Horse Slaughter

United Horsemen likes to think “You’re eating a pony!”


You’re probably not one of the less than 5,000 people in the entire U.S. that visit the facebook page of the pro-horse slaughter United Horsemen.

In 2012, The Oregonian reported that Dave Duquette (the President of United Horsemen) was trying to start a horse slaughter plant in Hermiston, Oregon.  United Horsemen now seems to be defunct and relegated to the remnants on their facebook page.

Since then, Dave Duquette moved on to greener pastures working for oil millionaire Forrest Lucas as an “equine expert” for Lucas’  Protect the Harvest, a non-profit corporation that’s trying to bring horse slaughter plants back into operation in the United States.

And, in what can only be the ultimate in irony, Duquette is trying to convince the American people that the return to horse slaughter in the U.S. would mean “much higher welfare for horses.”

Below are some of the photos posted on United Horsemen’s facebook page.


13 replies »

  1. Misothery: Contempt for Animals and Nature
    It’s the only word I know that explains these types of people without using offensive language.


  2. And so…WHO or WHAT else is behind this push for Horse $laughter?
    ABC News REMOVED my comment

    Wild horses rounded up by helicopter in program sparking controversy

    Discussion on ABC News

    16 hours ago Removed

    Pinehurst, Texas—(PR NEWSWIRE)— Wild Horse Freedom Federation, Inc. (WHFF), today released its white paper, “Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse & Burro Program, with a Focus on Problems Related to Holding Facilities.” America’s wild horses and burros – long a national treasure and symbol of freedom – are endangered and being pushed towards extinction, despite the Trump administration’s promise to uphold the rule of law.
    The comprehensive white paper cites horrific taxpayer waste and lying to the American public and Congress. Gross offenses continue to occur on a massive scale under the direction of Trump-appointed Secretary of the Department of Interior (DoI), Ryan Zinke.
    WHFF’s document notes current and historical violations that include evidence of fraud, wasting taxpayer funds, and lack of scientific accounting for the wild horses and burros — in absolute defiance of the Congressional statute that provides for the safety of the iconic wild herds.
    The five-year investigation culminating in the document has uncovered a consistent pattern of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) releasing misinformation to dupe the American taxpaying public and legislators.
    For years, the BLM has taken healthy wild horses and burros from their legally protected lands in the American West at the expense of taxpayers. Notably, on those lands, the cost to taxpayers was nothing, yet the BLM roundups have continued, taking tens of thousands of wild horses into captivity. Despite the reported number of horses in captivity (46,000) to date, large numbers of horses have mysteriously disappeared from the holding pens or during transports where they never arrived. And taxpayer money has been wasted by the BLM, at the expense of the wild horses and burros they are supposed to protect.
    WHFF’s FOIA obtained documentation on this topic, many of which have never been seen by Congress or the public, prove BLM statements are filled with inaccuracies and outright lies. The beneficiaries of this systemic corruption have been corporate energy and ranching interests, both of whom, not surprisingly, are major donors to politicians who cover the areas where the most wild horses and burros are found.
    Despite a strident outcry from American taxpayers who want, as the law requires, the horses and burros protected and returned to their rightful place on public lands, the BLM has repeatedly asserted to America that the wild horses and burros need to be under its care. In the last century, the wild horse population has gone from two million to less than 36,000 under BLM management. Less than two out of 100 wild horses that were present then remain in 2017.
    WHFF’s white paper details multiple examples of mishandling of taxpayer funds, but the upshot is simple: False assurances have been offered up to taxpayers while private interests and corruption related to the use of public land have run rampant. In another words, the BLM is the fox who guards the henhouse, seemingly unwilling to enforce the laws that obligate them to protect wild horses and burros.
    “The DOI and BLM have undertaken a long term ‘Fake News’ campaign to spread misinformation to confuse the issue. They want the wild horses and burros slaughtered, gone, fullstop.
    Americans are not going to stand for that,” says Wild Horse Freedom
    Federation’s President R.T. Fitch. “Turns out Trump appointed a notorious
    horse slaughter proponent to oversee the DOI and his first major act could be
    to kill tens of thousands of wild horses and burros making this a timely must
    read for each and every American.” he continued.
    This is paramount in importance right now for the wild horses and burros and American taxpayers. In the coming days the Senate Appropriations Committee will take up the Interior appropriations bill, which includes the Wild Horse and Burro Program with the threat of killing wild horses and burros touted as a budgetary necessity.
    Without intervention, for the rising generations of America, wild horses
    and burros will be gone forever.
    To read the WHFF white paper and for more information go to:


  3. Statement of veterinarian and former USDA inspector Peggy Larson, DVM:

    I was in a large animal practice for eight years and occasionally had to euthanize horses. I tried to make the process as peaceful as possible, often putting the horse under surgical anesthesia before euthanasia. The usual method of euthanasia was a high concentration of barbiturates.

    With veterinary induced euthanasia the horse is treated gently, and a needle is slipped carefully into its vein. If the horse is too wild or reacting too violently from a painful injury or medical condition, he is given the anesthetic drug in the muscle. Either way, there is no rush to finish killing the animal. The drug is allowed to put the horse in an anesthetized state so that an IV needle can be inserted in its vein. The euthanasia material is then administered until the horse dies.

    In a slaughter plant, processing speed is more important than keeping the horse calm or treating the horse gently. The animals are stressed from the time they are unloaded. Horses are easily frightened, and in a loud slaughter plant where they are rapidly herded into runs leading to the stunning area they are very scared. Sometimes the holding pens are dirty and not protected from the weather. Sometimes the horses are injured, sick or old. They should be handled gently, with special care and sensitivity.

    Slaughter plants do not consider the condition of the horse. The horse is just meat on the hoof to be killed, processed, and sold as fast as the process will allow. I would never send one of my horses to a slaughterhouse, and I would never suggest that a client do so.

    Liked by 1 person


    Forrest Lucas net worth: Forrest Lucas is an American entrepreneur who has a net worth of $500 million dollars. Forrest Lucas was born in Indiana. He worked for many years as a long-haul truck driver. Due to his work driving trucks, he lived all over the United States, but he chose to return to Indiana to launch his own business. Forrest founded Lucas Oil with his wife Charlotte in 1989. The pair originally created the company in order to manufacture better oil products for their fleet of trucks. The products quickly caught on and the company grew exponentially. The company is also heavily involved in motorsports. Charlotte and Forrest’s son Morgan competes in drag racing as part of the National Hot Rod Association. Lucas Oil also sponsors multiple racing teams. The company is also known for its philanthropic work, and regularly donates to medical and educational charities, and animal care groups, among others. In 2008, Lucas Oil agreed to purchase the naming rights to what is now known as Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. This stadium is home to the NFL’s Indianapolis Colts. It reportedly cost Lucas Oil $120 million to purchase the naming rights.


  5. Dave’s United Horsemen page has a blurb on sponsors and it for years had the name of its sponsor Cattoors. BLM helicopter Cattoors. Dave’s pretty much with Sue Humphries and a dozen radical slaughter activists. The rest are a mix of posters who may or may not be confused about United Horsemen being for it Against slaughter. Protect the Slaughter, oops harvest, remains as the only actual entity left, all the others disappeared with Wallis dying. The real issue is just the appearance of a horse slaughter front caused by media blurbs and the multiple Facebook’s misleading people. Their Canadian counterparts announced they are glad to see the American horses be banned from coming into Canada so they can get back on track in Canada. The fact is….they really are Simply using the Bureau as a sadistic last chance to kill. There’s articles online today pointing to mass sales to foreign countries of wild horses. Always an angle. Sue Humphries is a long time slaughterhouse who claims to have shot to death 5 horses, her own and others who she put down. She also was involved in the wild horse debacle where all the horses had to be saved which raised red flags for me. She also seems to keep her fingers on negative publicity towards the population by trolling articles and posting false stats and bullying everyone that disagrees.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh and a reminder Dave isn’t old enough to have real EXPIRIENCE with the tragedies the plants brought on our Industry. His age doesn’t allow for the real facts to take hold. He quips about people not having EXPIRIENCE speaking on behalf of wild horses, when in fact it’s the opposite. The lack of EXPIRIENCE in his arena. Making assumptions that Only Ranchers know horses is illogical since the rest of the Country owns the total sum of America’s 7 million horses. Those horses are not simply on Ranches in a handful of states, those horses are All over America. His lack of understanding how every aspect of the horse Industry doesn’t exist at an AQHA horse show circuit or Ranch horse competition but that the majority of the Worlds best most competitive horses have come from All over the US, with the best competitors from All over the US. A HANDFUL of people complaining about wild horses isn’t enough reason an Entire Nation should lose it’s population of wild horses. The entire total combined EXPIRIENCE of the horses industry has not been consulted but a few whiney people looking to kill horses invent lies such as now an interview from the BLM says the overpopulation is leading to horses starving and Diseases spreading in wild horses. Their lies get larger because their lack of EXPIRIENCE with horses fails to see the truth. Sorry, I’ll take my soap box and let someone else speak now. Google wild horses today and read the articles. They are quoting the disease statement. When have wild horses been diagnosed with disease? And yet another reason not to roundup, transport and spread or kill for meat. Sorry, now I will take my soap box.

    Liked by 1 person

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