Horse News

BLM Offers $10K Reward in Nevada Wild Horse Killing

Source: Multiple

“Although pleased that the BLM is taking the lead in investigating why a wild horse was murdered while in their care, it begs the question; why are we hearing this five months after the fact?  Something does not add up.” ~ R.T.

Former wild horses imprisoned by the BLM photo by Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

Former wild horses imprisoned by the BLM photo by Terry Fitch of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

RENO, Nev. — The Bureau of Land Management is offering a $10,000 reward in the investigation of the killing of a federally protected wild horse at a state prison camp near Carson City in early October.

BLM spokeswoman Jenny Lesieutre said Monday they need the public’s help to find the person or persons responsible for the shooting at Northern Nevada Correctional Center’s Stewart Camp Conservation Center.

The camp is home to about 1,500 BLM horses are kept as part of a training program used to gentle and train the animals before adoption.

The crime is punishable by up to a year in prison and a $2,000 fine.

Lesieutre she says few details are being released because it is an ongoing investigation in connection with state corrections officials.

Anyone with information should call BLM’s crime hotline at 1-800-521-6501.

9 replies »

  1. The only people with guns at the prison are the guards. Who was on duty when the murder occurred? Case solved. Malfeasance. Incompetence. Unacceptable.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A few years ago, a mid-Nevada rancher admitted to shooting and killing SIX of our wild burros. After reading the court documents, it becomes crystal clear that this rancher made a “deal” with the BLM. In exchange for his “cooperation” with the government he was sentenced to only one year of probation, a $2000 fine and 100 hours of community service and the charges against him for the shooting of the other FIVE wild burros was dropped.
    This is not justice … this is political BS and it is my guess that “someone” had their “palms greased” in order for the charges of the other FIVE burro killings to be dropped. Ya think?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 10K reward for the shooting of one horse. BUT yet the BLM illegally ships hundreds to slaughter ???…. go figure…who the hell are they trying to impress.. 😦


  4. I truly wish this adoption myth would go away – ‘adoption’ is just a euphemism for getting the horses off the lands so that ranchers and mining, oil, etc. can have access. The best we can do for horses is to have a ‘gentling and training’ and surgeries done at prison camps. I don’t know what information the public can provide if these facilities aren’t isn’t open to the public.

    This just sounds like a PR move to protect what little reputation gov’t agencies have left, and nobody is buying it. More and more, our leadership’s first instincts are to cover up, and then when there is no other choice, give the information to the public, Flint MI a prime example.


  5. How likely is it that a prison doesn’t have security cameras just about everywhere? Odds are good this killing was recorded but overlooked or erased by now. If they don’t have them at the horse corrals, how hard could it be to install a few security and webcams at a handful of holding facilities? Out of an over $1 BILLION budget requested for 2017 it seems this would be a reasonable and very justifiable expense.

    Liked by 1 person

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