
Jane Velez-Mitchell on radio tonight

Wild Horse & Burro Radio will be back on the air tomorrow night, but tonight, you might want to listen to Jane Velez-Mitchell, who has been a strong voice on behalf of wild horses and burros, on this radio show:

painyJoin us Tuesday evening, January 6th 2015, at 7:00 pm CST!

DEBS LOGA5:00 pm PST … 6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST … 8:00 pm EST

Listen Live HERE!

Hosted by Debbie Dahmer

We will not be taking calls during this broadcast.


Jane Velez-Mitchell

Special Guest – Jane Velez- Mitchell  **Nationally known TV journalist and best-selling author Jane Velez-Mitchell covers crimes against people and against animals. Jane speaks for the voiceless!***

TOPIC: The factory farming industry

http://janeunchained.com/  JaneUnchained

HOST & Content Editor for JaneUnchained:  Jane Velez-Mitchell  is nationally known TV journalist and best-selling author.  This winner of four Genesis awards   covers crimes against people, animals, and the environment.  She is known for speaking up for the voiceless!


Jane Velez – JaneUnchained on Facebook


4 replies »

  1. I cannot say enough good things about Jane Velez Mitchell, she brought the truth to light on her show about the Wild Mustangs (and of course many other issues) when no other would ……. She stands tall for them………..always ………. I will always believe that she was railroaded by the BLM for presenting the Darn truth about them………………


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