Horse News

Mike Lee, Mitt Romney Push To Cull Federally Protected Wild Horses

by Tim Pearce as published on the


GOP Sens. Mike Lee and Mitt Romney, both of Utah, want to strike a regulation barring federal rangeland officials from killing wild horses and burros.

Lee and Romney co-signed a letter to the top Democrat and Republican on the Senate Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies under the Committee on Appropriations. GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska chairs the subcommittee while Democratic Sen. Tom Udall of New Mexico serves as the ranking member.

“Western rangelands are in crisis. The current populations of wild horses and burros is devastating the land, negatively impacting other species living in the area, and prohibiting an effective multiple-use management of the land,” Lee and Romney wrote in a letter dated May 3, obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forestry Service (USFS), two agencies under the Interior department, are tasked with managing increasingly overpopulated wild horses and burros on federal land. Horse and burro populations are roughly triple what experts say the land can support. (RELATED: Overcrowded Wild Mustangs Are Starving To Death By The Hundreds)

Since 2011, Congress has attached a rider to Interior’s appropriations bill prohibiting officials from euthanizing horses or giving or selling animals to people who intend to have the animals slaughtered. From 2011 to 2019, the wild horse and burro population has more than doubled, according to the letter.

“Removing this rider would greatly serve the health of both these animals and the rangeland,” Lee and Romney wrote. “Left unaddressed, the problem will only get worse, to the detriment of the environment and at the expense of the American taxpayer.”

Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 directs BLM and USFS personnel to “remove excess animals from the range so as to achieve appropriate management levels.”

The BLM and USFS typically put animals up for adoption or inject them with contraception drugs to control the population. Neither strategy has proven effective at blunting the growing overpopulation.

The federal agencies routinely round up hundreds of horses and burros to stick in federal corrals or place them with private ranches that are paid to care for the animals. The strategy has removed many animals from the land, but at an immense cost to taxpayers. The BLM spent $48 million, nearly 60 percent of its budget, on maintaining holding facilities in 2017

17 replies »

  1. Seems we need to flood Romney and lee’s offices with the power of the wild horses with the facts, call out the corruption etc etc….i just sent a letter to Romney. Wonder what his wife the “equestrian” has to say about this stance. I fear this is the time especially with corporate advocacy signing the wild horses over to more abuse and terror and decimation. Oh,my heart. This all makes me so sick. Thanks for what you do to bring this info forward. Gigi

    Heal the human, free the horse….the elephant….the earth.

    Gigi Gaulin, DVM 150 Laslie Rd Attapulgus, GA 39815 505-231-0374


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Since wild horses and burros only occupy around 12% of the federal lands upon which livestock grazing is allowed, the “devastation” these Utah utopians mention should be pointed squarely at the privately owned livestock.

    It’s not clear what “multiple use” is being impaired by wild horses and burros unless it is livestock being allowed to graze in the remaining (and only) areas where wild horses and burros can legally survive.

    It seems the only “effective” multiple use arrangement would populate nearly all our public lands with non-native cattle and sheep at the expense of all other species as well as the public good.

    Since livestock grazing is a low-margin business for only a relative handful of people compared to the 325 million citizens upon whose lands they profit, it’s beyond time to demand a full accounting for both the high costs of livestock grazing and the high returns from tourism and recreation.

    It’s telling that these strident calls to kill horses are always one-sided and never mention livestock, nor the tourism dollars generated by wildlife watchers. Here’s one link with good information on this 900 BILLION economic driver (and keep in mind the livestock grazing program goes in the red over $140 million annually, and costs us even more for related wildlife killing programs to protect them):

    “The West’s vast public lands remain its defining factor, but these days, their economic value increasingly comes from the outdoor industry. Nationally, that industry is worth nearly $900 billion annually, according to the Outdoor Industry Association. People made over 290 million visits to the West’s public lands last year and spent a lot of time — and money — along the way. Those numbers are growing, while the jobs and revenue associated with hydrocarbons and timber have declined over the past several decades.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Of course the article continues to say our wild horses and burros are over-populated but as we know, the BLM & USFS have lied for years about the populations and this has been proven many times.

    Here is one of many examples that PROVES the BLM & USFS give only fraudulent population increases.

    BLM states that one herd of 88 horses produced 368 successful foals in ONE year which would require that every single horse – including the stallions! – had more than four surviving foals in one year. Biologically impossible!

    WHY is this so important? Because these are the figures that BLM gives to Congress when requesting funding for wild horse and burro capture and management plans.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wrote to both Mike Lee & Mitt Romney regarding their “letter”. Seriously do wonder if once they see the state – possibly it gets chucked. BUT on the off chance – figured it was worth it. It is possible that if enough people reacted & commented – it would at least give them pause.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. A Poem by Michael Leunig

    They’re privatising things we own together. They’re flogging off the people’s common ground.
    And though we’re still connected by the weather. They say that sharing things is now unsound.

    They’re lonelifying all the public spaces. They’re rationalising swags and billabongs.
    They’re awfulising nature’s lovely places, Dismantling the dreaming and the songs.

    Their macho fear of flabby soft sensations Makes them pine for all things hard and lean.
    They talk of foreign market penetrations And throbbing private sectors. It’s obscene.

    They’re basically unloving types of creatures With demons lurking underneath their beds.
    You’ll notice that a necktie always features To keep their hearts quite separate from their heads.

    So if they steal away the people’s treasure. And bring the jolly swagman to his knees.
    They can’t remove the simple common pleasure Of loathing public bastards such as these.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This isn’t about politics…it’s about the fact that these men display such disdain for the American Public. How do they get elected?

    SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters
    When he doesn’t know a camera’s rolling, the GOP candidate shows his disdain for half of America.

    Washington, DC, Bureau ChiefBio | Follow


  7. The Moron-i nation of the inverse gene pool. They will do anything to make that corporate privatizing big buck. Witness the Pepsi corporation take over with all of it’s Mormon Cult enterprises. No surprise that they are holding hands with big oil and mining corps in all of it’s destructive glory in Utah, incidentally the home of much of the destruction of our Wild Horses.
    Beware, beware.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Follow the $

    Petroteq Energy Announces Proposed Resource Acquisition

    April 16, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Petroteq Energy Inc. (“Petroteq” or the “Company”) (TSXV: PQE; OTC: PQEFF; FSE: PQCF), a fully integrated oil and gas company, is pleased to announce the execution of a definitive agreement for the acquisition of an additional 50% of the operating rights and interests relating to oil sands under U.S. federal oil and gas leases encompassing approximately 8,480 gross acres (4,240 net acres, less royalty) in the STATE OF UTAH . This acquisition, combined with the Company’s acquisition, completed and announced last week of 50% of the operating rights and interests under the same leases, will give the Company 100% of the operating rights for oil sands development under the leases. As previously reported, the lands included in the leases are located in P.R. Springs and the Tar Sands Triangle, two areas that have been designated as “Special Tar Sands Areas” by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

    Liked by 1 person

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