Horse News

Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet

Submitted by Grandma Gregg ~ words by Edward Abbey

“‘Feel Good Sunday’ and it is time for us to ‘feel good’ about ourselves and what we do; so Grandma Gregg’s submittable for today strikes home in more ways than one.  Take a deep breath, please, and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.” ~ R.T.

A recently traumatized wild horse reaching out to R.T. Fitch at BLM's Palomino Valley holding facility ~ photo by Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

A recently traumatized wild horse reaching out to R.T. Fitch at BLM’s Palomino Valley holding facility ~ photo by Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

“Devoted though we must be to the conservation cause, I do not believe that any of us should give it all of our time or effort or heart. Give what you can, but do not burn yourselves out — or break your hearts. Let us save at least half of our lives for the enjoyment of this wonderful world which still exists. Leave your dens, abandon your cars and walk out into the great mountains, the deserts, the forests, the seashores. Those treasures still belong to all of us. Enjoy them to the full, stretch your legs, expand your lungs, enliven your hearts — and we will outlive the greedy swine who want to destroy it all in the name of what they call GROWTH.

God bless America — let’s save some of it.

Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet!” 

― Edward Abbey

11 replies »

  1. Amen to that!!!! The beauty surrounds us in so many ways. Yet we sometimes are traveling so fast in our lives, we forget to enjoy it I’ve always said what you sow, you will reap and so it goes. On this day may God please and keep safe all the wonderful people who continue to fight for our magnificent horses (both wild and domestic) and all the other equines. Let the “Force of the Horse” be with you on this day!


  2. I always love to be privileged to hear words of Wisdom and as a Rescuer of Animals I’ve never forgotten to also take care of my souls needs, I’m blessed to live where our property is still as it was meant to be. We take many walks with our Dogs in our Woods and am always finding something I missed on my last trip. We have chosen to devote our lives to the animals in our care it is not a burden as many say it is at our age, but they are not blessed to spend their lives with some of Gods best creatures, they are the best teachers of patience love and loyalty, something all of us need more of. I will continue to fight and Pray for those who needs all our voices to speak for their rights to live free. I will enjoy my day as I do every day loving animals who give me Joy and Peace in my life and let the Force of the Horse soothe my Heart and Soul.

    Thank you RT


  3. As an advocate, I sometimes read things that break my heart. It’s hard to believe how entitled we can become, how we can exploit the very gifts that God has given us. When it starts to overwhelm me, I take a small break, approach God in prayer, and ruminate on his love toward his creation, both humans, animals, and the environment alike. When I see children playing, a horse galloping in the wild, or a forest of towering conifers, there is no doubt in my mind that He loves us and made us to live in harmony. Mankind, for the most part, has very good intentions, but we are also imperfect and have sinful inclinations unfortunately. However, if we turn our focus toward “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable” (Philippians 4:8), we would all be much happier. 🙂


  4. Thank you Grandma Gregg. We are part of the Earth. The Wise Ones have always understood that. We must learn to live in harmony with it. There is no other choice.

    Wild Burros of the Black Mountains


    “The American People value these Horses in their natural state…wild and free on the range”

    Don’t forget! This weekend only, you can watch the important film American Mustang the Movie for free on! Hulu Plus members pay a subscription fee to access most movies and TV shows online. But from now through the 25th, no fee is required to watch AM3D.

    Bring the whole family together to watch American Mustang the Movie, a film that is as entertaining as it is compelling, uniquely weaving dramatic documentary footage of horses in the wild with an engaging story about a young girl’s growing affection and concern for a newly captured wild mustang.

    This is a special opportunity to see this film, which raised awareness at screenings across the nation last year. Produced by Ellie Phipps Price, American Mustang brings the story of America’s wild horses to the mainstream public and beautifully captures the reasons why wild horses mean so much to so many people.

    Remember, it’s only streaming free through Sunday, so don’t delay! Share, post, tell your friends and help raise awareness about wild horses by watching this moving film. On Monday, January 26th, American Mustang will continue to be available to Hulu Plus subscribers.

    Watch it now: AMERICAN MUSTANG


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