department of Interior is the agency mandated by law “to protect and manage wild free-roaming horses…as components of the public lands.” Yet, the BLM has tolerated and in some instances facilitated the routine and illegal trafficking of wild horses to slaughter. The agency has obstructed efforts by its own law enforcement officers to expose commercial theft of wild horses, fraudulent adoption schemes and fictitious “sanctuary” herds not only to avoid embarrassment but also to maintain the flow of horses off the range.


  18. PUBLIC LANDS and FEDERALLY PROTECTED Wild Horses belong to the American People.
    These and all Wild Horses BELONG on their LEGAL Herd Management Areas. They should NEVER have been captured and removed in the first place.

    A biologist’s response to the BLM’s wild horse “problem”
    By Robert C. Bauer

    The rangelands, however, can easily sustain not only the wild horses and burros existing out there now, but also every one of those in holding facilities, which now number well over 40,000.

    The truth is that every one of those wild horses and burros in holding facilities,

    if released back to the areas from which they were taken, along with those in the wild, would help bring the balance back to the rangelands, a balance that is so very vital!


  19. By the time you got the FOIA (if ever) those horses will be long gone. I’m asking myself why all the mares to short term feedlots?, and I’m thinking PMU mare contract. 1770 horses being covertly shipped is disturbing, that’s about the same number Tom Davis, Salazar’s neighbor, sent to slaughter in Mexico a couple years ago.


  20. Per and only one short term holding contract has been solicited this year.
    Solicitation # L14PS00389 on 04/30/14 with a response date of 06/02/14 and then an archive date of 07/02/2014.
    No award of this contract can be found.
    If it was NOT awarded then where did they move our 1,770 wild ones to?
    Where are they today?
    Where are they this very minute?


  21. I thinkj that were trying to solve the wrong PROBLEM, The BLM is the Problem !!!!!!! I think we should roun\d them up micro chip them and then tar and feather them !!!!!! and run them out of town !!!!!!!!


  22. Advocates Concerned by Shipment of Horse Meat Through U.S. Ports

    The Equine Welfare Alliance unearthed bills of lading showing that since last August, more than 30 million pounds of fresh and frozen horse meat came into the Port of Houston on its way to distributors in Belgium, the Netherlands and Russia.

    “The shipments come out of Tampico, the port closest to some Mexican slaughterhouse operations, and go through Houston, where they are broken up and sent out to various companies in Europe,” said John Holland, president of the alliance.


    • Can they put micro chips in the ear where it would be less likely to cause problems to the body of the animal?
      If they can scan every little apple and onion at the store – why couldn’t the brand inspectors (etc) scan a horse’s ear?
      And then they could scan all the horses captured by BLM and track their locations when they are moved … but of course, better yet LEAVE them on their legal land.


      • There is technology used for cattle trucks that reads every microchip as cattle are loaded and unloaded and provides GPS location of event. All the operator has to do is turn the device on and select load or unload and print the report when the trip is finished.


      • Now that is good information. Do you have any way to locate that device?

        Seems that would be effective for reducing cattle rustling. And can be used to keep BLM accountable for each horse. Studies could then be made on the adoption and sale authority horses and how they end up. BLM has washed their hands of any real information. Breed associations keep very good records of their horses. Its a shame wild horses are treated like cords of wood.

        This device, though, could change the face of accountability.
        Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


      • GG, I think we would see a sudden abundance of earless horses due to “accidents” or “frostbite” since it’s relatively simple to slice off an ear!



    Like the article states, Mr. Vestring wanted to always have the wild horses here on the beautiful land at the Teterville Facility. He and Mr. Buford owned the ranches that many of us visited in 2012. I learned the news that Mr. Vestring sold his portion and horses were removed in an ” emergency” situation. they were transported late June to first part of July. BLM usually does not provide this information but I found out from another source the land had been sold. Mr. Vestring is elderly and tried to get other family to keep on with the Wild Horses. Things did not work out. Sadly the mares are in the pens out in Western Kansas. and it has been HOT here. I am told BLM hopes to have another facility by Dec. this year for the mares. They also have a new person for signing up contracts. BLM is in serious need of LTH & STH facilities. Another owner is going to sell this year; and he is in Oklahoma. I was also told the ranch was sold to a cattleman here at Tetersville. Allegedly the news of moving the horses should reflect on the July information at the website.


  24. There is hope in the Year of the Horse in CA. May the Investigators and Whistle Blowers come out in swarms everywhere. Help by sending a note to this hero.

    Adam McEwen’s investigation is responsible for the 1st California Kill Buyer being arrested and charged for shipping horses to slaughter! Adam McEwen did what no other law enforcement detective has ever done. A law was passed in 1998 to protect horses from slaughter in California. This is the first time that it has ever been enforced. Adam McEwen worked hard and dedicated a month and half, 24/7 to this investigation, to make sure justice would be served.

    We must acknowledge this hero for horses! Let’s send this hero the fan mail he deserves!

    Please take the time to acknowledge this hero for horses and send a hand written note thanking him for all his hard work for horses, send it to:

    Madera County Sheriff’s Department
    Att: Adam McEwen
    14143 Road 28
    Madera, CA 93638


    Memories of a Heartsore Mustang
    by Abigail

    I am running, my breath coming in jagged gasps
    I can feel and smell all the fear around me
    This big noisy predator chases us relentlessly
    I want to be free from it, but I cannot break away
    My feet hurt and I want to stop to rest, but I cannot
    I do not understand where this predator came from
    But I hope it will leave us, let us be free.

    I am separated from my family,
    Pushed together with unknown horses
    They are as scared and confused as I
    I am thirsty but the water tastes stale
    Where is the grass I am used to?
    All we have is some kind of forage it is dry
    And tasteless I long for my family and home
    But I am not set free

    We are pushed in a small space and examined
    I try to resist but they are stronger
    We are poked a prodded I hurt all over
    I try to remember the safety of the herd
    My true family but I cannot remember there scents
    They are lost to me.


    • OMG, sounds like a Poem written by the people in the Hitler Prisons, this NOT the way America does things, who in the Hell are the BLM????????? and WHY can we NOT STOP this Insanity????????????


  26. While microchipping might sound like a good idea, let’s be realistic. One, as deceitful as the BLM is, not all the herds would be chipped. Two, our government works on the slowest clock in the world. By the time this idea was officially proposed, planned, laws rewritten, money requisitioned and received, and finally put into place and enacted, our wild horses will be no more. A good estimation would be 10 to 20 years, if everything went according to plan, even if somehow it was expedited.

    There are so many laws being blatantly broken here, by the BLM, Sally Jewell, the USFS, the Cattlemen’s Association, and even the entire Judicial Branch. Who the hell is going to stop them? We can vent and whine and complain to each other all day long, but it doesn’t change a thing.

    I would like to see every wild horse and burro advocacy group and individual BAND TOGETHER as one powerful and active voice, and every single person donate ten bucks for the legal fees.


  27. Diana628
    Thank you for that information – and every wild one that is or will be captured needs to have this although I do not like the thought of invasive procedures on our wild ones it would be better than what we know has happened to hundreds and thousands of our wild ones in the past and most likely is happening today.
    Of course BLM would hate that because they would be behind bars.

    One more thing … in case anyone still thinks that BLM is protecting our captured wild ones …
    Part of the BLM long and short term holding contracts state:
    “On December 8, 2004 Public Law 108-341; Section 142 amended the 1971 Wild and Free-roaming Horses and Burros Act (Public Law 92-195) and REQUIRES the BLM to sell excess wild horses and burros which meet the following criteria:
    Animals that are 11 years of age and older; or
    Animals that have been offered unsuccessfully at three or more adoptions.
    This may require the BLM to remove animals that meet the above criteria from the contracted facility during the course of the contract. All wild horses that do not meet the above criteria will remain in a free-roaming environment.”

    In other words, they will be selling/can sell/have sold wild horses and burros that have 3 strikes or are over age of 10 but the others will remain on the ranch. We already knew this but they sure grind it in and as we have said over and over that is the chink in the armor of the current WH&B act and that is what will protect BLM from law suits such as Tom Davis etc. The BLM says it does not sell our wild ones to slaughter and that is true … “they” do not … but they sell to others (middle men) who do sell to slaughter export.


  28. Grandmagregg, I am so glad you made that clear to people that don’t understand or know what in the hell is going on. The BLM should leave them alone , They are not hurting any one or any thing. Leave Them Alone ! !


  29. You all know what their plan is….and it’s not in the best interest of the horses and burros. Why microchip a horse going to slaughter. Come on people, face facts….they want to slaughter them with no trail to follow..dammit.. Ship them around enough so that the trail gets lost and them they are gone.that’s what horse thieves do…they are no better.


    • So if I understand this right, it’s against the law for them to sell to slaughter but they can legally sell them to slaughter indirectly…What good is making laws that talks out both sides of their mouths?? It’s against the law but we will word it so we can continue sending wild horses and burros to slaughter legally. This makes our laws a joke


  30. All these years and they are still a failure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everything about microchipping equines !!!!!!!!!!!!


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