Horse Slaughter

THE TRUTH #16 – FOIA documents reveal that Dave Duquette, employed by pro-horse slaughter organization Protect the Harvest, and 2 others, bought the 12 wild mares from the BLM that were spayed and sold in the “First Annual Wild Spayed Filly Futurity”

Wild Horse Freedom Federation issues THE TRUTH to share Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documents and information with the public.  Be sure to subscribe HERE to Wild Horse Freedom Federation, so that you can receive email alerts.

THE TRUTH #16 – FOIA documents reveal that Dave Duquette, employed by pro-horse slaughter organization Protect the Harvest, and 2 others, bought the 12 wild mares from the BLM that were spayed and sold in the “First Annual Wild Spayed Filly Futurity”

To give some background and put the FOIA documents below into context, on August 17, 2017, pro horse slaughter organization Protect the Harvest posted:     “Protect the Harvest presents the First Annual Wild Spayed Filly Futurity: We are very excited and proud to announce the First Annual Wild Spayed Filly Futurity!  We want to thank the Burns, Oregon, Wild Horse and Burro managers for working with us to present this unique opportunity benefiting horses of the American West.  Ten selected fillies will be offered for sale at the 2017 Reno Snaffle Bit Futurity.  These fillies are invited back to the 2018 Reno Snaffle Bit Futurity to compete in their own division for a $25 K purse.”

(Note, 12 wild fillies were offered.)  On the Protect the Harvest website, on the page called “Meet the Fillies” you can see all 12 of these once wild horses.  On the Protect the Harvest page called “Wild Spayed Filly Futurity” they promote the barbaric spaying of wild mares.

In 2016, a lawsuit was filed by Front Range Equine Rescue against the Bureau of Land Management to stop the archaic and barbaric ovariectomies via colpotomy and two other experimental surgical sterilization procedures that had never been performed on any horses, domestic or wild.

Things seem to get murky because Protect the Harvest did not buy these fillies from the BLM.  Dave Duquette, employed as a “horse expert” by Protect the Harvest, and 2 other people personally bought the fillies.  It seems that Dave Duquette and the others then had the fillies spayed and sold as an activity of Protect the Harvest.  Another murky area is the question “Are wild horses being sold by the BLM to promote or fund experimental spaying or horse slaughter?”  Also, in FOIA records that we obtained regarding the OIG investigation into the BLM selling wild horses to kill buyer Tom Davis, it was clearly stated that the BLM had a policy to not sell wild horses for use in rodeos.

According to the Reno Snaffle Bit Futurity facebook page, they are already selecting wild horses for the 2019 Snaffle Bit Futurity at the BLM Burns Corrals in Oregon.  On January 22, “Chilly morning in Burns Oregon @ the Wild horse and Burro corrals. We are here selecting the fillies for the 2019 Reno Wild Spayed Filly futurity.”


From a snippet from a BLM sale log obtained by FOIA, you can see that Dave Duquette bought 4 wild mares, Mollyanna Russell bought 4 wild mares and Peter Laizure bought 4 wild mares from the BLM’s Burns Preparation facility in Hines, Oregon.

We had to match freezemark numbers to names in the FOIA request above, since the names were redacted on the FOIA documents below.  All of the applications and Bills of Sales provided in the FOIA documents below have what seems to be “United Horsemen” (another pro-horse slaughter group) at the top of all of the pages.  The handwriting on Dave Duquette’s application and Mollyanna Russell’s application appear to be the same.  Both applications are dated July 31, 2017 and state that the intended use of the animals was “competition.”  Peter Laizure’s application, also dated July 31, 2017, asks in box #7 “Do you have wild horse, wild burro or livestock experience?”  The Yes box was checked, and in answer to “(if yes, include detailed description)” the word “Roundup” was written.



Be sure to subscribe HERE to Wild Horse Freedom Federation, so that you can receive email alerts.

Read all of THE TRUTH and see other FOIA documentation HERE.

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21 replies »

    Trump Adviser Who Supports Animal Cruelty Must Be Dropped

    Rampant animal abuse and de-regulation of the meat industry could be in America’s future if Forrest Lucas is allowed to remain on Donald Trump’s Agricultural Advisory Committee. This is the man who founded an organization called Protect the Harvest, which is an anti-animal-welfare group dedicated to fighting the Humane Society.
    A wave of ForceChange members have spoken out against the Trump family’s cruel treatment of wild animals and his adviser’s treatment of domestic animals. Demand that Donald Trump remove Forrest Lucas from his Advisory Committee by signing your name below and by sharing this petition on Facebook and on Twitter.
    Lucas’ organization stuffs money into the pockets of big agriculture companies by working to deregulate the meat, dairy, and egg industries, and to reverse any progress made to protect cows, chickens, pigs, and other farm animals from horrific living conditions, cruel methods of slaughter, and outright abuse. It also fights to protect the “right” of circuses to exploit animals like elephants, forcing them to live in cages and perform unnatural acts for human entertainment.
    Additionally, the group Lucas founded has tried to stop animal rights activists from establishing felony-level punishments for deliberate and hateful cruelty to dogs, cats, and horses. It has even fought against regulating puppy mills.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My ex father in Law used to work for Lucas Oil Monster Trucks and he said that Lucas couldn’t hold a conversation on beef or horses. He said he hires people to know it for him. So when you lack first hand knowledge it’s easy to get confused on right and wrong!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Protect the Harvest’s Record

    In 2010, Forrest Lucas spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to bankroll the opposition to Proposition B in Missouri, which voters approved to set common-sense standards for the care of dogs in large-scale commercial breeding operations (their statement against Prop B can be found here). Lucas then supported an effort in the Missouri legislature to weaken and repeal parts of the voter-approved measure, before it even had a chance to take effect.
    In 2012, Forrest Lucas spent more than a quarter-million dollars opposing Measure 5 in North Dakota, which sought to establish felony-level penalties for malicious cruelty to dogs, cats and horses.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This was chilling to read…..I am so horrified. I have to wonder, what happened to those horses after that monster bought them?? I shudder to think….


    • If you look into the Reno Snaffle Bit Futurity, it is a “showcase for…Vaquero training methods” and these once wild horses were sold to compete in rodeo work – herd work, rein work and fence work for this particular event. However, will these horses then be sold to other people at this event? Will they end up working in other rodeos or the Slaughter pipeline if they are injured and sold at an auction?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Somewhere in all my posts I provided a link from Protect the Harvest and Duquette when they first got the mares. It was also on the UH facebook. They are trying to portray themselves as helpful but conscientious of overpopulation. I posted it the day I found out they hatched this nutty plan.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Question:
    How were these three people allowed to by these young fillies since BLM has a policy of “adoption” for horses and burros under the age of ten except for
    those that have been publicly offered and past over at three adoption events? I find it highly unlikely that these 12 fillies had been offered at a public adoption event and not adopted.

    I find that selling these young fillies is especially suspect since in January 2012, the manager of the agency’s corral in Burns, Ore. [Rob Sharp – BLM] emailed superiors in Washington, D.C., to ask what to do with 29 mares, almost all of which were pregnant. Spencer replied that Davis would take them and they were then sold to Tom Davis.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My concern exactly: Under Daves purchase of Sale Authority horses the notations BB for Beaty Buttes, Humbolt and 2 of the horses have SS. I am assuming that means South Steen. South Steen has Never had Sale Authority even for the older horses because they are in high demand and always get adopted out.
      So how did he get them? — a check on the others numbers might show they also were never sale authority.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Scroll back to 2016 and review

    Longtime Horse Slaughter Radical Gets Violent at Equus Film Festival
    Source: opening opinion by R.T. Fitch
    Nov 22 2016

    November 23, 2016

    I just replayed the video on YouTube at reduced speed and noticed Duquette is given a hand signal to go after the reporter by an aged man in a dark purple cardigan who shows up around the time the moderater is told she is being “given the hook.” Does anyone know who this man is?
    Also noticed after DD swiped the mike he turns away, switches hands, then turns back at the reporter as though he’s about to strike him with that mike, then turns back to the “sweater guy” who adjusts his sweater and then turns away. The whole deal looks like a setup against what seems to be a pre-approved question from the reporter.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. PROTECT THE HARVEST claims to protect America’s food supply from “radical Animal Rights Activates”
    Perhaps part of the REAL problem goes back to NAFTA?

    Here’s the Beef: How NAFTA Kissed the West Goodbye
    April 15, 2016

    In the two years following the enactment of NAFTA, the price of beef dropped by as much as 50 percent. If hamburger eaters exulted at the news, they should have also been aware that with this fall in beef prices has come a crisis for the nation’s small ranchers as grave as that which put 80,000 of them out of business in the early 1980s.
    As the small ranches go under, their land is either picked up by agribusiness giants like J.R. Simplot or billionaires playing cowboy like David Packard, or subdivided for the dreary ranchettes that disfigure southern Colorado.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. So many rodeo horses are dropped off in New Jersey’s livestock auctions whenever rodeos are finished there. No doubt these fillies had the same fate. Hard to fathom such cruelty. Lucas is an evil man along with Duquette, et. al.

    Liked by 1 person

    • These particular fillies are supposed to come back this year to compete for the prize, but we’re concerned about what will happen to them after that. And the new ones that are being chosen for these future events.


  9. THE TRUTH #16 – FOIA documents reveal that Dave Duquette, employed by pro-horse slaughter organization Protect the Harvest, and 2 others, bought the 12 wild mares from the BLM that were spayed and sold in the “First Annual Wild Spayed Filly Futurity”

    Peter Laizure’s application, also dated July 31, 2017, asks in box #7 “Do you have wild horse, wild burro or livestock experience?” The Yes box was checked, and in answer to “(if yes, include detailed description)” the word “Roundup” was written.

    All of the Bills of Sale were signed by the applicants on July 31, 2017, and the BLM’s authorizing officer seems to be JEFF ROSE..
    The authorizations were dated Aug. 2, 2017.


  10. This is the foundation that was written into the 2017 Budget by Sen. Bishop of Utah to “help” the BLM. They don’t want to manage the Virginia Range horses, they have already experimented on Sheldon Range horses (as brought up in the last Board Meeting). (they want the 50K check each)
    This is why BLM pulled out of the court case — So to have their contractors do the dirty work… Now the horses price per day has doubled….and now many are heading off to private feedlots.


    • Mary, what Board are you referencing here? Can you provide a link to this, and to the information documenting the price for off-range care has doubled, with some dates etc.?


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