Wild Horses/Mustangs

THE TRUTH #30 – Details on the deaths of 54 foals and colts from the BLM’s Checkerboard roundups in Wyoming

Wild Horse Freedom Federation issues THE TRUTH to share Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documents and information with the public.  Be sure to subscribe HERE to Wild Horse Freedom Federation, so that you can receive email alerts.

THE TRUTH #30 – Details on the deaths of 54 foals and colts from the BLM’s Checkerboard roundups in Wyoming

Wild Horse Freedom Federation filed a FOIA request to find out about the deaths of all foals or colts that were 1) gathered from the “Checkerboard” area wild horse gather or, 2) were born after capture from all pregnant wild mares that were gathered from the “Checkerboard” area.

20 foals or colts that were rounded up died and another 34 foals or colts that were born in BLM facilities after roundups died, for a total of 54 deaths.

This is why it’s all the more egregious that Rob Sharp, the Supervisory Wild Horse & Burro Specialist at the BLM’s Burns Corrals in Oregon, made an arbitrary decision not to let Clare Staples of Skydog Sanctuary adopt foals or special needs horses.  (Listen to Clare talk about this on Wild Horse & Burro Radio HERE.)

Of the 20 foals or colts that were rounded up that died in BLM facilites:

3 died of strangles (2 at Rock Springs and 1 at the Wyoming Honor Farm in Riverton)

2 died of fracture: leg or pelvis (1 at Rock Springs and 1 at the Wyoming Honor Farm in Riverton)

1 died of Fracture/Brain Injury: head (at Axtell)


Be sure to subscribe HERE to Wild Horse Freedom Federation, so that you can receive email alerts.

Read all of THE TRUTH and see other FOIA documentation HERE.

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9 replies »

  1. It’s kinda hard to read the spreadsheets but it appears that all of these foals died within a year after the checkerboard capture/removal by BLM. Although we know that foal mortality is not uncommon it certainly appears that many of these were human-caused. Especially the ones that died of broken necks and fractured heads and gelding complications. And from the description of these deaths, I don’t think I would be wrong in thinking that ALL of these foals suffered horribly before dying.
    Nature intended for these animals to live and die in the wild … not in some filthy feed lot. Disgusting!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Stupid blm kill our wild horses if they left them alone our wild horses would still be alive. Stand up everyone for our wild horses and burros and all our animal friends now.The blm needs to be accountable for what they did.

    Liked by 2 people

    • The private, paid contractors at Bruneau should be held accountable as well, though I expect their contract plans for a certain percentage of deaths, and as is well known foals have little or no value to our BLM paid “managers.”

      I can’t square this abusive unconcern for mares and foals with the current trend nationally to revere all human life, even at the expense of a woman victim of rape, incest, or facing major health risks when pregnant. And in some states even having a miscarriage is becoming a near-criminal act. And yet, we have no qualms about running mares and watching them abort under the choppers, the dozens of (reported) stillbirths at Bruneau and other places, the not counting of foals unless to pad population counts, and the perverse drive to rip out wild mare’s ovaries in the name of “research” that proves nothing. When we devalue wild lives—especially those most vulnerable—we do even more harm to our own.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Looks like Bruneau fits the description of a “death camp” for foals, with the highest fatalities “undiagnosed, unknown, or other.” Bruneau is described in the spreadsheets as a “short term holding” facility, though it seems many sent or born there never leave alive.

    Of the 34 foals that were born at BLM facilites after the roundups:

    15 died as undiagnosed/unknown (14 at Bruneau and 1 at foster care/trainer)

    12 died of “other” (at Bruneau)

    1 died of Fracture/Brain Injury; Head (at Bruneau)

    2 died of Fracture: Leg or pelivs (1 at Bruneau and 1 at Rock Springs)

    2 died of Body Condition: Unable to maintain or improve (at Bruneau)

    1 died of Physical Defect or Deformity (at Bruneau) [this one was born and lived for about two months, so was probably intentionally killed, not found dead]

    Liked by 2 people

    • I imagine you have seen a cattle feed lot before – back to back and belly to belly animals living in filth. Bruneau is a feed lot and was a cattle feed lot for years for the Simplot family (McDonalds french fry empire) and since it is listed as a “short term” (maintenance) holding facility, they get paid the larger per head amount – I think it is $5 plus dollars a day per horse. Capacity is 2,800 wild horses which if at capacity would be @ estimated $5 per day would equal about $14,000 per day. It is an atrocity that our wild horses are forced to live and die in this kind of hell.

      Click to access wildhorse_data_May2019FacReport.pdf

      Liked by 1 person

    • This IS an atrocity and we must elect people who give a damn enough to change it, then hold them to their words. Failing that, we need to demand those who are elected and vote for such practices to observe how this system entraps then disappears and kills innocent animals by the thousands. We also need a way for the public to vote to KEEP our wild ones wild, in the wild. The 325 million part owners are today being wagged by a few thousand vested interests. They are outnumbered if the public will wake up and take a stand. Can we get this subject into the presidential debates? If not, we need to press every candidate to come clear on their positions. Anything less and the killing machine continues and revs up, it seems.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Agreed, Barbara, and I’m going to remind our readers that they can print or copy our articles and send them to their Congressional representatives with a note to ask for an investigation
      into the BLM’s Wild Horse & Burro Program.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. In a court of law these people killing our baby foals and filly’s must be held accountable to all killings. This is a human tragedy, and a horrible death for all our sweet babies who didn’t even have a chance because of filthy scum bags, stupid humans that made such outrageous decisions. Damn the whole group. I don’t know how they can live with themselves everyday. Must be prosecuted in a court of law. I stand to my words. Shame on them all. Oh I cry for our sweet wild ones. We must save as many as we can everyone out there keep informing the public. Keep calling all Govt officials. We must have justice for them all someday. We must not let them become extinct. Fight like hell to keep them free. We need all our wild ones. They heal our earth and us. They are special. This just makes my blood boil. I am outraged.

    Liked by 1 person

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