Horse News

Ace ~ Now Wild and Free Forever

A tribute by Grandma Gregg

“Time out from the defensive war to protect our wild equines so that we can take a moment to recognize the passing of a very dear friend to all of us at SFTHH and particularly, to Grandma Gregg.  Ace the captive wild stallion crossed the bridge on the 13th and the world will be a sadder place because of it.  We only have a short time with our 4 legged companions and likewise, with each other.  Make everyday count and live it like it is your last one.  See you again, someday, Ace…we are better for having known you.” ~ R.T.

1988 – October 13, 2017

Hundreds of years in the wild have ingrained mother nature’s instinct and intelligence into wild horses and although they surely all have it … occasionally we humans are in tune enough to actually realize it and see it and feel it … if we give ourselves the chance.
We are the lucky ones to be able to appreciate ACE and all the wild ones.
ACE lived the remainder of his life with other wild horses including one of his wild mares, “Barbie” and one of his sons named ”CC”. ACE now sleeps forever under “the resting tree” but will remain in our hearts forever and ever and ever.

8 replies »

  1. Kathy…I have no words to express how sorry I am.
    You and J gave him a place in the sun when his world was riven down to a few small acres. He could so easily have fallen into the dark.
    He was strong and handsome, with character and courage. And I am privileged to have met him.

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  2. Ace might not have known just how much he was loved while he was on this Earth but he had a Human Angel watching over him.
    Captured BLM Wild Horse Gets New Home
    Original story by guest contributor, Kathy Gregg

    March 2011 – I have been crying for the wild horses and burros since my daughter called me on her way back from the Twin Peaks Roundup last summer – after she saw for herself what REALLY happens to the horses and burros during the BLM stampedes. This week however, my tears were of joy … it’s about time something GOOD happened … even if it is just a small step in a gigantic tragic story. One of only a few remaining Twin Peaks wild stallions was “sprung” from a BLM wild horse and burro facility … and is now safe and sound at his new home at DreamCatcher Sanctuary … a million thank-yous go out from his heart and mine to many, many people … he is YOUR horse and my horse and has always has been and always will be … but he belongs only to himself … as it should be and always will be. His name is ACE.

    While trying to find and acquire a Twin Peaks wild horse named BraveHeart, we went to the BLM holding facility. In the “possible release” pen, was a bay stallion with a large white star. From seeing him on a website, we knew he had been magnificent and had a beautiful large family on the range. Looking at him in the small dirty pen he almost did not seem like the same horse but because this horse had only one ear (the other ear is there but it flops down – maybe from a past stallion fight) we knew it was him. The horse we saw at the BLM facility hung his head and was withdrawn and obviously depressed – a very sad sight. All of a sudden out of the blue, my daughter said to me, “His name is ACE – he told me”. Why ACE? Because he had only one ear and because he was a number one kind of guy … although on that day we did not know how special he would later become to us. We left the facility devastated that BLM had allowed our chosen BraveHeart to “disappear” … as so many wild ones do in their hands. Soon afterwards we discovered that the big bay stallion was not chosen to be returned to his range … and would be gelded and sent to a long-term holding facility … never to be free again. This only added to the sickening feeling that my daughter and I had experienced when we discovered the stallion BraveHeart had undergone the same treatment. We could not allow it to happen again.
    On the day of ACE’s release, eight of us got together for breakfast very early in the morning – including three generations. Some of us had never met each other before but we were all there that day to come into contact with a small miracle and when the day was done and the miracle experienced … we knew we would all be changed for life. I have never in my life “met” anyone with so much presence as this wild horse, ACE! In the middle of his huffing and puffing and running and snorting in the chutes at the BLM facility, ACE stopped quietly and looked at me through the fence and our eyes met … and his eyes showed his kindness. What an incredible experience and what an incredible animal … with all that he has been through, he took a moment to stop and meet me eye to eye and using his animal instinct and intelligence he knew I truly cared and he thanked me with his eyes. I don’t think I have ever experienced “anyone” with so much charisma and yet gentleness in his eyes … but he is without a doubt a wild horse! Although he is the “ultimate” wild mustang stallion … he has a heart of gold and is not at all mean. This is visible in the video that shows him on the range with his family – it shows his patience and understanding and loyalty to his mares and foals … his kindness.

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  3. ACE’s story has touched the hearts of many of us. He will be remembered as a symbol of what we are fighting for…not only for the herds as a whole but for the individual beings who have a birthright to live out their lives on our public lands. Run free ACE…

    Liked by 2 people

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