Equine Rescue

SD Wild Horse Auction Labeled “Postponed” by County Officials


Lauri Elizabeth Armstrong

Lauri Elizabeth Armstrong

“The horses impounded from the ISPMB was scheduled for December 20, 2016, at the Faith Livestock Auction in Faith, South Dakota. That sale has been postponed.

Horse welfare organization Fleet of Angels, which has been conducting an adoption and assistance campaign with the ISPMB since mid-October, will continue its adoption efforts. Adopters who applied to adopt horses befor December 1 are encouraged to arrange to have their horses picked up by December 18, or after the holidays when gathering, sorting and loading assistance will be resumed. Adopters should contact Fleet of Angels at HoldYourHorses@AOL.com”

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This is still a very fluid situation, and the horses are NOT all safe yet. For now, though, the auction is off, and we are able to continue with the adoption program. We’ll keep providing updates as available, while we continue to do all we can to get these horses to safe homes before it is again- too late. ~ Elaine Nash

9 replies »

  1. But we need to thank Elaine Nash and those involved. This is a massive under taking. Although we don’t know all the details, we should thank the county for their efforts to postpone. But we all should see this as an education. Please call your local Hooved humane society if you see something you feel is not right. Do not turn your head and not report. If you don’t have one in your area report to HSUS. I think as this finally came to a head the costs were enormous. Now our only hope is for a Christmas miracle. One that gives us a happy ending. Again as this year winds down I want thank all the dedicated Horse Warriors who have saved hundreds of equines from slaughter and those that continue their efforts going to the auctions and kill pens. And those who continue to sign petitions, send emails and tweets, meet with our Congressional leaders to stop the export of US horses and other equines. Just yesterday I received emails from ten people who saw my signed petition on line regarding President Obama and VP Biden and multiply that by the thousands of people on line. To all my Horse Warriors out there, WE are making a difference. May God bless you and keep you as we end this year and begin a new chapter. A chapter that will end the export of our beautiful horses and other equines.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. And NOW Black Hills has a big problem – they lost a whole load of hay AND their medical bldg (with all meds) to a fire last night! They are going to need a good deal of help to recover from that.


  3. Thank you for sharing this, RT. We are doing everything we can to save every horse. As I wrote, this is a very fluid situation, but I’d like the public to know that we are working on all levels to achieve our goal of getting every horse into a safe home or sanctuary in spite of almost every imaginable hurdle being thrown up against us. The weather in SD makes transport impossible much of the time, the sub-zero temperatures there make being out all day gathering and sorting literally hazardous for Palomino Armstrong and team, and because the standing court order still gives ISPMB control over the horses, may of the horses that we have good homes for can’t be accessed. It’s a little like trying to so lifesaving surgery with your hands tied behind your back.

    After six weeks on site, the Fleet of Angels team needs and deserves a break. Loading out of horses will stop through the holidays, and will resume after the first of the year. In the meantime, the counties will continue to feed the horses daily.

    Lots in the works regarding creating a good outcome on this massive project. Stay tuned.


    • Thank you for your heroic efforts to save them despite overwhelming obstacles. The frustration has to be immense…


  4. I would be more than happy to donate money, but cannot find an address to send it to. I spoke to Susan at the Wild Horse Sanctuary in Hot Springs and she suggested Fleet of Angels and Elaine Nash as well as Hold Your Horses, but I cannot find any addresses or contact information. Ms. Sussman should be jailed and fined and never, NEVER ALLOWED TO OWN OR BE AROUND ANIMALS EVER AGAIN. If someone could please forward me some information, I will gladly send a check.


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