Month: January 2017

Wild Horses: Please Comment on BLM’s Plan to Reduce North Lander Complex in Wyoming Herds to Dangerously Low Numbers

by Carol Walker~Director of Field Documentation at Wild Horse Freedom Federation Published on: Wild Hoofbeats and Wild Horse Freedom Federation Wild Horses in the North Lander Complex Herds in Danger of Extinction The Bureau of Land Management’s Lander, Wyoming Field Office has released a Scoping Document for the […]

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Feel Good Sunday: A Horse Gains a Voice, via a Rubber Chicken

“Okay, we abandon intelligence and advocacy for total hilarity, today. Before you click the video, below, be sure you are sitting down and swallow that mouthful of coffee or otherwise your going to have a mess on your hands, wherever you may be. Now tell me that this little equine, once he discovered he had a surrogate voice, didn’t have a lot to say. So much so that he decided that would take a stroll and tell his story to others. (Our neighbor’s horses would freak if we gave my rubber chicken to one of our guys)

As I type there is a rubber chicken on display above my desk; I know not to touch it as the little border collie sleeping at my feet would come uncorked along with my other buddy, Tank the 25lb cat and the morning would quickly deteriorate into a flurry of fur, claws and paws. So instead, I quietly submit this video to you and wish all of you a wonderful, relaxing and uneventful Feel Good Sunday. Keep the faith, my friends.” ~ R.T.

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Horse Eaters in EU Complain of Brazilian Horse Flesh Laced with Naproxen

“Sorry, can’t get upset over humans eating the flesh of companion animals and complaining about what sort of chemicals are in it. Horse carcasses from the U.S. are toxic to humans and now Brazil has drugs in meat not intended for human consumption. Just what are the poor European horse eaters to do? (I have an idea, it has something to do with that mysterious place where the sun never shines.)” ~ R.T.

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Correction: BLM does NOT Agree to Increase Size of Pryor Mountain Herd

“Every now and then we get slightly burned by sharing unedited and supposedly informational articles which we ‘assume’ to be correct and concise. Of course, anything from the BLM directly is suspect from the git-go but from the mainstream media we expect better (even though the past election bias coverage should have sent the public screaming to the hills) but over the past two weeks we have been nipped twice and today we will try to rectify the most recent blooper.

Last week we shared an article that had the headlines that the BLM had increased the number of the wild horses allowed to live out their lives wild and free on the Pryor Mountains in Montana…but instead it has come to light that this is not true. Where that unedited headline came from we do not know but it did not originate from anyone who tends to SFTHH. So in an effort to clarify and bring our feet back to the ground it is the same business as usual at the BLM office in Billings Montana, under the direction of Jim Sparks, who IS currently taking comments on the current AML until the end of this week.

Included at the end of this unedited news articles are the comments of Ginger Kathrens of the Cloud Foundation and it is our hope that readers will take the time to respectfully request that Jim Sparks considers TCF’s recommendations prior to the conclusion of this week. You can make a difference.” ~ R.T.

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