Month: January 2017

Feel Good Sunday: How Smart Are Horses?

by Barbara J. King as published on “This study is the first to show that horses possess some cognitive basis for this ability of understanding others’ knowledge state in social communication with humans,”  Dogs are celebrated everywhere these days for the clever things they and their brains […]

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Turning Horse Blood into Profits

“This story first appeared in ‘The Dodo’ back in October of 2015 yet it is bubbling back to the surface as of late. Several readers have been forwarding petitions and news snippets in an effort to help get the word out and we whole hardheartedly agree that this topic is something that we need to shine the light of day upon and chase away as an unacceptable practice within our contemporary society. Again, it is often a true embarrassment to carry the burden of the title ‘Human’ when such things have not an ounce of humanity within them. Keep the faith.” ~ R.T.

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