Horse Health

Watch wild horses for Mom’s Day on CBS Sunday Morning

A Special Mother’s Day Treat from our good friend Carl Mrozek:

Carl Mrozek“Wild horses have incredibly strong family values. See them for yourself tomorrow morning on CBS Sunday Morning in the wild horses that I filmed in Cold Creek Nevada a few years ago. The ‘Moment of Nature’ is the last segmet of the 90 minute program and appears 3-4 mins. from the end of the show, or at around 10:26 AM  E S T in most of the East. ” ~ Carl

Update: link to video ~

9 replies »

  1. For Mother’s Day, take few minutes to help the Wild Horses in Tonto National Forest

    Urgent Alert: Comments needed to FS sunflower grazing allotment – deadline: May 10th.

    Comments needed to Forest Service Environmental Assessment- deadline : May 10th 2015.

    The Mesa Ranger District of the U.S. Forest Service has issued an Environmental Assessment to re-open grazing again in the Sunflower Allotment.

    The allotment lies in close proximity to the Salt River, as well as Saguaro Lake, and includes 90% of the beautiful Four Peaks Wilderness. Fortunately the Desert Unit and the Otero and Adams pastures (within the Allotment) that are closest to the Salt River and Saguaro Lake will be placed in non use for 10 more years. However, the Cottonwood Unit proposed for grazing includes most of the beautiful Four Peaks wilderness. Some of the Salt River Wild Horses have migrating patterns throughout the Cottonwood unit all the way up to Four Peaks; there are currently no intact fences to keep them out. Our concern is that new water projects, new fencing, water troughs and salting will entice some wild horses farther away from their natural habitat and farther into the grazing allotment where circumstances might not be natural.


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