Horse News

THE TRUTH #23 – The BLM to combine sales and adoptions on the same application form, making it easier to hide how many wild horses and burros are actually being sold (into the slaughter pipeline) in their records. 

Information Act (FOIA) documents and information with the public.  Be sure to subscribe HERE to Wild Horse Freedom Federation, so that you can receive email alerts.

THE TRUTH #23 – The BLM to combine sales and adoptions on the same application form, making it easier to hide how many wild horses and burros are actually being sold (into the slaughter pipeline) in their records.  

In FOIA documents provided from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), it has been brought to our attention that the BLM is changing its policy from using separate application forms for adoptions or sales, to now combining both adoptions and sales on the SAME application.  It seems that this could make it easier for the BLM to hide the actual numbers of wild horses or burros being sold.  Many wild horses and burros that the BLM has sold have ended up in the slaughter pipeline.

In an email below, BLM’s Rob Sharp wrote “Also, under the new IM you probably noticed the change to 25 animals purchase threshold for DC approval.  This applies to each purchase, not a time period (ie. within a 6-month period).  What this means is that I can come in today and buy 24 animals.  Tomorrow I can buy 24 animals, and Friday I can buy another 24 animals without needing DC approval.”

If you look at the BLM’s Instruction Memoradum (IM) 2018-066, “Guidance for the Sale of Excess Wild Horses and Burros,” you will see that Attachment 2 is not available online for the public to view.  Attachment 2 is the “Application for Adoption and/or Sale of Wild Horses and burros (4 pages).”   In Rob Sharp’s July 11, 2018 email on the first page below, he even states in the first sentence “…the combined adoption/sales application was released with the new sales IM.”  So, since this attachment has already been distributed, along with the IM, to many BLM employees, why is the BLM withholding this new combined sale/adoption application from the public?



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Read all of THE TRUTH and see other FOIA documentation HERE.

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5 replies »

  1. Per Rob Sharp, BLM’s Burns Oregon Supervisory Wild Horse and Burro Specialist:
    “Under the new IM you probably noticed the change to 25 animals purchase threshold for DC approval. This applies to each purchase, not a time period (i.e. within a 6-month period). What this means is that I can come in today and buy 24 animals. Tomorrow I can buy 24 animals, and Friday I can buy another 24 animals without needing DC approval.”

    Think about this for a minute … the only persons who will do this will be those that will be selling them to kill-buyers and slaughter. Obviously, this is just fine and acceptable with BLM.

    Are our government agencies ABOVE the law?
    Apparently, they think they are and have declared this in an official document.

    The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has publicly published the statement that they are above the law and the congressional LAW DOES NOT PERTAIN TO THEM! BLM stated (see link below): “The … [Congressional] Act …is not pertinent to the overall management of the wild horse and burro populations by the BLM and USFS. In general, it protects the wild horses and burros from such actions by the general populous.”

    So, BLM is telling us that the laws of the United States Congress are written for the general public and that BLM and USFS do not have to follow the law. Plain and simple that IS what they are saying.

    BLM policies such as the IM (instruction memorandum) are simply plans and decisions that have been made by the BLM and are ONLY policies and plans and decisions – nothing more. They are not laws of the United States. Any policy established must be within the outline of the umbrella of the law it is required to follow. A policy is nothing more than a plan and is illegal if it does not follow the law of the United States.

    I was taught that the law was to be followed and that if it needed to be changed (and many do) then that was the right and responsibility of Americans to do so but for any agency to disregard the law for political and financial reasons was illegal and TREASONOUS. The BLM agency and the corrupt employees who have facilitated these illegal activities have jumped the boundaries of the law and must be made to pay the consequences.

    That’s how I see it.


  2. What is going on is really sickening. This is not how I and many many many others want their tax dollars spent. We are becoming barbaric in our treatment of animals for reasons that are not logical, humane, or in the best interest of man. It seems to be strictly political And only in the best interest of those who profit from it.!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ANOTHER reply from BLM Oregon

    Ovariectomy research project proposed for wild horses

    FALSE STATEMENTS ARE A FEDERAL CRIME PUNISHABLE BY PRISON TIME BLM – RELEASES FALSE POPULATION STATISTICS FOR WILD HORSES AND BURROS The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently posted their annual Wild Horse and Burro Herd Statistics and as usual, it is full of false statements. WHY is this so important? Because these are the figures that BLM gives to Congress when requesting funding for wild horse and burro capture and management plans. BLM states biologically and mathematically impossible annual wild horse population rates and here are just a very few, of many false statement examples that BLM has published: Click (HERE) for a complete mathematical analysis of BLM’s fraudulent and deceptive population statistics.

    Constant Comment: Thanks for the comment. This assertion is, however, false. In its June 2013 report (“Using Science to Improve the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program: A Way Forward”), the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) concluded that the BLM’s “direct count” aerial survey method has resulted in population undercounts of 20 percent to 30 percent because it does not account for undetected animals. To more accurately estimate population size, the BLM applied the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) population survey methods in 2014, consisting of the use of “simultaneous double-count” and “photographic mark-resight” methods commonly used to survey wildlife populations. The BLM will continue to survey one-third of all 177 Herd Management Areas annually, on a rolling basis, using the USGS methods, as recommended by NAS.


  4. This has to be stoped. Or he will kill all of Are wild ones. They helped make this United States what it is today. They helped settle this country. They pulled the amo and the cannons in world war 1 and two. They are our living history and pruf that our country Honers our our wild ones not round them up and kill them.

    Liked by 1 person

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