Horse News

Court Gives BLM Green Light to Destroy Colorado’s Historic West Douglas Wild Horse Herd

Joint Press Release from The Cloud Foundation and Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Zeroing out entire wild horse herd not viewed as constituting “irreparable harm.”

West Douglas Stallion taken day of ruling Sept 15, 2015 by plaintiff Dr. Don Moore

West Douglas Stallion taken day of ruling Sept 15, 2015 by plaintiff Dr. Don Moore

Washington, DC (Sept. 15, 2015) – Today, Federal Judge Christopher R. Cooper denied a Preliminary Injunction to stop the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) from carrying out its decades old quest to remove the entire West Douglas wild horse herd. Tomorrow the BLM will begin a helicopter roundup and removal of wild horses in and around the herd area with the ultimate goal of zeroing out the herd (area).

The lawsuit was brought by The Cloud Foundation (TCF), Wild Horse Freedom Federation (WHFF), The Colorado Wild Horse and Burro Coalition (CWHBC), Dr. Don Moore and Toni Moore of Fruita, CO., and Barb Flores of Greeley, CO, to protect this herd and the neighboring Piceance East Douglas herd. “Sadly,” states Toni Moore, “the courts did not view the loss of an entire herd of wild horses as ‘irreparable harm.’ “

“Wiping out the West Douglas herd erases a whole distinct set of genetics, separate from nearby East Douglas horses,” states Linda Hanick, TCF Board member who testified in the Sept. 11 hearing on the case.  “The roundup disregards the importance of the historic recorded documentation of these horses since Sept 1776. This roundup closes the door on an important piece of Colorado’s wild horse history.”

“We’re very disappointed of course,” states Ginger Kathrens, Executive Director of TCF. “Wild horse families that have shared a history with this rugged Colorado landscape for hundreds of years will be swept away, while the real public land destroyers, the thousands of head of welfare livestock remain.  It is terribly unfair, but we continue to fight for those wild herds that remain!”

“Rangeland impact of livestock in West Douglas is greater than 10 times the impact of wild horses,” states Barb Flores, plaintiff in the case who also testified in the Sept. 11 hearing. “Both use the area year round. While cattle are moved from pasture to pasture, wild horses migrate throughout the herd area on their own.”

“The BLM does not consider mortality rates in its population estimates,” Flores continues. “While we all expect the death of old, sick and injured wild horses, research shows that foal mortality is often 50%, and in many herd areas it is even higher. This means that less than half the foals make it to their first birthday. Shockingly, BLM’s 20% population growth rate assumes all foals live and no wild horses, of any age, die.”

“To add insult to injury, the helicopter contractor chosen to round up the West Douglas herd, is noted for their cruelty,” adds Hanick who personally witnessed a roundup in 2010 conducted by Sun J Livestock in which 12% of the horses were killed.  “We will hope for the best and attempt to record what happens this time around if granted adequate access.”

“Sadly, we did not prevail in stopping the BLM from proceeding to zero out the West Douglas Herd,” states Carol Walker, Director of Field Operations for WHFF. “We continue to fight the mismanagement and decimation of our wild horse herds. Our voices count, and are the only hope they have.”

R.T. Fitch, President of Wild Horse Freedom Federation responded: “For years the American public has attempted to keep these herds free on their rightful range and with a stroke of a pen their freedom, families and lives have been shattered. Once again American taxpayers have been betrayed by big government, big agriculture and big business; it is shameful.”

“I feel a deep sadness for any wild species on the brink of disaster,” concludes Kathrens. “These lovely wild horse families have no idea that the end of their wild lives is coming.  They are simply the innocent victims of greed and power.”

Media Contacts:

Paula Todd King

The Cloud Foundation


Carol Walker

Director of Field Documentation

Wild Horse Freedom Federation



Legal Documents andPrior Press Releases

WestDouglas Herd Area Final EA 

BLM PressRelease July 29, 2015

 The Cloud Foundation (TCF) is a Colorado based 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of wild horses and burros on our western public lands.

 Wild Horse Freedom Federation (WHFF) is a Texas based registered 501(c)(3) non profit which puts people between America’s wild equids and extinction.

 The Colorado Wild Horse and Burro Coalition (“CWHBC”) is a non-profit Colorado corporation, organized to educate the public and wild horse and burro adopters about wild horse issues and to protect wild horses and burros

 Ms. Toni Moore is a resident of the state of Colorado and is the Secretary/Treasurer of CWHBC and the Special Projects Coordinator of The Cloud Foundation, Inc. (“TCF”).

 Dr. Don Moore is an equine and small-animal veterinarian and has live in or near the WDHA and PEDHMA most of his life.

 Barb Flores, a resident of Greeley, Colorado is chair of the Colorado Wild Horse and Burro Coalition and has photographed and documented Colorado’s wild horse herds for over 20 years.

116 replies »

    • This is so sick that they are being allowed to do this, are they not going to happy til all of our American History is gone and forgotten. When does it stop? Is this land no longer for the free- that wild horses, burros, any living creature can walk about with out being murdered? Ugh I am so disgusted.


  1. Well-connected rookie judge to preside over Khattala Benghazi trial

    Just three months into his tenure on the federal bench, and before his formal investiture ceremony later this week, newly minted U.S. District Judge Christopher “Casey” Cooper has been handed one of the most high-profile and politically sensitive American terrorism cases in recent years.
    Cooper, who was confirmed by the Senate in March, has been randomly assigned by the court’s selection system to preside over the U.S. government’s case against Ahmed Abu Khattala, a suspected ringleader in the deadly attack on U.S. outposts in Benghazi, Libya.

    Cooper, 47, was part of the Obama administration’s transition team and is one of the more connected people in D.C. legal circles. His wife, Amy Jeffress, is a former national security adviser to Attorney General Eric Holder.

    With his father-in-law, Cooper successfully defended senior Saudi government officials in a lawsuit brought by families of victims in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wild Horse Herd Roundup: Psychopathic Behavior and Abuse of Horses Out of Control
    Wild Horse Heard Advocates watched in horror as Bureau of Land Management (

    BLM) Contractors, and BLM employees, kill a pregnant Mustang. It was quite obvious she was with foal, and worse, ready to give birth.

    “We will not forget Jewel, the wild pregnant mare the BLM killed. She was run down with their helicopters. Then without remorse or even the slightest whim of sanity, or empathy, they shot her. This is where your tax dollars go, killing our wild horses. This so cattle can graze on OUR PUBLIC LAND free or at low cost,” stated a Wild Horse Advocate.

    American’s lose -The Wild Horse Herds, and the burden of far more tax money spent on unnecessary and incompetent Public Lands Management. Yes, tax money taken from school lunch programs, from feeding people in America, from Veteran’s who fought our wars and were wounded, and much more -taken and spent on situations like killing Jewel, the mare with foal – yes, killing the innocent for the greedy.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. A Federal Court is but a cesspool of illogical lawless opinions in which we the people spend fortunes looking for non-existing justice. I spent twenty years on one lawsuit without ever getting a day in court because my property was poisoned by a big corporation. On the desk of a Court of Appeals judge was a plaque stating, “don’t come here for justice, it is only found in heaven”. Public opinion matters not, profit and greed are what is protected. Do we fill the air with drones and interrupt the flight of the vulture stealing what is rightfully ours?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I live in the UK and am helpless to do anything for these wild horses. It seems as if there is a lot of talk and not enough action amongst everyone. Who is standing up for the protection of all these wild horses that have been on this terrain for hundreds of years ?????


    • I already don’t. Without morals, a country is nothing. When the government ignores majority rule (turning a deaf ear to the majority of people who want these animals protected or, at the very least, managed humanely) and wastefully spends left and right (using OUR tax dollars to fund an inhumane and fiscally insane program that completely compromises the welfare and freedom of our wild horses and stockpiles way more of them in holding facilities when there are already tens of thousands of them that haven’t been adopted), the system turns into a recipe for disaster. Something is SERIOUSLY wrong when those running our country give the BLM’s self-made crisis more financial support than our veterans, public schools, and military.

      Liked by 3 people

    • They’re in the same league as Monsanto and Nestlé, wanting control over the food, water and land, money no object . These ‘decision makers’ should be vetted first to ensure that sociopaths aren’t ruling the planet (of which I suspect a majority are ) This is disgusting that so few can make so many horrific decisions for so many. This is our earth. Not a few.


  5. I am SADDENED…but knew this would not be in the best interest of the Wild Horses…..I am very familiar with this court system lived it and been in it. Strong male mentality that does exist in the court system, and government while Ranchers RULE. I was married to one.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. OMGosh, I cannot hardly breathe. This is so awful. I am so tired of decisions made to destroy our horses. Why can’t this be stopped???? I agree with all of you. We make the phone calls, send letters, some of you go to the areas for protest, yet we don’t matter. We have to pay for the killing of the wild animals, not just horses, and they are supposed to be the pride of the country, yet hard hearted people have the right to say, Get rid of them! So wrong! I didn’t vote for this president nor any of his administration, but have no faith in anyone making this right from either side. We can’t give up the fight. I would adopt what I could but can’t meet the criteria for adoption, with land. Please God, protect the horses in the roundup and in the holding facilities.


  7. i feel utterly and completely violated for these horses – I have been fighting these issues since the 1970’s and have never felt this defeated! And yes, I will continue to do whatever I can for the remaining wild horses before our idiotic government wipes them all out! This is unacceptable!


  8. I believe in Karma, and those responsible for destroying the lives of all those innocent wild horses and burros will get theirs.
    I’m still wondering why PETA is not getting involved in these roundups, known that cruel and brutal practices are being used during roundups.

    As Ghandi once said….. A country is measured in the way it treats it’s animals. It is shameful to see the world’s biggest and best country be so ignorant and selfish with their wildlife.

    “Let Freedom Ring”, this is what America stands for, “Freedom”, but in this case, there is no freedom anymore, is there!???


  9. What in the world is wrong with these crazy judges who make these money-motivated, callous decisions to round up and do God-only-knows-what with these horses. They and the BLM are Blind, Licentious Morons.


  10. what is your reasoning for this outrage? do you NOT have any feelings for our National Heritage? I sincerely hope you rethink your decision, because if this is money in your pocket ,I hope it burns your a**. this is unacceptable, an extreme outrage. you are not human!


  11. What a shame for Colorado and all of us. I have not visited the state, and I hear it is turning into the LA of the east. An overdeveloped, polluted mess – killing off prairie dogs to build malls that are not needed, and the citizens so high on legalizing marijuana they don’t care about anything else. This is truly disgusting. Don’t think I ever want to see that.


  12. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) publicly published the statement that they are above the law and the 1971 Congressional Wild Horse and Burro protection LAW DOES NOT PERTAIN TO THEM! BLM stated: “The … [Congressional] Act … is not pertinent to the overall management of the wild horse and burro populations by the BLM and USFS. In general, it protects the wild horses and burros from such actions by the general populous.”

    Click to access FinalVersion_EA.pdf

    As I see it:
    The law states the intent of Congress and the will of the American people that our wild horses be managed on the range in a humane and minimally intrusive manner that preserves their wild and free-roaming behavior. Any policy or regulation or decision established must be within the outline of the umbrella of the law it is required to follow and is illegal if it does not follow the law of the United States. Any policy written by the BLM or USFS that contradicts and does not come under the umbrella of the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971 is automatically and completely null and void with the Congressional law always taking precedence over the policy.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. This judge has to be in the ranchers pockets. Can’t someone stop this? The Constitution protects them. This is absurd! So upsetting.


    • Me too.

      Presently incapacitated with a broken shoulder and arm from my horse spooking but I wish I could throw myself in front of them!

      Got it going on Twitter. Maybe we could get it trending. Tweeted to McCain schumer and Maloney.


  14. Please excuse me for reposting what I posted yesterday – but think it is worth repeating.I did some quick math from BLM RAS data and if the welfare ranchers removed their private/corporate domestic invasive livestock OFF the West Douglas Herd Area there would be about 10,000 AUMs for the wild horses which would allow over 800 wild horses to live in peace on these legally designated wild horse herd lands.

    There are other ranchers and allotments that affect the West Douglas wild horse Herd Area but here is the major one. About ¾ of the Twin Buttes grazing allotment # 6346 is on the West Douglas Herd Area and is mostly controlled and used by the Twin Buttes Ranch Co. who runs thousands of their cattle on this wild horse Herd Area public land. Per the EWG farm subsidy website, the Twin Buttes Ranch Co received payments totaling $428,189 from 1995 through 2012.

    What can be done to address the problems associated with public lands livestock grazing? There is a simple answer: end it. Get the cows and sheep off, let the wild creatures reclaim their native habitat, and send the ranchers a bill for the cost of restoration.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sorry for my lack of knowledge – but exactly WHAT are these ranchers receiving these subsidies FOR? I mean we the taxpayers are already making up the difference between what they supposedly do pay for the allotments and what the actual cost is – I guess somehow I missed the fact that we also PAY them???? Boy, do they have it made! Isnt it a shame none of US could get a deal like that!


      • As with most government programs and actions, it is complicated Maggie. I would suggest that you go to the link and scout around there to answer your questions about the government subsidies for livestock and other payments.
        In the meantime, here is another sickening number for us to contemplate about these welfare ranchers.
        “Livestock Subsidies in the United States totaled $4.1 billion from 1995-2012.”


    • This is so unbelievably sad. I have purchased and loved several horses and donkies from the BLM. These animals are some of the most loving trusting animals I have ever had the pleasure of sharing my life with..why do people want to destroy them? Why not let people come to the pens and take them if they can care for them. I would gladly take 50 -75 horses…this just doesn’t make any sense at all! I am sure there would be enough people willing to give them a place to live out their lives in peace..things need to change and soon!


    • Thanks for the link – GG! Some very entertaining reading there. Over $407,000.00 for “disaster” relief? Does that mean this company (because that’s what it is) isn’t a very good business? Went on to read about the so-called insurance program for farmers – although I’m thinking good old every day farmers are not the ones who benefit from this. There was a report there saying that a FREE insurance program would benefit taxpayers & farmers – right now WE are paying $90,000,000.00 to help out!!!!!!!!!!! I’m thinking that $90 billion could be put to much better use.


      • The farm subsidy program is very complicated but I imagine that the farm bureau and livestock associations have free assistance to apply for these welfare programs so that the big ranchers get their BIG shares of this agricultural welfare money. Here is one sentence from that website: “Despite the rhetoric of “preserving the family farm,” the vast majority of farmers do not benefit from federal farm subsidy programs.”

        And on that same website I saw this sentence “Go here to read our latest release Taxpayers paid $6.2 million in Farm Subsidies to Members of Congress or Their Family Members” … and I tried to go to the link and read it and lo-and-behold the link is no longer available (sarcasm) so looks like “somebody” didn’t want this info available to the public?

        And most important for us to read and be aware of is this book which is available online for free.
        “Welfare Ranching: The Subsidized Destruction of the American West”


  15. You must be INSANE! What the heck is the matter with you ? I hope the people in your area don’t vote the same politicians in again because you sure are worthless not stopping this!!


  16. Sad. Why wasn’t this herd designated on an HMA? James Amaquad Kleinert talks about a horse named Traveler but I’m not sure where he is in relation to this herd.

    Darn. BLM in MT is at least trying something new. Maybe they didn’t make the best decisions (Rachel Reeves discusses this on her blog)but at least there trying. But it sure seems like the rest of BLM is moving backwards without tripping.


  17. JAIL 4 JUDGES (Judicial Accountability Initiative Law)

    The Judicial Accountability Initiative Law, J.A.I.L., is a single-issue national grassroots organization designed to end the rampant and pervasive judicial corruption in the legal system of the United States. J.A.I.L. recognizes this can be achieved only through making the Judicial Branch of government answerable and accountable to an entity other than itself. At this time it isn’t, resulting in the judiciary’s arbitrary abuse of the doctrine of judicial immunity, leaving the People without recourse when their inherent rights are violated by judges.


  18. Please watch Cowspiracy asap…I believe it is a gift that we have been waiting for…if it can get out and get watched, everyone will know the truth about cattle and how carelessly they have been used in the plan for greed and power…it could save and restore our horses and burros to their true place and freedom. This uncovers a very ugly truth, and we have all been lied to by everyone…you can see it on Netflix, or you can purchase or download it…have paper and pencil for the overwhelming amount of information you will obtain…this is huge…


  19. INJUNCTIONS – A Practical Guide To One Of The Law’s Most Powerful Tools
    White Paper

    A party dissatisfied with a judge’s decision regarding an injunction – whether that decision grants, denies, modifies, dissolves or otherwise affects an injunction – has an immediate right to appeal that judge’s ruling in both the state or the federal court systems.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. INJUNCTIONS – A Practical Guide To One Of The Law’s Most Powerful Tools
    White Paper

    Permanent Injunctions

    There is no requirement that a party seeking permanent injunctive relief first request either ex parte or preliminary relief. A permanent injunction may be sought as part of the full trial on the merits in an action, regardless of the outcome of prior proceedings in the case

    Sometimes, however, a permanent injunction is sought following previous proceedings. A permanent injunction may be sought, for example, where a party has been dissatisfied with the outcome of a preliminary injunction proceeding, but remains adamant about securing its rights

    Liked by 1 person

  21. And the worst part is that each and every one of these wild horses is a living and breathing and thinking and caring and smart wild animal. All of us who have been partners and caretakers with horses or cats or dogs or any animal know that each one is an individual who look at us with special insight – perhaps far beyond our own insight into life. And now they will be losing their lives that mother nature had planned for them. Beyond wrong.


  22. When I first read this, this morning, it was just one more nail in our coffin. The world has gone insane, we all know what needs to be done, but are unwilling to do it. I am not defeated don’t get me wrong, but I am afraid we may be witnessing the dying of a nation – I may live long enough to see the death of America.


  23. Is there just no way to stop this massacre? I sincerely hope everyone with a drone will attend.and document this event. Apparently the removal contractors area dated by the judge to report injuries and deaths of
    Mustangs to him. The chances of them reporting the truth are slim. Need other verifiable documentation.


  24. This is so sad to hear. Seems like no one cares about the lives they destroy. When will this end. Wildlife needs protected not destroyed.


  25. First wild horses then the pit bulls what the hell is wrong with Colorado these are all animals that we love and they should be free and be treated right and with respect


  26. That’s so heartbreaking my God what is wrong with theses people? Do they not have a heart no compassion! This is sad just sick. I hate people honest to god.


  27. this is just heart breaking thes horses have it pertty dam hard and we still half to keep seeing them go to slaughter wear they do be long insted of them going to slaughter wild horse recsues need to go get them out of ther if they did like that some of the thes horses could find a rescue ther is no reason for horse slaughter this will never end


  28. This is terrible, the courts need to stay out of this. As long as they have plenty of food leave th alone . Let them run wild . Prayers for all of them.


  29. This makes me very sad! How can the courts justify removing this species while allowing another(cattle). There is a special place in Hell for people who harm animals on purpose!


  30. Why doesn’t the BLM sell the horses, or relocate them, they can find another state that will take them. Why does Colorado want to kill everything?


  31. The reality is that big ranchers and agribusiness are the ones benefiting from this. Their money has the politicians and courts in their pockets. However, WE can hurt THEM, by boycotting ALL beef products in the US.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The “domestic livestock for private/corporate profit” mentality is illegal when used in conjunction with public owned land and it must be stopped. If a ranch manager/permittee cannot manage his own land and livestock sufficiently enough to provide the lifestyle he wants, then that is proof that he is an incompetent ranch manager and he deserves the results of his deficient management. Short or long-term sustainability and management of public lands for private/corporate profit is an inappropriate and insignificant part of the BLM’s mission to protect the American public’s land and resources. The BLM is not in the cattle and sheep business and is not authorized to be promoting private/corporate for-profit ranchers.


      • I completely agree, GG
        I’m reading Hope Ryden’s “the last wild horses” – about 1/2 through. Great book, but it just goes to prove that the wild horses & burros are being treated exactly the same way they were hundreds of years ago – the same way the Indians and the buffalo were treated. The attitude is still exactly the same! Its past time for a change of leadership. Frankly, I dont see any change coming – not from the near future.






  34. This is why they are ceasing all the horses, I’ve been looking for a great place to retire with my dear husband and we’re looking for a place that has good pastures to no surprise its all owned to BLM coincidence of ridding the wild horses i think not!!! gasp emoticon if the horses are off their lands they can lease out the land to ranchers……/ex1.html…

    Wild horses are good for our environment with all the wild horses being destroyed our ecosystem is only going to get worse there is a reason they were put on earth not to be destroyed by man but to help earth flourish, if you think about it before we invaded their space and overran the world with buildings and tearing down habitat to build homes, inventing these dreadful Vehicles, factories that’s polluting the earth with toxins the air was nice and clean. The Ocean is filled with toxins flowing into it because of factories that poor into it. Then you have The Great Pacific garbage patch which is filled with what us humans made to try and make money that can’t never be destroyed you say what is this its called Plastic no matter what this stuff is toxic and can’t never be destroyed no matter what we do. I’m sure with the way this world is going we are all going to be extinct from this planet a lot sooner than we all think just as fast as the wild Elephants, African lions or in that case all of the wild cats. It all boils down to GREED!! but once that source runs out they will move to other things to find means to make an easy buck sickening and all we do is ignore the big picture turn our heads and carry on with our lives.
    If you think i’m crazy just do your own research and see how bad our earth really is without these animals we are doomed.
    Just look at photo’s that date back before factories where built and vehicles were made and tell me that we didn’t destroy this earth?
    That’s my thought for Every day until they stop destroying the animals that photo is terrible the horse it terrified..


  35. This is absolutely shocking & CANNOT be allowed happen!! This rare & unique species of horse!! Please can the relevant horse rescues in America try & round up, corral & get these horses to safety??? Until they can be relocated to a safer environment?? Have you asked PETA to help?? This unique gene pool will be lost forever if allowed go ahead!!


  36. Why aren’t there going to be protesters all over the land making it impossible for a round-up? That’s what we used to do at protests…make it impossible for them to do their work. We used to run all over nuclear power facilities so they would be forced to shut it down. If there is a danger to the public they will be forced to stop…maybe long enough to bring about more awareness and more protesters….. America’s answer to everything is to kill it…..shame.


  37. This is horrible it saddens me to hear that this is happening to those beautiful horses. They have lived in that land for so long it just terrible 😡😡😡😡


  38. Very sad. What is more sad is Less than 24 hours and this is spread worldwide close to .25 million people who have voiced disgust of this action.

    What the hell is wrong with this judge? Not knowing all the background of this case it initially appears to be barbaric and of poor thinking.

    Prayers to this beautiful angels who have ran free with magnificent glory. You will be gravely missed. 😦


  39. From International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros (ISPMB)
    West Douglas Horses

    West Douglas Wild Horses in Colorado to be Zeroed Out

    The courts ruled this week against a preliminary injunction filed by the Colorado Wild Horse and Burro Coalition to halt the roundup of the West Douglas Wild Horse Herd. Since the declaration of the herd area, the BLM has advocated zeroing out this population of wild horses in favor of livestock grazing. After nearly 35 years of BLM’s threats to eliminate these horses from their rightful lands, the fateful day has finally arrived.

    In the early 90’s, in cooperation with the Washington office of the BLM, ISPMB was instrumental in stopping the removal of these horses on grounds that proper monitoring was not in place to determine excess.

    On January 11, 2007, ISPMB agreed to take all the West Douglas stallions that were recently captured in 2006. These stallions would have been castrated and placed in long-term holding. A West Douglas mare named Shyla was sorted from the Kansas holding facility and joined our Conservation Center that summer. Shyla is kept with our rescued mares for now.

    These magnificent West Douglas stallions made their journey to ISPMB in February, 2007 and were featured in the Minneapolis Star Tribune’s Sunday edition.

    ISPMB will again consider rescuing the West Douglas horses from the fate of long-term holding and castration of stallions. The loss of this gene pool is a travesty.

    The reason that we are losing nearly half the herd areas, declared and mandated to have wild horses and burros in 1971, is because the humane groups will not take a united stance to end cattle grazing on public lands where wild horses and burros roam. ISPMB takes a strong stand to preserve rare and endangered wild horse herds. It was ISPMB and Wild Horse Annie who were instrumental in getting federal legislation to save America’s wild horses and burros in 1971. Now only half the animals remain.

    Not only must we stop cattle grazing but we must not support birth control when 75% of our HMA’s do not have viable numbers of wild horses and burros in them.
    Do the wild horse advocates actually believe that wild horses are not going to be continually removed if they succumb to birth control? We have more removals this year than ever and birth control could eventually lead to extinction.

    Please stand strong with ISPMB in our efforts! Our studies show that leaving the harems intact contributes to growth rates of only 4%-8%. This is a long way from the 20% growth rate of BLM herds whose families are continually disrupted and destroyed.

    Liked by 1 person

  40. This has to be Stopped !!! Someone should take helicopters and round up the people Responsible for taking these Majestic Wild Horses out of our history. Let them feel what these horses are going to experience. Let them watch as their children are chased scared & run helplessly & cry out for their family as they are caught & put in cages. Take Away Their Freedom!! For $$$


  41. I am at a loss for words. It is inconceivable that this action would not be seen as a decimation of a beautiful animal never to return. I just don’t get the mentality of the people in power being able to do such stupid and ignorant actions.


  42. This is absolutely heartbreaking, I am devastated…… God bless these sweet innocent souls…. And please help make us all more loving and compassionate human beings….. These precious magnificent horses should be cherished, valued and saved…


  43. I will pray for someone to come forward to help relocate these magical horses that are part of our history. Even if several people could just give as many as they could a place to live safely. We lost our land and home due to my health and I always took as many rescue as I had room for and could afford. There just has to be some people out there willing to help these magnificent animals.


  44. For God’s sake!!! Where is the humanity?!?!?!?! We don’t herd in human beings in like this, especially in the USA, so we shouldn’t herd animals in. Illegal criminals get better treatment!!! SAVE THE HORSES!!!!


  45. Federal Judge Says Super PAC Donations Can Be Deemed “Bribes”

    Most of America recognizes the infamous Citizens United decision as a moment when politics got infinitely more corrupt. Now one allegedly corrupt U.S. senator’s careless actions could potentially establish a precedent to reverse the reviled Supreme Court decision. A federal judge has decided that a politician demanding that money be given to a Super PAC in exchange for favors could constitute bribery.
    New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, a Democrat, faced fourteen different corruption charges. On Monday, U.S. District Judge William Walls dismissed four of the charges, but allowed ten charges to move forward, including one important charge involving donations made to a Super PAC.

    Allegedly, Senator Menendez asked Salomon Melgen, a frequent donor, to give money to a specific Super PAC that would spend money on Menendez’s behalf. In exchange for this donation, Menendez is said to have helped Melgen with some political favors, such as securing an international contract, obtaining visas for both Melgen’s doctor and lover, and helping to settle a multi-million dollar Medicare dispute. Prosecutors asserted that these actions constituted bribes.

    However, Menendez’s attorneys argued that their client’s actions were not illegal since Citizens United had redefined corruption to require “explicit” bribery. Without Melgen handing over money to Menendez, they claim, it’s impossible to prove that the favors were done out of obligation rather than friendship.
    As Judge Walls points out, though, previous politicians have been convicted on bribery charges after seeking money on behalf of a third party. Although Menendez did not accept the money directly himself, having it sent to a specific location could still be considered a bribe in the eyes of the law.

    No matter how easy it is for politicians to funnel money “legally,” there will always be those who can’t help but cross the already generous line and get in trouble. Here’s hoping that the most corrupt politicians of today are part of the reason something as awful as Citizens United gets thrown out in the future.


  46. Where was the herd removed to? What is the fate of these glorious horses? Horses are such sensitive beings. My heart aches for them.


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