Horse News

BLM seeks public comment of Environmental Analysis for Wild Horse Gather in Southeastern Utah

NOTE:  The link to documents in the BLM notice below isn’t working.  Here is a working link to the planning documents:

News Release

Utah State Office


April 20, 2018

Media Contact: Lisa Reid  (435) 743-3128

BLM seeks public comment of Environmental Analysis for Wild Horse Gather in Southeastern Utah

Price, Utah—The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Price Field Office is seeking public comment on an environmental assessment (EA) analyzing a proposed wild horse gather, removal and fertility treatment in the Muddy Creek Herd Management Area (HMA).

The Muddy Creek HMA is located in Emery County, approximately 20 miles south of Ferron, Utah, in the San Rafael Swell. It consists of approximately 283,400 acres of public and state lands.

The EA analyzes a proposal to gather and remove excess wild horses and apply fertility control between two and four times over a ten-year period. The EA, including maps, is available on ePlanning at: office/eplanning/nepa/; search for project name “Muddy.”

Written comments will be accepted by letter or e-mail until May 20, 2018. Special attention will be given to those comments that contain new technical or scientific information relevant to the proposed action. Comments should be as specific as possible. Comments that contain only opinions or preferences will not receive a formal response but may be considered in the BLM decision-making process. Please reference “Muddy Creek Wild Horse Gather Plan EA” when submitting comments.

Written comments may be mailed or e-mailed using the following:

BLM Price Field Office
Attn: Price Field Office Manager
125 S. 600 W. Price, UT 84501


Those who provide comments are advised that before including their address, phone number, e-mail address, or other personal identifying information, they should be aware that the entire comment – including the personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While those commenting can ask in their comments to withhold personal identifying information from public review, the BLM cannot guarantee that they will be able to do so.

For additional EA-specific information, please contact Mike Tweddell at (435) 636- 3600. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) at 1-800-877-8339 to leave a message or question with the above individual. The FIRS is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Replies are provided during normal business hours.


Follow us on Twitter @BLMUtah

15 replies »

  1. ” Special attention will be given to those comments that contain new technical or scientific information relevant to the proposed action.” Really?
    Well, given the fact that the BLM ignores any “technical or scientific” information completely – how is it possible to actually get that kind of information where it needs to go? AND when it gets there – who will actually read & comprehend it?
    I get the impression that the comment periods are done because they have to, but reading it and putting it in effect? Not so much.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Notice that MUDDY CREEK HMA is on this list

    Wild horses & burros being removed for Richfield Tar Sands plan

    “The document goes so far as to say, ‘the management of wild horse and burro herds is not compatible within those portions of commercial tar sands lease areas.’”
    by Grandma Gregg

    In addition to the welfare ranchers, here is another major cause of our wild ones being captured & removed & sterilized … please become aware of the Richfield tar sands plan.
    The Richfield tar sands has already effected our wild ones and continues to do so as of TODAY with the BLM proposal to rid the White Mountain and Little Colorado of more/all of the wild ones and the same with the Sinbad wild burro HMA (comments due Monday).
    The Richfield tar sands plan has been in progress since about 2010 and if you look at the list below you will see that most of these HMAs (plus West Douglas HA) have been heavily captured/removed in recent years.
    The document goes so far as to say, “the management of wild horse and burro herds is not compatible within those portions of commercial tar sands lease areas”. How much clearer can it be. They want the wild ones GONE.

    Range Creek

    Piceance-East Douglas

    Little Colorado
    White Mountain
    Salt Wells
    Adobe Town

    [PLUS Herd Areas which are not discussed in this report – such as the West Douglas HA]

    Liked by 2 people

  3. My comment sent to the BLM:
    My comment sent to the BLM:

    Please allow wild horses to exist freely in the wild without being interfered with. Capturing them and holding them in captivity is like taking birds out of the sky and putting them in a cage. They lose their families, all that is worthwhile in their lives, and their freedom. Administering birth control is also cruel and intrusive. These are beautiful wild animals who belong on this land. All horses are native to the Americas, no other continent is their native home.

    Whether or not they have always lived here, without interruption, is debatable, but either way, they have lived here free in the wild for many centuries and this is their original home. A horse enjoys life and freedom just like any other sentient being.

    Normally they are removed to make room for grazing cattle. Cattle are definitely not a native species, and the cattle also do not benefit since they are kept to be slaughtered.

    Restricting your attention to comments that contain new scientific facts ignores the underlying truth that wild animals have a right to live free in the wild. They do not belong to us. Causing them harm and suffering is wrong and destroying wild lands and the animals who live there is not only inhumane, it is short-sighted. Destroying the wild destroys the earth which is our home too.

    Thank you,

    Sharon St Joan
    Kanab, Utah

    Liked by 1 person

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