Horse News

House Committee Chairman Attacks Reporter for Doing His Job

By Greg Zimmerman as published on Medium’s Westwise

Rep. Rob Bishop goes after Washington Post’s accurate account of Bishop’s legislative agenda

Utah Congressman Rob Bishop, chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, has made no secrets about his disdain for America’s foundational conservation laws.

On the Endangered Species Act: “I would be happy to invalidate [it].”

On the Antiquities Act: “It is the most evil act ever invented.”

On the Land and Water Conservation Fund: it is a “slush fund” and we should instead “plow some money back into [the oil and gas industry] to make sure that it’s there.”

(See the bottom of this post for for a summary of each law and its importance to American conservation.)

Even though these positions are extremely unpopular with voters across the West and the American public, Congressman Bishop has built his political career proudly working to undermine national public lands and weakening or invalidating a slew of environmental laws.

That’s why it was so bizarre when the House Natural Resources Committee personally attacked a Washington Post reporter for simply writing a story about Rep. Bishop’s agenda. Darryl Fears, a reporter with more than three decades in the news business, published a piece about the congressman’s work on the Endangered Species Act. The article is summarized by the story’s headline:

Fears is reporting on the five pieces of legislation (HR 717, HR 3131, HR 1274, HR 2603, HR 424) that Rep. Bishop has moved through his committee to accomplish the stated goal of defanging and, ultimately, “invalidating” the Endangered Species Act.

Rather than owning his agenda, Rep. Bishop and his staff at the House Natural Resources Committee decided to attack Fears and his reporting. In its weekly email blast — The Source — the committee doesn’t dispute the accuracy of Fears’ story, but nonetheless accuses him of “fervently [swallowing] the tired shticks of the radical Left.”…(CONTINUED)

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5 replies »

  1. Well, if Mr. Bishop did anything except claim fake news – perhaps he would sound a bit more on the up & up! But having listened to his spiel at one of the hearings – nope – the news aint fake!!!!


  2. Take a look a this list. You will see most of the pro-Horse slaughter/anti Wild Horse & Burro legislators on it.

    The 265 members of Congress who sold you out to ISPs, and how much it cost to buy them
    They betrayed you for chump change
    by T.C. Sottek Mar 29, 2017,

    Congress just voted to reverse a landmark FCC privacy rule that opens the door for ISPs to sell customer data. Lawmakers provided no credible reason for this being in the interest of Americans, except for vague platitudes about “consumer choice” and “free markets,” as if consumers at the mercy of their local internet monopoly are craving to have their web history quietly sold to marketers and any other third party willing to pay.
    The only people who seem to want this are the people who are going to make lots of money from it. (Hint: they work for companies like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T.) Incidentally, these people and their companies routinely give lots of money to members of Congress.
    So here is a list of the lawmakers who voted to betray you, and how much money they received from the telecom industry in their most recent election cycle.


  3. Who does Rob Bishop represent? (excerpts)
    Joshua Murdock/UB Media
    Aug 29, 2016

    There are ample policy issues about which one may agree or disagree with Mr. Bishop, but policy is not the issue at hand. The issue is that Mr. Bishop routinely contradicts himself and callously disregards the will of the public he claims to represent. Before the public can evaluate a leader’s policy, the leader’s basic values and suitability to represent must first be examined.
    Even more concerning is the wholesale disregard Mr. Bishop shows for his district one constituents. So far in 2016, 93 percent of the congressman’s funding comes from outside Utah and 99 percent comes from outside his district. In 2015, 66 percent came from outside Utah and 89 percent from outside his district. When pressed on these figures in an interview, Mr. Bishop admitted they were accurate but denied that he would sell votes, although that wasn’t accused.

    But what, exactly, do these donors – most of which are behemoth energy companies and lobbies – think they’re getting from the congressman in return for bankrolling his political career? They certainly don’t donate to Mr. Bishop with the expectation of him acting against their interests.
    Analyses of political donations and performance have found that the more out-of-district money a politician takes, the less they represent their constituents. A representative who receives nearly all their money from outside their district and outside their state will likely act solely in the interest of their donors.


  4. Mr. Bishop is a Mormon, and Mormons profess to be Christians, so there is no way Mr. Bishop is on solid ground claiming an act approved by Congress which protects resources could be construed to be “evil.”

    He and others who claim moral superiority yet work against the ethical stewardship of all creation are arguably supporting evil.

    They (and we) should read and heed the words of Pope Francis.

    If oil and gas profits are down (one size does not fit all), this is how the free market is supposed to work. Congress should not be in the business of picking winners and losers in the marketplace, and especially not when it comes at taxpayer expense and against the public will on public lands.

    Liked by 1 person

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