Horse News

A little bit of good news

From our friends at Canadian Horse Defence Coalition


In an email to the manager of Canadian Premium Meats, Tierschutzbund’s Sabrina Gurtner was able to confirm that CPM is not in the horse slaughter business any more.

The manager stated that the plant was bought by a Beef Marketing Company last autumn and has no more capacity for horse slaughter but they still appear on the CFIA’s approved horse slaughter plants list.

13 replies »

  1. Amen…Let’s pass HR 1942 -Safe Food, Safe Horse Act and there will be NO equines exported any longer. Perhaps they are finally seeing the light since Horse meat was found in US meat labeled ground beef. That is a fact NOT a rumor. It was found in samples done by Chapman University -California. I along with about 100 people rallied and marched to the Capital for all US horses and equines. People took note if the protest and welcomed the flyers we gave them. Even the Chinese and the Japanese took the flyers as we tried to relate the dangers of eating US horses of all ages. We also saw a preview of the movie Kill Pen which was prepared for the non Horse person. It will be reviewed at the Equas Film Festival. It is a good educational tool. Hard to look at for those of us who know what the inevitable out come will be!
    Everyone needs to give a big shout out to all that attended. We had Horse Warriors attending from the West coast shores of California and Washington state, Arizona, Louisiana, Illinois from the Midwest to the East coast represented by Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Florida. You can see the highlights on March for Safe Food, Safe Horse Act on the internet. Currently there are 160 Cosponsors with more to come. One if the Florida Senators stopped in to see us and appaulded us for our efforts. He told us to continue our emailing, calling informing our Legislators that we need this passed. If you are a Horse Warrior go to the website and check the Cosponsors. If you do not see your House Reps or Senators cosponsoring pick up the phone and call. We have the momentum so lets keep it going!! One call could save the lives of horses Both Wild and Domestic, minis, and other equines. Please share the website Auction Horses with all your friends. The groups are saving as many as they can each week to keep the slaughter trucks from rolling!! If you are not in the market to buy, consider making a donation no matter how big or small. If you are interested in a Horse which might be far from your home call groups working on this. We are getting so many wonderful people willing to donate training g, quarantine and other costs too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I read this today … “If people had to put themselves in the place of the animals going to slaughter, there is a high chance that humans would do away with consuming flesh.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That is good news. I get so sick of what people are doing to our horses, burros, and animals in general. The world is sick with killing, torture. This is not really about your story, but I had to say something as I heard of another evil going on to our horses. I know I can’t do very much, I do try and get the mail out. I have to commend for the work that is done by the group “Angels for Animals” The truths they bring out about the human race and what they are doing for the sake of money. May you stay safe always. Thank You


  4. I want to add that both bills have to be passed in order to be sent to the president to be signed. From what I understood last year Obama said he would pass the bills if they were put on his desk. Its the senate that has no interest in passing the senate version of the Safe Act if the high number of cosponsors was in the senate these bills would have been passed years ago. What I did several years ago to encourage the Rep. for my district to cosponsor the bill that had been introduced at the time was make a copy onto CD of the actual slaughter of the horses blood and all and sent it to him at his office in DC because he always said if it comes up for a vote he would vote for it which is not enough. I called the next week or so and was told by his aid that he had signed on to cosponsor the bill at the time. I checked today and his name was listed as a cosponsor on this new bill. I would strongly suggest that everybody send your senators a CD of the horse killing that will keep their feet to the fire. It is the senators that are given the high donations from the lobbyists to not sign on as a cosponsor from the racing industry to horse breeders. It may take a few days to get to the senator because it has to go to security to be checked out before it can be delivered to their offices. If everyone did this one thing you might be able to pick up more cosponsors. I know because it worked for me. They have to see the killing for themselves to believe the cruelty. Good luck.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “A little bit of good news”…we’ll take it! One bit at a time! (-: The facts and dangers of horsemeat consumption will hopefully end this barbaric practice, once and for all!


  6. csssssswv
    You can copy as many CD’s as you want to and send each of the senators a copy their DC mailing addresses are on their websites they don’t have to know that you are not a constituent as far as I know they don’t ask. You just can’t contact them if your not in their district to send them a email. Sending them a letter through the mail is different.


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